Chapter 56: Vizards

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"How long has it been ?"

Rose: Dunno, but longer than expected. That "Ichigo" boy, he must think quite highly of himself to cross swords with Shinji.

Lisa: Dummy, look closely. Shinji isn't taking this seriously at all.

Hachi: Although, upon closer inspection, it also seems as if Ichigo is not fighting at his full capabilities either.

Love: Huuuuuuuuu ? he's just scared. No matter how ya look at it.

Mashirao: Scared ? Of what ?

Kensei: The hollow. I can't believe that kid's dumb enough to start fighting without calling out the hollow inside him. To think the one who's been trying to get in with us is at this level...

"I may not be a pro about that kind of things, but he went from unable to display a correct shikai to a captain-class bankai in what ? A month, at most ? Seriously, it's as if everything has been decided in advance."

Hachi: It doesn't answer the biggest question, at all...

"Which one ?"

All: Who the hell are you ?!

" Are you all for real ? You saw me entering that warehouse with Ichigo. And didn't the shrimp told you about me ?"

Mashirao: Hm ? Where are you going, Hiyori ?

Hiyori: Hachi... Buff up the shield five more layers.

Hachi: Understood.

Kensei: ...

Rose: ...

Love: ... Welcome.

"Why the sudden mood change ?"

Kensei: You called Hiyori "shrimp", and lived. This makes you worthy of being here.

Shinji: Ichigo... You...

Hiyori: Shinji. Outta my way !

"Haaa... Medic team on its way, make place, please..."

Hiyori: Hachi... I told you to put five more layers on !!

Hachi: B... But I couldn't make it in time !

"Wee-woo wee-woo wee-woo..."

Hiyori: Pfft. Whatever. Ichigo. Let me tell you something. You're going about this all wrong.

Ichigo: ... Wrong ?

Hiyori: We really were considering letting you join our ranks. But... You gotta realize, that doesn't mean it's ever been your choice.

Ichigo: ... What do you mean ?

Hiyori: I mean that the decision has always been on our side. I don't give a give whether or not you want to be a part of us. We've seen your power, and we were beginning to wonder whether we should add you to our team, or not. That's all there is to it.

Hiyori: Think carefully about where you stand right now. You have no right to make the final decision ! If you have the power, you become one of us. Then we'll teach you how to seal off the hollow inside you. But if you don't have the power, then take a hike. Go disappear and become a hollow, so you can die a dog's death.

Ichigo: ...

Hiyori: If you get it, then hurry and transform into a hollow. Let's see whatcha got.

Ichigo: ... I refuse.

Hiyori: You still don't get it, huh... ? The goddamn decision, isn't up to you !!

'A hollowmorphosis ?!'

Hiyori: If you're too scared to transform into a hollow, tough cookies. I'll come straight at you. And then I'll just rip that hollow straight out from the confines of your soul... By force, like you said.

Love: Wo... WOOOAAAH !!


Hiyori: What're you scared of ? Ichigo. We're called the "Vizards", because we got masks. Don't be scared, Ichigo. Turning into a hollow isn't tough. I ain't gonna go easy on you, like Shinji did. So if you don't quit being scared and hollowify... You're...

Hiyori: Really gonna end up dead.

Mashirao: Are you alright, Hachi ?

Hachi: I am NOT alright.

"Well, you're clearly not the only one..."

Ichigo: Ha... Ha... Gu... Uh...

Hiyori: C'mon, get your shit together. Don't you get it yet ? I told ya not to be afraid, Ichigo.

Ichigo: ... I'm not afraid.

Hiyori: Here's a hint for ya. Do Bankai.

Ichigo: .. Shut up.

Hiyori: I get it... You're scared 'cause you think that if you do Bankai 'gainst someone strong, like me...

"Was she always that modest ?"

Love: Well, that's kinda true, after all.

Hiyori: I HEARD THAT !!

"Good for you, at least you're not deaf yet !"

Hiyori: You wanna die, punk ?!

"Dunno, you wanna grow up, shrimp ?"

Hiyori: RAAAAAAAAAH !!! FINE !! YOU'RE NEXT !! Hey baldy ! Just lookin' at you pisses me off !! Fuckin' scaredy cat ! Fine, whatever. If it's that bad, have it your way ! You ain't gotta do a bankai or hollowify, fine ! i'm just gonna put you six feet under.

Love: I hope you realize you simply pissed her off even more with that.

"That was, the point. Now it's Ichigo's turn, just hoping he'll crack before it's too late..."

"Woohoo ! He finally did it ! He a little late, but he got the spirit !"

Rose: I think he got the spirit a LITTLE too much...


Hiyori: ARG... GAH... URF... AAAH... !!

"Well, maybe... Maybe we gotta step in... Do we ?"

Shinji: Yes we do. Even if we don't want to.

Hiyori: HHHMMMMMMMPFFFFFF !! (Untranslatable)

"Hamon beat."

Shinji: That's sufficient. No complaints, right ? Hiyori.

"She can't hear hear you, she recovering from that near-death experience.


"She's better now."

Shinji: You probably understand now, Ichigo. That your hollow isn't some layabout that you can subjugate with your mind, your body or just by thinking about it. You pass the test. We'll pound the hollow-suppression technique, right into the very core of your soul.

"Can we agree to say that wasn't what we expected at all ?"

Ichigo: Shut up... Huff... You're... Making me... Huff... loose... My focus... Huff...

Shinji: It's way past lunchtime, ain't it ? Yo Hiyori, can't ya make somethin' or anythin' ?

Hiyori: The hell, baldy ? Why am I the person who has to go and make it ?! Even if I did make somethin' though, who says I'll let ya have a bite, baldy ?!

"You guys need to work on your communication."


Rose: Love, when you were out earlier, did you happen to see the new single from "Prince of Darkness" ?

Love: BUHAHAHA !! Forget that, Rose, did you read this week's Jump yet ?

Rose: How could I, you never let me read it in the first place.

Rose: Aw man, this is great !! BUHAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Kensei: Lisa, you're the one on duty this week, right ? Make sure you keep a strict watch on that shinigami guy, alright ?

Lisa: I'm doin' it, so shut up.

Kensei: The hell you are !! The only thing you're looking at is a porn mag !!

Lisa: Shut up, go away, you're ruining it... And I don't need to watch, his friend's doing it already anyways.

Kensei: he got here 5 minutes ago, it doesn't count.

Shinji: Maybe we should shout at him or something to help him along. Alright, One-two ! One-two !!


Ichigo: S... Stop... STOP THAT SHIT !!!

Hiyori: HEY, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING !! Don't get pushy with me or I'll have to beat your ass, baldy !!

Shinji: That's... My line...

Ichigo: NO, IT'S MINE !! Even after you talked so highly about that "Subduing a hollow is by crushing it" crap !! How the hell does spending days on some fraudulent piece of shit diet machine fit into those plans ?! ARE YOU A RETARD ?! OR AM I THE RETARD FOR ACTUALLY TRYING IT !!

"I have a pretty good idea about that, but I don't think neither of you will appreciate it..."


Hiyori: YOU ARE THE RETARD !! THE ONLY RETARD !! AND A BALDY !! We're taking sweet time out of our busy schedule to train you, so you should just shut up and be thankful !!

Mashirao: Um... We're back...

Ichigo: How the hell can you call that piece of junk "Training" ?! All you ever call me is a baldy, you bucktooth loser !!

Hiyori: I'm not talking about your hair, stupid !! Your face is bald !! And besides, my buckteeth are my charmpoint, baldy !!


"It's been some time since they quarreled like that. It's lively."

Mashirao: Um, we went and bough bentos. Do you wanna eat it now ?

Love: Oh, right, let's eat up !

Mashirao: What's going on with Strawberry ? Looks like a mess.

"Well, I suppose he doesn't like that 'Super Hiyori worker'."

Mashirao: What ?! After all this time ?!

Love: if I was in Hiyori's shoes though, I probably would have explained the worker's purpose beforehand...

Mashirao: yeah... She thinks just saying one or two things will cut it.


Ichigo: GOH !! You little...

Shinji: Hold on, Ichigo. That "Shitty Hiyori worker" will be the foundation of your training from here on out.

Hiyori: It's "Super Hiyori worker" !!!

Shinji: the level of your next training will be decided on how many days you can keep working on that. It's just like Hiyori says. Stop whining like a little bitch and get back on the shitty Hiyori worker.

Hiyori: If you don't call it super, I'm gonna kill you, baldy Shinji !!

Shinji: The point at which we'll teach you how to control your hollow transformation, will be after you can keep on that for 3 days in a row, at the very least.

Ichigo: You're outta your mind !! I don't care if it's three days or a week, that's totally frickin' impossible !! I can tell just by doing it one day ! Just by touching it, it consumes a crapload of spirit power ! That's the purpose of the machine !! You want to know the maximum limit of my reiatsu when I collapse after working on this for days and days, am I right ?! But I'll tell you right now, with my power, I could last for five days on this thing !! That's why this thing's a waste of time !!

"I can't be that bad, let's see... Oh wow, it does feel like my energy's being sucked ouuuuuuuuuuuuu..."


Love: ... How long did he lasted ?

Mashirao: Around... 4 seconds or something... ?

Hiyori: HA !! That's what you get !! Weak AF !!

"I'll fucking erase you from this dimension if you don't shut up..."

Hiyori: Whaaaaat ? I can't here your mumbling !

Ichigo: Just tell me already !! The way to control my hollow transformation ! I don't have much time, you know !! And certainly not the kind of free time I'd waste playing around with you vizards !


Shinji: "Don't have the time", huh ? This coming from the guy who doesn't even know how long it takes to awaken the Hôgyoku.

"Wait... What did you say just now... ?"

Shinji: Whether it's about the Hôgyoku or the hollow transformation, a person who knows nothing like yourself has no room to talk ! We know, about the Hôgyoku, the arrancars, and Sosuke Aizen. We've known it all, long, long before you even jumped on the stage.

Shinji: The details, though, can wait for "later". We though it wouldn't hurt to allow your soul to adapt to our way of doing things. But after thinking about it, until now, your shinigami transformation, Shikai and even Bankai, were all achieved with a ridiculous amount of speed.

Ichigo: How... can you possibly know all that ?!

Shinji: So maybe you really are right. Maybe it's best if we just go ahead and teach you about the hollow transformation right away. That's probably the way you're better suited to, anyway. Time to go, Ichigo. You'd better not regret this.

"So, speeding up the process because he's the protagonist ?"

Shinji: Most likely. He has the plot on his side, he'll be fine.

Shinji: Hachi, put up the double-layer dislocation barrier.

Hachi: Yes sir.

Shinji: 'Can you hear me, Ichigo ? From this point on, you are going to transform completely into a hollow. Don't let it eat you, consume it instead. 'cuz if you get eaten, that's the end.'

White: Yo... Long time no see, huh ? "King".

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