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Heyyy yall peeps 😂 I'm writing again and I have no views so idk why I said yall but I need to start warning people for sexual content and if you hate self harming don't read this chapter but cba 😂 also I do swear so I'm sorry if your like 2 and can't read this 😂 BTW THERE ISN'T ANY SEXUAL CONTENT YET ;) thank you .

Caspar Lee Pov:

Caspar: "Hey you ok?"
I was kinda confused of why Joe and Y/N came out of the same room together.

Y/N: "Yeah"
She is now messing with her wrists idk what's wrong but I will try not to talk to her about it later.

Joe: "Wanna watch sommet"

Y/N: "Yeah let's watch (fav movie)"

I hand them there drinks while Joe turns on the Tv.

Halfway through the Film Y/N's phone goes off.

Y/N: "Can I take this"

Me and Joe both nod and she walks out of the room.

Y/N Pov:

I answer the call and it was Gracie and Erin they wanted to ft so I request as soon as I do that they start to freak out.

Y/N: "Uhh wut?"

Gracie: "Are you giving me a seizure ryt now?!?!?"

Y/N: "Uhh no?"


Erin and Gracie both are Screaming at this point.

After they had finished Joe walks up behind you and wraps his arms around you.

Y/N: "Joe i-uh what are you doing?!"
You try pushing him off but there is no use.

Erin and Gracie don't say a word (or in my case there just Shook).

Joe: "Aren't you going to introduce them to me" He winks then starts to laugh.

Y/N: "I think they clearly no who you are"



Y/N: "I-uh I mean we aren't together I only met Joe and Caspar today..."

You end the call confused at Joe you enjoyed it while it lasted but why?!

Y/N: "Just why?"

Joe: "I mean like why not?"

Y/N: "Okay ima let it past but you promise me you will never do that again and forget what just happend."

Joe: "Ugh fine"

He lets go of you finally and you call Gracie and Erin again. They immediately answer.

Y/N: "Hey guys"

Gracie: "Hai"

Erin: "Hellar"

Y/N: "So about that thing that just happend can you just ignore that pleassseeee I'm sorry that you had to witness that it was awkward and weird because he has never done that before"

Gracie & Erin: "okayyy"

Y/N: "Well Baiii"

Gracie & Erin: "Baiiiii"

You end the call and walk in the room where Joe and Caspar where you see Caspar had Fallen asleep across nearly the whole sofa and there was only a tiny space left you decide to take a photo of Caspar as he is in the weirdest position ever. You walk over to the tiny place where Joe was and squish together meaning you and Joe are snuggling together you take it all in and you watch the rest of the Film.

*next day or shall I say 3 am*

You wake up with your head wrapped around Joe's Shoulder he hasn't woken up yet so you try and wiggle yourself out from the warmth you go to the fridge and see if there is anything you can cook you decide to make some pancakes :D.

Joe: "mmm smells good"

Y/N: "yup and there all for me biatch" you smirk as you grab the giant plate of pancakes.

Joe: "Oi I want some you fat bitch" you both laugh at his Scottish accent.

He grabs the flour and throws it at your face you put the pancakes down and grab an egg.

You throw the egg and it misses him.

Y/N: "Oh Shitee" you both laugh again at the bad Scottish Accent.

Caspar: "OMG WHAT HAVE YOU DONE YOU TO NEED TO CLEAN THIS UP RUT NOW" Caspar says while screaming like a girl.

Y/N & Joe: "alright mum"

Everyone is laughing at this point.

You eventually clean up and eat some pancakes.

HEYYY hope you liked this Chapter it's more longer :D
And bad but who cares (Erin does) i added my friends in this. YES I HAVE FRIENDS MIND BLOWING I KNOW. 😂

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