Chapter 25 The Big Reveal

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Chapter 25


It was bittersweet.  On the one hand, I was so happy that for once, I could comfort Nico.  I rubbed his back and held him until he fell back asleep and I just watched him for a while until I started to get drowsy again.  On the other hand, hearing the story about how he lost his mother was heartbreaking.

Thinking about a five year old boy watching the plane his mother was flying in, crash and go up in flames, must have been devastating and confusing.  I didn't blame him for his fear of flying at all and it kind of explained a lot about his personality.  Especially the way he was when we were first together.  In some ways he had been afraid to get too close, he kept his walls up.  His heart had been broken once already and he was protecting it.

When I got sleepy I kissed Nico on the forehead and settled my head down on the soft pillow.  Tomorrow would soon be here and I needed a good night sleep to deal with the issues surrounding my mother.

"Hey, baby wake up."  I slowly regained consciousness to Nico gently shaking my shoulder alternating with soft kisses on my temple.  Strong sunlight was streaming in the window, but the strength of the rays were always multiplied out here on Serenity as they reflected off the water.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"Almost 10."

"Sorry."  I sat up and rubbed the tiredness out of my eyes.  "I can't believe I slept this late."

"It's okay, our appointment isn't until 2:00pm, I thought about letting you sleep later, but…"  Nico blushed as he paused and my curiosity was piqued, I looked at him closely. 


"I…"  he let out an embarrassed chuckle.  "I missed you." 

I grinned back at Nico, the almost shy smile he returned was so priceless I wanted to commit it to memory and sketch it later.  It was rare to see Nico like this, but between last night's confession and this morning I was getting to see a whole new side of him.

"What do you want to do until we have to go?" he asked.

"I could use a workout, umm, a gym workout. I haven't had a chance to get any exercise in a while, well, except…"  Now it was my turn to blush, "I think a good run and some weights would make me feel a lot better."  Nico squeezed my chin with a wink and stood up..

"I'll make us each one of my famous protein shakes and then we could head down to the gym."

It felt good to go for a run on the treadmill, though I prefer the jogging path I'd discovered near my apartment.  Afterwards we spotted each other on some weights; Nico was able to lift a lot more than me, but I still able to lift a reasonable amount since I'd been training with weights on and off for the last couple of years.  I just never seemed to be able to add any bulk, but my Dad was tall and lean like me, so I guess it was genetics.

Emilio made us lunch in the afternoon before we boarded the speedboat to head to shore to go meet with the lawyers.  Nico dressed in a suit; I swear the man feels more comfortable like that than the most comfortable pair of jeans and a Henley, my most typical outfit of choice these days.  Of course, I was either going to classes or painting, not running one of the most successful corporations on the west coast, and to be honest, he could really rock a three piece suit.

I did have some decent clothes on the boat, so I put on a pair of khakis and a dress shirt.  Nico said I looked great and that's the only person I was trying to impress.

The lawyers were very friendly and listened closely as I explained my position and wishes.  They didn't try to talk me out of anything, but did explain all of the implications and how they could construct a contract that my mother would have to sign before she got any money.  We came up with a figure that would give her enough income to pay for a decent apartment and food and clothing.  The rent and utilities would be paid directly by the  trust and she would be given a moderate stipend which she'd have to manage herself. 

When they met with her they would also have somebody on hand from a rehabilitation center to talk to her about her addiction and offer her help.  I decided I would be at the designated meeting place, but not in the room while the negotiations happened; instead nearby and able to attend or make decisions based on what happened. 

Once the lawyers had all the details we left.  Nico dropped me off at my apartment so I could get some painting done while he went off to his office for a few hours.  He was unsure about leaving me, but I was fine and painting was the best relaxation for me right now.  I had missed a couple of classes, but I'd speak with my professors tomorrow and explain I had a family emergency.

It only took two days before my mother called the lawyers.  She first tried again to get my contact information from Garrett at Juntado, but I had called him giving him a heads up and asking him to thank the receptionist who wouldn't give it out the first time she stopped by.  I figured she would try again, and wasn't surprised when Garrett called and told me that he almost had to call the police to have her removed from the gallery.

The meeting was set up for later in the week so the papers could be finalized and the rehab worker scheduled.  I stayed with Nico at the apartment that night and he was going with me; we would stay in another room while the lawyers spoke with my mother.  We were using the offices of one of their associate lawyers where many negotiations like this took place, the offices had several meeting rooms and a high level of security, not that we were worried about my mother doing anything…well, who knows what my mother was capable of, and this new husband of hers was a wildcard.

"If I need to speak with her, I want to do it alone," I said to Nico on the drive over.  When he looked at me questioningly, I quickly clarified.  "I mean, with the lawyers, but I'd rather not have you there.  I don’t want to give her the opportunity to say anything demeaning about our relationship or to you."

"Are you protecting me?" Nico asked with a half-smile, glancing over at me as he drove. 

I chuckled at the thought, but thinking about it, it was true.  "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Okay, I'll stay in the next room, but if you need me at any time, you send in one of my security guys who'll be there with you."

"I'll be fine, but it's a deal," I assured him.

Once we arrived, we went in the side door of the building after driving into a private parking garage.

"I feel like we're in some spy movie," I laughed.

"It's overkill for us, but they coordinate a lot of high level negotiations here, and sometimes security between the two parties is pretty high."

Arriving to our meeting room we shook hands with Stuart and the other lawyers.  Nico nodded at his security team and I gave them a quick smile recognizing a few of them.  I sat down with Stuart who went through the contract in detail and I nodded when I saw that he had all of the clauses I had asked for.  A woman came in a little later and told us that my mother and a man introduced as her husband had arrived and were settled into another conference room.

Stuart and two other lawyers along with four security guards went in to meet with her.  I sat with Nico who watched me closely, so I reached over squeezing his hand while giving him a look that I hope told him I was fine.  "I'm okay," I mouthed.

Thirty minutes later Stuart returned to our room.

"How's it going?" Nico asked before I had a chance to open my mouth.

"Well, good news and bad news depending on how you look at it.  She jumped at the offer, I mean, she has grounds for nothing and she knows it."

"And the bad news?" I asked.

"I think she's on something, she's coherent, but you can tell she's using.  Her husband is actually not a bad guy, he's a truck driver; he's been out of work for a while, they're living with a relative of his, but he thinks he has a lead on a new job.  When Sharon, from the rehab center tried to talk to her, she refused and shut right down and excused herself to go to the restroom.  Her husband explained that when he was home, he was usually able to keep her clean, but when he went on the road, she would fall off the wagon, make friends with other addicts, blow any money they'd manage to save.  He wants the help Sharon's offering for her, and thinks he can convince her.  He was grateful for the money so he could stay with her while she gets clean, if he doesn't have to worry about a roof over their head he can get a local job and be home with her every night."

"Tell him we'll find him a job, close to home regular hours, I have lots of contacts, that won't be a problem," Nico announced.  I looked over at him and his jaw was set, his dark eyes unreadable.

"Yes," the lawyer continued, "I think if that is a possibility he can get her into the program.  Let me go back and speak with him."

Stuart left the room and I turned to Nico.  "You don't have to do that."

"It's not a big deal and if he screws up, he's out of a job, but if Stuart's reading him right, and I've always known him to be a good judge of character, maybe he just needs a break."  I nodded and began tapping my fingers on the table, waiting for this just to be over.

Twenty minutes later Stuart was back in the room.  "The papers are signed, by both your mother and Mr. Pitfield, her husband.  We had two sets of documents made in case he showed up.  Your mother has agreed to meet with Sharon in a few days to set up an outpatient program and my people are discussing the details of the monetary dispensation.  We have a real estate agent who will help them find an apartment and help them get set up."

"Great, thank you Stuart.  Does that mean we can go?" I asked, letting out a deep breath and some of the tension I'd been holding for a while.

"Finn, they, well, Mr. Pitfield would like to speak with you.  He's very insistent and say's its important."

"No.  That's not part of the deal and it's not necessary," Nico said in a deep, commanding voice.

"Well, I explained that, but he says he won't leave until he has a few words with you.  I can have them removed, but I thought I'd just see what you wanted me to do."

"I'll talk to them," I sighed.

"Are you sure?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, I can always walk out of the room if I'm uncomfortable."  I stood up and Nico followed.  "Nico, I'm fine, I can do this."

"I'll just go in with the security men, they won't know who I am."

"Okay," I relented.  At this point, I just wanted to get this over with and go home.  I had a paper to write and this had taken longer than I wanted already.

I followed Stuart into the room and my mother looked up, her eyes slightly glassy.  She tried to give me a smile, but it came out looking more like a grimace.  A man stood up, he was wearing black jeans and a plain grey T-shirt.  He had long blond hair in a ponytail, a scruffy beard and tattoos up and down his arms.  He was a little rough around the edges, but his resigned look expressed fatigue and a hard life.

"Hi," he said, offering his hand, "I'm Eddie Pitfield."

"Finn Jennings," I replied, shaking his hand.

"I, umm…I hear you're a really talented artist, that's great."

"Thank you."

"I wanted to thank you for your generosity, I know you don't need to do this, especially, ummm…under the circumstances…"

"I'm doing it for my father, not for her," I said sternly, "it's what he would have wanted me to do."  I looked over at my mother and she glanced up and then quickly down at her hands.

"Well, I'm really grateful.  I'm going to help your mother get clean, and the apartment and the help getting a job, well, it's going to make all the difference."

I just nodded.  "It was nice meeting you, I'm going to go now.  As my lawyers explained, I don't want to  pursue a relationship with my mother, so please don't contact me again."  I started to turn away when Eddie called me back.

"Finn, wait, please, there's something really important I have to tell you, that you really need to know."






















I let out a big sigh and turned around.  "What?"

Eddie looked back at my mother who had glanced up for a second before looking down again.


"What Eddie," I asked impatiently when he paused, I couldn’t imagine what else I needed to know.

"Finn, you have a baby sister." 

I had begun to open my mouth again before he spoke, but now my mouth remained open as shock filtered through me.  I looked back at Nico who was standing with the security guys and he looked just as shocked and confused as I did.

"What are you talking about Eddie," I growled.

"She's just two months old…she…umm…"  Eddie looked back down at my mother whose face had turned to stone.  Uncaring and unemotional.

"Where is she?"

"She was taken away when your mother started using again.  I was trying to find a job, I couldn't look after her…and your mother…"

"Where. Is. She?" I repeated firmly.

"She's in foster care.  Look, I can give you the name of the case worker…If you…if you want her…we will sign over parental rights…I don't have what it takes to be a dad and your mo…"

"My mother doesn't have what it takes to be a mother," I ground out through gritted teeth, glaring in her direction.  She didn't have the courage to look up.  I turned back to Eddie.  "Is she okay, was she using when she was pregnant?"

"No, I moved us in with my sister as soon as we found out, between me and my sister, we kept her clean the whole time.  She's perfect."

"What's her name?"

"Paisley Louise."

(A/N:  I often put my friends in my stories, for once I'm putting me in the story!  If I can't marry Nico, I'm going to let Finn and Nico be my daddies and spoil me rotten!)

I sounded it out in my head.  They were family names.  Paisley was my grandmother's maiden name and Louise was my great grandmother's first name.  I glanced at my mother again, but she refused to look up.

"Mr. Pitfield, why don't you give me all the information you have and I'll see that Mr. Jennings gets it."  Stuart had stepped in and was leading Eddie back to the table while the security guards opened the door for me.

"I just…I just thought she should be with family…ya know?"  Eddie looked at me with pleading eyes.  I gave him a nod before I followed Nico and the security men out of the meeting room. 

I was stunned.  Simply and utterly stunned.  Once the doors had closed, Nico took my hand and led me back into the room we had waiting in before.  He asked everyone to leave us alone for a few minutes while I plopped myself into a chair.  A sister.  I had a little baby sister.  Paisley Louise.

Once the doors had closed I looked up at Nico.  I couldn't read his expression as he walked over and sat in a chair right in front of me and took my hands.

"I bet you weren't expecting that," he said trying to sound lighthearted.  I shook my head.  "What do you think?"

"I want to go see her, right away.  Do you think we can go see her?"

"Let's see what Stuart says when he gets back into the room," he replied softly.

"Did you see her, my mother?  Did you see the way she looked?" Finn asked, "She didn't even seem to care when Eddie was telling me about my sister.  Like, she could care less that she was taken."

"I know baby..."

"She's not even human!" I shouted.  Nico pulled me up and into his lap, caressing my back making me chuckle.  "I think I'm too tall for this now babe," I said, calming down.

"Just humor me," he replied so I relaxed into him.

"I can't believe this," I whispered.  "I'm scared though.  I mean, of course I want her…but…I don't know anyth…"

"We'll figure it out together," he interrupted.



A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.  I sat up and returned to my seat just as Stuart came in with a well-dressed woman I hadn't seen before.

"Finn, Nicolas, this is Jennifer Thompkins.  She's a family lawyer who works out of this office, she had a few minutes so I asked her to join us," Stuart gestured to the woman who stepped forward to shake our hands as we stood.

"Mr.  Jennings, Mr. Salazar, nice to meet you.  Stuart filled me in on the revelations from earlier.  We have the name and agency of the case worker involved.  As Stuart mentioned, I specialize in family law, I just wanted to ask your permission to contact this agency to get more information.  We already had Mr. and Mrs. Pitfield sign a consent form allowing us to speak with them regarding the child, I just need your go ahead."

"Yes!" I spoke up immediately.  "I want to see her as soon as possible…and…will I be able to…umm…"

"Gain custody?" she asked.

"Umm…" I looked over at Nico and he smiled and nodded.  "Yeah, yes.  I want to get custody."

"I need to find out the status of her case, she's still in foster care so that's a good sign.  Let me get to work on this and I'll get back with you as soon as possible."  Jennifer seemed really capable.  Everything was happening so fast that my heart was beating a mile a minute.

"It might take a day or so to get clearance for a visit, but I'll get on it right away.  I'll also advise them of your intentions and see what needs to be done.  Just leave me your cellphone number and I'll call you as soon as I have anything."

We gave her both of our phone numbers and headed out.  We had a quiet lunch together before I went to campus to meet with a professor and Nico went to the office.  I must have checked my phone every 10 seconds.  Finally at 5 minutes to 5 my cellphone rang.


"Mr. Jennings?"  It was Jennifer Thompkins.

"Please just call me Finn."

"Finn, they've approved a visitation, you can see your sister tomorrow."



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