I'm Baani Bajaj!

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Baani's POV

"Do you Baani Bajaj take Chris Evans as your legally wedded husband" The priest asked and I grinned looking at the love of my life!

"I already did! And I do!" I said while Chris smiled.

"Do you Chris Evans,take Baani Bajaj as your legally wedded wife" The priest asked and my heart fluttered.

Oh I was waiting for this day since so long !

"I.." He started and looked at me!

Yes!! It's happening!

"Don't start again Baani" Came my dad's shouting voice!

Why is he against getting so handsome son in law!

"I do" He replied and I grinned!!

"You're husband and wife! You may kiss the bride now!" The priest announced and Chris came a step ahead !

I could feel his breath near me as I closed my eyes when suddenly someone threw water on my face and I jumped opening my eyes!

Shit!!! It was a dream again!!

I looked to find myself in my room as always and dad standing with an empty jug.....as always looking at me giving a bored look!

"You really have a problem with me getting a so handsome husband papa ! You're so much jealous of my blue eyed Hottie" I whined

"You know you were shouting at us in my marriage too" I added further and he chuckled sitting near me.

"So this time you were getting married in your dreams" He asked and I nodded

"Yes! I was getting married to the love of my life Chris Evans! My Captain America!! We took vows too but you broke my beautiful dream before we could share the ki..." I abruptly stopped before completing my sentence !

Shit! What was even I saying!! Papa looked at me and smirked!

"So I should've thrown water on you after five minutes so that you could've shared your kiss with your Chris!" Papa asked smirking

"One minute would've been enough" I blabbered and hit my head again thinking what I was saying while dad laughed which was joined by me after seconds!

"Good morning Princess" He wished as soon as we were done laughing on me !

"Good morning Papa !" I wished back hugging him !

I love him with everything I have.

"Now get ready! Your best friend was freaking out on phone some minutes ago!" he told.

" Was she? ! I just have one meeting today and then I'll run to her because she'll kill me if I'm not there with her when she's getting ready for her wedding ! " I said in a one go and he chuckled

"Well I know! Anna was freaking out complaining about the same on phone!" He told and I sighed.

"She wanted me to be with her all day today but here I can't postpone the meeting because that's really important" I told

"Well ! Shall I ?" He asked and I smiled.

"I promised you that you're not working at all after your fiftieth birthday and that's it! Don't worry I'll handle both meeting and Anna's marriage! " I told and he smiled kissing my forehead !

"Okay! Now I'll get ready because I right now realized that I'm running a bit late" I added and ran inside the bathroom!

After getting ready in my formals which I really hate still have to wear, and picking up my office bag I ran downstairs .

"I'm leaving Papa. Will meet you in evening at resort" I shouted from behind and before he could stop me for breakfast I ran outside the mansion.

The chauffer was ready with my car and drove directly to Mittal's Office building.

This one's going to be easy I guess! Mr.Mittal's is papa's very old friend.
I met him just once when dad threw a party as I became CEO four days ago !

Don't think I am new to this business world!

I'm not!

I've been working in London's best enterprises since last three years after completing my MBA from US. The only difference is I left India when I was 19 and I'm back just fifteen days ago.

Now you might be thinking why?

Because I knew being the only child of Mr. Shishir Bajaj I've to one day take my father's place and I promised my dad that , once I get satisfaction from my own work and he crossing his fifties, I'll take his place which is his wish since I was child !

So here I am!

Mittal uncle is an amazing person. Though I've heard very high of his son Junior Mittal, The CEO but I guess that's going to be easy!

I went inside the building and was guided to the topmost floor !

There I saw the CEO's cabin.

As soon as I started moving towards the door I was stopped by a woman.

"Sorry madam you can't go inside" She told and I looked at her seeing the batch on her formal shirt.

"Emily right?" I asked and she nodded going to her receptionist desk !

"I've a meeting arranged with Mr.Mittal " I told and she looked into her screen

"Oh yes you had but it got over!" She told and I rolled my eyes.

"Miss Emily ! I guess there's some confusion. My meeting was scheduled at 11 am only" I told
"Yes madam but it's 11:10" She replied and I chuckled
"That's same" I told
"According to sir it's not, hence his next meeting has started a minute ago" she informed and I looked at her unbelievable.

"Isn't that so informal of your Sir Ms.Emily ! He could've waited for freaking five minutes. Such a Pathetic man! " I seethed.

Why didn't I bring my PA with me for handling all these!

"It's informal of you Ms.Bajaj" Came a voice and I turned around to see a man in an all crisp Grey suit !

He surely has six pack abs!

What! Shut up Baani ! I looked at his face and damn his eyes!!

Blue eyes!!




"Done checking me out then you may go Ms.Bajaj. You're wasting my employee's time" He shot and I looked at him frowning!

He's rude. My Evans is sweet.

Wait. Why am I comparing my Evans with this man!!!

" First thing have some business etiquettes Mr.Mittal and secondly I was not checking you out!" I shot back

"Miss Bajaj you're late and meeting is dismissed. Get another appointment from my secretary and then come. Don't waste my time" He told looking at his wrist watch and was walking past me.

How dare he say like this to me.

"I was on time! She didn't allow me in the cabin and you can't dismiss a whole meeting just because I was five minutes late" I shouted when he turned looking at me ....umm glaring me and came near me looking directly into my eyes while his blue ones turned dark and scary.

Do they change color!
Yes because I can feel greenish tint in them.

" Remember where you're standing and next time come when you know the importance of time! My each minute is important and I don't like to waste my time on unprofessional people like you. Get time management classes first" He spat and I glared him back.

"I know in whose office I am standing but I guess you lack common etiquettes! Get moral classes first" I said stomping my foot but stumbled ready to touch the floor when two arms swept around my waist!

Damn Blue Eyes..Hypnotizee...Okay shut your mouth Baani!

I stood up and stood up 2 feet away from Blue eyes and looked at the receptionist who was looking shocked at both of us opening and closing her mouth like a fish!!

"My PA will talk afterwards about the meeting" I told and without looking back at the blue eyed man I went out.

Jerk! Jerk! Jerk!

What does he even think of himself! Rude arrogant man! Tabloids are so true about him! The handsome rude man!

Wait did I say handsome? Oh come on I'll not lie!

He's handsome...Very handsome!

But that doesn't mean he'll behave like this with his clients! Huh!

I was in my car when my phone rang.

"I am just minutes away! Don't freak out" I said before Anna could shout.

I'm in no mood for her shouting right now!

"Whoa! Someone's angry I guess. Shouldn't I be the one to get angry" She asked and I sighed.
"Coming there and then we'll talk" I told and cut the call.

I reached her home and walked towards her room when she ran and hugged me!

"Oh I missed you Baani!!" She shouted dramatically and I chuckled.

So here introducing my best friend Anna D'souza. I met her at UK in college.

We talked and when I came to know that she's also fan of Chris Evans, I knew she's my best friend!

So we both came back India to gather and her reason for coming was marrying the love of her life Aayush Martin !

They both met in a common party and were in a long distance relationship meeting twice or more in year.

Who says long distance doesn't work! One must love truly and nothing is impossible.

These are not my lines ! It's her!!

"Why were you freaked out on the call" She asked
"Nothing much important. Pissed off over a jerk" I told
"Someone proposed you again! " she jittered
"Jerk Mittal" I muttered under my breath not listening to the blabbering of my best friend at all.
"Did you listen what I said" she asked and I looked at her nodding.

Well! I just listened Aayush and his team Groom!

"Come on now! Get ready. It's one pm already" I said

Next few hours passed where the stylists worked on the dummy Anna!

God how can someone sit hours like dummy and have a caked up faces.

"Stop making faces Baani. It's my Cherry blossom themed wedding babes! On wedding everyone has to get ready as the Queen of the world and since you're my bridesmaid you'll have to look most pretty after me." Anna said reading my mind and I chuckled

"You're looking very beautiful babe but this professional makeup is not my cup of tea so spare me" I told but before I could say, I was on the chair in front of dressing table.

"Very light ! Otherwise I'll wipe it right there " I warned the makeup artists and they nodded.

I got ready in my blush pink dress.

Anna looked surreal in her hand embroidered princess tulle white wedding gown which had and an floral embroidered long veil on her head.

"God! Guess what Baani! Who knows you get your soulmate today" Anna exclaimed looking at me and I looked into mirror.
"I was about to kiss Chris Evans but Papa spilled water on me and my wedding dream" I told and she laughed

The only wedding I want is in dream! Not in real life!

Ah! It's not like I don't believe in love!

I do!! But I don't believe in marriages!

"Poor you! This has happened third time" she mocked
"But I married him this time. Isn't it a good progress" I reasoned

"Well babe then in another dream you'll be mother of his kids" she smirked and I laughed.

"We would name one as Shield." I added and grinned.

"Girls come on! It's time!! The groom and family has reached resort" Anna's mom announced and I smiled.

Handing her the bouquet of spring floral arrangement that had roses, peonies, greenery, and blossoming branches and taking a small bouquet in my hand we went to the garden of the resort.

This is beautiful!!

"Damn! This is so much beautiful" Anna mumbled and I agree.

"Everything is the way you wanted right!! Cherry blossoms everywhere ,the personalized cherry blossomed welcome sign, the aisle, the arch, everyone woman in dark pink and man in blue, your bridesmaid in blush pink, these pink and white table settings, and damn!!! Your wedding cake Anna!! It's too with cherry blossom sugary flowers!! See the desserts yaarr!! They all are cherry blossomed themed!! Aayush is one amazing man!!!!!! " I said and she nodded

"I'm lucky" she mumbled and I kissed her cheek.

"You look princess my babe. Aayush's eyes will not leave you for a second " I told and she chuckled.

"But, I'm nervous" Anna admitted

"Don't worry! I'm there" I assured

"Then I'm more nervous" she mocked

"If this wouldn't have been your wedding day, I swear your hairs which are neatly done in a beautiful bun and this tiara would've been a mess by hands right now ! And now shut up and marry" I told and she chuckled.

"Well, you know Aayush's best man about whom I told you is very handsome and you gonna have your first dance with him." she told.

I didn't even listen what you said that time!

"I hope your Aayush knew Chris" I sighed dramatically
"Well, I've heard that his best friend is no less then him" she winked
"We'll see because my Chris Evans is best" I challenged and we giggled.

Anna's father came in front and walked down the Aisle with her while I was just behind her looking down not to ruin her long veil putting my heels on them and two very cute little Flower girls with us who were looking damn cute in their white cherry blossom frocks.

Reaching there I stood behind Anna adjusting my gown!

"Hold this" she whispered and I nodded looking up.

As soon as I looked at Aayush who was looking very handsome in his white tuxedo with pink tie and pink boutonniere , I saw someone behind him and I blinked my eyes.

"YOU " I shouted while everyone else looked at me as if they've seen ghost!

Damn!! This ghost looks so hell handsome in his black suit and blush pink tie..matching theme!!!

So ladies and gentlemen if he's the bestman , I swear to kill him with my bare hands!!!

Helllooo lovely readers❤

So that's officially the first chapter of Un pacte d'amour.

How wasss it🙈

And Chris Evans fannnss here🙈🤭🤭

Well, I'm one... God.. His irish blue eyes are just reallyy so amaazingg🥵❤

Well, How was Our Baani!!!

This is just a start!!

I wish you liked the chapter.

And The next chapter is going to Be... Kabeer🙈🙈

I'll be updating every alternate day and I wish... You're going to love it❤❤

So, Do like, vote, share and comment.

Your reviews are welcomed❤❤

Next update soon.

Till then...

Bigg hugs❤❤

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