Chapter 52: Scout squad

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Class: H- Hey... Did she just climb in through the window... ?! What's with her... ? What about the red-head and that little guy... ?

Chizuru: Hey, Kurosaki ! Do you know these people ?

'Oh, right, everyone forgot about Rukia...'

Ichigo: Ru... Rukia...

Ichigo: WHA... What's the big idea... ?! Huh ?! ARG !! BUH !! DAMN- !!


Ichigo: What... ?

Rukia: COME WITH ME !!


Rangiku: She acted just as we expected...

Renji: Yeah. Those two trouble makers...

Ikkaku: Bah ! It's normal to get pissed off after seeing that pathetic sad face.

Rangiku: Really ? Gloomy looks can also be attractive.

Yumichika: NO ! That is not true !!

Rangiku: I wasn't seeking YOUR opinion, Yumichika.

Yumichika: Oh yeah ?! Then whose were you seeking ?! Ikkaku's ?!

Ikkaku: Don't drag me into this ! Damn you !

Hitsugaya: Hey, you ! Quiet down a little-

Class: Hey... Look... What happened to Kurosaki ? After that girl beat him up, he went all limp... Did he... faint or something... ?

Chizuru: Hey, Kurosaki ? Are you ok ?

Class: Oh damn... Do you think that he might be... dead ?! They're definitely dangerous people... And they dye their hair... !

"That was to be expected... Renji, put away his body before they really start assuming things."

Ikkaku: Just don't mind them. They're just babbling humans.

Class: He has a tatoo... ! That guy is carrying a wooden sword... Blonde hair... Silver hair... Bald... Chick hair... Big-breasted... Bald...

Ikkaku: All right... The two who said "Bald", come out now and face me...

Renji: Don't mind them, they're just babbling humans.

Ikkaku: SHUT UP !! i'm going to chop them in half !!

"With a wooden sword ?"

Rangiku: Count me in, Ikkaku !

Hitsugaya: ... ... Somebody, switch places with me... Please...

"Careful on what you wish for... Hail 2 You..."

Keigo: It's true, I tell you ! At that drink bar, mix ginger Ale and Calpis soda in a 2 to 1 ratio, and you'll make something that smells like hair tonic !!! Amazing ! isn't it ?

Mizuiro: Oh ? This is amazing indeed, mister Asano. Your tongue is truly amazing.

Keigo: WHAAAT ?! What are you talking about ?! Are you trying to alienate me or something ?!

Mizuiro: Hm ? Doesn't it sound rather lively in our classroom... ?

Keigo: Oh ?! It... It does ! Understood ! I will investigate it right away ! HEY !! Who is the punk causing such an uproar without-

Keigo: ... Me... Present... ?

Ikkaku: Yeah ?! What are you looking at, punk ?! Watch it or I'll rock-paper-scissor you, turn you into a tempura and eat you ! Yeah ?!

Rangiku: I told you to stop that, baldy.

Ikkaku: What's your problem, Matsumoto ?! You've been smacking me on the head like crazy !

Rangiku: Be quiet. Make another scene and I'll tell Yachiru.

Ikkaku: No... ! I mean... Please forgive me...

Rangiku: Wouldn't it have been better if you had played nice from the beginning ? Hey ! You two ! Don't waste our time, we're leaving idiots !

Hitsugaya: hey ! Were you including me when you said "idiots" ?

Keigo: That's quite a restrictive uniform, isn't it, honey ?!!

Ikkaku: Hey... is he going to be all right ?

Rangiku: Chill, chill. Now, leave.

Mizuiro: Falling down here makes you looks like an office supply, mister Asano.

"Now, now. Help me hide the body before they notice."

Keigo: I'll... Kill... You...


Rukia: Long time no see, Kon.

Kon: Ah... ! Even though we've been separated for the summer, you stepped on me without hesitation... i'm... i'm so happy, Rukia... !!

Ichigo: Stop playing. Hurry up and go in.

Rukia: Ok. I haven't been in this tiny room for a while !

Ichigo: Shut up ! You didn't need to mention "tiny" ! Don't compare this place with Byakuya's house !

Rukia: Oh. Sorry, I blurted it out.

Ichigo: Blurted what... ? Hey ! Don't sit on my bed !!

Rukia: Why does it matter ? Stingy !

Ichigo: Shut up and sit on the floor, idiot !!

Karin: And here I was wondering why no one was on the first floor... What are you two doing ?

Yuzu: SSSSHHH ! Big news ! Ichigo brought a girl home with him !!

Karin: He brought girls home all the time in middle school. Like Tatsuki.

Isshin: This one is different from Tatsuki !! She is a lot more... Girly than Tatsuki !

Karin: But after Tatsuki started highschool, her body became more feminine, too.

Isshin: RE... REALLY ?!

Karin: Don't get any ideas, stupid dad ! Anyways, I won't be impressed until he brings home someone of Orihime's level.

Yuzu: Ah ! Karin, you're so... !!

Ichigo: SHUT THE HELL UP !!!

Yuzu: Gyaaaah !! See ? You made him mad !!

Isshin: Sorry !!

Ichigo: Damn it... This is not a show fro noisy bystanders...

"Well, I suppose it's matter to question which one is the real child, Yuzu or your father..."

Karin: And where are you going, exactly ?

"I found a part-time job at a candy store near here. I'll be on my... Way... ?"

Yuzu: ...

"Yuzu, why are you looking at me like that... ?"

Yuzu: ... ...

"D- Don't give me those eyes, please..."

Yuzu: ... ... ...

"Gah ! Fine ! I'll see if I can bring back something for you guys. You can stop with the puppy eyes now."

Yuzu: Teehee.

'Anne, I just found you some friends...'

3rd person POV:

Rukia: Looks like your family is as happy as ever.

Ichigo: Hush ! Now, hurry up and tell me. What are those "Arrancars" ?! Why did they attack us ?

Renji: Wait a minute... Let us do...

Renji: The explaining !

Ichigo: UOOOI ?!! H- HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE ?!! What did you do to my ceiling light ?

Rangiku: We tried to change the light bulb.

Ikkaku: Say what ?


Ikkaku: is this some kind of a trend in your world ?

Ichigo: No... It's just him.

Renji: So, arrancars are hollows who acquired both hollow and shinigami powers by removing their masks. There has always been a small number of incomplete ones, but... After Aizen brought the Hôgyoku to them, they were able to completely transform into true Arrancars. Those were the ones you saw. With me so far ?

Ichigo: Yeah , I get it. Although it would've been easier without the doodles.

Renji: The original plan was to stay put and keep watch until Aizen attacks Soul Society, since we're still recovering from the absence of three captains. However, the fully-transformed Arrancars appeared earlier than expected. They have already entered the human world, so there was no way we could've just sat back as originally planed. Therefore, we were chosen to come here.

Ichigo: Chosen ? By who ?

Renji: Commander Yamamoto. Since the central government was wiped out, commander Yamamoto is making all the decisions until all 46 replacements are chosen. In any case, Rukia was chosen because she knew you the best.

Rukia: No ! I was picked for my abilities !

Renji: Among the capable soldiers available, I was the closest to Rukia, so I was chosen as well. The, because commander said I could pick one non-captain that I trusted the most, I asked Ikkaku to tag along. The Yumichika said, "I'm definitely going, too !", and, passing by and hearing about this, Rangiku thought it was interesting and decided to go too. She said that she was coming no mater what, so I had no choice but to ask captain Hitsugaya to lead the group, and that's how we ended up here.

Ichigo: That almost sounded like going on a picnic...

Hitsugaya: the important thing is, that Aizen is interested in you, Ichigo Kurosaki. Well, you and your friend.

Rangiku: Ah, captain Hitsugaya. He wouldn't cooperate and refused to ge through the ceiling with us.

Renji: Have you been waiting outside for us to open the window ? That's not good, a silver-haired elementary school kid would turn a lot of heads.

Hitsugaya: You're all dead meat when we get back to Soul Society...

Hitsugaya: Arrancars are indeed the result of hollows removing their masks. However, an average hollow removing their mask would not be any problem for us. If they really want to start a war against Soul Society, the ones removing their masks would need to be Menos or stronger.

Ichigo: Menos... or stronger... ? You talk like... There are hollows stronger than Menos...

Hitsugaya: yes. No, I should say... That there are 3 categories of Menos. The first is "Gillian". They're the weakest of all menos. In human terms, they would be foot-soldiers. There are many of them and they all look alike. In Soul Society, these are the "Menos Grande" that are generally referenced to in textbooks. The Menos that you fought off before you entered Soul Society was a gillian.

Ichigo: That thing was... A foot soldier... ?

Hitsugaya: Gillians are huge, but they are slow and have beast-like intellect. Any captain would be able to destroy them with ease. The real problem starts with the other two.

Hitsugaya: The second type is "Adjuchas". They are much smaller than gillians and far fewer in number. However, they're much smarter and stronger than gillians. They're often the ones who lead gillians into battles. Lastly, there are the "Vasto Lorde", the highest level of menos. They are extremely small hollows, roughly the same as humans. They are extremely rare in number. It is said that you can count their entire number within the Hueco Mundo. But let's be real, these Vasto Lorde's combat abilities, are above that of our captains.

Hitsugaya: Therefore, it is hard to imagine hos strong these Arrancars really are. We are short a total of three captains, and we don't know how much are the arrancars stronger than their Menos selves. But I can tell you this: If Aizen has more than 10 Arrancars at the "Vasto Lorde" level, Soul Society is doomed.

Ulquiorra: We have returned, lord Aizen.

Aizen: Welcome back, Ulquiorra, Yamii. Now then, share your findings, with your twenty brothers in this room.

Hitsugaya: So, we are supposed to inform Y/n too of those things.

Ichigo: I'll tell him next time I see him. He is not here right now. I'll see if I can find a way to contact him...

But back I the room he was currently using, nothing, out of a small paper on a table was in sight.

Ichigo: What is...

Ichigo, if you're reading this, meet me at Urahara's as soon as possible. Bring Ishida, Orihime and Chad with you if you can, but don't tell the others. There's something I need to tell you guys.

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