Chapter 69: Kill...

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Aizen: I've grown about tired... Playing hide and seek like that... What is that... ?

Your POV:


"Once again, for the third time; Hello~."

Aizen: I thought I felt some enormous reiatsu heading that way for a while. I just wasn't sure which one of you it was.

"Well, that was me. Suup' ?"

Aizen: I'm curious, though. Was your reiatsu always that high, or did you actually do something to achieve that level of power ?

"If you really want to know, a week's worth of a healthy, Kôryû-exclusive diet. Yummy."

Asano: Wait... Y- Y/n ? Is that... Really you ?

"You guys... I'm afraid I can't answer all of your questions right now. Trust me, everything will be told in due time, but for now, you really need to get away from here."

Tatsuki: Is this related to Ichigo ?

"What do you expect ? Everything that happened around here for the two last decades was ether related to Ichigo, that mofo over there, or even both of them most of the time. So be reassured, because Ichigo will soon show up here with a new ass-pulled power-up and save everyone once and for all."

Aizen: So you are here to stall for time. That would explain why you directly went to fight me without waiting. Were you worried to what I might have done to your friends here ?

"Given that, I suppose it wouldn't have been especially pretty..."

Aizen: What can I say ? To me, hanging their dead bodies right outside of town where Kurosaki couldn't miss them seemed like a decent idea to raise his fighting spirit.

"... Worse part of it ? You've got it perfectly right. So I suppose there's no choice but to throw everything I've got to stop you now. Saisentan, Hogo Reiâmâ..."

Aizen: The same old tricks, over and over again. Don't you ever grow tired ?

"Not really. And by the way, I wasn't finished just yet... HOSHI TEI NO YOROI !! (Armor of the star emperor)

"Mr.Joestar, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Abdul, Iggy... Please, lend me your strength."

Aizen: Impressive. Truly impressive. You've finally broke free of your restraints as a human being, and somehow managed to evolve into something that combines shinigami and human power.

"Think whatever the shit you want, Aizen. But this is exactly how I'll make you disappear: Not as a fake shinigami, but claiming my humanity until the very end."

Aizen: Then you shall die as a human by my hand.

Gin: That won't be necessary, captain Aizen. I finally have returned.

Aizen: You're back ? What did you do with her ?

Gin: Killed her.

"... So I wasn't mistaken... That smaller reiatsu I felt on my way here was really Matsumoto's..."

Aizen: And it has indeed disappeared. You surprise me, Gin. Here I thought that you possessed some kind of feelings for her.

Gin: Feelings ? I ain't got nothing like that. I told you when we first met, didn't I ? I'm a snake. My skin's cold, and I ain't got any feelings; I crawl around, looking for a prey with the tip of my tongue. And when I find one I take a liking too, I swallow it whole. That's the kinda creature I am. I told you that, didn't I ?

"... There ? You're done with that monologue ? Can we go to the point already ?"

Aizen: I swear... Your shenanigans are really starting to annoy me. I suppose playtime is over now.

"Yeah. You do that."

Gin: Sounds good to me. If that's the plan, then I'll be the one to kill this kid.

Aizen: Gin...

"... ... Nyeh... ?"

Gin: The only way to escape from Kyôka Suigetsu's power, is to touch the sword before the activation of its complete hypnosis. Getting that piece of information outta you, took me a few decades.

'Guess we're at this for a while. *Yawn*'

Gin: Not a soul in the Gotei 13 knew about that, and yet they were all convinced they could kill you. So watching them caused me some anxiety. Despite the fact that i'm the only one who's capable of killing you.

'Doo do do do do dododo dododo dododo I'm waiting to attack~'

Aizen: I knew... I brought you along knowing your objective... because I was curious to see how you'd make your attempt on my life...


Aizen: But it's too bad for you Gin. Do you think you can kill me...

Gin: With something like that ? Nope. Hey, drifter. Do you see anything different about my blade ?

"Uh... ? Oh, umm..."

"There's... A part missing ? I think..."

Gin: Correct. Aizen, I just left that piece inside you.

Aizen: ... What... ?

Gin: A long time ago, I told you about my Bankai's ability, right ? Sorry, but I was lying about it. It doesn't extend as far as I said it did, and it doesn't extend as fast as I said it did. All it does, is turn into dust for just a second when it expands and contracts, and, there's a deadly poison inside the blade, that dissolves and breaks down cells.

Aizen: ...

"... Pretty hardcore here, don't you think ?"

Gin: Looks like you both figured it out. When I recalled my sword after it pierced your chest just now, I kept a single shard intact and left it in your heart.

Aizen: ... Gin... !

Gin: If you're gonna talk, you better do it quick. Hell, even if you are quick, you're gonna die anyway. Kill... Kamishini no yari.

Aizen: Gin... You bastard...

Gin: A hole's gonna open in your chest and you're gonna die. That's what I've always wanted, you know ?

'So much plot twists here, love that show...'

Aizen: ... Gin...

Gin: It's over... This is the end of it... !

"So, um... Whose side are you on exactly ?"

Gin: Are you for real ? I just-

"Attacked your own boss and stole the source of his power. Which is actually a pretty common 'bad-guy-lieutenent' thing to do. That doesn't just automatically makes you a good guy out of the blue..."

Gin: Just shut up and erase that thing already !!

"'Kay, geez... But don't think we're done just yet."

Aizen: You couldn't be closer to the truth.

"... Butterfly..."

Aizen: Victory is mine, now. Even if it is not inside me, the Hôgyoku that you have pilfered... Already belongs to me.

Gin: What the hell, is this ?!

"I have no idea, but I don't like it one bit !!"


Aizen: It's ove-


Aizen: Really ? Those little tricks agai-

"SÔRÂSHÎRU-KYÛ !!" (Solar seal sphere)

Aizen: *Muffled* That won't sto-


"Haa... Haa... Haa..."

Gin: What did you jus-

"No time to explain, and no time for chatter ! Don't ask questions, just go with the flow !!"

Gin: Wha- GAAARGH !! D- Did you just... Stab me with a fucking arrow ?!

"I said no questions ! I only bought us a few seconds with that, so you better get used to your new powers, and fast !!"

Aizen: A few seconds have passed. All the power you've build up, that reiatsu you've got at the risk of your own life, even if it might have been enough to compete with me at that time... i'm afraid you're back at being nothing but a pebble on my path. So... A "Stand arrow" is that it ?

"Guh... He hehehe... And now I'm just shaking in my shoes... It's been years since I've felt that sheer terror infiltrate every nook and cranny of my soul..."

Aizen: A normal reaction. No, I think I should comment the fact it took so much to instill that terror within you.

"Gin, I'm sorry in advance for any kind of pain that'll follow."

Gin: At this point, I don't think it really matters anymore.

"Good. let's go... You and your brand new, [SPIDER DANCE]."

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