Chapter 35: Y/n VS Kenpachi

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kenpachi: What is that... It does look like a Zanpakutô, but at the same time, it feels completely different...

(A/n: If you're wondering, it looks like that:

(Except it's entirely made of golden light. Ans yes, it's from Zelda BOTW)

"Do you really care about that... ? No, you couldn't care less about what it is, the only question you're asking yourself here is: Is that thing strong enough ? And to that I'll answer: Why don't you come and see by yourself ?"

Kenpachi: Oh ? You're approaching me ? Instead of rushing to help your friend, you're coming right at me ?

"I can't give you the fight you were longing for without getting closer..."

Kenpachi: Oh oh ! Then come as close as you want !

"You asked for it."

After the first slash landed and deeply cut into his shoulder, he tried to block the second one, but was being overpowered this time.

Kenpachi: 'I can't... Push him back ?!'

It eventually leaded to his other shoulder being deeply cut, as he was starting to breath really heavily.

"No offenses, but I've got things to do, and I'm kinda in a hurry, so if you don't mind, I'll end this as fast as possible."

Kenpachi: Ending this fast... ? That's not good... It's just starting to get interesting ! Isn't it ? We should drag this out, as long as we can !!

Before I could really process what was happening, he was already in my face, and I barely had enough time to avoid his blade, gaining another scar on my face by doing so.

"Way to ruin the asymmetrical fashion here !"

Kenpachi: I don't get it !! How did you get so strong ?!! What is that power ?!! Why does it looks so much like you're a shinigami ?!! But that doesn't matter !! Right now, we should just enjoy the moment !!!

'Damn it !! I'm the one winning here, I'm overpowering him, and yet... No matter how much I cut him, he just won't fall !'

"You... You're crazy ! This Is just ridiculous ! Why do you like fighting that much ?! Why aren't you afraid of dying ?!"

Kenpachi: I'M crazy ? You're the one who's crazy !!! You're so strong !! Why don't you like to fight !! Enjoy it !! Enjoy the carnage ! Enjoy the pain ! They're a small price to pay for the enjoyment of battle !!

Yumichika: What are you thinking about ?

Ikkaku: WAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! Yu... Yumichika ?! What happened to your hair ?! It's all blown up ! Did you get hit by a firecracker or something ? HAHAHAHAHA !!!

Yumichika: S... Stop laughing !! Here, I'll just wear that wig from now on !

Ikkaku: Anyways, I was just thinking... That the captain seems to be enjoying himself...

Yumichika: Ah... But, who's his opponent ? He's surprisingly strong...

Ikkaku: I honestly have no idea. Sooner he was fighting Ichigo, but that one... is on a whole other level... I guess it must that other guy he told me about...

Yumichika: But the captain... Seems to be on the losing side...

Ikkaku: Yeah...

Yumichika: Isn't that bad ? Even if it's the captain, he may...

Ikkaku: Fool ! What are you suggesting ? He's the strongest captain of the 13 divisions, Zaraki Kenpachi !! That's the reason why we follow him !! he'll never lose !! Plus... He still hasn't... used his trump card !

Kenpachi: Hah... Hah... Hah... This is great... ! An equal match up !! No... Only by a little, but you are definitely stronger !!

'... Why does he looks so confident ? Could he be hiding something... ?'

Kenpachi: How long has it been... Since I've last had this noble feeling... It seem that you are... A WORTHY OPPONENT ! SO I'LL GO FULL OUT ON YOU !!!

He removed his eye-patch, and the instant he did, his spiritual pressure rose up to even more insane levels.

"Heh... You're not one to use cheap tricks in a battle, but I'm curious, what was up with that eye-patch of yours ?"

Kenpachi: This thing is a creation of the freaks in the institute of technological research. It keeps absorbing my energy, infinitely. A phantom, if you want. With the energy that would otherwise be absorbed by this thing...

Kenpachi: I'm going to use all of it to kill you. It's as simple as that.

'He says that... But he isn't aware in the slightest that his greater power reside in his hand... His blade is mourning right now, but he just can't hear it's voice. That's a little sad if you think about it.'

Kenpachi: What are you mumbling about ?!

"Nothing, just... Just pondering the reasons why Ichigo over there will soon be way more powerful than you or I could ever be."

Kenpachi: Ooh ? Care to explain ?

"We both only rely on our own strength to fight, while Ichigo... No matter what happens, he'll never be alone. He's fighting alongside Zangetsu, they're helping and supporting each other, and that's what makes them virtually invincible..."

Kenpachi: Zangetsu... ? Is that the name of his zanpakutô ? Fighting side by side with your zanpakutô, helping each other... That's bullshit.

Kenpachi: Zanpakutôs are just tools of war ! "Fighting alongside his zanpakutô" is just the whining words of those too spineless to fight by themselves ! It's not something someone like... You and me should say, Y/N !!!

"I guess there's no point in convincing you... Very well. But that pressure and power you built up in order to kill me... I suppose I should give you an appropriate answer...

I steadied my breathing, resulting on my second gauntlet appearing on my other arm, as well as my pressure increasing by ten folds once again.

Kenpachi: HAH ! You can increase your spiritual pressure even now ? Impressive !!

"Just you wait, it's time I show you how strong I can be !!"

We both bolted forward, getting closer and closer, until...

The two of us now had both our swords deeply embedded into our opponents body, but the first one to stumble was me, as my sword purely disappeared.

"Heh... I believe this is enough... Let's... Let's call it a draw..."

Kenpachi: A draw... What are you talking about... ?

His sword suddenly broke in half, as he fell over and remained motionless on the ground.

Kenpachi: You won... Dumbass...

The next thing to happen, was Yachiru who approached us, as we were both laying on the ground.

Yachiru: Thank you !!! It's thanks to you that Ken-Chan had lots of fun !! Ken-Chan hasn't been this happy for a looong time ! Thank you !!!

"Y... You're welcome... Now, why don't you take him to a hospital while I... Lay here for a bit, and try not to bleed out too much..."

Yachiru: Don't die, okay ? And then hopefully... You can play with Ken-Chan again in the future. Pretty please.

She jumped out of the area carrying Kenpachi over her shoulders, as I VERY painfully sat and proceeded to leave before more people gets attracted here, attending to go back to Ichigo's location.

Yachiru: Ah !

Kenpachi: Yachiru...

Yachiru: Yes ! Yes ! Ken-Chan is awake !! Yahoo !! I called lady Unohana !! She'll be here right away !!

Kenpachi: What about him ?

Yachiru: Dunno, probably still alive.

Kenpachi: ... That'd be good. That way I could return to him what I owe him.

Yachiru: But you don't owe him anything...

Kenpachi: I do. I lost.

Yachiru: Ken-Chan didn't lose !!!

Kenpachi: Idiot ! Don't make that face...

Yachiru: Because !! You didn't lose !! You had to fight both of them, so it was two on one !! Plus, he said that Ichii fight alongside Zangetsu, so it was three on one ! So Ken-Chan was the winner !!

Kenpachi: Heh...

Yachiru: Don't laugh !!

Kenpachi: ... Side by side... With the Zanpakutô... ? Yachiru... Do you still remember when I named you ?

Yachiru: Yup ! I even remember how many pieces of cloud was in the sky !!

Kenpachi: yeah... I do, too.

Yachiru: Ken... Ken-Chan ?

Kenpachi: Be quiet. It's been so long that I forgot... Forgot the pain of not having a name... Everyone had a name that friends use to call them but I didn't... That pain...

Kenpachi: Yachiru. The name of the only person I ever cared about I'll give it to you. I'll be Kenpachi, the title given the strongest shinigami in every generation. From this day forward, it will be my name.

Kenpachi: You've waited... For quite a long time, haven't you ? Hey;;; I know I am quite a bit late in doing this, but... Now can you... Tell me...You name ?

Kenpachi: ... Tch... It doesn't work after all... Damn it... I want to get stronger !! I've finally found a worthy opponent... I can get stronger !! I want to fight... I want to get stronger... It sure has been a while, to feel this desire again... I WANT TO GET STRONGER !!!

Yachiru: 'I had no name. I had no parents. I was from the 79th district of North Rukongai, "Kusashiji". I had never seen anything in colors other than the bloody red... Everyone was more beast-like than human, so it wouldn't have been strange to have a baby get stepped on and die. But then you appeared.'

Yachiru: 'From the 80th district of North Rukongai, "Zaraki", even deeper in the darkness... You demolished my chaotic world that was dyed in blood... Then you gave me a name. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here today.'

Yachiru: We'll get stronger, Ken-Chan. Together, let's get stronger. I know that Ken-Chan is the best ! So let's get stronger ! You and me together ! Um... Ken-Chan ?

Kenpachi: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Yachiru: Ken-Chan... ? Ken-Chan !!

"Hey, Ichigo... Hang in there for a little longer, please..."

Right on cue, Yoruichi approached the two of us, apparently really worried.

Yoruichi: I'm so sorry, kids. For being late like that... You two got beat up really nicely, didn't you... ?

"It was Kenpachi, so I guess it couldn't be helped. I was lucky to pull out a tie at the last moment..."

Yoruichi: Don't worry. I won't let any of you die.


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