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A/N: Sorry for not updating for a long time :^( I hope everyone is safe and healthy!

I woke up and groaned reaching for my phone to turn off my alarm. Hitting the "Stop" button I set it aside once more and rolled over onto my back. I smiled feeling warm and tucked myself further into Mark's hoodie. It's nice and comfortable. I sighed and sat up and stretched raising my arms above my head and then got out of my blankets. I made my bed lazily and reluctantly took off Mark's hoodie and folded it and put it under my pillow so Renjun wouldn't see it. I went to my small wardrobe and picked out a white t-shirt, big blue sweatshirt, and blue jeans, along with a fresh pair of underwear. I checked on the baby and saw it was thankfully still asleep. I grabbed my shower things and quickly headed out of my dorm room and sped walked to the shower.
I showered quickly just in case the baby wakes up. I dressed, brushed my teeth, and brushed my still wet hair and headed back to my dorm. On the way back I saw omegas in similar positions as me, hurrying just in case their babies wake up. Once I made it back I opened the door and sighed in relief seeing the baby is the same as I had left it. I put my pajamas in the hamper and packed my backpack and carefully moved the baby to the carrier and strapped it in. I covered my mouth as I yawned and then put on my backpack and grabbed the carrier. I slipped my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys and headed out the door making sure the lock it behind me. I walked down the hallway and then down the stairs and out the dorm. I stopped just outside of the glass doors and nearly dropped the baby realizing one important thing:
I have to face Jeno.

I gulped and walked into the school nervously, not ready to face my best friend after what happened yesterday. I spotted my large circle of friends, natural and dyed hair mixing together. I saw Jeno's blonde-dyed hair poking out from the circle. I hesitantly walked forward and I saw Jeno lift his gaze from the ground. His eyes red and puffy, his hair messy, and skin a bit pale. I realized I probably look just as bad. "Donghyuck" someone called my name and I turned to the right to see Mark with a smile, the look in his eyes was usual and made me feel different. I raised my brow and he rolled his eyes playfully and then tilted his chin at Jeno. "Go make up before this gets awkward" he said. I bit my lip knowing he's right and I faced Jeno again to see his eyes were glossed over, like he was ready to cry. I felt my own eyes sting.
"Hyuckie I'm so s-sorry" he said, his voice small. It's been a long time since I've seen Jeno like this. I sighed and set the carrier down carefully and then my backpack. I rushed towards him unable to control myself. He's still my best friend, he's still Jeno. I wrapped my arms around his torso and held on tightly. Jeno took a second to grasp on to what was happening but he finally hugged me back, burying his nose in my hair.
"It's okay Jen, I forgive you" I whispered and rubbed his back feeling his body heave from crying. He lowered his head to my shoulder and started crying into my sweatshirt. I always forget how physically strong Jeno could be. I held my tears back knowing I should stay calm. "You're choking me" I said and laughed a bit. He slowly let me go and aggressively wiped his eyes.
"Sorry" he apologized once more which caused me to smile. I quickly wiped my eye before the tear could fall. Suddenly Jeno and I were brought close and to another body.
"Thank god you guys made up" Jaehyun chuckled and ruffled our hairs. I groaned and Jeno helped shove the older off us. I quickly tried to fix my hair. While doing so Jaemin came up and leaned close.
"You smell like Mark" he whispered with a sly smile. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment and I pushed him away.
"Shut up" I groaned and finished fixing my hair. Jaemin then looked at me with a shocked look and then a look of amazement. He grabbed my hands and leaned close.
"You like him!" he cooed and I growled at him.
"I do not" I whispered back and untangled our hands.
"Who?" at least three of them said.
"No one" I snapped and put my backpack back on. I saw Taeyong's face fall.
"Don't tell me it's the guy who scented you" he said with criticism in his tone. I rolled my eyes and shook my head no.
"Of course not hyung" I answered trying to be polite. "I don't like anyone" I said and picked up the carrier and set it closer to my feet. I saw Mark get closer, staying about a foot away from the carrier. Jaemin pinched my cheek and I whined and shoved his hand away.
"Speaking of the devil" Renjun spoke softly and everyone turned to see Jackson walking down the hall with his project partner, Jinyoung.
"You know?" I asked shocked and he gave a short nod.
"So it was Jackson?" Jeno asked in a low voice, I knew his protective inner alpha was getting angry but he's holding well, thankfully. YangYang placed a hand on Jeno's shoulder like he was holding him back. Jackson spotted us and waved and headed directly towards me.
"Donghyuck-ah!" he smiled and went for a hug. I recoiled and held my hands in front of me trying to stop him from doing so.
"I'm sick" I said almost instantly, "you don't want to touch me" I said and faked a sniffle for effect. He frowned and lowered his arms to his side but then reached his hand towards my forehead.
"Do you have a fever?" he asked and I backed up again, only to bump into someone and I felt their arm hold my waist. Mark's scent filled my nostrils, almost like he was intentionally releasing his pheromones to cover me to to ward something, or rather someone, away.
"Jackson, he's sick. Leave the poor kid alone" Jinyoung said and took a step closer and Jackson immediately backed away with a nervous laugh. He scratched the back of his neck.
"Sorry, didn't mean to pry" Jackson said with a toothy smile. I felt Mark's arm slip from my waist and I heard him take a step back.
"It's alright" I breathed out. Thankfully the bell rang and saved me from any further conversation.

During first period the baby started to cry and some of my classmates groaned. I took it out of the carrier and cradled it. "Grab the bottle from my bag" I whispered and was surprised to see Mark obliged. I watched as he dug into my bag and grabbed the bottle and handed it over. I thanked him and started to feed the baby while rocking side to side gently, almost like how my mother would do for me. It calmed down pretty quickly. I handed the bottle back to Mark and he quickly put it back into my bag and went back to his own notes. I rested it's cheek on my shoulder and began to burp it, the electronic burp sounds soon came after a few pats on the back. Smiling to myself I put the baby back in the carrier and strapped it in. I quickly got the log sheet and started to fill it out, I made sure to add Mark had helped me this time. I placed it back in my binder and sighed feeling my back ache. Twisting in my chair I popped my back, my spine less tense. I sighed tiredly because the class just won't end.
"Stop bitching" Mark whispered and I glared at him
"Don't order me around" I whispered back with a bit of harshness. Of course he says something rude just when I was starting to think he was nice. After a few more antagonizing minutes the professor dismissed us.

Third period soon came. I sat in my regular seat next to Mark. We waited silently for the professor to arrive, only a few people talking among themselves. Mark was too busy with something on his phone so I started doodling in my notebook, drawing little suns and flowers. I added a small lion face and smiled at how cute it came out. The door opened loudly and everyone looked towards it and the professor strutted in with a bored expression. He ordered everyone to be quiet and he set his bag down by his desk and then went to the podium at the head of the room. The professor looked around and a smile formed on his face. "None of you have failed yet, good job" he announced. The class sighed in relief, most of them anyway, I was one of them. The professor then eased his smile and started talking again. I grabbed my pen and bit the end of it and in the corner of my eye I saw Mark give me a look but then quickly focus on the professor as he twirled a pen between his fingers. "Today we are going to be discussing a topic schools don't usually touch on with all 2nd genders in the same class room. But I believe it's important to learn about" he said. He grabbed the clicker for the projector and turned it on. Once the screen appeared I almost choked on my breath. "HEATS" was displayed right in the middle, red font, and bold. I felt uncomfortable, especially with all the alphas and betas in the classroom. Heats are a very very sensitive topic. Yes, alphas and betas are told the basics of it, but only the basics. Heats are to only be discussed by omegas and their families or between an omega teacher and a class full of omegas with no alphas or betas. It's rare for all alphas, betas, and omegas to speak about heats openly, mostly because it ONLY describes what omegas go through and how they get during their heats. I felt embarrassed. I glared at the board wishing for it to disappear. I looked around the classroom and saw a lot of the omegas looked uncomfortable, shifting in their chairs and looking down in shame. Even some of the alphas and betas looked uncomfortable or confused. I looked away from them and faced the professor once more. "Today we will be learning about heats" he said. There was this creepy look in his eyes when he said it and when he looked around it was as if he were looking at all the omegas. I felt like puking, I truly find this behavior utterly disgusting and creepy. He has no right to talk about heats, this wasn't a topic in the syllabus for this class. I gripped my pencil so hard that it snapped in half, I saw Mark side-eye me and even saw he himself looked uncomfortable. "Heats, is a term used by omegas-" the professor started to say. I sprung up not wanting to hear this from an alpha, especially a male alpha. Heats are embarrassing, more so for male omegas. I shoved my stuff in my bag and put it on and then grabbed the carrier handle and started to walk out not being able to handle the disgusting professor. "Lee Donghyuck, where are you going?" he asked with a certain tone, almost like he was testing me.
"I'm leaving" I said simply gripping the handle of the carrier trying to control my temper.
"Why? Are you sick?" he questioned with a raised brow.
"Yes, I am. I feel like puking with you presenting this fucking 'lesson'" I said angrily. Shit I forgot to control my stupid mouth. He was about to speak once more, a testing look in his eyes and a hidden smirk, like he was satisfied with my reaction.
"This is educational, alphas and betas deserve to kn-" he started.
"I get your point but this is just disrespectful! You're only discussing omegas in a class made mostly of alphas and betas. Can't you see how uncomfortable they are?!" I pointed at the class.
"Watch your mouth" he snapped and I felt rage.
"Has your parents ever taught you any decency? This is a highly sensitive topic" I tried to debate but nothing seemed to get through his thick skull. The teacher's face was red with embarrassment or anger, maybe both.
"Sir, if I may. Donghyuck-ah is right. This isn't something you discuss, even in college" Lucas spoke up. It felt nice having an alpha on my side for once. I watched as a few nodded in agreement. I didn't fail to notice how Jungwoo was holding on Lucas's arm. The professor glared and huffed. He met my eyes and lowered his voice to a whisper. "You will see me after your classes. Get here at the end of the day. Now go take a seat" he growled. I could feel the alpha in him raging, I almost ducked down in fear but I didn't. I glared just as harsh and went back to my chair and set the carrier down carefully and dropped my bag loudly. He glared at my direction once more and proceeded with a different lesson.
"Give me your hand dumbass" Mark whispered and I raised a brow confused. I hesitantly held out my hand and he held it gently, his pale skin contrasting against my honey-colored skin. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and rested our hands on his thigh. "Relax okay? Can't have the teacher hating us right?" He asked with a playful smile. For some reason, the gentle strokes on my knuckles and the calmness of his scent caused me to relax, I couldn't pay much attention to anything else.

Lunch came around pretty quickly after that. I went to the lunch room and sat down in my usual spot. Jaemin pitched my cheek and I whined swatting his hand away. "What the hell Nana" I groaned. I set the carrier down by my feet.
"Hyuckie you're so brave, always standing up for yourself. I swear you have an alpha heart" Jaemin cooed and pushed my bangs aside and I groaned pushing him away. Was I embarrassed? Very. Did I regret it? Kind of. I ruffled my hair feeling aggravated.
"Someone record me again?" I asked.
"You're becoming famous" Taeil pointed out with a polite smile. I rolled my eyes and pouted. I sighed and told Jaemin to watch the baby while I go get food. It was near impossible to ignore all the stares, I tried my best to keep my head low and to just grab my food and drink. I quickly paid and went back to the table to see Mark cradling the baby and feeding it, electronic drinking noises coming from it as he held the bottle to its mouth. He looked up at me as I set down my tray.
"This thing bitches for than you" he said. I stuck my tongue out at him and sat down. I grabbed the cup of watermelon I had gotten and placed it in front of him.
"Thanks for today" I said and started eating. I saw him eye me and then he gave a simple nod and stopped feeding the baby and went onto burping it. Even after burping he held it on his lap claiming that it wasn't good to keep it in the carrier 24/7. While he started to snack on the watermelon I noticed our friends looking at us suspiciously.
"You guys are getting... closer?" Taeyong said, almost like he couldn't believe it. Johnny looked over with a knowing smirk.
"Mark and Donghyuck sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" he sang out terribly and I groaned and flicked some rice at him. I felt my face get a bit red and took a gulp of my water.
"Shut up" Mark and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other in shock and then heard a chorus of laughs. Mark put the baby back in the carrier and went to get some food.
"So do you like him?" Renjun asked while leaning over. The question caused me to choke on my rice and Jaemin quickly patted me on the back.
"No, no. We're just... we're," I struggled to find an answer. What exactly are we? "We're friends" I said and took a quick drink.
"Uh huh" Jaehyun said with a smirk and a few of them chuckled. Mark came back over with his food and started eating. We all talked about random stuff as we ate. I finished and groaned realizing I have to see that damn professor after my classes. I pushed my tray aside and buried my face in my hands.
"What's wrong?" Yuta asked. I was surprised to hear from him. I looked up and pouted at my hyung. Before I could speak Mark spoke up.
"What are you bitching about now" he said and I glared and pushed him so he almost toppled over. He quickly grabbed the table to steady himself as our table laughed. I smiled feeling accomplished but then sighed.
"I have to see that professor after my classes" I pouted.
"Awe poor Hyuckie" Taeil patted my head from across the table and I tried to cover a blush. Gosh why am I getting so soft!
"Want me to come with you?" Renjun asked and I shook my head.
"No, I'll be okay" I said with a smile and he nodded.

My classes soon ended and now I'm dragging my feet along the hall, taking my time to get to that stupid professor. I switched the carried to my other hand because my arm after to cramp and I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. I slipped it out and smiled seeing I got a text from Taeyong hyung.

Taeyong Hyung
Are you sure you don't want anyone to accompany you? I could join you

I smiled seeing how kind my hyung is and started texting back.

I'm sure! Thanks for the offer hyung~

I waited for his text back, the three little bubbles at the bottom signaling that he was typing. I could tell I'm almost to the classroom.

Taeyong Hyung
No problem, see you later Hyuckie!

I smiled and slipped my phone back in my pocket and saw I was now in front of the professor's door. I knocked before I entered and saw him at his desk. He was typing before he stopped and looked up at me. I walked over letting the door shut behind me and stood in front of his desk setting down the carrier. "You wanted to see me?" I spoke first, hopefully I wouldn't get in too much trouble. He sighed and finished typing something before saving it and shutting his laptop. He stood up, now towering over me even from behind his desk.
"Yes, I wanted to discuss earlier" he said. I could tell he wasn't happy, his pheromones were almost hostile.
"What about it?" I questioned nonchalantly. I watched as his eye twitched before he spoke through his teeth.
"You and your horrible outburst today. Just because you are an omega doesn't mean you are gifted with small warnings. Learn. Your. Place" he growled out the last bit. I felt my senses heighten.
"Excuse me?" I asked. Seriously, what the hell?! "You think being an omega is easy-" I started to snap before he cut me off.
"Watch yourself omega" he seethed. He added so much emphasis on the word 'omega.' I saw his nails start to grow. How mad is this guy? I was throwing common sense out the window as my anger rose. I didn't back down seeing his eyes turning a deep red, anger swirling in them.
"Don't you dare" I growled out. His pheromones were coming off stronger, they were engulfing me, strangling me and trying to get me to submit. I could feel the pain in my stomach and head. "Fuck off you pervert" I groaned as my legs started to shake and buckle.  I grabbed onto his desk trying to keep steady, I could felt my erratic heartbeat. "You're abusing your power old man" I growled at him feeling my canines ache from growing. He walked around his desk over to me, his pheromones laced with dominance and anger and it was fogging my brain. He forced my backpack off my pack and threw it to the floor and then turned me so I was pinned to his desk. I held back a whimper as my back slammed into the edge of his desk. I grabbed the back of my head, gripping my hair like you'd the back of a dog's neck. I wasn't able to hold back a whimper from the pain. I could feel my eyes shifting but I didn't allow myself to submit.
"Submit you filthy omega" he spat out.
"Ge-get the fuck off me!" I screamed in his face and tried pushing him away. He slammed his hand over my mouth and I could finally feel all the fear that was running through my veins, screaming at me to run and hide and to submit. But I won't. I can't. He shoved me onto the floor and sat on top of me, I heaved as the wind was knocked out of my lungs. He pinned my arms down with his other hand that had been previously on my neck. I could feel his claws gazing my skin from his grip. I'm terrified, I'm shaking so bad. The memories that came from this caused me to go into overdrive. I bit his hand, my canines breaking his skin and I could taste his blood on my tongue. He recoiled, pulling his injured hand from my mouth with a loud curse as he cradled it to his chest. "HELP!" I screamed as loud as I could, my vocal cords straining. Tears were in my eyes but I hadn't let them fall. I thrashed under the alphas weight trying to escape. I was kicking my legs, knocking them into his back as he tried to steady himself. I couldn't grab my knife with my hands pinned above me. I heard the door slam open and then his weight was ripped off of me, my arms free from his hold. I watched as two alpha teachers were holding him back and trying to get him steady. A figure ran past them and towards me, my vision was blurred as the tears were falling down my cheeks. My brain was all foggy from the alpha pheromones and I couldn't breathe, I was suffocating. They crouched in front of me and I curled away in fear and I felt my body shake so bad. I was carefully brought into their arms, my face buried into their collarbone. They shifted me so I was in their lap. I didn't have any energy to push them away and their pheromones were relaxing me, I realized it was Mark who was holding me. His pheromones were so familiar. I started sobbing into his hoodie as I grabbed onto him tightly. His body tensed but he quickly relaxed. He rocked us slightly and carded his slender fingers through my hair and rubbed my back.
"You're okay," he whispered "I've got you Donghyuck you're okay. Do you need me to call anyone? Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun?" He questioned softly. I moved my head to the crook of his neck trying to find comfort, I could barley think. My canines hurt from shifting back to normal and the blood on my tongue felt and tasted disgusting. He started humming a soft tune.
"Mark" I whispered finally able to use my voice.
"Hm?" He questioned softly, his fingers still soothing my hair.
"I'm scared" I whispered back, my tears wetting his neck and sweatshirt.
"I know Donghyuck, I know" he whispered and his hold became more firm, comforting and nice. His scent eventually lured me to sleep. His soft humming and touches aiding his scent in helping me relax and pass out.

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