She's My Angel !

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Kabeer's POV

And another happy day of my life! My Baani, yes yes the same All India Radio was back! I like her this way only!

You what Kabeer!!


You said you like her!!

Uh-Oh! Did I say that?

No! I like being with her. That's it! Nothing else!!

Yeah yeah! Nothing else!!

Shut up!!

I was home early as I've to leave tomorrow for Mumbai due to a conference!

"Sheena aunty! Is dinner ready" I asked

"Yes Mr.Mittal ! But Baani isn't here still !" She told

"Baani's here!" came Baani's voice and I looked at door!

"I'm very hungry!!" She said

When she's not!!

 At 25:00 am probably!

"Firstly go and freshen up!" I told

"Don't become my papa!" She said and then looked at me and then looked away!

"I...I'll be back" she mumbled with a small smile and ran upstairs while I sighed!

After dinner she went to her room and I came to mine!

I tried sleeping but it was no where to come!

So I did my favorite thing that I did from past 20 days! 

I went to balcony and looked up!

After some minutes I heard the door of nearby balcony opening and she appeared!

Angel! Name suits her totally !

She's not less then an angel right!

"Not sleepy?" She asked and I hummed

"You too I guess" I questioned

"Mhm-hmm! " she replied looking at the sky

"Finding papa!" I asked and she looked at me and then away.

" were right! This stars and all are just good as game" she whispered

"Really? But I took your game seriously! And guess what? Mom,mumma and now papa too!" I told

"What do you mean" She asked and I went near railing and stood up on it!

"Kabeerr!! What are you doing!! Get off!! " She panicked

"Sush! Lemme concentrate! I am coming there!" I told

"Oh God! Get back and come from the room" She yelled while I jumped into her balcony and fell on her while she supported me and herself back with her tiny hands!


"Moron! What were you doing! This is 50th floor for God's sake!!" She yelled and I smiled!

"I found papa!" I told and pointed the three stars to gather!

"They?" she asked as we stood up near railing!

"Yeah! They've made a team there. Mom,Mumma and papa!" I told

"This is anything Kabeer!" She sighed

"If you believe there is everything" I repeated her own words and she looked at me while I blinked my eyes in assurance!

She looked towards sky and a tear left her eye.

Ah! That I don't want!!

"I am angry on you !" She frowned looking at the star.

"You..You could've talked to me for last time. I miss you papa" She whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks and I sighed.

"Hey papa! You know your daughter is giving me a hard time,troubling me all day!" I faked innocence and she looked at me.

"And what should I tell you papa! I'm saying you that in upcoming days she's gonna start planning my murder" I added

"What you said me! Murderer " She argued looking at me.

"Yes! You're!!" I provoked

"Oh! So let me tell you what murderers do!" She chided

"Do they kiss?" I asked going a bit back and she looked at me bewildered

"Shut up Kabeer Mittal!" she yelled and I smirked

"This murderer has the same in her mind!" I said and ran inside her room.

"Wait you moron" She yelled and came inside running and I went to the bed

"Get off my bed! You're ruining it" She yelled

"That's my dialogue and by the way What if I don't !" I said

"I'll kill you!" She shouted

"You won't sweetheart!" I smirked

"I am Not Sweetheart!" She chastised throwing the pillow from couch on me which I easily caught and threw it back on her and she fell with a thud!


"Ouch!!" She whined and I ran to her

"What happened?" I asked and she looked at me sitting on the floor with legs crossed!

"Nothing! I am doing yoga here! " She said smiling tightly and I looked at her amused.

"Can't you see what happened!! I fell because of you!" She yelled and I suppressed my laughter.

"Want help to stand?" I asked offering hand and she looked at me!

Phew! Typical Baani & her obsession with my blue eyes!

"I'll sit there! Stare then!" I smirked pointing the couch just opposite and she looked away

"Stand up now!" I told and she looked at the pillow

"Such pillows you have! Why don't you have those soft pillows in your house which when torn releases lots of feathers!" She asked and I raised my eyebrows

"And what would you do then. Tear them ,jumping on bed and blow the feathers all over room making it a mess!" I asked and she grinned

"Of course! That would be a perfect romantic scene as in novels" she said dreamily and I face palmed myself

"You & your novels!! And wait with whom you would romance" I asked raising my eyebrows and she smirked.

"Of course....not you! You're so unromantic! Failing each of my lovely books male protagonists" She said

"Off course not me. I don't do romance! " I told

"Your taste are very singular!" She mocked and I looked at her

"Excuse me!!" I looked at her amused again and she put hand on her mouth.

"Shit! Nothing! I just remembered Christian" She muttered standing up and came lying down on bed in front of me while I was sitting on the couch.

"Who the hell is Christian now!" I asked annoyed

"Christian! Mr.Christian Grey! Fifty shades of Grey!" She told and I looked at her!

Oh that Christian!

Yeah Kabeer!

That Christian !!

"Kabeer!!" She called and I hummed

"Don't worry I know your taste can be anything...but not singular!" she mocked and I looked at her.

And what do she want!

The Grey inside me coming out!

It will be then Hulk coming out of Banner!!

Wait what!


Stop being Baani Kabeer!!!!!

I looked at her and hovered on her with my one leg on bed and she in a sleeping position!

"You want me to show my Singular Taste!" I huskily asked and she looked at me.

"Say Baani ! Do you want the Christian Grey inside me come out!!" I asked again and she gulped hard!

"I've a playroom too!" I winked and her eyes widened in horror.

"What!!!" She whispered

"Cat caught your tongue again!" I said and she looked at me with shock and surprise!

That's it! I can't control more !!

And I fell on the another side of bed laughing!!

She looks so cute when she's shocked and afraid!

"You...You have a!" She stammered and I looked at her!

"Wanna go there" I asked smirking and she denied shaking her head furiously while I again laughed

"Chill Baani ! I am all decent! I was just pulling your leg!" I told after a complete session of laughing and she looked at me!

"You..You're vampire!" She yelled and stood to go when I pulled her and she fell on me!

"You look cute when you pout angel" I said and she looked at me

"I was born cute" She bluffed

"No! You were born clingy! Look at you!" I smirked and she huffed looking at us!

"You..You know what every time you do like this. First you pull me by yourself and then you trap me in your traps and then smirk like vamps! " she whined

"You whine a lot you know!" I told

"You smirk a lot you know!" she replied

"You cling too much" I said

"You pull too much!" she replied

"You want a chance to fall on me!" I told

"You want a chance to catch me" She replied back

"You speak too much!" I told and she looked at me and before she could say I spoke.

"But I like it this way only!" I completed and she looked at me

"You like me speaking!" she asked and I stood up holding her carefully and stood away!

"I..Like when you speak!" I told and moved towards door!

"Mr.Mittal ! Shouldn't it be I like you , when you speak" she smirked stretching the word 'you' and I glared her.

"I don't like cats!!" I told and she smirked more

"Whatever makes you sleep at night Mr.Mittal !!" She said with a lopsided smile and I glared turning around just to hit my nose to door!

"Fuck!" I cursed

"Sure!" Came a voice and I looked at back.

"Whaat!!!" I asked and she turned her back to me while I listened some muttering.

"What!! I didn't say anything!!" She replied 

That's my turn to smirk again!!

"I know my wife's much desperate!!" I mocked and she glared me.

 "I am not! It just slipped out of my mouth because you look hot when you clench your fist and the green nerves of your arms become visible from your muscles" She blabbered and then closed her eyes realising what she spoke while I looked at her amused!

"You're so much obsessed with me Baani!" I smirked 

"I am not!" she glared

"Really! You drool over me all the time and lying in front of me! Vey bad!!" I mocked

"Oh please! You're not that hot! Evans is just so alluring! So why will I drool over you when I have Evans to drool " she stated


"So you are saying,you're not affected by me!" I asked raising my brows leaning on the door.

"Oh off course not!" She scoffed

"I see Angel!" I said going back near her and she looked here and there.

I went more near her while she looked away!

"You're not affected by me?" I asked again and she looked at me!

"Ye..N..NO!" She said while moving her head up and down and I smirked more !

"Looks like..mind isn't going hand in hand with your sub concious !" I smirked more holding her hand and twisting it back while she looked into my eyes and instantly closed her eyes muttering something

"Leave me!" She said

"What if I don't! " I asked

"What do you mean?" She asked

"I mean what I say!And I am correct when I say...I affect you" I replied

" You don't!" She said firmly and was about to smirk when I leaned towards her!

"I...don't" I asked whispering as my lips touched her earlobe and she hissed!

"You do..Don't!" She whispered and I smirked leaving her hand and stood in front in my glory as she looked at me!

My work's done! Left out she'll do by herself!


Let me show!

"Kabeer!!! You're a cheater cock! You cheat!!" She yelled

"What!! What have I done!!" I asked innocently

"You..You came so close to me! You know I stammer when you come close to me and this closeness affects me and you took advantage of my weakness that's your closeness" She blurted and I smirked

"Kabeer Mittal never taste defeat!" I smirked more and after complete five seconds madam realised what she just said and face palmed herself!

"You're so much mean Kabeer Mittal" She shouted pushing me out of the room

"Wait what! That's my house" I reasoned

"But that's my room and one more time you say it's your house, I'll auction it tomorrow as your wife Mr.Mittal " I told and he looked at me amused

"As if I can't buy a new one!" I mocked

"Listen completely. I'll auction it and buy the same in more price then this will be my house and I'll take over the master bedroom and then you'll live in this room! Remember that! And I'll even take rent from you then" she told 

"You're so cheap!" I said and she smirked

"I am! Now Get out!" She scoffed

"I guess I should've let you go!" I said

"It's too late! " she gibbed and I came out of the room!

"Oh I forgot to tell you , I'm leaving for Mumbai tomorrow morning for a week!" I told and she looked at me.

"And you're telling me now" she frowned

"Awe! Angel will miss me!"I mocked

"Oh no vampire! I'll have peaceful week with her best friends" she replied

"Well Aayush is coming with me!" I told

"What!! You stole my BFF" She whined and I gave her shut up look!

"Fine!" she huffed

"Bad night Angel !" I wished and she smiled

"Have worst nightmares Vampire!!" She said and went to her bed!

I smiled and came towards my room and sleep engulfed me!

I woke at 5:30 am and after gym I got ready in my casuals and taking my trolley bag, I was ready to leave!

I went downstairs too see Sheena aunty!

"Baani woke up!" I asked and she smiled

"I went to wake her up but she said.." Aunty was saying when I spoke

"Five minutes more" I  completed and we both chuckled.

"I'll see! You plate the breakfast" I told and she nodded.

I came towards her room and knocked!

Well,This madam keeps her door open and I like a gentleman should knock right?

"Sheena aunty five minutes more na" She said half asleep and I opened the door seeing the sleeping beauty in front of me.

"I am leaving in 10 minutes Baani !" I told and she opened her eyes looking at me

"You're leaving the world in 10 minutes! So early. Give me those blue eyes before going" She yawned and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I am leaving for Mumbai " I told and she stood up

"Oh shit! I forgot!" She mumbled

"I knew you will! Now if your highness is awake then I'm waiting at dining table" I told and she smirked

"You'll miss me!" she said

"Of course....Not!" I mocked going back but not without hearing her groan !!

And after fifteen minutes madam showed up!!

"And here is my BFF" Aayush's voice came and Baani yelled his name hugging him.

"It's been a so so long time!!" Baani said

"Yeah! 24 hours!!" I mocked and they looked at each other.

"24 hours!! Oh my God!!!" Aayush yelled and I looked at Sheena aunty while she shrugged

"Well ! Stand up! We're late!" Aayush said looking at me

"I'm yet not done with breakfast!" I told and he raised his brows

"Mr. I want you here at morning 7:30 sharp is late by 15 minutes! Shame on you!" Aayush mocked and I glared him while Baani giggled.

"Shame on your BFF,who's late on breakfast table by 15 minutes" I accused and she looked at me frowning.

"Who told you to wait for me! Eat and go" she huffed and was standing up when I pulled her wrist making her sit back on the seat.

"I won't eat!" She said

"You will or else I'll stuff it right inside your mouth !" I stated looking at her challenging her to speak a word more and after a full glaring session of three minutes she looked away huffing and munched her food and Aayush as always without invitation started eating!

That's what best friends are for!

Then why do I have best friend!

Such a jerk you're Kabeer!!

Stop being Baani, subconscious!!

After breakfast I looked at watch and stood up!

"Don't create a zoo out of home" I told and she looked at me!

"I 'll buy it! I am Baani Bajaj" she bluffed and I smiled. 

Before I could say her phone rang and she went to take it !

It lasted for five minutes and I found a gaze on me, turning around to find that idiot looking at me grinning showing his teeth!

 He's crazy!

I am just waiting for saying a bye!

"I am bacckk aaaaa" Her voice came and she was about to touch the floor when I ran and my hands travelled to her waist stopping her to touch the floor!

I looked at her and her messy hairs coming in front of her face making it difficult to see her doe eyes!

"Uh!! As much I would like to see you both doing PDA here only, still I love my teeth very much so, I'll give you privacy! Bye Baani !" Came Aayush's voice and I glared him while he winked and ran out!

"Kabeer.." she whispered and I looked at her making her stand carefully!

She was stepping away when I don't know what came in my mind and I pulled her near me!

"I didn't give you permission to go away Angel ! I'm not done!" I said and she looked at me!

" Don't go anywhere without Natasha! Your security is important when I'm not here okay!" I told and she nodded

"Don't keep falling here and there! You'll fracture yourself because I'll not be present to stop you kissing the ground" I smirked and she smiled looking down and tried going when I tightened my hold.

"I'm still not done Baani !" I told and she looked at me again.

"Miss me!! Well that you'll!! " I added smirking and she looked at me while I released her !

Doesn't she has anything to say me! 

Okay not anything but at least a happy journey!!

Is she okay?

I sighed and turned to go when her voice came!

"Kabeer!!" she spoke and I stopped in mid tracks turning!

"I thought I won't say that but yeah...I'll miss you! Come back soon" She said coming near me and wrapped her arms around me!

Stop dancing in your mind Kabeer! 

I don't dance!

So you shut up sub conscious! 

Hug her back at least you idiot!

I hugged her back and then looked at her.

Taking a deep breath my lips touched her cheek lingering there a little more then usual !! 

Why she feels like my peace!!

"I'll be back soon Angel !" I whispered and she looked at me flushed!

"Bye! Happy Journey!" She mumbled and I smiled going out to recieve a smirking Aayush resting his body on my car.

"What" I snapped as he kept looking at me

"Nothing" he smirked as we drove to airport and I had one image coming in my mind right now!!

My Angel!!

Argh!! Focus Kabeer Mittal!

You're going on a work trip!!

Tumhe apne kareeb na aane dena...
Pehle yahi tha mai chahta !
Par ab tum dur ho mujhse...
Ye sapne mai bhi nahi suhata !!
Tum dheere dheere kaise ghar kar gayi....
Ye to meri samajh se bhi pare hai!
Abhi bhi meri antaraatma or mai....
Ek uljhan mai ade hai!!

Vo zaroori hai mere liye bahut...
Par uska karan anjaan hai!
Shayad kahi kaafi gehra chupa hai vo...
Kyuki abhi bhi kuch andar se bejaan hai !!
Khushiyaan kya hoti hai...
Vo to usne hi mujhe sikhaya hai!
Khul kar hasna gunaah nahi...
Ye bhi usi ne bataya hai!!
Na jaane uske or mere bich....
Ye kaisa ajeeb rishta hai!
Bas itna mujhe maalum hai ki....
Vo meri zindagi ka Farishta hai!!

Vo meri zindagi ka Farishta hai!!

{Not letting you come near me...
That time I wanted this only!
But now you going away from me..
I don't like it even in my dreams!!
How you slowly resided in my mind...
Is even beyond my thinking!
Till now me and my conscience...
Are in this dilemma!!

She's very important to me....
But why is the reason still unknown!
May be it's hidden deep somewhere...
Because still something is lifeless from inside!!
What's actually is happiness...
Only She has taught me!
It's not a crime to laugh without worries....
Only she has told me!!
Don't know what's this weird relation...
Which is brewing between us!
But I only know this, that...
She's my life's Angel!!

She's my life's Angel!! }

Hello lovely readers!! Hope you all are doing amazing!!!

So...little steps towards a good relationship are taking place🤩

And the way Kabeer is pampering Baani is just bliss❤

He himself don't know why he's doing this and what is all this happening... As you must have read in the last lines by Kabeer.

But, all he knows is just one thing!!

He's the Angel of his life!!

And Baani....she's already on cloud ninth by the small gestures of Kabeer Mittal!! 🙈🙈🤭🤭

Isn't this what's a start of any relationship! 🤩

Small sweet gestures, care, concern, mocking and missing each other when you're away!!🥰🥰

And Kabeer & Baani's relationship was based on one main thing since start.

Both mocking each other and never leaving behind any chance to do that🤭😂!!

Let's see what future holds for them!!

Do vote... Like... Share and reviews are always welcomed❤

Next update soon....

Till then...

Big hugs ❤❤❤

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