Chapter 12

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Elsa Elisabeth Moon's P.O.V.

I open my eyes, I'm in a very comfortable bed. Why am I in a bed? I have always boon in that dungeon where the devil only want to hurt me. Then suddenly out of the blue every memory of what happened came flashing through my eyes, maybe a little to fast and I did not get every part of it but I will try. The pain, Jack saving me from the devil, Jack fighting all the evil creatures, me and Jack transform and finally when I met my parents again.

I know very well that they are my biological parents, the devil made sure that I knew where I had come from and he tried to make it really sad like they never wanted me at all but somehow my brain is starting over that that theory. The only thing that I don't know is the whole truth, I know that I have some kind of magic but where did that magic come from exactly. If you ask me, I have no clue about any of it.

Everything is still a mystery to me but I know that I will find out the truth sooner or later. They have to tell me someday who I really am and what I am meant to become, I know that I do not deserve any of it because the o ly thing I know is that I am 'special' but in reality I am nothing like that. I'm just a girl who is burden to everybody and the worst of all is that I can not die even off I wanted to.

I just lie on this comfortable bed for who know how long, for me it feels like hours. I just lie there and watch the ceiling, it isn't interesting but I have nothing else I want to do or I don't want to disturb everyone by walking from here. They don't want to go there and be with them besides I know they will ask me questions but for everyone's sake it is better that I keep quiet, I know I mange to talk in the fight but that was for jack.

I feel like I have to do everything I can to make Jack happy, for I have realized that I do love him and even if I deserve it or no0t I have to make him very happy. He does deserve a happy life with a good wife and I know for sure that I am not a good wife, I don't even know if someone wants me to their wife, why am I even thinking like that? There is no way that I am going to get married to someone. I mean who would want to get married to the trash. I hear a knock on the door that it opens.

"How are you feeling?" Elizabeth asks, who I just found out is my mother. I don't get how a beautiful woman like her can be my mother, I men I possess nothing of her beauty and I will never be as beautiful as she is. What do I say to her? Do I even say anything to her? Somehow I really want to talk to her but a part of me is denying me to say anything. I just look at her hoping she knows that I am feeling all right but the truth is I want to feel bad.

Like I haven't cutted myself for so long and I don't even I know how long it has been but somehow I miss my old friend the razor. I miss feeling him on my skin but most of all I miss feeling him tear my skin apart and make the blood rush down. I miss every single bit of it, when I was in the dungeon the devil only did beaten me and rape me until I was laying unconscious on the floor. He use to love giving me food with poison. I don't even know ow why I ate in the first place.

"I know everything that you have been through is hard for you but you can talk to me, whatever goes on in this room stays in this room. I will not tell any soul what we are talking about. So your safe to talk freely here, besides this room is sound proof no one can hear us from the outside" she said with a warm smile on her face. Why can't my life be that easy that I can just smile away all my problems but my life had to be worthless so I don't get that.

"I'm sorry" I whisper to her. She takes a seat on the bed and I just realized that now this bed is huge, it is much larger that I thought. This is a king size of a bed. She reaches out for my hand and I flinch a little but I relax when she takes my hand in hers own. Her hand is warm and it has been so long since I held a hand this warm. My hand is probably very uncomfortable because I know that my hand I cold even my skin is like ice.

"No, no, no, what are you sorry about? You have absolutely nothing to apologize to me or anyone else" she said. I could not control myself as I felt the tears explode in my eyes. One tear fell after another and that is how I knew that I am crying in front of her. I don't want to show my weakness to anyone but this time I had no control of what I am doing.

"I'm so sorry for ever begin born" I said as more tears rush down my cheeks. It I right, I am sorry that I was born and I know that I make everyone feel sad and there is nothing I can do about it anymore, me begin here makes everyone feel miserable. Katherine was right, they are better set without me. But now I know that I can never die witch makes everything a lot harder than I thought it would be.

"Oh, you should never feel sorry for begin born or begin brought to this life. You are lucky you are here, when you were born, you were the best thing that has ever happened to us. I never wanted to let go of you and I should be the one to apologize to you. I should have protected you better than I did, you are my only child" she said. She is not angry but she is sad.

She is sad and disappointed in me. I told you that I would be like that, I make everyone sad and now more than ever I need to disappear to a place where it is only me and my sorrows all alone in the dark but not with anyone else making me feel bad, I want to do that on my own with my razor. He is the only one who I want to help from to make my life a living hell. I don't want to live so I want to feel pain for the rest of my life. That is better for everyone.

"That why did you give me up? And especially to these people?" I asked her. I want to the truth of what happened but I know that no matter what did happen it is always my fault. I am to blame for everything, well that is what the devil said at least and I know he is right. They may have wanted my immortality but I cant give it to them because I know very well that then they will hurt the people that I care about. Especially Jack, and I don't want that to happen.

"Gave you up? You have misunderstood everything. We never gave you up, we loved you with your hearts, everyone did but these horrible kidnapped you from us. They took you away from your home and brought you to a place that no one should call home. But before you were taken, you were crowned the princess" she said. So it means that they did not want me to leave. Like they actually loved me but no one can love me.

"Princess? I was crowned princess? Princess of what exactly?" I asked her. I don't understand how someone can crown me to be a princess. I know for a fact that I am no princess in any kind. I may have it running through my veins but I do not have it in my mind, body or soul. I'm not sure if I am fit to be someone who can rule and be proud if them self. Everyone can see that I can't be a person like that, and if I am a princess than what kind of princess am I?

"You, my child are the princess of the moon. The only heir to the moon, you are the future queen of the moon. But most people will know you as the maiden in the moon, just like your father is the man in the moon. Not many humans know us by our real names. Like me, now I am know as the Moon's bride" Elisabeth said. So my father is the man in moon, how strange but strange things have been happening for a very long time.

Jackson Overland Frost's P.O.V.

Elsa had been sleeping for five days but I have been told that it is normal. She hasn't gotten a normal and peaceful sleep since, well who know how long. Elizabeth said that she woke up but is just there. I don't know if she is afraid to come out or just doesn't want to. I have been forbidden to see her but I relax because I know that she is safe and sound with nothing in the world to harm her at any kind.

The room she is staying at is soundproof and bulletproof. The thing that makes me really happy is that nothing in it can harm her at any cost. So she wont use anything to hurt herself or anything. I know that I really need to see the love of my life but I know she need to rest and take her time to get better. I mean now that we only have the future than I know that with every day that passes, Elsa gets better and better.

"How are you holding up with everything?" Hiccup asks me. I have been sitting in the same spot for five days and I will not move until I see Elsa. You may think that I did not eat anything but I did. Anna came with food three times a day and I am very thankful for that but when she comes she does not say a word. I think it has something to do with Elsa, everyone is worried about her but I am the worst. Everyone here can do what they want but I can't, I can but I won't but I'm not the only one. Elsa's real family are a mess to.

"I don't know anymore. I just want her to be all right but deep down I know that there is a long journey to that point and I'm not even sure if I can handle that" I said admitting everything to him. I need to be open about my problems if I don't want to become depressed like Elsa, but her case is much worse. Sometimes I can feel myself slip into the depression but I know that I can't fall there, not when I have Elsa by my side again.

"You are a mess, I want to help you with that. Elsa will come here soon and do you want her to see you like this. No I don't think so. So now you are going to take a shower and go into clean clothes. Get your self some food and then return back" he told me. I guess he is right. I should go take a shower a dress myself into clothes who do not smell really bad like the one's I am in now.

"Your right, I will take a shower but if she comes out can you tell me as soon as it happens ok?" I asked him. He nods his head and I stand up and walk out of the room. Oh, now it hurts to walk since I have been sitting for five days straight. I just hope he will come when there will be someone who goes out of that room. I hope it will be Elsa but I want to be there when she comes out of that room.

I took the quickest shower I have ever taken and I got dressed in clean and fresh clothes that I have here. I run to the room where Elsa to see if Hiccup is still there and thank goodness that her is here. He seems really bored just here all alone, but he still seems lost in his thought. Well when I was there I did not get bored and I did not get lost in my thought, well I had only one thing on my mind or should I say one person. I have been thinking about her since I saw her first when we were little children.

"You know, you could do this with interest like I do" I told him. I chuckle a little when he gets startled by my words. Ah, he had gotten use to the peace a quiet here so he get startled by any noise that would come to my ears. I sit down next to him, I wonder what is going on behind that door, I have no idea what is happening with Elsa. I know that Elizabeth is having a little chat with Elsa to see how she is doing and everything and I hope with all my heart that she is all right.

"Jack. Do not and I repeat do not startle me like that ever again lot I will kill you. And go real the time, I do not like it when someone is startling me" he said. Yeah no shit. I think everyone have notice that before. He isn't going to kill me like really kill me, he only says that to scare the hell out of me but if he knew that he never does scare me than I would take this a lot further than he does. Hiccup stands up and walks away. Now I am all alone again in front of Elsa's door who is really large.

If I say so myself Han her door is the most beautiful door that I have ever seen in my whole life. All right I know that this is just a door but i it is really pretty and it does fit Elsa really much or at least it fits her personality. All right I am making a big deal out of a beautiful door who is only made out of woods but it is Elsa's and everything of hers is perfect even herself is perfect. I don't even get how one person can get this beautiful and she doesn't even see it herself, that is such shame.

I need to make up a plan for me to get Elsa to see what beauty is right in front of her nose but I know very well that could take some time and even more time since Elsa is one hell of a stubborn girl. I don't even know how to do this and that is exactly why I am making up a plan but the only problem is that I have no idea how to make a plan. I know that plan has to work because true are other people counting on me and I want to make Elsa happy.

Her smile means the world to me and I would do anything just to get my love to smile the brightest. Not just the fake smile that I gotten use to. Elsa deserves the best and that is exactly why I will have to make this plan work so she will get the best. The thing that is want is that she will enjoy the life that dishes was created into. I learned that she is a princess and every princess should be happy right? Always in the fairytales the princess gets her happily ever after, I want that to happen to Elsa to.

I think that every day that passes my plan is working. I mean I don't really have a plan but I just want her to become happy every day and it kind of is happening every day that she I around people who care about her so much. I want her to let out all the bad and bring in the good. James tells me that she will eventually become better but I can't what for that to happen. Even if I want her to get better as fast as possible but I don't get to choose this time. She needs time and space and I must respect that.

After all her wishes are my commands so if she asks me to do something for I will do it without complaining about it. I am willing to go very far for the only girl I love with my whole heart and world. If I could I would shout it to the world that I love her and that she is my home. She is the reason for me to be alive, before she was in my life I had nothing but my parents but then I met the love of my life. I may have figure out my feeling a little late but now I will love her forever. I hear the door of Elsa's open and out stepped Elsa with Elizabeth. I stand up as I feel the smile appear on my face.


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