Chapter 48: New kid, old enemies, same problems.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ichigo: Uwah...

Kon: WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THAT REACTION ?!! Are you looking down on me, bastard ?!

"Well, no, it's just... We weren't exactly expecting THAT, so..."

Kon: More like you were trying to suppress your true feelings !

Ichigo: Okay ! Okay ! I'll ask Ishida for you ! Don't be picky about it, it's not like we have anyone else to go to. I'll bring him here, se behave and wait at home ! Got that ?

"Hm... ? Oh."

Ichigo: Dad !! here, take back your charm.

Isshin: I don't want it !!

Ichigo: I was surprised that I still had it... SAY WHAT ?!!!

Isshin: Daddy doesn't need this anymore. So you should keep it, Ichigo.

Ichigo: Hey ! Why did you tie it to my uniform ?! Dammit ! I can't take it off !!

"Ichigo ! If you don't move now, we'll both end up late !"

Ichigo: Okay ! I'm coming !! Damn it ! Isn't that the all-important charm that mom gave you ?!

Isshin: Have a nice trip~, and look both ways !

Ichigo: Don't change the subject !! I'll get you for this after school !


Ichigo: Yo.

Keigo: Lo... Long time no see... By the way, I...

"He's already gone. Morning, by the way."

Keigo: One day, I'll kill you...

Orihime: Good morning, Kurosaki !!

Chad: ... Morning.

Ishida: Good morning. Looks like your hair is as messy as always today.

Keigo: Ichigo ! Ichigo ! Ichigooo !!! What's up with that combination ?! Don't you think it's a bit weird ?! Chad, I could understand... But Inoue ?! And Ishida ?! that's like the beauty and the beast plus glasses ?!!! Beauty & beast & glasses !! Were they this close before the summer ?! What happened between the three of them during summer ?! It bears investigation !!

"Nothing happened."

Keigo: Why are you going with them ?! My fear of being the odd man out is becoming reality !!

Chizuru: Good... Morning, Himeeee !!

Chizuru: Urg... Summer's vacation is over but our tsukkomi sure seems to be going strong...

Tatsuki: I thought I told you, it's not a tsukkomi !! geez, regardless of if it's Summer or Fall, all you do is try to get some !

Chizuru: Yes, I do !! Every season I want girls !!!

'At least wipe the blood off first...'

Ichigo: Morning. Long time no see, Tatsuki.

Tatsuki: yeah, morning. Come to think of it, I didn't see you much during Summer... I heard you returned early from your trip, but when I went to your house, you usually weren't there. What have you been doing... ... ? What's that ?

"Just a charm. Why ?"

Tatsuki: No no, I don't mean that. Since that's probably just one of his dad's silly jokes.

Ichigo: Ah... You figured it out... ? Amazing.

Tatsuki: Of course ! Who else would do something like that ? That's why I wasn't talking about the charm. I was asking about that skull thing.

Ichigo: Ah ? This thing ? I uh... Bought it... Not long ago...

"Wait... Tatsuki, you can see it... ?"

Tatsuki: Huh ? Yeah, why'd you ask ?

Ochi: Alllright !!! Time to scurry back to your seats, brats !!

Keigo: Ah ! Miss Ochi !

Ochi: Perfect !! Everyone is here today ! Nice, nice ! Very nice ! Well, technically, Ôshima and Sorimachi are absent, but they're punks so they don't count anyway. They must be having fun somewhere.

Class: '"They're punks so they don't count anyway..." That's the first time I've heard a teacher say something like that...'

Ochi: Today, I have fantastic news for everyone !! We have a transfer student !!

Ukitake: This artifact is a lot more powerful than it looks ! It would be quiet dangerous if non-shinigami got their hands on it. So it's invisible to the eyes of normal humans !

Ichigo: 'Did I remember it wrong... ? Or is this thing broken already... ?

Mizuiro: What's wrong, Ichigo ?

Ichigo: Ah. No... Nothing... I just had... A stomach ache... 'I... I remember he said that normal people can't hear it either...'

'A hollow ?'

Ichigo: 'Yeah...'

Ochi: Huh ? Where did the transfer student go ? Hellooooo ?! Ah... HEY !! Kurosaki !!

Ichigo: Bathroom !!

Ochi: batroom already ?! HEY ! HEY ! Sado !!! Inoue ?! Hold it !!

Both: Bathroom !!

Ochi: That's a lie !!! Inoue, a woman should have no problem enduring a simple stomach ache !!

Orihime: But, it really hurts !! I can't bear it anymore !!

Ochi: Oh, fine ! But make it quick !

'Pretty sure they could've used a better excuse; but in the end it's the results that really matter, after all.'

'Why do I have to jinx everything like that... ?'

Ishida: ... Perfect.

Kon: Perfect my ass !! Oh, I see ! Your idea of perfection must be lameness !! Is that it ?! Did I ask for a makeover ?! No ! All I asked was to be restored to my former glory !!

Ishida: B... But I just added my personal touch...

Kon: Keep your personal touches to yourself !! Just look ?! You replaced my manly mane with these laces ! I don't look like a lion anymore ! More like a lace-sprite or something !

'Do we tell him he also has the mark of the quincy on the back of his head ?'

Kon: But even so, my cuteness level probably hasn't dropped one bit !! Fuhahaha !!!

Ichigo: 'Let's just keep quiet about that for now...'

Kon: Fuu... There. Perfect !

Ishida: I'll take my leave then...

Ichigo: Ah ! Wait, Ishida...

Ishida: What ?

Ichigo: Ah... Nothing... Sorry, nevermind.

Ishida: What the... ? You're weird.

"I see... So you've felt it too, Ichigo ?"

Ichigo: You knew ? Since when ?

"I've become quite good at detecting spiritual pressures lately. It was just a hunch until now but your concern just proved my point..."

Ichigo: Ishida lost all of his quincy powers...

"... I'll be right back."

Ishida: Seriously, what has gotten into his head...

"What do you expect from him ? He's just worried about you."

Ishida: Y/n ? I don't have the time to talk right now, so if you excuse me-

"Don't lie. You lost your powers, didn't you ? From that moment when you broke your glove against Kurotsuchi, your spiritual pressure has been dropping at an alarming rate."

Ishida: Who told you... And why do you care, it doesn't concern you.

"No one told me, I just happened to discover it by myself. As why I care... I have a proposition for you."

Ishida: What is it ?

"A way for you to continue fighting the hollows, even though you lost your powers. How does that sound ?"

Ishida: ...

Shinji: Hira... Ko... Shin... Ji. Hirako Shinji ! Nice to meet you all...

Ochi: Ooooh ! Hirako. You wrote it backwards !

Shinji: How does it looks ? That's my specialty, doing things backwards.

Ochi: Oh, I see. Then you should talk about it in your self-introduction !

'Never would I though that fight back there had deprived Ishida of all his powers... If only I noticed sooner, maybe I could've done something...'

Ochi: Ok ! Take the seat in the back over there.

Shinji: Yes, yes. I'll be sitting next to you from now on. Let's treat each other well, Kurosaki.

Ichigo: Huh ? O... Oh. Nice to meet you, too-


Ichigo: Whoooo ?! Sorry, miss Ochi ! Bathroom !!

Ochi: Whaaaat ?!! Again ?! Kuro... W- Wait !! KUROSAKI !!!

"Don't mind him, that's just how he is."

Shinji: Ah. It's okay, it's okay. he's pretty much how I imagined him to be...

Kon: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE !!! I want to go out !! I want to have intimate contact with girls' soft smooth skin !!

Ichigo: You're annoying... Stop it before Yuzu and the others hear you !

Kon: But how can I not scream ?! If you keep locking me in here, I'll sue you for stuffed-animal abuse ! I'll sue you to hell !

Kon: Sigh... Come to think of it... life was so much better when I was inside your body... Because if I went peeping or stalking, you'd be the one who'd end up in trouble when caught... I had nothing to worry about while enjoying myself...

Ichigo: Punk... Don't tell me you really did those things... they're illegal you know...

Kon: When Rukia was still here, it wasn't so bad being locked up ! Rukia !! Come back !

Ichigo: You're annoying. Shut up and go to sleep already !

Kon: Captaiiiin !! Where are youuuuuu ?!


Ichigo: Oh. I'm getting used to the screaming already... Okay !

Ichigo: Alright. Take care of me before I come back ! Don't do anything stupid ! You hear ?!

Kon: Of couuurse~. Take your time~.

"No hollow again... Well, I guess it only mean Ichigo is doing his job. I should probably head back now-"


"Why do I feel like this means something important..."


"Kon ? The hell are you doing here ?!"

Kon: CAPTAIN !! Help me, captain ! He... HE'S BACK !!!

"He's back... ? Who's back ?!"

Grand Fisher: Y/n... L/n... !!

So, I've seen that comment coming back for quite a long time, so I'll answer it once and for all: This story (The Bleach/Jojo crossover) will see little to no evolution concerning Dark Void, so you can forget the potential Act III for now guys. I'm trying to focus on the Hamon, and how to bring new uses to the powers we already possesses. Don't worry, it doesn't mean nothing new will happen, as you could see with Saisentan already.

That's all, i just felt like I needed to crudely shatter your hopes and dreams, sorry not sorry !

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