Chapter 67: 90th level

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ichigo: D... Dad... ? Hey... Say something... D-

Ichigo: Wooaahh, that was close ! You bastaaaaarrrddddddd... !!

Aizen: Keeping your distance... ? A fast and wise decision. Seems it runs in the family.

'Did... Did I just found Mr.Joestar's counterpart here... ?'

Aizen: So, are you simply going to stand there until they come back ?

"Are you ? Right now I'm just observing, looking for the right time."

Aizen: What about those tricks you were talking about ?

"Wouldn't it be quite stupid to announce when I'm using one ?"

Aizen: That is true. You've been spectating for quite a while now, Gin.

Gin: I wasn't spectating. I just didn't see any chance or need to make myself useful.

Aizen: I see...

"Right time it is ! Saisentan, Hogo Reiâmâ !!"

"I... Mr.Kurosaki, could you remind me what was your rank back in Soul Society... ?

Isshin: Why ?

"Because, from where I'm standing, it looks like you're wiping him without breaking a sweat..."

Isshin: Dunno, but his movements are getting pretty damn slow. You at your limit already Aizen ?

Aizen: ... yes, it would seem that way. My limit has come. As a shinigami, that is.

"... What ?"

Aizen: My soul, will undergo a metamorphosis.

Isshin: What're you talking about ?

Aizen: It seems as though the Hôgyoku's will has finally begun to understand my mind.

Isshin: Talking nonsense now ?

Aizen: Don't you understand ? I'm saying, that the Hôgyoku possesses a will of its own.

"... Are you DONE with all those ass-pulls whenever we have you cornered ?! You're like a kid who keeps inventing new rules to win the game... '... is this what Dio felt when Jotaro first stopped time... ?'..."

Aizen: I can't blame you for not feeling it. I, too, was not aware that the Hôgyoku had a will until I became its master. What exactly do you think the Hôgyoku's power is ?

"I have the distinct feeling that whatever we answer, it'd still be wrong..."

Aizen: I take that as a no. the "True" power of the Hôgyoku, is to read the minds of those around it, and make manifest what it finds there.

"Oh, fuck me sideways ! ... I think there are remnants of Kurotsuchi's serum..."

Aizen: You don't understand ? I'm saying, that all of the "miracles" that have occurred around you all thus far, were manifested by the Hôgyoku's will.

Isshin: What're you talking about... ?

Aizen: The reason Urahara Kisuke misidentified the Hôgyoku's power as "manipulating the boundary between hollow and Shinigami", it's because that was his wish as its creator. The reason that Rukia Kuchiki transferred all her spiritual power to Ichigo Kurosaki, and lost her powers as a shinigami, was because she hadn't been given any relief from the pain of killing Kaien Shiba. The reason Yasutora Sado and Orihime Inoue had their unique powers brought forth, was because they so deeply detested their own powerlessness. Although, for that last one, I should command your own effect regarding that matter.

Aizen: But anyway, I realized the Hôgyoku's true power. No, to say I realized its true power would be inaccurate. Tu put it more precisely, I knew that its power was not, as Kisuke Urahara put it. I knew this because, if its true power was to manipulate the boundary between hollow and shinigami, then Shinji Hirako and the others should not have become complete "vizards". Their hollowification, was an experiment with hollowification itself, and at the same time a way to ascertain the abilities of the Hôgyoku. And that experiment was a success. The activation of the Hôgyoku's abilities by Kisuke Urahara's hand, caused them to evolve into complete "Vizards". And then I, armed with that hypothesis about the Hôgyoku's abilities, sent Rukia Kuchiki in the direction of Ichigo Kurosaki.

"You done there or-"

Aizen: Of course, there are limits to its abilities.

'And people wonder why I quit school...'

Aizen: The Hôgyoku manifests what's in the minds of those around it, but this will not happen unless the subject inherently possesses the power to fulfill their desire. By that token, this could also be called the "power that guides people towards their desires".

'Come to think of it, why aren't I using his distraction to attack him... ?'

Aizen: But living creatures are strange, they are made in such a way, that they can actualize only what their minuscule minds wish for.

Isshin: You son of a bitch-

Ichigo: DAHRAAH !!!

Gin: You stopped that pretty well. For dumb luck, it wasn't half bad.

Ichigo: Whaddaya mean "dumb luck", you jackass ?!

"Um... You alright there, Ichigo... ?"

Ichigo: WHAT ?! You're getting on my nerves !! Just a little bit more and I've got this ! So stay out of my way !!


Gin: Sorry, captain Aizen. Did I interrupt your conversation ?

Aizen: It's fine. We, were just finishing up.

"Oh no... No, no, no nononononoNONONONONONO !!"

Ichigo: What the hell is that ?! What's going on ?!

Isshin: The hell if I know !! I was just thinking that none of this makes sense and then you came flying in so we haven't made any progress !!

Ichigo: Whaddaya mean "The hell if I know" ?! You've been fighting with him all this time, haven't you ?!

Isshin: Quit your whining !! If you wanna know then why don't you ask him directly ?! You're such a pain in the ass !!

"Power-up !! He's powering-up !! STOPPING IT RIGHT NOW !!!"

Aizen: I must say... the "Hôgyoku" is aptly named indeed. (Pearl of destruction/Crumbling treasure)

Aizen: This is undoubtedly the power to utterly obliterate the boundary, between the separate planes of the divine and the mortal.



Aizen: ... So you came... Kisuke Urahara... !

Urahara: ... It's been a long time, Aizen. That's, a rather curious outfit.

Aizen: Everything is ugly, when it's at the midway point in its evolution.

Urahara: No one said anything about it being ugly... I see you've fused with the Hôgyoku...

Aizen: It's not "fusion". Let us say that I "Subjugated" it. I subjugated the Hôgyoku that you were unable to gain total control over.

Urahara: I was unable to gain total control over it... That was indeed the case, back in those days anyway.

Aizen: back in those days ? You very obviously are unable to admit defeat. No, it doesn't matter whether or not you're able to admit defeat. For you, have already lost the chance, to command the Hôgyoku.


"I've grown tired of your damn monologue already. The time for talking is over, now it's time to cross swords."

Aizen: So, are you happy now ? That you restrained me with a technique barely stronger than a bakudô ?

"So it's that weak, huh ? Then, what will it take..."

Urahara: ... Before it become worthy ? Bakudô 63, SAJÔ SABAKU ! (Etheral binding chain) Bakudô 79, KUYÔ SHIBARI !! ( Nine sun bind)

Aizen: Kuh...

Urahara: Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired...

Aizen: Do you think i'm going to let you use a Kidô like that ? As if something like this c-


Aizen: Grzzzt !

Urahara: Too slow. Hadô 91, SENJÛ KÔTEN TAIHÔ ! (Thousand-hand bright heaven cannon)

Ichigo: ... Wow...

"My arm, where's my arm... It's still here, great."

Urahara: Aizen... It seems that taking in the Hôgyoku, truly has called you to let your guard down...

Aizen: That is exactly right. Too slow.

Aizen: I will let my guard down, for there is no longer any need to be on guard. I can feel it, my body has subjugated the Hôgyoku, and now the entirety of my abilities, which were once unsurpassed in all of Soul Society, are beginning to climb to even greater heights. Even 90th level Kidôs no longer merit being avoided !

"We weren't talking about what just happened. If you truly were on guard... Then you never would have let an opponent with unknown abilities attack you directly."

Aizen: W- What are these... ?

Urahara: They're seals. They blocked off the reiatsu vents which are located in the wrists of all shinigami.

"Now, try to guess, Aizen. When did I implant these into you ?"

Urahara: You will now be incinerated from the inside out, by your own reiatsu.

Ichigo: Guys...

"Our problems just began, didn't they ?"

Ichigo: Huh... ?

Urahara: It'd be lovely if something like that was the end of this. Since that would mean he was just an ordinary monster. He will emerge shortly.

"The... Hell... is that ?!"

Aizen: tempting me to attack by using a 90th level kidô as a decoy... Then burning me from the inside-out with a technique you developed yourself, in addition of a literally "out of this world" ability... If it were anyone other than myself...

Aizen: No, anyone other than myself after having subjugated the Hôgyoku, then this battle would have most likely been over. Unfortunately, however, the Hôgyoku you've created exceeds your comprehension. This technique, which you most likely developed in preparation for the battle with me, will not have any effect.

"No choice then..."

Aizen: if skill fails then use force ? Very well.

Aizen: You... Yoruichi... !

Yoruichi: ORAAAAAAAA !!

'J... Jotaro's counterpart... ?'

Yoruichi: Well ? I thought you'd at least-



Yoruichi: Tch !

Aizen: What's the matter ? You're not done already, are you ? Quickly, reveal your next trick, I will grind each of them into dust, until the very last one one has gone to waste.

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