Chapter 16

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ART'S GRIP ON MY hand was soft but firm. Even without looking at him, I could feel his body tensing. I don't know what came to me, but I thought I needed to say something.

I had to stop him from getting the idea he needed to change universities to solve his Paisley issue. It might be his way of professing his honesty and my importance to him, but I wouldn't allow him to quit his dream of becoming the best at MIT.

Is it safe to say that maybe the words came out because if someone needs to make a decision, I'd be the one who could quit my dream of having him in my life or vice versa?

I'm not blaming him at all. He was right. There's a timing for everything. Telling me what happened during Freshman Night wouldn't be an enticing Thanksgiving topic. But can I be blamed if I felt even a tiny ounce of doubt and jealousy?

Maybe men were not really like women. When we promise to tell everything, we stay true to that promise in the tiniest detail. I would always want the revelation to come out of me. Always it didn't end better when a big reveal would be seen or heard from another source's mouth.

The critical issue now wasn't why he didn't tell me sooner. Everything I saw on the video confirmed my other fear. However good Art was in getting himself away from trouble, there will always be a Paisley. Ready to tempt, seduce and break him.

And eventually, break us.

"Shells, please talk to me."

I couldn't say a word as I stood in front of him. But I also wouldn't want to face him because I knew my tears would betray me. How could I tell him I believe him without making it known that I'm hurting too?

"Hey, why don't I leave you guys for a sec so you can talk." Avery squeezed my shoulder as she headed for the door.

When the door closed, I knew there was no escaping the issue. I felt Art behind me. He squeezed my hand softly while the other wrapped around my waist from behind. His lips pecked on my neck.

"I love you. Please don't ever doubt my feelings for you."

He released my body from his warmth and slowly stood before me. We were face-to-face. When Art cupped my face with his hands, I saw his eyes glistening. I felt guilty he felt that way because of me. Without any thought, I run my hand through his cheeks and trace the sides of his face.

"I'm sorry." My tears started falling. "It's not that I don't trust you. I believed you. But it hurt to see Paisley do what she did to you." I sniffed. "I was jealous."

Art took my hands and kissed both. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I'm sorry if I didn't leave the moment I saw her there." His hands traced the sides of my lips. "I'm sorry I made you cry."

I closed my eyes when I felt his lips touch mine.

We were both startled when suddenly the door opened.

"I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news." Avery stood by the door, smirking. "Our parents delegated me as the official third wheel for tonight's sleepover."

Art and I looked at each other and laughed.


When Avery told us she was assigned as the third wheel, she wasn't kidding. Instead of our usual sleepovers where the three of us sleep in the same room through different beds, Art wasn't allowed to sleep in the same bedroom. So instead, Avery was my bodyguard for the night.

Except that she didn't accept the task for the same reason, she wanted to hear what Art and I talked about straight from my mouth.

"Did you accept his apology?" Avery asked.

"We both apologized."

"I'm sorry, I think I reacted too much. It scared me when you said you guys should take a break."

I threw a pillow at her face. "You think? You were over the top! I almost break up with Art!"

Avery nodded. "I know. I should have asked him first before giving my best actress performance."

"Good thing you know. Now I feel guilty. I should do something to make up for it."

Avery's eyes widened. "I have a suggestion." She got up from her bed and walked fast toward mine.

"I don't believe you. I bet it's another disaster if the suggestion comes from you."

"I'm sure you will love my idea."

"And what could that be?"

"Since you need to make it up to him. Why not give him your V card?"

Even without looking at a mirror, I knew my brows crossed. "What are you saying?"

"You guys should do makeup sex. It would be like hitting two birds with one stone." Avery positioned her pointer fingers together. "You give your V card to Art, and at the same time, you guys kiss and make up. What do you think?"

I grabbed the lamp on my bedside table. "What do you say I threw this lamp on you?"

"I'm just trying to help. And if it happened, at least one of us got to do the deed."

"Triple OMG, Ave! Where do you get your ideas?"

"Hey, we're now eighteen. And remember when you told me in grade ten that you're saving it for Art?" Avery pouted her lips. "I'm just being a good friend here."

"Good friend, huh! It seemed to me you're more of a bad influence."

"Don't tell me you never thought about it? Almost everyone did it on our prom night. At least if you'd do it, one of us gets to experience it."

"Avery Jackson!"

Avery ran fast back to her bed when she saw me grab another pillow. Though what she said was funny, it got me thinking. My declaration could come true since Art, and I are now a couple.

When my phone chimed, I was excited to see Art send me a message. But out of the blue, Avery called my name.


"I thought you were sleeping?"

"I'm about to. But I'm just curious. Would you guys do it in your bedroom in our apartment in Connecticut?"

"Triple OMG, Ave!"


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