Chapter 16

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Liam is 22 in a few hours *cries* i love him so much, i feel like a proud mum lol... anyways, i think you've been waiting for this chapter and i've been rereading and editing it for about a month to make sure it was okay, i like how it turned out so here it goes

Louis and Harry are wearing the clothes they're wearing in the pic and Louis is wearing Harry's black beanie (the one he was wearing on july 23rd 2010)

Enjoy :)

October 15 2010

Louis sighed as he picked up his ringing phone, he faked a smile and said "Hey babe"

"Don't hey babe me! Where the fuck are you?" Alexis yelled through the phone, she was obviously upset

"What did I do this time?" Louis was getting tired of this, everyone thought they loved each other when in reality all they did was yell at each other. Louis used to brush it off when the lads asked him about it, he always said that they were fine but they knew him better than that

"You were going to take me to Mal's place today!"

"I never said that I would, I don't even know that Mal" Louis was using all his strength to not yell at her

"I told you that I was going, you are supposed to be here to take me in ten minutes" Louis could hear her curse under her breath

He rolled his eyes and shook his head in frustration, she always tried to control him, as if he was some kind of a puppet "you have a car, drive yourself there"

"But Louis! I'm your girlfriend" she complained trying to get his pity

"I'm out with Harry, can't talk, bye" he said before hanging up, he knew how much she hated that he spent time with Harry, she thought they were together or something, ridiculous right?

After a few minutes of silence, Liam finally spoke "you alright Lou?" Louis smiled weakly and nodded "can I say something about this whole situation?" He asked carefully "can't you see that she doesn't love you? She is using you"


"Don't try to tell me that you love her because you don't, you are with her because you think, for some reason, that she loves you, but if she did, she wouldn't treat you like this, I know someone who would love to be with you" he said, Harry shot him a deathly glare as Louis tilted his head to the side questioningly

"Um, what Liam meant is that the entire fandom would kill to be in Alexis' place" Harry said trying to make Louis forget about that someone Liam had mentioned, Louis sighed and nodded


"Where are you taking us Louis?" Zayn asked as the five guys walked through the Doncaster streets, Louis wanted to take them somewhere even though it was late evening

"You'll see, you're gonna like it, and if you don't I'll get you a mango smoothie" he smiled

"Anyway, is it too far? I'm getting tired" Harry complained for the fourth time in the last thirty minutes

"Harry, honey, if you shut up I promise I will cuddle you for a whole day" Louis pleaded putting an arm around the slightly smaller boy. They walked for about 15 more minutes and Harry, Zayn and Liam gasped in awe "here we are, welcome to my childhood place" Louis said happily "there's a cafe over there if you want something"

"Fuck you, I want a mango smoothie now" Zayn said walking to the café followed by Niall and Liam, leaving Louis and Harry alone

They walked closer to the fountain that was in the middle of the park and sat next to it "can I have my beanie for a bit please? I'm kinda freezing" Harry chuckled, Louis took the beanie off of his head and on Harry's curly head smiling "thanks" he mumbled. After a few moments of silence, Harry spoke again "are you sure about Lexi? I mean, I don't know how you feel about her, but I want to make sure you are happy" Louis looked down frowning "I'm sorry"

"For what?" The older boy asked looking into those piercing green eyes

"For bringing this up when you were already happy" he held his head down until Louis kissed the top of his head

"I was as happy as I always feel when I'm around you and you kinda make my life brighter" Louis smiled as Harry blushed

"That was really cheesy Lou, too cheesy for you to say it out loud, what has happened to you?" Harry laughed, but Louis didn't, he was talking seriously, he glanced back and forth between his eyes and his lips

Harry bit his lower lip, nervousness filling him, being clueless about what was going on, after a couple of seconds, Louis started leaning in slowly and his eyes fluttered shut before crashing his lips on Harry's.

After about ten seconds, he pulled back fastly "Fuck" he muttered "I- I swear I have no idea where that came from, I'm so sorry"

"I know where it came from Lou" Harry pecked Louis' lips once again before saying "your heart"

"But I-" he was cut by Harry's lips on his, pulling him into a passionate and needing kiss

"Woah guys get a room" Zayn suddenly laughed making Liam and Niall laugh along

Louis and Harry pulled away fastly "shut up Zayn, it was just a kiss" Louis said embarrassed as Harry blushed fiercely

"It really looked like you were about to rip each other's shirts off" Niall said smiling widely, liking the thought of Larry being real "So, now you have to tell us" he said as the three boys sat in front of the embarrassed boys "who tops?"

"NIALL!" The two boys yelled "no one tops, it was just a kiss" Harry said

"But if someone topped, it would definitely be me" Louis said smirking as he looked at Harry challengingly

"Do you really think so?" Harry questioned, Louis nodded "oh my god do you really believe I'd let you top?" Harry brusted into laughter

"Oh my god, Liam where's the popcorn?" Niall asked taking the plastic bag Liam had between them taking a popcorn bag

Louis and Harry glared at him "you can't be serious! You had popcorn?" Louis said playfully angry

"We wanted to watch a movie but we thought that it'd be more fun to go to the movies" Zayn admitted

"Alright, let's go then" Louis said as he got up helping Harry up and waiting for the other three before leaving, his heart skipping a beat when Harry's hand touched his

Louis' phone started ringing again and he picked up, knowing what was going to happen "Louis! This is hell! Come pick me up right now!" Alexis demanded

"Fuck off" Louis said calmly

"What? Don't talk to me like that!"

"Who are you? My mother? I'm quite done with this, always annoying me, you don't need me 24/7 Alexis" Harry smiled at Louis' words, he was finally standing up for himself to her, that was the first time in three years, at least that's what Louis said

"Wh- what are you saying?"

"You already know what I'm saying, stop acting like a victim! I'm so fucking done with this relationship, I'm done with you, we are done" Louis hung up and stumbled back when Harry jumped onto him, wrapping his arms around his neck and legs around his waist "woah, why so happy Harold?"

"Because you are free" the smaller boy replied

"Not for long" Louis smirked and Harry grinned, crashing his lips on his

There you have it :) they're finally together *awe*

Thoughts on Alexis? She is Molly Quinn from Castle :)

Thoughts on how it happened? Did you like it?

Thoughts on Niall asking who tops? I had to write that part lol

On a side note, I have an idea for a new fanfiction when this one is over, it's Larry and Lashton, I want to know if someone will read it before posting it bc i think it'd be a waste of time to post it if it doesn't have any views, if i post it, it'll be called Blank Space ^.^

I love you

Mire x

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