Final chapter: One last mission

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Ichigo: Is... Is it over ?

"This time... I think it is... Aizen has been annihilated, for good. Now all that is left to do, is go back."

Ichigo: Yeeeeeah, about that... How exactly do you plan on doing that ?

"Simple. The exact same way I used to get us here."

Ichigo: But... You had to give away your Shikai to open up the door...

"It only means I'll have to use something equivalent to open from the other side. After all, like I said, my Bankai is an anomaly, and would most likely threaten to destroy the Soul Society if I'm not careful enough. And besides, it's not like we really have a choice here, do we ?"

Ichigo: Yeah... What are you waiting for then ?

"Bakudô 100, Dokoni Mo Tobira..."

"Come on, hang in there a little. I warn you, I'm not carrying you all the way back."

Urahara: Kurosaki, L/n...

Ichigo: Urahara... Where is everyone ?

Urahara: They went back. It seemed like they all wanted to speak with you, but coming over and talking to you seemed like an equally difficult task to all of them.

"Wait a second, did you... ?"

Urahara: No... This time I didn't mess with anything.

Ichigo: Oh. Good. I don't want to hide it anymore. When I get back, I'll tell them from my own mouth.

Urahara: Since you're both here, and judging by the absence of any landscape...

"Aizen has been dealt with. There is no need to worry about that anymore."

Urahara: If that's the case, why are you making that face ? You should be happy that all of this is finally over.

"I know... But I wonder why, I just can't enjoy this. I can't bring myself to hate Aizen... I had no problem hating Dio, he was pure and plain evil after all. But Aizen..."

Urahara: You risked your life, saved everyone, and defeated Aizen. You did the right thing, you have no reason to make that face.

"I wonder... You know I didn't really 'killed' him, but rather 'absorbed' his soul, right ? So just before he finally disappeared, I happened to be able to... read his heart, for a split second. And I felt nothing but 'isolation' in it. "

"If his powers were truly on a different scale from the moment he was born... Then maybe ha was just searching for someone to call his equal, someone who viewed things the same way he did."

"It's not the first time I come across that feeling, so I know what it is... And if the Hôgyoku's truly able to materializes his heart's desire... then maybe, just maybe... he was wishing for his own defeat... For someone to be able to battle him with equal power, for someone to finally overthrow him..."

"I think that, deep down, he wished he could be 'Just a normal shinigami'..."

Urahara: ... ...

Orihime: Ku... Kurosaki... ?

"It's you guys... What are you doing here in your state ?"

Rukia: That's my line...

Orihime: I... I knew it was you... Your hair was long... So I thought maybe I was seeing things... Kurosaki...

Ichigo: Geez, what a face you're making, Orihime ! I know my hair's a mess, though, but-

"I- Ichigo ? Ichigo ?!"

Orihime: Kurosaki !!

Ichigo: ... U... Uahh... UAAAAAAHHHH !!!

Orihime: KUROSAKI !!

Ichigo: Eh ? Huh ? Is... Is this my house ?

"Yep. You know you really had us worried for awhile. It's been a month after all."

Orihime: Everyone's so calm... I'm so embarrassed for screaming all by myself...

Ichigo: One month... That's right ! My shinigami powers... !

Rukia: Ichigo. We heard everything. That you've lost your shinigami powers.

Ichigo: I see. I don't blame you for telling them, Y/n.

"It wasn't me. To be fair, I collapsed shortly after you, and had to stay in bad for some time too. I was stabbed through the chest after all. A little more to the left, and I wouldn't be here."

Ichigo: Seems like we both got out of it by a hair after all. I suppose I'll have to give back my substitute shinigami title.

Rukia: ... The first stage of loss brings intense pain, loss of consciousness, and a reverse flow of the time that your body experienced in the Dangai. Your hair has gotten shorter, hasn't it ? Well, we didn't cut it. You already lost your shinigami powers at that point. Then, in the second stage, your remaining reiatsu stabilized, and you woke up. And in due time, the remaining of your power will completely disappear...

Ichigo: ... Oh. I thought so.

"You... You're taking this awfully well, you know."

Ichigo: I'd figured that this would happen... Can we go outside ?

Ichigo: 'I can't sense any spiritual presences... Even Rukia's is slowly fading away... My power really is disappearing.'

Rukia: I suppose this is farewell, Ichigo.

Ichigo: Seems so.

Rukia: What ? Don't look so sad. Even if you can no longer see me, I can still see you.

Ichigo: What ? That doesn't make me happy at all ! And I wasn't making a sad face either !

Ichigo: Tell everyone, give them my farewells.

Rukia: Okay.

Ichigo: Bye, Rukia. Thank you.

*It's been several months since then... Several months since the battle for Karakura Town. With the whole "Aizen" threat finally over, things returned to normal. Ishida has taken upon Ichigo's duties of hollow extermination. Apparently there was someone supposed to do it, but he truly isn't a reliable guy.*

Asano: ... I wonder what Rukia's up to.

Ichigo: Weren't we talking about grades, why does Rukia have to come into the discussion there ?!

Asano: Becauuuuse, don't you think it'd be nice for her to show her face around here every once in a while ? Don't you think it's kinda cold that she hasn't come back even once ?

Ichigo: No, it's not. She isn't the representative of Karakura Town to begin with. It's normal for her not to come.

Asano: ... Aren't you lonely ?

Ichigo: Like hell I'd be. This is the normal life I've worked 18 years to get. i'm fine with peace until I die.

Asano: I feel ya. I don't wanna have any more scary experiences with those monsters like that either-

Orihime: KUROSAKI !!!

Asano: WUAAAAHG !!

Ichigo: Don't appear out of nowhere so suddenly, Orihime. What happened ?

Orihime: I... It's Y/n...

Ichigo: What about him ?

Orihime: He told me to get you and the others... To go at Urahara's shop ! They just finished !

Asano: Finished what ?

Orihime: The gate ! He's about to go back to his world !

"I still think it looks awfully similar to that senkaimon we first used."

Urahara: The technologies used are quite similar after all. We just had to give it a power boost to work.

"And man, is it a massive power boost..."

Ichigo: So, That's it ? You really are going back ?

"Yep. Urahara already took some measures concerning the rest, altered some memories, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Ishida: I can't believe it took you so long to build it...

"We had a lot, and I mean A LOT of problems coming up. Hachi trapping Urahara in one of his barriers for an entire month definitely didn't help. Not to mention Kurotsuchi was particularly eager to figure out my Bankai, Gin's trial we had to figure out... The gate in itself wasn't too much of a hassle, honestly."

Ichigo: Speaking of, where is Gin ?

Ishida: Hmm...

"I was worried about that. That's also the most troublesome issue we had to deal with. You not being able to sense them at all."

Ichigo: Let me guess, they're all already here ?

"Yes, and that was the whole problem. But thankfully, I was able to come up with something on my own, for once. Tell me, Ichigo... Does this looks any familiar to you ?"

Ichigo: T... Tensa Zangetsu... But how ?

"It took me a while to figure it out, but afterwards I had to bash my head from my own stupidity. Back there, I used my Bankai to absorb all the reiatsu contained in that pocket dimension. Including yours, that was stored. It's what took us so long, to find a way to isolate your reiatsu, and finally give it back to you. Now please, just hold still. Deep Pass Overdrive..."

Somewhere else:


"I give you, Ichigo... Shingetsu. (New Moon)"

Ichigo: My shinigami powers...

Rukia: So, are you back in business yet, Ichigo ?

Ichigo: Rukia... Renji... Gin ?

Ichimaru: It appears, that while I escaped the death penalty, I still got banished to the human world for my actions...

Yoruichi: So now he's working here with Urahara.

"Well... I think I've delayed that for a bit too much time already..."

Urahara: Now, right before you go, I do need to warn you. Remember what happen when you travel using the Dangai or the Garganta ? The same will apply here, only much more stronger.

"So if I get lost in there..."

Urahara: Even if it only lasts a couple of hours for you, it could be years before you actually finds an exit.

"I'll keep that in mind."

Urahara: Also, there's no second chance. Powering-up the gate for its activation will require all of the reiatsu you've accumulated.

"And since my world features almost nonexistent reishi... I've figured it out quite some time ago already, but thanks for your concerning."

Ichigo: I suppose this is farewell then...

"It is... ... ... ... ... Oh, but silly me, there's one last thing I need to do, after all !"

Ichigo: What it is ?

"I did promised myself that it would be the last thing I'd ever do before going back, after all, so here goes nothing. Ichigo ?"

Ichigo: Y- yes... ?

"... ... You and Orihime really look cute together, you should definitely date her."

Ichigo: Oh ok- WAIT WHAT ?!!


3rd Person POV:

Ichigo: I... I mean... He... WHAT ?!!

Ishida: Just like the rest of us, he figured out what you were to dense to see, Kurosaki... When I think about it, it's kind of sad...

Chad: Hm.

Renji: Man, are you really THAT blind to not see what's right under your nose?

Yoruichi: That kid truly was something else, wasn't he ?

Urahara: Yeah... otherworldly, if you ask me. Things are gonna seem bland without him around.

Yoruichi: What's that in your pocket ?


Urahara: Oh my, it seems that I completely forgot to give him that. How careless of me.

Yoruichi: Don't play dumb with me, I know you did it on purpose !

Urahara: I have no idea what you're talking about.


How much time has passed since then... How many hours... Well, exactly 4 hours and 20 minutes, according to my watch.

"Finally... I had my fill of the Garganta for my whole life... I'm definitely sure this is the right place but... Excuse me sir, but could you remind me of the date ?"

???: Oh, sure... It's May 20...

"Thank y-"

???: ... 1996.

"I- I see. Thank you."

???: Anytime.

'1996... I'm positive it was still 1989 when I left... Did... Did I really just spent 6 ENTIRE YEARS lost in the Garganta ?!! Oh boy...'

*Ding !*

"And what's that... Now ? A phone ? That's funny, I can't remember having one of these in the first place..."

*Mom: Missed calls: 5465.*

"Oh... Fu-"

I think I delayed this for a bit too long, didn't I ? But not, it is finally time. Sooo...

Who's ready for that Crazy Noisy Bizarre town ?

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