Chapter 1: Srawberry and golden ligthning

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

2:23 A.M., Friday, Karakura town

???: I feel it here... Strange... I sense some enormous spirit energy...

A few hours sooner, your POV:

Where the hell did that idiot send me ?!! I was, like, in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in America, and now I'm in the middle of some city ?!

Well, at least, I can read what's written on the buildings, so that's mean I'm probably back in Japan, now to know where exactly, it's a complete mystery...

I wandered in the streets for a bit, trying to figure where I now was, even learning the town I was in was apparently named 'Karakura'. Never heard of it before, and even the maps couldn't help me.

I continued to walk aimlessly, starting to wonder where I would sleep that night, when I came across:

Monster: Tasssty.... Soulll... Near by...

"... Eh... ?"

I kept looking at it for a few seconds, frozen in shock, until it noticed me, and leaped at me.

"WAAAAA !! Joestar's secret technique, don't fail me now !!!"

And so I fled, followed by that huge monster, in an unknown city... Yep, normal Thursday it is.


Guy: What the... !? You come here, stomp Lil'Yama in the face, and order us out like we were dogs ?! You crazy, punk ? Got a death-wish ? Speak !

*Ichigo "Strawberry" Kurosaki: 17 years old

-Hair: Orange

-Eyes: Brown

-Occupation: High school student

-Special skill: ...*

Guy: Say something, you...

Then he got stomped on the face, by that "Ichigo" guy.

Guy 2: Lord Buddha... He dropped Lil'Toshi !! This is messed up... Real messed up... that's one blood-thirsty berry head.

Guy 3: That guy's a total stone-cold psycho ! Mess with him, and he'll KILL you !!

Ichigo: Shut up !! All of you chumps, look at that !!

Ichigo: Question one !! What's that ?! You smelly lookin' dude !! You tell me !!

Smelly lookin' dude: Huh ? M-me ? Smelly ? Umm... An offering for some dead kid ?

Ichigo: Check out the brain on smelly !! Question two !!

Guys: Lil'Mitch !! You okay ?! Lil'Mitch ?!

Ichigo: Why is that vase... Lying down on it's side ?

Guys: That's 'cuz... We knocked it over with our skate... Boards ?

Ichigo: is that so ?

*Special skill: ... *

Ichigo: Then you better apologize to HER, don't you ?!

*... He can see ghosts.*

Guys: AAAAAGGH ! We're sorry !! We're sorry !! Don't hurt us !! We'll never do it again !!

They fled as fast as their legs could carry them, most likely never returning here.

Ichigo: Heh... I don't think they'll be back. Sorry for using you like that.

Girl: That's okay. I asked you to get rid of them. I was glad to help.

Ichigo: I'll bring fresh flowers soon.

Girl: Okay. Thank you, now I can rest peacefully.

Ichigo: No problem. You rest in peace.

Just as he was about to leave, they both heard hurried footsteps from behind them, revealing to be another boy, looking the same age as Ichigo.

Your POV:

Huff... Huff... Huff... I think I lost it... I don't know what was that thing, and honestly, I don't want to know. I just hope I'll never meet it again.

Looking up, I spotted two people looking directly at me, a boy with orange hair, staring at me with a dumbfounded face, and... A floating little girl, with blood covering her face ?

I wondered why they were staring at me, until I realized that I left quite the trail on the ground by using Hamon to increase my speed.

'Oops... that'll be hard to explain...'

Ichigo: ... Who are you ? You're not with those guys that were here sooner, aren't you ?

"I don't know what guys you're talking about, but what happened to that girl over there ? Shouldn't she see someone to treat this wound ?"

They both looked at me like I was completely insane for saying that.

Ichigo: Y... You can see her ?

"Um... Well, yes. NOT seeing her would be quite unsettling, unless she's a ghost... Which... could explain... The blood... And she's... Floating..."

"She's a ghost, isn't she ?"

Ichigo: Yes, and that's bugging me, how are you able to see her ?

"First of, I want to test something."

I activated my stand, and by the look on his face, I could tell that he could see it.

Ichigo: What the hell is that thing ?!

"That "thing" is called a stand. It's a representation of a person's spiritual energy and fighting spirit. I guess it's what allow me to see ghosts. And since you can see my stand, it must mean that you have one yourself."

Ichigo: that answer why you can see her, but not what you're doing here.

"Oh, you see, I was running away from that weird monster thing that's currently standing right behind you, so I think we should run. Like, right now."

After he spotted said monster, I grabbed both his and somehow the girl's wrist, and ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction, once again.

Turns out that after I possibly saved his live, we sympathized, and he offered me to stay at his house for some time, until I figured where I was.

Ichigo: My family runs the local clinic. We're entrusted with the lives of the living, maybe there's some connection there... I was born with the ability to see the souls of the dear departed. How about you ?

"For as long as I know, I gained that ability around 2 years ago, when my stand awakened."

The moment he opened the door, he immediately got dropkicked by someone I could assume was a family member, probably his father.

Isshin: You're late !!! Do you know what time it is, delinquent ?! Dinner in this house is at 7 O'clock sharp, every night !

Ichigo: Jerk ! Is that how you greet your son who just helped a ghost find peace and almost got eaten by another one ?!

Isshin: No excuses ! The rules of my house are iron ! You break them, you 'gotta bleed !! Or maybe you want to rub it in my face that you can see ghosts and I can't ?! Why can't I have the gift ?! Why ?!

Ichigo: Shut up ! I didn't ask for it !!

'Wow, it sure is lively here...'

Yuzu: Please stop fighting ! Dinner's getting cold !

Karin: Let them fight, Yuzu. Leaves more for us.

Ichigo: Your rules are way too strict !! Decent fathers don't make their teenage sons be home by 7:00 !!

Yuzu: Ichigo, I think you have some new "friends" haunting you. But why can I see one of them so clearly ?

"I'm not a ghost."

Ichigo: I met him on my way back home. He can see ghosts too and helped me, so I offered him to stay here for a while.

"I'm Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you all."

His father was almost pissed, not because Ichigo told me I could stay, but:

Isshin: How could he be able to see ghosts while I can't ?! that's so unfair !

Ichigo, not wanting to hear anything, stomped toward his room, followed closely by his "New friend" haunting him.

Ichigo: Geez, I exorcise one and another latches onto me !! Crap !

Karin: He sees them, talks to them, touches them, and channels them; a quadruple threat. Must be a pain, strawberry, to be in such high demand.

Yuzu: But, you know... We're bound to be a little envious of him. They're just blurry shapes to me. I'd love to see one clearly.

Karin: Not me. I don't believe in ghosts.

"But... Can't you see them too ?"

Karin: Dummies. I'm in permanent denial. If I refuse to believe in them, it's like if they don't exist.

Did the room's temperature just got 10°C lower ? I'm sure I could feel some winter breeze.

Karin: So... Here's my latest plan. 'Want to flirt with ghosts while being caressed by the first breeze of summer ? A limited engagement for the month of May, the Karakura ghost picnic.'

Yuzu: Cherry blossom watching was last month, right ,

"I... Don't think he'll be happy of you making money off his grief, like he's some sort of freak-show..."

Karin: well, he already left, and it's your fault, dad.

Isshin: huh ? What'd I do ,!

Yuzu: Ichigo has been under a lot of pressure lately ! He told me more ghosts then ever have been haunting him. He's fed up !

Isshin: What ?! He talks about stuff like that with you ?!! That boy... Why doesn't he come to me with his problems ?

Karin: Are you serious ? I wouldn't bring my problems to you either. You're over 40 yet possess the emotional maturity of a preschooler.

Isshin: Aw... Honey... maybe it's because they've hit puberty, but our daughters treat me like dirt... What should I do ?

Karin: First, take down that stupid memorial picture.

"looks like I got into some kind of weird family here."

Karin: And you seem awfully relaxed about it.

"I've seen worse. Trust me, I've seen some things you wouldn't believe."

Ichigo: Geez... Why is my family so weird ? And why do I feel like it's gonna get worse with Y/n around ?

Much to his confusion, a butterfly entered his room.

Ichigo: A black swallowtail butterfly ? Where did it come from ?

Ichigo: What the...

???: it's close... !

Being the normal human being he is, Ichigo adopted the most reasonable behavior in that kind of situation, including an immediate stomping on the intruder.

Ichigo: How's that for close, Jerk-off ?! Pretty cocky for a burglar, aren't you ?! What's close, the safe ?! Is that burglar-speak or something ?!

???: You... You can SEE me ?!! And... You KICKED me !

Ichigo: huh ? Stop yammering ! Heck yeah I can see you...

Isshin: Quiet, boy ! Stop jumping around up here !!

"that poor door did nothing wrong, you know."

Ichigo: How can I be quiet when I'm subduing intruders ?!! Look at this !! Where's our home security ?!

Isshin: Look at who ?

Ichigo: Huh ? The chick in the samurai gear...

???: It's no use. Normal people cannot see me. I'm a... Shinigami.

Isshin exited the room confused, as I just took a seat.

"So... A shinigami, huh ?"

The sound of a body being torn apart, drops of blood staining the ground red, the humongous figure of some monster-like creature, with a familiar hole in it's chest.

Monster: Near... Much spirit energy... Near by...

It dropped the body of what looked like a little girl...

"So that's your story ?"

Ichigo: You're a shinigami, and you came all the way from this Soul Society thing, to vanquish an evil spirit. That makes sense...

Ichigo: Are you out of your freaking mind ?!

Shinigami: What ?! You insolent... You can see ghosts, yet you do not believe in shinigami ?!

Ichigo: Of course not ! I've never seen a shinigami before. I don't believe anything until I see it with my own peepers.

Ichigo: Since Dad couldn't see you, you're probably not lying... But go play "shinigami" somewhere else ! Got that, you little snot ?

Shinigami: You dare speak that way to me ? Binding spell, the first ! SAI !!

Both of us were completely incapacitated and unable to move because of that.

Ichigo: OW OW OW OW OW !!! Crazy girl... What did you do ?!

Shinigami: Heh heh... It is useless to struggle ! This is kidô, the demon way, a high-level spell only a shinigami can cast !

"Why me too ? I didn't say anything."

Shinigami: But I'm sure you though the same thing. Despite my appearance, I have lived ten of your lives ! Yet you dare to call me "Little snot" ? I would kill an insolent fol like you, but the provisional law forbids unauthorized executions. I will let you off with a minor case of paralysis this time. Be grateful, little snots !

Ichigo: Herrgg ! freakin' wannabe samurai...

Shinigami: And this...

She gripped her katana, looking extremely menacingly, but finally only applied the hilt of it against the ghost haunting Ichigo, leaving some kind of mark on his forehead.

Ghost: N... No... I... Don't want to go to hell !

Shinigami: Do not presume. What awaits you is not hell. It is the Soul Society. Unlike hell... It is a restful place.

The ghost disappeared through a portal of some sort, only leaving a couple of butterflies behind him.

Ichigo: What... What happened ? Where's the ghost ?

Shinigami: I sent him to the Soul Society. I performed Konsô, the soul funeral. You call it "Passing on" in your language. It is one of the duties of a shinigami. To ask if you believe me or not... No longer seems necessary.

"You DO realize you just paralyzed me without asking if I believed you ?"

Shinigami: I will release you once I leave; Now listen, I will explain it so even a couple of brats like you can understand.

Shinigami: Now... In this realm, there are two types of souls;The first type are the "Wholes", the normal spirits. The ghosts you know are of this type. The other type, we call them "Hollows". Hollows attack the living and the dead indiscriminately, and devour their souls. Any questions so far ?

Ichigo: Hmmm... Why does your drawing suck so bad ?

*One moustache later.*

Ichigo: Hey ! What the... ?! You took advantage of my helplessness !

Shinigami: Let us continue, "Monsieur Le Baron".

"*Pfrrr* That looks good on you, Ichigo."

Shinigami: We shinigami have two principle duties... First, to conduct Wholes to the Soul Society by means of Konsô, and second, to vaporize Hollows. Which is my mission now.

Ichigo: Hang on, you mean there's a hollow around here now ?

Shinigami: There is.

Ichigo: Are you stupid !? Don't stand there yapping, go vaporize it ! !

Shinigami: Actually.. There is... I have not been able to sense it's presence for some time now.

Ichigo: Wha... Why not ? What's the...

That cry... Why does it felt like I heard it before ?

Shinigami: Like some force obstructing my senses...

Ichigo: Hey ! Hey, shinigami !!

Shinigami: What's wrong ?

Ichigo: What's wrong ?! Are you kidding ?!

"Didn't you just heard that blood-curling howl ?! What was that ?"

Shinigami: Blood-curling howl ? Maybe...

The same cry resonated once again, even louder than before, like if the source of it was getting closer and closer to us.

Shinigami: 'I heard it !! that was... the cry of a hollow !! But... It's like I'm hearing it through some unseen filter. What is it I'm sensing ?!'

"Hey, Ichigo... is it just me, or did we already heard that not that long ago... ?"

Ichigo: N... No, you're right... We met that thing already !!

Shinigami: 'But how could... These ones have heard the howl before I sensed it ?!'

A crashing sound, soon followed by a girl's voice, shouting out of pain.

Ichigo: That was Yuzu ! Hey ! Where are you going ?! That horrible noise was the howl of a hollow ?!

Shinigami: Yes ! I am going to kill it !! Stay here you two !!

Ichigo: Hold up !! That's my family being attacked !! Undo your spell, NOW !!

Shinigami: Don't be a fool ! There is nothing you can do ! You'll only succeed in adding to the body count ! Be quiet and leave this to me, understand !!

The second she opened the door, she saw another person limping toward the door.

Karin: I... Ichigo... are you okay ?

Ichigo: KARIN !!

Karin: Good... It hasn't come this way... It happened so fast... Dad's back exploded and he fell... Then it went for me and Yuzu... So fast... I thought... Had to warn... Ichigo...

Karin: What is it... ? I didn't get a good look... I don't think dad and Yuzu could see it... Ichigo... Hurry... Before it finds you... Run...

Shinigami: It's okay, she just passed out.

But Ichigo wasn't listening, he was trying to break free from the spell placed on him.

Shinigami: Stop ! What are you doing ?! Stop !! No human's strength is enough to break the kidô !! If you force it, your soul will...


Shinigami: 'Impossible ! He broke the Kidô by his own power ?! That cannot be !!' Wait !!

But he already left, grabbing a baseball bat before going.

Shinigami: What is he... ?

"Hey, I have a question. A big monster with a hole on its chest and a skull-looking mask, is it a hollow ?"

Shinigami: Yes... those are the characteristics of a hollow indeed.

"I'll help him. I don't know if it'll work, but it's worth a try. [DARK VOID] !"

Ichigo: 'Yuzu !! Dad !!'

The entirety of the house was wrecked down, with his dad's body lying on the floor, all bloody. Opening the door he saw it, through a hole in the wall it probably made itself.

Ichigo: It... It's a ... Hollow !! When she said evil spirit, I thought it'd look human, but this is a monster !! This is bad ! Really bad ! Why am I shaking ?! I'm not afraid of that thing !! I've seen tons of ghosts ! it's just another one !!'

But he spotted what the hollow was holding, or more accurately... WHO it was holding.

Ichigo: YUZU !!

Yuzu: I... Ichigo...

Losing his temper, Ichigo rushed that monster, swinging the bat, met by a mighty swing from the hollow, sending Ichigo on the ground a few meters away, and breaking the bat like a twig.

It went for another strike, and would have succeeded in smashing open Ichigo's skull like a watermelon, if it wasn't countered, by a slash almost cutting of its arm, and a glowing kick, melting off some part of its head and mask.

"AH ! It worked !!"

The sudden pain made it let go of Yuzu, and Ichigo caught her.

Ichigo: Yuzu ! You okay ?!

Shinigami: Stay calm, boy ! The hollow has not eaten any of your family's souls yet ! Not even the soul of your father, who lies on the floor !

Ichigo: Wait ! You said the hollows attack people to eat their souls ?! So why'd that thing attack my family...

Shinigami: Hollows are drawn by high levels of spirit energy... But they also attack opportunistically.

Ichigo: What's that mean ?

Shinigami: I have never known a human who could see a shinigami... or breaking a binding spell before... I have never heard about humans with so much spirit energy... I believe it was looking... For you ! When you stumbled on it sooner today, it picked up your spiritual energy, and used it to track you both down.

"Hey ! Stop yammering and help me ! I don't know how long I'll hold it back !"

Ichigo: H... H was after me ?! All of this... Was because of me ?! My dad's dying over there... Karin, and Yuzu bleeding... All of this...

Shinigami: Wait... That is not what I meant...


She wasn't able to notice the hollow, rushing her and prepared to bash her to the side.

"Damn it ! Ichigo, don't just stand there, get Yuzu out of here !"

'I'm sorry, Jotaro, but I'm borrowing your battle cry !'


Accelerated by the Hamon, the attacks knocked the hollow back a few meters, melting the spots where they hits, without killing it.

"I need to immobilize it first, then I'll be able to destroy it."

Ichigo: I've had enough of you !!

Looking back, Ichigo was back up, apparently trying to stand up against that monster by himself.

Shinigami: Unh... I failed to guard my flank... how careless. Shameful...

Ichigo: Hey... Ugly... You want my soul ? Then fight me like a man ! Forget the others, it's me you want ! So kill me !!

Shinigami: You fool !!

"You dumbass !! get out of here now !"

The hollow rushed, the Shinigami rushed, Ichigo rushed, I rushed, until:

Ichigo: Wha... SHINIGAMI !!!

Shinigami: You... Fool... Did you think it would be over if you gave it your soul ? Then you are a fool !

Ichigo: I... I'm sorry... I just wanted to...

Shinigami: I fear... I cannot console you... I am too badly injured to fight it... Your friend won't be able to vanquish it, it is a mater of time... until we all become it's food.

"Not as long as I have a word to say in it. But if you have a last resort plan, I highly recommend you to apply it now."

Ichigo: 'It's all my fault ! We're all gonna die !'

Shinigami: ... Do you wish to save your family ?

Ichigo: Just tell me how ! I'll do anything !! TELL ME !!

Shinigami: there is a way... I should say, there's only ONE way...

Shinigami: You must... become a shinigami !!

Ichigo: What... What're you talking about , I can't be a...

Shinigami: You can ! Place the point of that zanpakutô, ghost-cutter, over your heart, and I will infuse you with half of my shinigami powers. You will temporarily have the powers of a shinigami, to give you a chance against the hollow.

Ichigo: Are you sure... Can you do something like that ?

Shinigami: I do not know. Perhaps, because your soul is so powerful, but... the chance of success is low, and... If we fail, you die ! But there is no other way !! Nor time to ponder it.

... ... ... ... ... ...

Yuzu: ... Ichigo... Where are you... ? Ichigo...

Ichigo: Yuzu... is she having a bad dream ?

Yuzu: Don't come... Danger... Run... Ichigo...

"This is no good ! I can't deal enough damages to that thing ! Stand still, dammit !!!"

Ichigo: 'This is so bad ! My sisters, worrying about me when they are in danger ! And Y/n, risking his life, even though we only met a few hours ago... To consider my own safety now... I'd have to be a real punk to do that !!'

Ichigo: Give me the sword, shinigami ! We'll try your plan !

Shinigami: Not just "Shinigami". I am Rukia Kuchiki.

Ichigo: Oh... Ichigo Kurosaki, nice to meet you... let's pray this won't be our last meeting.

"Stop your chit-chat and come help me already !!"

Ichigo: Ready ?

Rukia: Yes.

The sword pierced Ichigo, and a blinding light immediately erupted, blinding us all, until the hollow's arm got cut off like it was made of butter, revealing Ichigo in a new outfit, holding the hilt of a sword almost as big as him.

Rukia: No... I meant only for half... But... I have lost all of my powers...

Rukia: 'And this sensation... Like before, I could not sense the hollow's presence, and I heard it as through some unseen filter... Why did I not realize this earlier !! My senses were being jammed by an incredible force ! But they were the source of it ! That room was full of spirit energy... from THEM. That was what confused my senses !'

Rukia: 'Never have I heard of a human who could see a shinigami ! Never have I seen a human breaking a binding spell ! The zanpakutô responds to the spiritual strength of its host by changing shape... never have I seen it so huge !!'

Ichigo: That's for attacking my family... You fish-faced freak !!

"Take that !! The beating of the Hamon !!!"

Rukia: 'What in the world... Are these Kids ?!'

Being both beheaded and disintegrated by the combined attacks, the hollow completely disappeared, and Ichigo plopped on the ground, falling unconscious right away.

*Ichigo "strawberry" Kurosaki: 17 years old

Hair: orange

Eyes: Brown

Occupation: High school student/Shinigami*

'Phew... looks like I'm up for another kind of bizarre adventure here.'

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