Chapter 32: The moon and the monkey

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Renji: That's unexpected. You even remember my name... You have a pretty good memory.

Ichigo: Thanks for the compliment.

Ganju: Who... Who is this guy ? Compared to the guys we've met before... He has a totally different pressure...

Hanatarô: Ah... Ah... Ahhh... That... That person is... Renji Abarai, vice-captain of the 6th division !!

Ganju: Vice-captain ?!!

Ichigo: Step back, Y/n. I have a score to settle with him.

Renji: I'm actually surprised, you really managed to survive captain Kuchiki's attack. This is worth complimenting, even though you... received help from someone else...

"You're welcome. By the way, you already managed to fix your knife ? Even after I disintegrated it ? You have very good blacksmiths here."

Renji: Don't get cocky, you're next. Don't expect it to be as easy as last time. I've said this before, I'll kill the one who stole Rukia's power. If you Kurosaki are still alive, then Rukia's power cannot be restored.

Ichigo: Back there, didn't you take her away because you wanted to kill her ?! What's the point of saying that now ?! I must keep going forward !

Renji: That will depend on, if you can defeat me or not ! Come, if you have the guts ! Don't you like to risk your life ?

Ganju: Wh... What's Ichigo doing... What in the world is he thinking ? His opponent is a vice-captain ! Doesn't matter how good he is... There's no way he can win !

Hanatarô: No... That may not be so... Please... Watch carefully... Ichigo...

Hanatarô: Is very strong ! He's completely overpowering vice-captain Abarai... ! He... Ichigo... What kind of person is he...

"Renji still hasn't called out his zanpakutô... It's gonna be tough for the two of them..."

Renji: Hey, Ichigo Kurosaki... Let me ask you, how do you plan on saving Rukia ?

Ichigo: How to save her ?

Rukia: Even if you defeat me now, there's still eleven more vice-captains. And above that, there's thirteen captains. Unless you can defeat all of us, there's no way you can save Rukia. Are you sure you can do it ?

Ichigo: ... Of course ! How many captains there are ?! And how many vice-captains there are ?! What the hell does it have to do with me ?! I'll fight them no matter what !! IF THEY DARE TO TRY TO STOP ME, THEN I'LL DEFEAT THEM ALL !!!

Renji: ... What is this ? Where does your confidence come from ? With only one or two life and death battles, you think you can handle anything ? Or is that because your zanpakutô evolved a little ? Can it be that with this little improvement in strength, you became this much arrogant ? ROAR !! ZABIMARU !!!

Ichigo: 'What... Is is ?! I can't stop it !!'

"You understand now ? The real fight just began now."

Renji: Seems like you thought you understood my abilities after just one fight with me... let me tell you. When vice-captains and higher-ranked shinigami go to the living world, in order to not cause unnecessary disturbances to the souls in the living world, we have to suppress our powers. Right now, my power is five time stronger than when we last met ! It doesn't matter how stronger you are, it's close to impossible for you to beat me !

"Key-word here being 'close to'"

Ichigo: Hn ! So you're saying, right now this is your real strength. To me, your attacks are totally ineffective !

Ichigo: Thank you very much for the information ! If there's 11 more guys like you, then I think I should be able to handle them !

Renji: You bastard...

Hanatarô: Ichi... Ichigo ? Are... Are you okay ?

Hanatarô: A... Amazing ! He can still stand after taking a direct hit from Zabimaru... It's unbelievable...

'If only... I didn't really payed attention before, but he already sustained serious injuries from his previous fights, and clearly hadn't recovered yet...'

Ichigo: 'Damn... Everything is so blurry... That hit was too damn strong, I can hardly stand... I lost a lost of blood in the fight against Ikkaku... Damn it, stop shaking !!!'

Renji: is it really okay to talk big in the beginning, when you can't even stand up straight after just one hit ? IT'S OVER !!!

To resume the last 30 seconds that happened... I REALLY hope no one was actually living in those buildings...

Hanatarô: Ah... Aah... N.. Not good... He is being overwhelmed... Fighting a vice-captain is really, like this...

Izuru: Abarai disappeared ? Why ?

Momo: I don't know... We were at the meeting and he just disappeared, and then... I tried to find him, and I found this in his office...

Izuru: His badge ! Do the captains know about this ?

Momo: No, I haven't reported it yet... I was going to tell captain Aizen, but... I don't want to get Abarai in trouble... AH ! But captain Aizen will never do that !

Izuru: I know. But since we don't know why he disappeared, let's not tell anyone for now. But, where could he go at a time like this ? If he removed his badge when we were ordered to put them on, he must feel very strongly about going away... He has been moody lately because of Kuchiki. I hope he's not doing anything foolish...

Izuru: Alright. I'll try my best to search for him without attracting attention.

Momo: Ok, please be careful, Kira... Where did you go, Abarai... ?

Renji: You really are stupid... Do you want to save Rukia that badly ?!

Ichigo: Idiot... I don't "Want" To save her. I "Will" save her !!!

Renji: Don't make me laugh !! It is your fault that Rukia lost her powers ! That's why her sentence is so heavy !! Don't you get it ?! it's all because of you that Rukia is going to die !!! What right do you have to say you want to save her ?!! QUIT JOKING AROUND !!

Ichigo: It's my fault that Rukia is going to die... I know that already ! THAT'S WHY I HAVE TO SAVE HER !!!

Renji: D.. Damn you !!

Ichigo: 'I can see it ! At most three times... !

Kisuke: All attacks have a beginning and an end. There is always a limit to the number of consecutive strikes. Like there are 6 shots in a pistol, and rockets only fire once. Any combo attack has a limit.

Ichigo: 'Normally, Zabimaru hits once while extending, then while it is extended, it can attack two more times. So the total is three. After those three attacks, he will return Zabimaru to it's normal form.'

Kisuke: It doesn't matter if he hits less sometime, the important thing is knowing the limit. When a fight gets rough, the enemy will always attack using the combo with the highest number of possible hits.

Ichigo: 'One...'

Kisuke: Once you've dodged all of the hits, you will find an opening.

Ichigo: 'Two...'

Kisuke: After the last hit of the combo, before he starts a new set of attacks...

Ichigo: 'THREE !!'

Renji: Tch-!!

Kisuke: The enemy will become defenseless !!

Ichigo: IT'S OVER, RENJI !!

Renji: I already told you, it's close to impossible for you to beat me !!

Ichigo: 'He... He dodged it ?!! How ?!'

Renji: It seems that you're puzzled about how I dodged your attack. It was a good idea, trying to attack me between two of my combos, and your timing was perfect too. But why couldn't you hit me ? The answer is simple: You're too slow ! You and I are at completely different levels. The answer, is that simple. Do you understand now ? You can't rescue Rukia, BECAUSE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU RIGHT HERE !!




Kisuke: You ran away.

Ichigo: Bastard !! You were going to kill me weren't you ! If I didn't run, I would be dead already !

Kisuke: Of course I was. I was trying my best to get you. I'll keep going after you until you have nowhere else to run... Because I have to prepare you to be able to reproduce that attack whenever necessary.

Ichigo: Y... yeah, right. That was just a lucky hit, I'll never be able to do something like that at will.

Kisuke: Then you'll train until you can ! You've learned how to unleash the power of your Zanpakutô, and you've also learned the basic fighting techniques. You have the talent, but you are only as good as a 3rd seat or 4th seat shinigami right now. To give you an example, if he fight at his full potential, even a captain would have serious troubles against Y/n. Them and even vice-captains are at a whole different level ! If you want to fight someone like them, you must be able to fully utilize your Zanpakutô !

Ichigo: That's easy for you to say... I was under pressure, I don't even remember how I did that...

Kisuke: I know. That's why I'm doing this. That's why...

Kisuke: I'll keep pushing you until you have nowhere to run, so you can remember how you did it.

Tessai: he hit the rock ! Med-team !!

Kisuke: not yet !!

Ichigo: Huff... Huff... Huff... Sh-... Shit...

Kisuke: What's this ? I only got a little bit serious, and you're completely overpowered ? Is that all you've got ?! How disappointing ! I'm really, really disappointed.

Kisuke: Kurosaki... In your sword, all I see is "fear". When you're dodging, you're "Afraid of getting hit". When you're attacking, you're "Afraid of hitting me". When you're protecting someone, you're "Afraid of them dying". Your sword id filed with fear !

Kisuke: It's pathetic ! You can't give into fear in a fight ! It won't help you at all. When you're dodging, think "I won't let you hit me" ! When you're protecting someone, think "I won't let you die" ! When you're attacking, think "I'm going to cut you" !!

Kisuke: See ? See this ? In my sword... Do you see my determination ? Do you see "I am going to cut you in half" ?

Kisuke: So you are capable of it after all. The determination... Don't ever forget it.

Flashback end:

Ichigo: Sorry to keep you waiting, Renji... I will now put all of my will, into defeating you !

Renji: 'What the hell's with him ?! All of a sudden...' You... !

Renji: 'I... I lost. What the hell was that, Zabimaru ? Damn... My feet won't move... My arm won't rise... Dam it ! How did I lose ? It's impossible... RUKIA !!'

Renji: Now that I think about it... I was probably just scared... Damn... I am really a tramp down to my bones... I hate myself, I bark at the star, but I don't have the courage to jump and grab it...

Renji: I.. never won once, against captain Kuchiki... Ever since Rukia left, I train everyday but I still failed, he is too strong. Fighting to get Rukia back, is nothing but an impossible dream to me. Kurosaki... I'm probably shameless for doing this, but I have to ask you... Please...YOU HAVE TO SAVE RUKIA !!

Ichigo: Yeah...

Back to school now guys, so my stories will be weekly updated from now on. Bleach will be updated on every Wednesdays, starting from next week.

So, apparently I got tagged, so here I go:

The one who tagged me: Plormbus

10 things about me:

1-I'm actually from france.

2-Favorite Jojo opening, and by far, is the 4th one "End of The World".

3-I'm 19, and a college student.

4-I have a younger sister, and we can't stand each other

5-Frickin love pokemon, started with Platinum, still my favorite version.

6-I main Marth... And Luigi, too.

7-I'm terrible at drawing.

8-Top 3 favorite anime of all time: Jojo, Fairy Tail, OPM.

9-Love Asian food

10-Favorite Jojo character so far is Rohan Kishibe.

Tag some other poeple:





























Here's a joke: What's the difference between God and a doctor ?

God doesn't mistakes himself for a doctor.

And finally, a spoiler for one of my stories:

???: It would seem, that in the end you weren't even a threat to Lord Aizen, human. Now, any last words before I chop your head off ?

"... ai..."

???: What was that ? I couldn't quite catch it.

"Ban... Kai..."

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