Chapter 2: Celebration (Ash's POV)

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I wake up and look to my left, the time on my alarm clock blinks 9:32. With a groan I sit up in my and rub my eyes. I guess I have to get up, I think.

A ding dong from my doorbell makes me a little more alert to my surroundings. I walk through my finely furnished penthouse to the door. I open it to reveal an all smiles Gary, Brock, Paul, Drew, and Tracey. "Happy birthday Ash." They all say in unison.

"Thanks guys," I say as my lips curve into a somewhat smile. Gary is the first to say anything after that.

"Ashy-boy, why don't you come on down to my strip club tonight. I'll make sure all the drinks are free."

"Very tempting Gary," I begin. Gary has been my best friend since college. We were dormmates as well. We had some pretty great times back then. "So tempting that I'll take you up on that offer, I'll be by after work."


"Knock knock knock," A voice said from the other side of the door. "Ash, let me innn." The voice whined.

"Come on in Lizzy," I say. Lizzy has been a quick office hookup since I was  handed to CEO position. But honestly, it was getting boring. Lizzy was almost seeming clingy, she'd bring me coffee every morning, cling to my arm as I went to the elevator to lunch. Everywhere I turned, Lizzy's there.

She pushed open the door, skipping in. "I have your coffee," She said with a wide smile and sitting on my besk

Although she's clingy, she's really hot. And I mean REALLY. Her auburn hair, normally straightened or up in a nice bun was extremely soft and complimented her olive skin. And don't even get me started on her gorgeous legs. Talk about making a man howl.

"Thanks Lizzy," I return with a small smile and immediately get back to my computer. I feel her staring at me. Almost like she's undressing me with her eyes. "Anything else I could do for you?" I ask, not realizing how rude I actually sound.

"Well, I was thinking since it's your birthday, I could give you a little present." Lizzy begins walking her fingers up my chest up to my collar, tugging on it a bit.

She begins to kiss me, slowly but with some passion. She starts kissing harder. I kiss back, our mouths moving together. She starts removing my blazer, pushing herself further on my desk to where she's practically in my lap.

Suddenly I remember her clingy-ness and all the work I have to do. I stop kissing and push her off of me a little.

"I can't do this right now, I have a lot of work to get done."

"Okay, well tonight then," she kisses me again.

"I can't tonight either, I promise Gary I'd stop by the club.

"When at you ever gonna make time for me?" Lizzy pouts before leaving the room.

I sign leaning back in my chair. I hate when people get attached to me, people always get so attached to me, but I don't get attached to people. It's not that I don't. I physically can't. It's as if my mind and my heart are waiting, but how much longer could they possibly wait? I just want to fall in love again. I want to fall in love again like I did in high school. But now I just feel empty and dead. I know it sounds so cliché, but it's the truth, I never wanted any of this, I didn't want the job, I didn't want people falling in love with me left and right, I didn't want the title 'Mr. Ketchum' plastered on a desk and on a door. I just want to be known as Ash. But no, I have to be what my father wants.

"Why can't I just be me," and with that, I got started on my work.

Back home in my penthouse, I flop down onto my couch and kick my shoes off, relieved to finally be in the comforts of my own space.

I begin drifting into sleep when someone rings the doorbell at least five times. I groan, dreading getting up from the couch.

A wide-eyed Gary greets me immediately. "Ashy boy, you didn't forget about me throwing you a party, did ya?"

"Of course not, Gary. I was just gonna go get dressed," I say scratching the back of my neck. I really don't want to celebrate, I just wantfood, lots and lots of food.

"Okay, hurry up," he invited himself in and plopped down onto my couch as if it were his bed. Which often enough it was, if he got too batshit drunk that he could barely stand and drag him here and throw him on the couch.

I go to my room, and throw open the closets. I could be one of those jerks that like to flaunt their money in strip clubs and wear a suit, or I could wear a black tee and some jeans. The t-shirt and jeans seemed more reasonable. Sighing, I return to Gary. "Ready?" I ask quite emotionless.

"Yeah, but get more excited Ashy-boy, you're about to see a ton of hot women."

"You're right," I flash a half smile. This would probably be a better birthday for Brock, not me.

Drew, Brock, and Paul are sitted into the limo Gary must have rented for tonight, all smiles and drinks. I think Paul is already drunk because he seems more social than normal, and surprisingly enough, he turns into a social butterfly when he drinks.

I scoot in the limo, seating myself next to Brock who must already be fantasizing about the girls. I roll my eyes, I may be dense but at least I don't constantly swoon over girls I have no chance with.

"Our little boy is finally grown up." Gary ruffles my hair as he looks to the rest of the group causing fits of laughter from them.

I just smirk, I guess I was the kid-brother of all of us, especially to Paul and Brock. I still remember first meeting all of them, especially Gary. He used to live down the street from me before he moved when we were seven. I thought I'd never see him again. And oddly enough, it really upset me. I mean mostly because I was a seven year old with only Gary it felt like. I guess fate knew that I needed my best friend in college because we ended up in the same dorm. It's funny how stuff that's meant to be, works out.

We finally arrive at the strip club, immediately, I'm taken aback by the smell of cigarettes, spilled alcohol and sweat. Not a good combination.

Gary goes behind the stage immediately, while Brock gets makes sure he gets a front seat to the girls. I'm almost certain I see drool on his chin. Drew, Paul and I head to the bar.

"Three whiskeys, hottie." Drew says with a wink, smacking down some money with a generous tip.

The chestnut haired girl looks at him, "You guys here with some dude named Ash?" She raises an eyebrow and flips her hair over her shoulder, revealing cleavage.

Through his drool Drew manages a yes.

"Then all drinks are on the house. Boss said." She grabs out the glasses and pours the drink to each of us.

We each take our shot then decide to join Brock front and center at a table. Gary joins us shortly.

Paul begins throwing money at some blue haired girl, while Brock just throws money anywhere. While Drew continues to stare at the bartender. He just couldn't help himself.

"I'm gonna see if she'll give me a private show," Drew says with a wink as he runs over to her. She finds another girl to take her spot as she leads him to a back room.

"Lucky bastard." I think to myself.

I look back to the stage when a spotlight forms on the velvet curtain.

"Here comes one of my best girls," Gary said leaning over to me with a smirk. I really don't like how he says his girls as if they're his property, but I mean what are you gonna do? I look at him and then to the stage where a gorgeous. No, smoking fucking hot ginger stood. She was extremely tall, her long, sexy legs were so tan. Her breasts were huge and bounced as she walked. She was so curvy and  her ass really popped too, perfectly round with a lot of jiggle. But my favorite part were her eyes. A beautiful cerulean blue.

The ginger walked up to the pole and began dancing, she was wearing an extremely tight yellow, tied up half shirt, with a yellow thong, sparklet gold and black five inch heels and gold jewelry around her waist. She sure knew what she was doing. I couldn't help it, I stood up and began throwing money all her way.

Gary yelled up to her. "Hey Ginger, how about a very special present for my friend's birthday in the back."

"Ginger" nodded to him and smirked at me before working her way down the stage. She stopped in front of me and rubbed her hand up and down my chest and abs before pulling me towards the back. She bites her lip and flicks her hair back and for a moment I feel like I know who she is.

Hehehehe cliffhanger. I haven't done one in awhile so I figured why not. Well I hope you enjoyed it <3 Please vote, comment and subscribe, it's very appreciated :)

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