Chapter 9

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They walked out of the car and inside the building, Harry was quite excited, he felt like threatening mr Widmore again, he'd do anything for his Louis

"Mr Tomlinson, mr Styles, it's nice to see you, I hope ends well this time" mr Widmore said

"We hope so too" the boyfriends said with sarcasm "what did you want sir?" Harry asked not being interested at all

"Mr Horan told me that you know about-" mr Widmore started, Harry glanced at his boyfriend, he didn't know if he was about to have an attack, to cry or punch the management's director on the face, either way it wouldn't be good, Louis was staring at the old man with so much hate in his eyes that even Harry was kinda scared of what was about to happen

"Yeah we do, can you go straight to the point?" Louis said rudely

"That is the point kid" Mr Widmore said harshly, Harry frowned at the name "You better listen or-" he said looking at the boys

"Or what? I think I made myself quite clear last night, I am sick of this, I'm sick of you" Harry said, he was quite annoyed and they just got there

"Or I will make sure that your relationship with mr Tomlinson goes as good as yours with miss Swift" the man said threatening

"I'd like to see how" Louis said challenging "let's see how you tear us apart" he was feeling powerful now and there was no chance he would let mr Widmore ruin his mood "also, I would like to be free and leave this goddamn management"

"I'm afraid you can't do that since you paid to stay with us for 4 more years" mr Widmore said

"Whatever" Louis mumbled standing up and taking his denim jacket in his right hand, putting it on, he looked at Harry and left the office

"Where are you going love?" Harry asked following him close behind

"Somewhere, I don't want to be close to this asshole" Louis replied exiting the tall building

"I wanna do something tonight" Harry said when they stopped

Louis tittled his head to the side "Like go out for dinner or go to the movies or something?" He asked, Harry nodded "I'm guessing that you mean with someone else?" Seeing that Harry shook his head, his face lit up "are you serious? Us alone somewhere?"

"Yeah, c'mon I'm gonna take you somewhere special" Harry said smiling "it's two places, one in London and the other is around 2 hours away"

"2 hours? But that's quite far and it's late" Louis said with a cute pout

Harry peeked his lips and smiled "I'm driving, you can sleep you know?" He said

"So, where are we going?" Louis asked "we've been in the car for more than one hour" Harry could tell that he was sleepy because he was being his cute and cuddly self, when he was completely awake, he was really active and cheery not matter if he was in a good mood or not, he always tried to make people happy

"I told you that it was two hours away from London babe, just rest, we'll be there soon, don't worry" Harry said glancing quickly at his boyfriend

"Um, Harry, I'm sorry for crushing your dreams, but if we've been here for an hour, we still have one hour left so we're not getting there soon. Besides, you said that we were going to two places and it's 12:30am, aren't you tired?" Louis asked worriedly

"I am, but don't worry, I'll rest when we get there" Harry said smiling, even though he was kind of lying to him, he was exhausted, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to drive for another hour

Suddenly, two blinding lights appeared out of nowhere, Harry couldn't stop, he didn't have the strength to move the car back to it's side of the road, he couldn't think clearly due the tiredness, he couldn't react fast enough to save the situation, it all happened too fast

"HARRY!" Louis yelled in fear

That was an awful cliffhanger, im sorry :(

What do you think is going to happen next?

Toughts on Harry and Louis going out?

Thoughts on mr. Widmore?

I love y'all xx


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