Chapter 3

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Jackson Overland Frost's P.O.V.

I woke up by my phone ringing, who the hall would ring at this time at night. I looked at the clock and it is 04:13 in the morning. I hate begin awaken unless it is Elsa. I picked up the phone and I didn't even see who the caller is, I just answered the phone.

"Hel-" I didn't get the chance to talk more because the person on the other line interrupted me before I could even finnish my word. Someone really wants to talk to me but you should never wake me up. I'm a very grumpy morning person, I'm warning you.

"Jack come down to the police station, NOW and hurry up" my uncle said in a hurry. It took me some time to figure out what he said. As soon as I did figure it out I hanged on my uncle and in a hurry I got dressed since I always sleep with only boxers on.

When I came to the police station my uncle was waiting for me outside. He looked like a mess. And all of this happened since I was with him yesterday. Has he been awake all night? If so does he get any sleep?

"What is the meaning of waking me?" I asked my uncle. I'm really pissed off at him right now. Like I said before I am not a morning person so don't judge me.

"I'm sorry Jackson but you have to see this" he said and went inside and I followed. There is no one here except for few security and the police officers who work at night. Other wise the police station is empty.

"What do you want me to see that could not wait til morning?" I asked. This better be good if not I think I will kill my uncle for waking me up when the time is only four or something even tho my uncle is older than me I will still kill him. We walked into my uncle's science lap.

"Ok remember a year ago when we found something blue in Elsa's blood?" He asked. Ok what has that to do with anything. James already said that it was very rare but now why does my uncle ask me that kind of a question? I nodded my head.

"All right it turns out that what James said to us a year ago is wrong" he said. Ok now I very confused. What is going on? I don't know who to believe right now, my uncle could be telling the truth but then again James has never lied before.

"What does that mean?" I asked him. My uncle did the thing with his hands that tell me to wait here and I did. He walked somewhere and when he came back he is holding a stack to papers. So tell me that I have to go through all that.

"Jack that blue thing in Elsa's blood system is a liquid of a ice moon rock. I know that is confusing and you may think that it is impossible but it isn't" he said. He is right about that, I am very confused of what he just said.

"Thousands of years ago some of the ice moon stones fell to the earth and there are people who took the icy blue liquid out of the ice moon stone's and drank it witch mixed to their blood and just continued through bloodlines" he said. Ok this is a lot to take in right now.

"Elsa isn't one of them" he finally said and then stopped. What does heean by that? This is so confusing that I think everyone who would head this will be in deep thoughts like I am right now at this very moment.

"What do you mean by that?" I finally asked. It took me some time to find my voice and speak. This is definitely something to be woken for. You see this is about Elsa and then we get one step closer to find her than we were before.

"Like I told you that they carry this icy blue liquid through bloodlines but Elsa isn't from a bloodline with icy blue liquid" he said. Is he trying to make this even more confusing than it already is?

"I have taken DNA from both of Elsa' parents and not one of them has it and then I took a DNA from her younger sister Anna and both sisters have different DNA than their parents" he said nearly smiling. What is he so happy about?

"Elsa and Anna are from two different families and that made me think" he said. Ok what kind of a sick game is he playing with me right now?

"What does that even mean? Can't you just tell me this all at once?" I asked more like I am commanding him. I know I can be very controling sometimes but then again who isn't? I want to know what he knows since this is about Elsa.

"All right, Their parents have a criminal history so the thing that I am trying to say is that both Anna and Elsa are not their children. Then I went through missing kids file the year they were born and I only found that on the year that Anna was born a child went missing that fits her description" He said.

"I found nothing on the year Elsa was born and then I went through her file and there is nothing about her birth or anything. but that is not all, I think I know how we can find Elsa and I think I know why we havn't found her by now" He said.

"Go on tell me" I told him. This news makes my brain click and now I am getting more intresting in this than I was before. If he is right then Elsa and Anna have been growing up with criminals. I always thought they were nice people well not until I knew that they were hurting Elsa.

"You may not have been learning about the moon but if you had then you may know some of the thing I am going to tell you right now. All right here it comes, there is a legend about the man in moon have you heard it?" He asked. I looked at him with a look that say's 'Do I look like I know it' look.

"Ok maybe not anyway, there is a legend about the man in moon and that legend says that the man in moon felt lonely so he went to earth and met a human girl, they got married and had a child" He said.

"The legend also says that their child disapeared and no one knows where it is or even if it is still alive. No one knows of it is a boy or a girl" he told me.

"Now I get to the part that how we can find Elsa, the night when Elsa disappeared from the hospital the moon turned grey and the moon has never been seen since then but" he told me. What is it with all of these buts?

"Few nights ago I found something very interesting, you see I saw the moonlight in first time in a year and do you know what that day is?" He asked me. Is this some kind of a question game or something? Why can't I just tell me the answers right away?

"No I don't know what day that was since I have been looking for Elsa instead of seeing what day the moon was in the sky" I said. That came out harsher than I thought but my uncle knows that I am just upset and angry so he is all right I think.

"When the moonlight came it was shining really bright and every year on that day the moon is always shining it brightest. Many scientist believe that this is a coincidence but it really isn't" he said getting excited.

"All of this makes perfectly sense that it should not even be possible but it is. That day Jack, that day is Elsa's birthday. Don't you get it Elsa is the man in moon's daughter" he said. Ok this is just too Mich for me to take in that it isn't even funny.

All of this was happening right in front of my nose but I was and am so stupid and I didn't even see what was happening in front of me. Now it makes sense that Daphne is Elsa grandmother. But my question is, who is Elsa's biological parents?

I think I know why Elsa's fake parents who are in jail right now have been hurting her all this time. They want to make Elsa suffer because she is the daughter of the moon but Elsa isn't just that she is so much more. She is the broken girl with the broken smile.

I am going to save Elsa from begin the broken girl with the most broken smile. I will unbreak everything and save her. She will be free from everything, mostly pain. All her life she has felt pain at any kind but a he didnt know it yet since she had me and out friends.

When she lost us she began to see the pain that was hiding in front of her and it came so sudden that she couldn't bear the pain so st did the only thing that are sense to her. She cutted her self physically only to  get away from the pain she was having mentally.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" My uncle asked. Honestly I have been trying to talk for awhile now but no matter how much and how much I want to I can't say a word, it is only because my body is in too much shock that I'm not able to talk. This only reminds of Elsa when she didn't talk at all.

"I don't know what I should say" I said admitting the things that I was thinking. I finally manage to speak after few minutes silence.

"Jack I know this is hard and these news are heavy for you but the new aren't over. There is more that you need to know can you take all of this in?" He asked. Can there even be more news? I personally think that this is too much for me too handle right now.

"Tell me I can take all of this" I said. I feel like he talking to me like I am a little child. I hate4 when someone talks to me like that but I love talking like this to little children who are much younger than I am like one to three years old children.

"James and his wife are Elsa's biological parents, and that only means that James is the man in moon. If we find James we can find Elsa" He said. Right when I thought this couldn't get any more confusing but it really is even confuser.

"How are we gonna find him, no one has seen him or his wife anywhere and now that he could be the man in moon it will be harder for us to find him" I said. So if I get this right James is Elsa's father and Daphne is James's mother. Elsa's family is now really confusing.

"Jack I'm not even over telling you, if you want to hear the rest than keep your mouth shut and do not ask questions right after I stop telling you ok?" He said. There is more? Ok this are so much news that it gets always harder to remember everything he just said to me.

"Go ahead and tell me everything and I won't interrupt you again, I promise well I think I won't interrupt you again. And if I do interrupt you I probably isn't trying it" I said. My uncle laughed at me. I don't see how funny I am, in fact I don't want to be funny if Elsa isn't with me.

As soon as I have Elsa in my arms I am going to do everything in my power to see her smile and I remember that it can become really hard to make her smile, it is harder to make her giggle but it is hardest to make her laugh.

"Good now I can tell you everything without you interrupting me. In another legend there is told that you can call the man in moon and before you ask how you are going to do that I am going to tell after I have asked you one question, how are you so calm about all of this?" He asked. I honestly thought that he was gonna ask something that I can't answear.

"I honestly don't know, I know that I should be freaking out but somehow I believe what you are telling me" I said my thoughts. I can't tell him that I know Daphne and that she gave me the ice and snow powers now can I?

"Well then now I am going to tell you how you will call the man in moon. In the legend you'll have to be in a cave, just any cave you want but the problem is that the cave you are in has to be covered in ice and it can't be fake, it has to be real" He said. I really want to interrupt him but I want to know the rest and he is the only one who knows it so I don't.

"Anyway in the cave you have to have an ice necklace, don't ask me why but that is the only object there is to call the moon. The necklace has to have a icy chain and the charm on it has to be an half moon and there has to be four another charms, two of them has to be stars but the other two have to be snowflakes" he said.

"Everything has to be made out of ice. Then you will call his name and his real name isn't James, his name actally is Starlight Lunar Moon but some poeple say that he doesn't count his middle name" he said continuing.

"His wife's name is Elizabeth Ivy Moon but I don't think you will see her well you can if you say her name too but no one has ever seen her. They say that the man in moon is very protective of his wife" he said.

"The big question is how are we going to make a cave covered in ice and make a necklace out of ice? The ice will just melt if we try and in the legend there it says that we have to do all of this with our bare hands. Now this is all I have to say" he said.

"I think I know how we are going to make all of this" I said. Hello are you forgetting that I have ice and snow powers. I can make ice and snow with my bare hands so that means I can make the things that I need to talk to James or whatever his name is. Since I am use to call him James I am just gonna stick with that name.

"How are we going to do it?" My uncle asked. Oh yeah I forgot that he does not know that I have ice and snow powers. Oops.

"Don't worry about it, I will handle it and I will also handle the cave, I'll call you when everything is ready" I said and left the police station leaving my uncle speechless. Well now it is his time to be speechless.

I went home and began to make the necklace, I am going to start to make the necklace then I will think about that cave I want to be in. This may take sometime since I want to make this necklace perfect and I have to make sure that my family does not see this.

They would freak out and I don't know what will happen after that and to tell the truth I don't really want to know what they will do. I know that Emma might be exited and wants me to show her more but I don't really have time for that right now.

I need to finnish this as fast as possible then I be one more step closer to find Elsa. If James knows where Elsa is then I have to tell him my mind since I have been looking for Elsa for one year.

If she is with him then it is good but not good enough, I want to have Elsa in my arms but the thought of Elsa with James is good. At least I know that she is unharmed and safe. That is all that metter to me.

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