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The sleepy-mare started up right where it left off.

"MUM! MUM! PLEASE HELP ME! MOMMY!" I screamed as I was dragged down.
I grasped at the grass around the stream ripping it up as I sunk lower and lower. My nails kept grabbing at anything that could keep me from sinking as dirt filled them. I let go. I gave up on trying to stay on the surface. I gripped onto my book.

There was nothing that could help me.


I sputtered as my head was dragged into the water.


Then, I gave up. I relaxed knowing this would be the end of me. I was still aware of my surroundings as I hit the bottom. The stream was filled with rocks and mud.

That was the bottom.

But somehow, I was pulled through. Underneath the mud and the rocks.
I saw myself going underground.

Then I blacked out.

I woke up in a cold sweat and looked at my clock.

2:17 A.M.

Great. I wanted to go for a walk, roam, but it's not allowed. It's a rule -- Nobody can leave their bunkers at night.

I sat up and crossed my legs, wondering what to do. I looked at my nightstand and saw my book lying there. I picked it up and fingered it. I slowly opened the book up and looked through all the pages. Flowers, herbs, small plants were pasted in there. I kept flipping pages until there were some plants I didn't recognize.

"When did I put this one in?" I whispered to myself.

Then it came to me. The sleepy-mare! The book from my sleepy-mare. It wasn't fake!

It was the past. It was reality.

It was a memory.

I forced myself to lie down and close my eyes, but it wasn't possible. I was too excited about my new discovery.


The bell rang for awakening time at 6:00 A.M.

My mind was still racing from my recent discovery. I continued to lay in my rock-hard bed, my eyes plastered open. 

The breakfast bell sounded at 6:30. I stood up robotically; my arms folded protectively over my book.

I headed down to the hall where breakfast was served. I took a small bowl of fruits and opened up my book. I carefully fingered each one of the petals, leaves, and plants tracing the crevices, petioles, and blades with my finger.

I looked up to see the circular table at the front of the hall where the leaders sit. Aubrey was staring at me, but looked away quickly.

I poked my food and sighed. I was feeling so conflicted! What did these memories mean? Where were they from?

I glanced at the leaders table where something seemed to be taking place. I heard Aubrey whispering to them and getting up.

Holy schnitzel! She was coming towards me!
Did I do something wrong?
I started panicking.

Okay, calm down. Calm down. Breath Kodiak. Just breath.

I focused on my food and pretended to be intrigued with it.

Yes, blueberries were very interesting... they ummm-

"Hey, you okay?"

I straightened up, and turned my head to look at her stiffly. "Er, yeah..."

"Well, you don't look like it. I'm going for a walk. C'mon."


We walked out into the fresh air and sunlight. "So, how are you holding up? With the nightmares, I mean."

"Well," I hesitated. Should I tell her? Maybe she could give me information... "I had a memory- from the past. It was the one we told you about yesterday."

She flinched, but let me continue. "When I went to sleep yesterday, the sleepy-er- nightmare came back."

We sat down by a small tree by a small creek. "How was is? Did it hurt?" she asked inquisitively.

"Sort of... I was scared. I was pulled down and underground by water or something," I sighed, "I just don't know! I don't have words to describe it." I buried my face as hot tears streaked down my face.

"I understand," Aubrey said softly.

What? How would she understand? Aubrey of all  people? She was this perfect strong leader. How could anything hurt her?

She took my silence as a sign to continue, "I had them too. They hurt a ton, they still do. But there are less as you grow up. Technically, you are still the newbie here. Nobody has arrived for years. These nightmares start to fade away. They're just there to scare you."

"No!" I jumped, "They're real! Just like that person! I called them 'mommy' too. In my nightmare, I was holding this book!" I excitedly flung my book at her. I must've looked mad.

She caught the book and opened it up. "You collect dead leaves..." she said warily.

"No, well yes. I collect plants, herbs, anything you could think of and study! This book was there. It had to be real. They were memories."

She stood up angrily. "Kodiak, those nightmares are not memories. Those nightmares are not real. They are fake." she spat. Aubrey threw the book down at me, "Do not step out of line, Newbie."

I glared at her as she walked away. I was right. I knew it. Whether Fane thought I had a gut or not, I had a feeling.

But part of me thought Aubrey may be right. She had been here the longest. I shook my head wanting the thoughts floating in my head to leave, but something caught my eye.

My book! It was open to a page with nothing on it. A specimen that I haven't found yet.

It was a...

What do you think it could be?

Let me know how I'm doing! I would love some feedback! I've been having this idea brewing in my head for sometime, so hopefully I can execute this properly.





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