Chapter 4

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New chapter, this is going to get better and cuter, i promise haha, im just really bad at the beginning of fanfics lol

Louis felt tears building up in his blue eyes, he messed up, Harry would hate him, he would leave him, he felt someone grabbing his arm and taking him outside of the building

"Louis?" Harry said cautiously "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I guess..." Louis said, he was crying silently at this point "it's just that they- please Harry, promise me that you'll never leave me" Louis was terrified, after what happened inside mr Widmore's office, he didn't know what to do

"Of course I'll never leave you Louis, what makes you think that you'll lose me? You're supposed to be single now" Harry replied smiling at the person who stole his heart four years ago

Louis had to tell him why he was about to kill mr Widmore earlier "um, not exactly..." Harry gave him a confused look and Louis sighed because he knew that Harry deserved to know

"I have to find a girl or... They- They'll fire one of the guys, a-and we won't be able to interact again" Louis said, he was in the verge of tears again, he was scared, God, he was terrified, he didn't know what to do or what would happen

"Hey, Lou, it'll be fine, we'll figure something out, until then, take a break, it'll be good for you, no girlfriends, no more preoccupations for a while" Harry said sweetly, kissing Louis' forehead

"Are you mad at me? Why do I even ask? Of course you are, I messed everything up, I just- I'm really sorry Harry" Louis said, he was a sobbing mess now

"Louis, I don't hate you, I wouldn't be able even if I tried, do you know why? Because I love you, I have loved you since you were eighteen" Harry smiled, he needed Louis to be okay, he couldn't handle to see his love broken

"I love you too Harry, but I don't think that taking a break will help, like that jerk said, I have to have a beard soon or this will be over, I just can't take this shit anymore" Louis said sincerely, Harry knew that he was right, he knew that Louis was done, there were a few nights when Harry had to cuddle Louis because he had anxiety attacks very often "I feel dumb, it's just that my life is a fucking shit, I have panic and anxiety attacks because of this whole bullshit" Louis said

"You never told me that your life was a shit, this doesn't sound good, when did you start feeling like this?" Harry asked, he was worried, Louis always acted happily, what made him feel like that? "What makes you feel this way babe?"

"It started around two years and a half ago, since Modest! started pressuring me with the whole Eleanor thing" Louis said, he was tired of living like this, he was tired of lying to the fans, to his best friends "I'm so scared Harry, what is wrong with me? What have I done to deserve this?"

Harry knew what he had to answer and what he had to do "You haven't done anything wrong my baby, you're just going through a lot, but I know what will make you feel a little bit better, let's go to the car, we'll go home and I'm making dinner" Harry said kissing Louis' temple

"What about Eleanor? She came with us" Louis asked a bit calmer

"One of the boys will take her home, don't worry" Harry said helping Louis get in the car and getting inside

Sorry if this doesn't make sense

I really hope you're enjoying this, if you do, add to your library

As always, it will get better so dont stop reading it yet

I love y'all


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