Chapter 14

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"WHAT THE FREAKING F!" Avery's eyes widened, and her forehead wrinkled.

I couldn't blame my best friend. Paisley was running toward us in her signature shorts, covering almost nothing. She was all long legs as I remembered her from my sixteenth birthday. Her right hand with long candle-like fingers clasped on her phone while the other was on her chest. She was gasping for breath when she reached us.

Immediately, Art pulled me to his side, and his hand stayed on my waist. In a flash, Avery was in front of Art and me. She was like a mama bear, ready to protect her cubs from an intruder.

I was speechless. All I could think of was how the young woman standing before us almost ruined the special connection Art, and I share now.

It didn't escape my vision when Paisley's face flushed, seeing Art's hand etched on my waist. When her eyes moved to Art's face, she smiled. Her eyes sparkled. She fixed her hair, lifted her chin, and placed her left hand on her waist.

When Paisley stepped her right foot forward, it revealed her smooth, cream-colored leg. But my best friend wouldn't vouch. Avery did the same while meeting her eye to eye.

Before Paisley could say a word, Avery beat her to it. She placed her hands on both hips and blew a strand of hair away from her face.

"What brought you here, Pastry...." Avery's lips curved a half-smile. "I meant Paisley."

"I want to welcome Arty since it's move-in day today."

Avery pouted her lips.

"I didn't know you're part of the welcoming committee of MIT. But there's no doubt you could pass for a university mascot!"

"Avery Jackson!" Auntie Beth called aloud.

"It's okay, Mrs. Jackson. Avery was just being funny." Paisley smiled at Auntie Beth and looked at the other adults in attendance. When her eyes got back on Art, her smile got bigger. "Arty, I've been looking for you in the other residential halls. I almost gave up. Good thing I heard there's still the Baker House."

Auntie Jenny, Art's mom, moved forward and reached her hand to Paisley. "I'm Art's mother. Is there something important you need to tell Art that you looked for him in all the dorms?"

Avery's shoulders shook. Paisley bit her lip and shook her head. "No. I'm sorry to have taken your time. It was a relief to know someone in a university as big as this."

"I understand," Auntie Jenny nodded. "Well, if you don't need anything else from us, we must keep going. We will be spending the weekend all together in the in-campus apartment of Avery, my son's best friend, and Shelly, his girlfriend. It was nice to meet you."

I felt Art's hand squeeze my side. I could see Avery's whole body shaking from behind. It was hard to keep myself from laughing, so I turned my face into Art's chest.

"Okay... Thank you." Paisley turned around and walked back from where she came from without looking back.

Avery's dad smiled and patted Art on the shoulder. "That was one hell of a College Barbie! But, of course, you will need a perfect hiding plan from her."

"Dad, she looked more like a Ken to me!" Avery yelled back.

We all laughed as we walked toward the van. It didn't slip my attention when I felt Art's hand clasped tighter to mine. The moment we sat beside each other inside, he whispered to me, "Are you okay?"


The ride back to Connecticut was a non-stop torture for Art. Her mom kept giving her the sermon about why he needed to avoid Paisley.

In comparison, Avery's was more of a never-ending threat to Art's life.

In all the attention given to him, Art didn't pay any attention. All the while, he was focused on me. He made sure I was okay after Paisley's appearance. I made it clear that I didn't mind and was unaffected by what happened.

We all needed our weekend together before we went our separate ways. Though Art and I got our mothers' blessings to see each other, we also promised not to break any rules regarding our relationship. Also, Avery was committed to being our guardian angel and devil's advocate.

Sharing an apartment with my best friend while in college was a big help. It lessened my homesickness and missing my mother and Art. It was the same for Avery. Every time we missed our family, we hugged each other and cried.

Morning and night video calls and text messages in between made up for Art and mine's separation. Our first month in college went by swiftly. But our constant communication made our relationship stronger.

When Thanksgiving week came, the three of us agreed to go home to Boston the same day. Art picked us up, and we all traveled back together.

Our parents went all out for our first Thanksgiving back from college. We were pampered and served an endless feast for the whole week.

On our last night, Auntie Jenny requested that we all stay at their house for a sleepover. So the adults enjoyed their own bonding time while the three of us binged-watched our favorite romcoms.

Avery was busy devouring the popcorn as she checked her social media on her phone from time to time. While in our love bubble, Art and I enjoyed our time together, holding hands under the blanket. Silently, we communicated by writing words on our thighs and arms to avoid our loud best friend's teasing. 

Avery's loud voice burst our bubble when it was the middle part of the last movie.

"Triple OMG! What the freaking fuck!" Avery stood from the couch, grabbed the remote, and threw it hard toward Art. Her eyes were red; she was biting her lip as her chest heaved fast and deep. "Explain this right now, ARTY!"


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