Chapter 12

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Did you guys see Liam and Zayn's tweet? Im crying bc Ziam af lol

Leave you with this crappy chapter lol

When Harry pulled back, after a few seconds, Louis smiled "I'm really sorry Harry, I- I got scared I guess, I just... Fuck" he whispered loud enough for Harry to hear

Harry smirked "you've been mean babe, don't you think you're getting away with this" Louis knew exactly what he meant, he took Harry's big hand in his and walked to the bed "I think you got the message babe"

"I think I did, I may need you to fuck me right now because you are being hot" Louis smiled

Harry pressed kisses on Louis' neck as Louis moaned loudly, covering his mouth and giggling afterwards, Harry could feel Louis' hard-on against his own, he pulled back and fastly took his and Louis' t-shirts off, revealing their torsos, covered in tattoos "I fucking need you Harry" Louis moaned as Harry unbuttoned the smallest guy's jeans and took them off, leaving him in his boxers "don't you dare teasing me curly, or I swear I'm leaving" he mumbled knowing Harry's intentions, Harry pouted but did as told, he undid his jeans and Louis couldn't help but smile appreciating Harry's perfect body


(A/N: I'm really sorry if you thought that there was going to be smut, it was my intention, I tried to write it so many times but it just didn't work out, I'll keep working on it and i promise there will be smut in this story)


"That was so great" Harry said panting as he laid in bed comfortably, he glanced at Louis, his eyes were shining with happiness, and that made Harry happy, his eyelids were dropping though

"I didn't expect that reaction" Louis admitted looking back at Harry "but it was amazing, probably the best one you've had until now" he said smirking

"Hey, it's not the first time" Harry complained thinking about the previous times they had had sex, mostly before and after a show

"But the probably the best one" Louis replied moving closer to Harry and laying his head on Harry's chest "I just say it because I've never been so exhausted afterwards"

"Oh my love, you finally found your place on earth" Harry said dramatically

"I said exhausted, not great, even though it was" Louis said smiling at the recent memory "but I swear, I'm really sorry, I was just shocked and-"

"Don't say anything else, and don't be sorry, you were right babe, it was my fault, I shouldn't have lied to you, I just wanted to make tonight special" Harry said kissing the older boy's head, he'd always heard that love makes you do weird things, go to the extremes, but he had just proved it to Louis and himself tonight

"Harry, I know, I shouldn't have reacted like that, you wanted to make me happy, god you stood up for me to mr Widmore, and I didn't even thank you" Louis said looking up, straight into Harry's eyes, how could he hurt him like that? He was in love with the curly haired boy "I just don't understand how you can forgive me"

Harry was looking into Louis' eyes, he couldn't understand how could someone like him fall for Harry, Louis was perfect and Harry wasn't- in his own eyes (A/N we all know Harry is perfect)- he just couldn't

"What on earth did you see in me?" He finally asked shocking Louis, he'd never asked that question before

"I have the exact same question for you, but it'd be a lot faster if you said what I didn't see in you" Louis said, Harry smiled, not taking his eyes off of his boyfriend "because the answer would be nothing, it's just everything about you that makes my knees go weak and that's what I felt the first time I saw you in the bathroom of the X Factor Studios" he said, memories of that day running through his mind over again

"That's probably the cheesiest but cutest thing you've ever said" Harry said "and that's why you bottom, someone as cute as you can't be a top" he smirked

Louis pouted "babe, why can't I be a top?" He asked cutely expecting the answer he got

"Because you're too cute babe" Harry said smiling widely "you just can't do it because you're not able to hurt me even if it's having sex" he said

"Said the guy with the 5 feet deep dimples and cute smile" Louis said poking his dimples "babe, I'll be a top if I want" he said getting on Harry "and when that day comes, I'll make you feel good" he said between kisses

"Oh really?" Harry said smirking, Louis nodded and peeked his lips "and when will that day come? If you allow me to ask?"

"Soon sunshine, really soon" Louis simply said before rolling back to his previous spot "anyways, we should sleep, it was a hard night" he said as Harry laid his head on his chest "oh, so we switch positions now?" He asked smirking

"Shut up Lou and go to bed" Harry said

"So you want me to leave" Louis said pushing the covers but grinned when Harry grabbed his wrist "baby if you say you want me to stay-"

"Please change your mind" Harry sang pulling the small boy to him

Louis laid his head on Harry's bare chest "why are you like this?" He asked after a few minutes knowing that Harry was already asleep "why are you so irresistible? Why do you like me when you can have anyone in this world?"

A few minutes passed and Louis slowly fell asleep listening to Harry's heartbeat

Louis woke up the next morning feeling sick, he was sleeping on Harry's chest, which was weird, Harry used to wake up late but not this late, he got up slow and carefully, and walked to the restroom

Harry woke up twenty minutes after Louis, seeing that Louis wasn't next to him, he decided to go to the bathroom five minutes later

"Louis?" He called as he reached the bathroom door "you okay?" He asked, without getting an answer "Louis?" Harry frowned when he didn't hear running water, what could Louis be doing? "Louis?" He called again before opening the door slowly "oh my god! Louis!" He said rushing inside where an unconscious Louis was laying on the cold floor

Im sorry for the long wait and shitty chapter, i just gotta say that idk if ill be able to update constantly this summer bc i only have one month left and I have SO MUCH TO DO and i just hate it

And im really sorry for the smut thing, i really tried to write something great, but just crap would come out

Love you all

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