Wedding Preparations!!

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So everything is set!

And right now I realised that I'm going to marry!!

As in really marry this time!!

Oh,I mean we married last time too but there was nothing in mind and heart! It was just that we've signed a pact and we've to live to gather till 8 months!!

But now!!

We actually want to marry each other!!

And why the hell is my stomach churning!!!

"Baaaaaniiii!!!" Kabeer yelled in my ear and I flinched holding his T shirt!

"God!! What! You scared me" I shouted

"You were again in your lala land and I'm calling you since last five minutes" He told

"Oh! Yeah! Say" I spoke

"Thankyou!" he replied and I raised my brow

"For what? Marrying you again!" I mocked

"You're dying to marry me again!!" He snickered and I glared him

"You never know me Kabeer Mittal! I may run away from marriage" I smirked when he pulled me near him by waist.

"Then I'll catch you from behind, holding to me forever in my arms,and will never let you go" he spoke and I looked to find any mocking tone but this time he was serious.

"I was joking Kabeer" I told and he smiled

"But I'm serious! Letting you go can never be an option! If there's any,it's holding you! Near me, for ever!" he stated and I smiled

"Thankyou for?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck

"Listening to my heart!" he told and I smiled widely.

"I love farm house more then you" I bluffed and he chuckled

"And guess what!! I'm going to paint that boring room of yours too" I added

"Our room ! And paint and decorate it the way you like! " he said and I grinned kissing his cheek.

"Baani! Kabeer! Grand ma's calling you for dinner kids" Maya mom's voice came

"Coming!" Kabeer replied and we moved downstairs.

We all had our dinner and then sat in living room when a man entered from main door!

"Oh! Mr.Dixit is here! Baani & Kabeer, he runs the top printing company in India! I today chose some designs and now, you both choose from them!" dad told and we nodded smiling!

Soon we saw some ten cards and rested upon one!

It was a beautiful pastel color Invite box and off white card printed with golden words!

"Remember something?" Kabeer nudged and I looked at him questioning

"Off white and Golden!!" he smirked and I chuckled

"I do remember!" I said

"Sir,madam this box will be opening from two sides! On one side will be the card with details of functions and venue and on this side, there'll be chocolates" the designer told and everyone nodded

"Can we change it! I mean on the place of chocolates can we put something else" I asked

"You're denying for chocolates!" Kabeer asked

"I'm greedy! The cards won't go to anyone if I see chocolates in them" I mocked and everyone chuckled

"Baani! Child what do you want?" Grand ma asked

"A Tulsi (Indian basil) sapling" I told and everyone looked at me shocked

"Uh..what happened! Is that bad?" I asked

"It's best! What more good can be there child! Inviting guests with a holy plant!" Grand ma said and I smiled

"Mom used to say naa,there must be a tulsi plant in home! So we'll invite everyone gifting them a sapling of the same!" I said and Kabeer looked at me.

"You do remember!" He whispered and I smiled nodding

We further discussed everything and the designer told that cards will be ready till tomorrow noon and after that they'll be delivered to the address list that dad made!

After I ate some chocolate ice cream and bluffing about Evans to dad, who really listened like a keen listener we came and slept !

That was a really long day!!!

It's been two days and everyone just runs here and there doing their duties!

Mittal mansion looks like an office with workers running here and there!!

Aayush and his dad too came and informed that all the bookings have been done and even Caterers, video and photographers and event managing team was also booked! It was just our wedding outfits now and they'll be decided tomorrow!

"I'm going to choose our wedding outfit " I said

"No ways! It'll be me" Kabeer stated

"Oh really! You're busy with your love! So I'll do that" I told narrowing my eyes.

If it was in my hands,I would've taken his mac book dipping it into hot oil and then would've put it into fire.

"Then I'll also find ways to kill your Evans" He said and I looked at him!

First thing..How did he know!!

And second..

"How the hell did you say this!" I yelled

"From mouth! You speak from somewhere else" he mocked and I glared him

"You're so dead Kabeer Mittal" I warned and ran towards him when he stood up and moved inside walk in!

Idiot! How will he even run away from there!!

"Tsck! Tsck! You're so poor at running and hiding! " I mocked moving inside walk in when he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside locking the door!

"Ka..Kabeer!! What are you doing!" I asked as he moved towards me and I touched the back of one wardrobe!

"Since last two days,you're just busy in your wedding preparations and forgot about your groom! I thought to let you remind! " he whispered in my ear and I squirmed

"You're idiot" I mumbled and he looked at me while I smiled looking into his blue orbs!

Oh God! How can anyone be so breath taking !

His eyes travelled from my eyes to nose and then rested on my lips while I smiled looking away!

"Oh God! How can anyone be so breath taking" he sighed and I looked shocked at him

He just copied my thoughts!

He moved more closer to me that was actually impossible and raised his hands cupping my face!

"What if someone comes and I push you away and you fall ?" I asked

"Stop ruining my mood" he said and I giggled

"Oh Baani! I'm dying to marry you" he professed and I grinned

"Feelings mutual ! But today morning , I dreamt of Evans and me kissing in our marriage!" I told and he looked at me

"As in our marriage" he asked raising his brow.

"No! In my and his marriage! Think Kabeer, it took more then an year to dream that! " I smirked when he pressed his nose with mine!

"I don't even want to be your dream Baani ! You're my reality! My present and my future standing right in front of me!" he huskily said as his lips bruised mine !

Fuck off with teasing him taking Evans name because you too know you can't resist him teasing you like this!!!!

I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him while he smiled in between!

You're right Kabeer Mittal !!

You're my reality!

My beautiful reality !!!

"Choose my wedding attire Baani" he said as we laid down on bed and I frowned

"It means you're really not coming! This is wrong Kabeer!" I whined

"Are Baani lis.." he was saying when I denied

"No! It's not just my marriage! It's ours! But you're not doing this right" I whined again

"But lis.." he tried to say

"I don't want to!! I hate y..." I was saying before which he pecked my lips !

"Now shut up woman! You speak a lot" He said and I frowned

"You've a bad habit of not listening right! Idiot woman" he added

"I'm not" I muttered

"You Are! Now listen! Choose mine and I'll be choosing yours!Okay" he said and my lips twitched in to smile.

"I want to be the best bride ever Kabeer Mittal ! I want to feel like Queen ! Remember that" I warned and he chuckled

"You'll be! And of me, I'm already best ,so I don't need to say anything" he bluffed and I sighed

"The KM started " I mocked and he smirked

"Kabeer!!!" I called and he hummed

"Have worst nightmares" I grinned resting my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me!

"Have worsest nightmares" He replied and I giggled

"That's not even a word" I mimicked him while he chuckled and I smiled closing my eyes!


"What!!" I asked shocked while Kabeer choked on his break fast and a chuckle left my mouth in shocked state too!!

It's not always you find Kabeer Mittal choking on food right!!

Uh! I guess..I just now invited bull !!

Kabeer glared me still coughing!


I passed him glass of juice rubbing his back and looked at the three faces looking at us in umm...awe due to what I'm doing right now and smirking as I laughed on his state!

What can I do?

I can't control my laughter!!

"You okay?" I asked and he glared me

"Yes! You can laugh now" he muttered and I pressed my lips tightly to gather as I can literally laugh now!!

And I laughed!!!

"Sorry" I said in between laughing !

"Was it a this big shock?" Grand ma spoke this time and I remembered that I was actually shocked with what she said

"But what's the need of her going" Kabeer asked impatiently and I just looked at everyone!

"Because according to our rituals you both can't live to gather till you marry!" Grand ma stated

"Well , then we're already married!!" Kabeer stated

"Yeah, so don't marry then !" Grand ma scoffed and a chuckle left my mouth!

And I again received a glare!

" But grandma th.." Kabeer tried to say before which she spoke.

"Baani! Do you have any problem?" she asked and I looked at Kabeer who gestured me to say yes!

That's fun!!

"No Grand ma! Not at all ! Rituals are rituals! We should follow them! I'll be going to Jodhpur today only" I told and heard Kabeer groan in frustration

"So now when bride her self doesn't have any problem Kabeer Mittal, you've no say in it" dad mocked and Kabeer passed me a glare which clearly stated I'll see you later !!

"E..Uh..I..I'll pack my stuff!" I mumbled and ran to the room!

"Stop scaring the poor soul" I heard Maya mom saying and I chuckled

I came to the walk in and packed some clothes and my night suits!

It's just five days in marriage and from tomorrow functions will start!

Tomorrow it's some rituals of bride side,The day after it is mehendi (Mehendi ceremony is where bride and groom are applied henna on their hands and legs).

It will followed by Bhaat and Maayra next day ( maternal uncles of the bride plays an important role in the wedding. The custom is, for the maternal uncle to bestow lavish gifts on the bride) and then other day sangeet at night( sangeet night is a musical night where everyone dances,sings and enjoys!).
Next day will be Haldi and pithi(Haldi ceremony or pithi tradition is a pre-wedding function. It includes turmeric paste that is applied on the soon-to-be bride and groom separately at their homes. The yellow color of turmeric makes it a must-have ingredient for many auspicious occasions )

And Finally in night, it'll be Wedding !!

Ayaush and Anna's family would be performing all functions from my side!

I wish you were there to see this day papa and mumma!

"You're not doing this right " a voice came and I looked back to find Kabeer just near me.

I flinched and was about to fall entangled in my suitcase's handle when Kabeer grabbed me and pulled me towards him!

"And now tell, what if you fall like this there" he asked and I wriggled in his hold.

"Kabeer! Walk in is open! Someone will come" I whispered as the room's door was open too!

He looked at me and then went and locked the walk in's door!

"Ka..Kabeer!" I stammered as he came close to me and pinned me to wall!

"You love teasing me right" He asked and I giggled

"You forgot! That's my hobby" I said when he pulled me on him and I gasped

"You're not going anywhere" He told and I looked to find any joking look but there was none!

He was serious!

"Kabeer Grand ma sa..." Before I could complete he sealed his lips with mine!

What was that man!!

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him kissing him back smiling!

"This is how much I'm addicted to you Baani ! " he said and I sighed

"Rituals are rituals Kabeer! And it's just matter of four days! " I reasoned

"And what about sleep! I'm addicted to you breathing near me" he said

I can right now jump on him kissing him!!!

Oh God!!

Finaaalyyy! I got a male protagonist of novels in real life!

"Baani yaar!! Don't zone out! I'm so damn serious and you're smiling" he whined and I smiled more.

"Rituals do matter Kabeer! Grand ma,just for our sake has already skipped the strict rituals like as of not even celebrating Sangeet night to gather! It's just matter of three days actually " I said

"Fine! But you do know right that for those three days too we're going to be at the same place!And I Will See You,Each And Every Day!! Be it Haldi, Mehendi or anything!! " he stated pressing every word and I looked at him.

"You be kidding " I huffed

"I'm serious Mrs.Mittal !" he said

"I'm Baani Bajaj ! Marry me first and then have right to say so!" I muttered smirking

"Oh okay! Now I understood why you yesterday said isme abhi vakt hai(there's still time in it) when I addressed you as my wife !! That's what your That's for me to do and you to find out meant! Right?" he mimicked me and I chuckled nodding.

"Okay Baani Bajaj ! But mark my words! I'm going to see you everyday! All upcoming five days! That's a promise" he said firmly.

"Grand ma will sew you" I told

"She'll not even know! And dare you say this to anyone Baani! I'll make sure that you don't open up secrets of your husband...soon to be husband to any one!" he huskily whispered in my ear as his lips touched the back of my ear, I bit my lips !

"You won't say anyone, anything! Right?" he whispered again and I nodded

Damn! This man makes me go crazy!!!!!

"Good girl Baani Bajaj!" He smirked

"But I do believe in rituals" I whined as I packed my stuff !

I just packed essential stuff only! Rest my all wedding attires will come there !

"Of course you should! But I don't believe in this one particularly and as of you, it's upon you! Put a blindfold on your eyes or close them when I come!" he mocked and I frowned

"You'll not be able to come!!! I'm sure of that" I stated

"And what do I get if I come?" He asked

"Umm..Okay! If you're caught at any day, you'll be doing any one thing I say and if you're able to come all five days without getting caught, I'll do vice versa" I said

"Deal?" I asked and he smirked

"Deal done!" He replied and smirked more and pressed his forehead with mine !!

"You know what Ms. Bajaj ! Kabeer Mittal never leaves opportunities! And this time, it's about seeing the face which makes my morning and night beautiful ! Play honest ! I don't entertain cheating!!!
And I promise, your future husband will see you each and every morning and each and every night On the top of all that...we've a deal !

So Ms.Baani Bajaj, be ready to do anything I say!" he huskily whispered pecking my lips and moved towards the door unlocking it while I looked shocked at him!

"But,what are you going to do?" I asked curiously when he smirked looking at me which widened more and more.

"That's For Me To Do And, For You To Find Out!" he repeated my last night's sentence and left the closet !

Did I just now, dig my own grave here??

Well, I think you did !!

Because everyone know, Kabeer Mittal can do anything but if he promises something...that has to happen..anyhow!!!

And I smiled looking at myself in mirror!!

May be, I'm waiting to see how you do it Mr.Mittal !!!

Hello peeepsss! Hope you all are doing amazing!

So, how was the chapter!

Everything is decided! But remember...

The wedding outfits are remaining! 😍

And...Kabeer has to be away from Baani! 😅

Do you think this will be possible seeing how Kabeer behaved above🤭

And moreover, he has already challenged Baani 😏

Will he succeed in his challange? 🤩

And if he does... How will he? 😃

And if he don't... What will happen🤣

It's going to be a lot of fun 😁

Let's see! 😉

Well, sending tickets in next chapter for Jodhpur  ✈️😂

Do vote... Like... Share and reviews are always welcomed!

Next update soon! 😍

Till then...

Big hugs ❤

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