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Donghyuck's P.O.V

I woke up and sighed. I felt strong arms around my torso and blinked a few times as I rested my chin on the person's chest. I saw Mark, he must've taken off his glasses. I looked towards his alarm clock and saw it was 5 o' clock in the evening. It had been a few hours of napping. I looked back up at Mark. I carefully moved myself up not wanting to wake him, I reached my hand up and cupped his jaw. I studied his face like I did the first time we met, black hair really suits him. I caressed his cheek with my thumb and traced the lines of his face with my eyes, he truly is a work of art. I felt something in my chest, not pain, more like a good feeling. "Why are you so kind to me?" I whispered. My eyes trailed down to his lips, they were partly opened while he slept. I had the urge to kiss him, I felt something explode in my chest once more. I managed to get up more and I looked down at his face. I let myself get closer to the point we were only a few centimeters apart. I inwardly sighed and then brought my lips up and kissed his forehead gently and I felt my cheeks burn at that action. I got off him slowly and looked down at myself to see I was wearing his clothing. I groaned. What is he doing to me? I quickly texted Jaemin to make sure he wasn't doing anything. I saw my jeans and quickly changed and looked back at Mark. It felt like a shitty move to leave without saying thank you. I walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. How do I wake him up? Come on Donghyuck think!
"You're staring" I heard Mark say and I blushed noticing his eyes were open and his gaze trained on me.
"S-sorry I just wanted to say I have to go take care of Jaemin" I said. He sat up and chuckled and rested against his headboard.
"Did the famous brat Lee Donghyuck stutter?" He questioned. I glared and punched his arm.
"Shut up, I didn't wanna leave without saying anything" I rolled my eyes. Before he could say anything else I pounced on him and hugged him. "Thank you for letting me wear your clothes and stay over... it means a lot" I whispered. He nodded and hugged back.
"It's weird to see this soft side of you" he laughed. I groaned and got off of him and the bed and flipped him off.
"Maybe I won't let you see it anymore then" I stuck my tongue out and grabbed my bag and started to walk out.
"It's nice" he said and I turned around to face him "it's nice to see another side of you" he finished, I couldn't help but notice his cheeks go red.
"It's nice to see your soft side too Mark Lee" I smirked and he threw a pillow and I laughed as I left. I shut the door and pursed my lips trying not to smile. I practically skipped to my room.

I managed to make it to my dorm and I saw Jaemin sitting crisscross while he had the blanket wrapped around him as he watched something on my computer. I also noticed a bottle of pain medicine on the nightstand. "Welcome bac- is that Mark's hoodie?" Jaemin said and I nodded and quickly sat in front of him crisscross. He immediately paused his show and shut my laptop. "This seems important" he said as he stared at me with wonder.
"Jaemin I'm scared" I said.
"Why? What happened?" He asked and grabbed my hand.
"I-I... I think I'm in love with Mark" I said with a heavy blush. Jaemin blinked once, twice, until he screamed. "H-hey shut up! What if someone thinks something is happening?!" I tried to calm him. He bounced excitedly and then intertwined our fingers.
"Finally! Why do you like him? When did you start noticing? How much do you lik-" he was ranting and I groaned.
"Your heat makes you a teenage girl I swear" I pouted and he rolled his eyes and let go of my hands.
"Tell me all about it" he said. I sighed.
"W-well... at school today I saw someone that I didn't want to see and then had an anxiety attack. I-I hid in the bathroom and texted Mark because he was the only person I could think about" I started my story and put my hood up. "And he came, even though he was in class, he still came. He let me cry and he held me and took me back to his dorm-" and then Jaemin cut me off.
"Did you do anything?" He asked with a smile and I hit his shoulder.
"No! Well um... I stole his clothes because I wanted to be comfortable and make a nest and we ended up cuddling. He let me lay on top of him and didn't change out position at all. I woke up and just stared at him and I felt my heart pound in my chest and I suddenly liked the way his arms held me" I trailed off as I thought.
"Holy shit you're whipped" Jaemin said and covered his mouth. I glared.
"S-shut up."
"You're blushing because you know it's true!" He pointed a finger at me. I groaned and flopped backwards so I was laying on my back. "Do you know what this means Hyuck?" He questioned. I raised a brow and propped myself on my elbows.
"What?" I asked.
"You finally trust an alpha" he smiled with pride. My eyes widened.
I trust an alpha.
I trust Mark.


It had finally been a week and Jaemin and I had returned the room to normal. I was currently in our shared bathroom as I dyed my hair. "Hyuck I'm gonna go hang out with Jeno and Jaemin!" Renjun shouted so I could hear "text us if you want to join after dying your hair" he finished and I yelled back an 'okay.' I heard the door shut and I walked out to sit on my bed and put on a random drama. Suddenly my phone dinged and I checked it.

Mark hyung is joining us along with the others~

I sighed knowing he was trying to get me to join by bringing up Mark. He wouldn't stop making fun of me.

Dying my hair, I'll join you guys soon

Okay, ily see you soon


I rolled my eyes and put my phone down and went back to watching my show as I waited for the dye to set.

I finally managed to dye my hair, it was a light brown and I personally liked it. I styled it slightly and put some hairspray in it. I walked back to my room and grabbed appropriate clothing since I was only in a shirt and boxers. I put on a white loose sweater, black jeans with a belt, and some red shoes. I put the outfit on and slipped my wallet in my pocket. I sprayed on some cologne and checked the mirror again. I pulled out my phone and called Jaemin as I grabbed my keys and headed out. I stepped out of my dorm and locked the door. He answered on the forth ring. "Hello Hyuckie" he answered.
"Hey, I'm done. Where are you guys?" I asked as I left the dorm building.
"We are at the ice cream parlor by the campus" he answered and I heard voices in the background.
"Okay, on my way" I said and we hung up. I walked down the sidewalk and to the parlor.
After ten minutes I arrived and walked in and looked for them. I saw Jeno raise a hand to signal me. I walked over and sat down in the circle booth. They all had ice cream already.
"Woah! The hair looks nice!" Taeil smiled. I got a lot of compliments on my hair.
"Looks nice" Mark said from beside me and everyone got quiet.
"Thank you" I smiled.
"Did the famous Mark lee compliment the annoying Lee Donghyuck?" Jaehyun teased and I threw a straw I found at him. He laughed.
"I'm gonna go get some ice cream" I got up and looked to see the worker at the register. My heart stopped, it was him. I sighed. I have a restraining order against him and I don't want to go near him anyways. I sat back down and they looked at me confused. "C-can one of you order ice cream for me?" I asked at them.
"Are you five?" Mark asked and I rolled my eyes.
"No, just forget it" I glared. I bit my lip and they went back to talking.
"Hey everyone, hope you are enjoying the ice cream, is there anything else I can get you?" I froze hearing his voice. I looked down not wanting him to see me.
"We're good, hey Hy-" Jeno started to say but I kicked his shin hard and he yelped. I sent him a look that said 'shut up.'
"You okay sir?" JooWon asked with a confused tone.
"Yeah, sorry" Jeno laughed awkwardly.
"Oh, did you want any ice cream sir?" I heard him ask me and I felt the urge to puke. You got this Donghyuck, don't let him get to you.
"N-no thanks" I said and cursed myself for stuttering.
"Do... do I know you?" He asked "you sound familiar" he said. I sighed and looked up.
"I may as well leave, you're not suppose to be near me JooWon" I said and his eyes widened. I got up and was about to leave until he spoke again.
"Donghyuck I'm so-" he started.
"Don't you dare fucking apologize you piece of shit, fuck you" I growled and stormed off. My heart was beating so fast out of fear. I heard my friends say something along the lines of 'sorry about that' and 'we should go.' I quickly exited the place as I walked down the sidewalk.
"Hyuck!" I heard Jaemin shout. I sighed and stopped and turned around and I saw all of them walking towards me. I took a deep breath and bowed as an apology.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the mood" I said.
"H-hey stop bowing like that!" Johnny said and hesitated to touch me. I stood up straight.
"Let's go to the movies" Taeil said with a smile. Everyone agreed and we started walking. I felt like shit for ruining things like I usually do. I was walking in the back when I felt someone take my hand.
"You okay?" I heard Mark whisper and I blushed.
"Yeah... sorry" I apologized again.
"Need to talk about it?" He asked. I sighed, I may as well explain right?
"Can I tell you later?" I asked and he nodded.
"Of course" he said. He never let go of my hand as we walked to the theater.
"Mark and Donghyuck sitting in a tr-" Jaehyun started to sing but Doyoung hit him on the back of the head. We walked into the building. I expected Mark to let go but he didn't. My heart swelled and it just felt right. I heard Jaemin cooing, Jeno scoffing, and Renjun talking about what movie we should see.
After awhile we chose comedy and got our tickets and snacks and we walked into the theater room. We sat down in the middle of the whole thing. Of course I was placed next to Mark.
During the whole movie Mark held my hand and rested it on his thigh like he did back in the classroom.
Fuck I'm in love.

After the movie we were walking out and I stretched. "Thank you hyungs" I smiled feeling a lot better. Mark had let go of my hand when he had went to the bathroom. Jeno had an arm around Jaemin and Renjun. They smiled back at me and nodded.
"Let's go drink" Johnny said.
"Taeyong's place?" Jaehyun asked.
"Hey, I get to have input on this" Taeyong said with a sigh.
"I'll buy the beer" Johnny said. Taeyong sighed and then nodded.
"Fine." Everyone cheered and we headed to Taeyong's apartment.


"Mark!" everyone shouted seeing Johnny touch over his eyebrows making it look like a seagull.
"Dumbass!" Mark shouted.
"Seagull!" Doyoung yelled and Johnny nodded. Everyone laughed. It was my turn so I walked up and dug in the hat and unfolded a small piece of paper.
Yes, we are playing drunk charades. I quickly read the paper and threw it to the side. The paper had said "Sun." I quickly pointed at myself and then spread my arms out like I was releasing light.
"Flower!" someone yelled and I shook my head no and continued. I pointed at myself and made cute faces.
"Cute!" someone yelled and I shook my head no. I pointed up to the sky and made a big circle with my hands.
"Sun!" Mark yelled and I nodded and ran over and gave him a high five as he stepped in the middle.

We soon got bored of the game and all sat in a circle. "Whoever finishes last has to clean everything in the morning" Doyoung said. Everyone agreed. They counted down.
We all started chugging and I threw my can down once I finished. The last one was Renjun and he groaned and fell into Jaemin's lap as everyone laughed.
"I'm t-tired" I whined and got up on the couch where Mark and Johnny were sitting. I rested my head in Mark's lap and my legs across Johnny.
"Oi!" Mark groaned. Johnny laughed and messed with my legs. Soon everyone had calmed down and were watching some drama on the TV that Taeil had requested. Johnny had invited someone named Ten over and they were currently in the bathroom probably making out or something more. I guess Ten finally came back from his vacation in Thailand tonight and Johnny couldn't wait to see him. I was holding Mark's hand on my chest while I played with his fingers as I was watching the show. I looked up at Mark to see him sipping his beer as he watched the show. Even from this angle he's handsome.
"You look ugly from this angle" I said and he set his beer down and looked down at me.
"As do you" he said with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out.
"I'm adorable just so you know" I said back.
"Sure" he laughed and I whacked his chest with my free hand. We looked back at the TV. Some people were asleep, others spacing out, and some still drinking and occasionally making comments about the drama. I looked at the hand I was playing with and I interlocked our fingers and brought them to my heart and rested them there. "You're weird Donghyuck" Mark whispered and I nodded.
"Yeah" I said with a smile.


I sighed as I woke up with a headache. I snuggled further into the pillow only to realize it was Mark and I was almost falling off the couch. I yelped as I felt myself falling but Mark quickly grabbed me and held me against his chest so I wouldn't fall. I looked at him to see he had bedhead, his hairs strewn in different directions. God I'm falling hard. After that thought I literally fell off the couch.

I plopped down on Jaemin's bed. We had left the apartment awhile ago and now I was in my friend's dorm room. "Na Jaemin" I whined out and he raised a brow and plopped down next to me.
"Hm?" He asked and Renjun and Jeno walked in delivering pain medicine. I quickly took mine and sat up.
"Guys..." I said.
"Yeah?" Renjun sounded hesitant.
"I think I'm in love with Mark" I said.
"What?!" Renjun and Jeno said. Jaemin already knew so he didn't say anything.
"How do I get him to like me back? Does he like me back? What if he's just being nice because he feels bad?" I groaned out and buried my face in one of Jaemin's pillows.
"You're a brat, no one would 'just be nice to you because they feel bad'" Jaemin smirked and I hit him on the arm.
"He lets you hold his hand and cuddle him" Renjun said.
"I... I wasn't a fan of Mark at first but I trust him now" Jeno said quietly.
"What?" I asked confused. He nodded.
"He's gentle with you Hyuck...I think he likes you back" he gave a awkward smile.
"Don't give me false hope" I pouted.
"I'm serious" Jeno said and ruffled my hair.
"Ask him on a date" Jaemin said.
"Yeah what could go wrong?" Renjun agreed with Jaemin. A lot could go wrong but I could try right? I sighed.
"Okay fine, I'll ask him on a date tomorrow. Tomorrow's Sunday right?" I asked and they all nodded. "Okay, it's easy right?" I said and they nodded. I sighed.

Please let everything go well tomorrow.

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