Chapter 1: Ambushed

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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was made in 2007. It is an action-adventure game that was developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. I do not own the game or the characters except Y/n Kenway.

There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.

Sir Francis Drake, 1587

Y/n pov

I'm currently swimming underwater to find the coffin of Sir Francis Drake. Yeah I know, not something you'd expect to hear in the first sentence am I right? Anyways I'm currently not alone. My best friend and treasure hunter partner in crime Nathan Drake is swimming beside me. We're both wearing the same diving suit and mask. I look to him and ask...

Y/n: "Uh, are you sure it's even here Nate? All I'm seeing is sand, coral and... Uh... More sand."

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Nathan: "*Sigh* For the seventh time yes. It's here. Trust me okay?"

Y/n: "Mate you know I'd trust you with my life considering the amount of times you've saved me from being shot at. But we've been out here for hours now."

Nate just looked at me dumbfounded but not for the reason I originally thought.

Nathan: "What the hell are you talking about? We've been here for 20 minutes!"

I just shrugged my shoulders and started swimming backwards, keeping my hands behind my head while facing towards Nate.

Y/n: "Eh. It feels like it's been a couple of hours to me. But then again I'm easily bored."

Nathan: "You're always easily bored."

I sighed and just when I was about to face forwards again my head hit a small underwater rock formation and grunted in pain. Nate just laughed while I grunted angrily. I saw a fish with big lips and I had an idea I quickly grabbed the fish and pointed it towards Nate while it struggled.

Y/n: "*Imitating fish* Oh hey Natey! How's my buchum squchum doing? Give me a kiss lover boy!"

Nathan: "Who the hell is that supposed to be?"

Y/N: "*Normally* Michelle. You know one of your ex-girlfriends you met in the mall that one time. Remember?"

Nathan: "Oh yeah! I forgot about her!"

Y/n: "Honestly with how big her lips were she could probably have swallowed your whole head if she wanted to."

Me and Nate just laughed while I let the fish go and we continued our search. Eventually we came across what we at first thought was a giant slab of rock but when we got closer...

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We got the coffin on the boat that our new 'friend' Elena Fisher paid for with her money or I guess the producer of her show's money? I don't know I fell asleep after a couple hours of drinking when Nate called her up and she got the boat for us.

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She was currently getting her camera ready to film, Nate was getting a crowbar to pry open the coffin and I was sharpening my hidden blades that I brought with me.

When Nate saw them the first time we met he immediately recognised it as an updated version of the weapon that supposedly King Xerxes around 500 BCE. Sully didn't know anything about it at first until Nate explained what it was. He asked where I got it and told him I bought it from the black market.

They don't know that I'm an Assassin but they do know that I'm related to a pirate who fought alongside some of the most famous pirates like Blackbeard. Honestly it hurts to lie to my friends but the Brotherhood isn't exactly something I can just tell anyone even if they're my friends.

When Elena saw them the first time I told her they were made for close quarters combat underwater. For sharks and all that.

Anyways Elena got her camera recording and started documenting.

Elena: "I'm here off the coast of Panama, where we've just recovered what we believe to be the coffin of legendary explorer Sir Francis Drake, who was buried at sea over 400 years ago."

And with absolutely no hesitation or dignity Nathan starts prying open the bottom part of the coffin with a yellow crowbar.

Elena: "Are you sure you wanna be defiling your ancestor's remains like that?"

Y/n: "*Finishes sharpening blades* You do realise we already defiled it the moment we brought it out of the ocean and out of it's resting place right?"

Nathan: "Actually it doesn't count if it isn't opened yet."

Y/n: "*Shrugs shoulders* Whatever you say mate."

Nathan: "Anyways, *To Elena* You make it sound so dirty. (Laughs)"

Nathan then goes to the top part of the coffin and starts prying.

Nathan: "Besides, I thought you didn't believe me."

Elena: "Well, I did do my research. And apparently, Francis Drake didn't have any children."

Y/n: "*Smirk* Ooh. What's this? You only just met him and you're already liking him?"

Elena: "Nope. I just wanted to make sure he wasn't lying. But when I researched the Kenways there was some records of Captain Edward Kenway who did actually have children."

Nate then started on prying the right side.

Nathan: "Well, besides Y/n's family tree history can be wrong, you know."

Nate is finally finished and I walk over to help him open the coffin.

Nathan: "For example. You can't defile an empty coffin."

Me and Nate open the coffin up and the lid falls on the other side of the ground. We look in and surprising me and Elena there's no corpse. Just a bunch of sand, rocks and what looks like a lockbox.

Me and Elena: "What the hell?"

Nate starts to go for the lockbox while Elena is clearly excited thinking something big is happening that she can't stop her legs from shaking. However I on the other hand am anxious and a bit worried cause I'm hoping all this wasn't for nothing but a rusty old coffin.

Nate picks up the lockbox and sits it on the rim of the coffin. He unlocks it, opens it and inside is what looks like a very small book. Maybe a diary?

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Anyway Nate opens up the diary and after he's done flipping through what look like the first 6 pages he stops at the 7th and 8th page which look like it could be charts and maybe a small map. He flips it to the next pages which look like another chart and a compass.

I take a moment to look at Nate's face and it's safe to say he looks very happy and to be honest so am I. I mean if this is what I think it is then we're in business.

Nathan: "(Laughs) You devil."

Elena: "*Still filming* What is it? C'mon hold it up-"

But before she can get a chance to say anything else I block the camera with my hand.

Nathan: "No, no, no, no way. *Closes journal and puts it in pocket* The deal was for a coffin, that's it."

Elena: "Wait a minute, if my show hadn't've funded this expedition, you wouldn'tve-"

Nathan: "Hey, Hey... You got your story, lady."

Elena: "Look, Mr. Drake, you signed a contract."

Did she seriously go there?

Nathan: "(Laughs)

Apparently Nate thinks it's pretty funny too.

Elena: "I have a right to see every single thing that-"

Y/n: "Hold on now lass like Nate said the deal was for a coffin. There was absolutely nothing in there about a book. Only a coffin. Trust me I looked."

Elena: "But-"

While Elena was trying to figure out some sort of loophole or anything me and Nate saw some boats coming at us and unless my eyes were deceiving me they had guns on there as well. This wasn't good.

Y/n: "Uh actually hold that thought for a moment."

I walked over to the walkie talkie and started talking to Sully.

Y/n: "Uh Sully? We've got some trouble incoming and it's not the authorities. You may want to get here quick. Actually scratch that definetly get here quick."

Elena: "*A bit worried* Okay, okay, what's going on?"

Elena puts her camera away on a crate while I put on my hidden blades.

Nathan: "Uh... Pirates."

Elena: "*In shock* Pirates?!"

Nate picks up a metal briefcase with his name taped on it, picks up a gun and tosses it to me. He then picks up a gun for himself.

Nathan: "Yeah, the modern kind. They don't take prisoners."

Y/n: "*Cocks gun* Unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it they don't bother with male prisoners."

Elena: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

Elena looks out to the side of the boat and see's 4 boats coming at us. She is shocked and rightfully so.

Elena: "Uh, Sh-Shouldn't we call the authorities or something?"

Y/n: "Normally that would be a good idea but-"

Nathan: "We don't exactly have a permit to be here. (Chuckling)"

Elena: "*Angry* What?"

Nathan: "Yeah, so unless you wanna end up in a Panamanian jail-"

Y/n: "Which I don't-"

Nathan: "We should probably handle this ourselves."

Elena looked very worried and scared for her life which I can't blame her for seeing as how she most likely hasn't taken on pirates before.

Elena: "Wh-What's worse?"

Nathan: "You obviously haven't been in a Panamanian jail. *Shows off gun* do you know how to use one of these?"

Elena: "*Very worried* Yeah, it's like a camera... You just, *Very unsure and is holding the gun the wrong way* you point and shoot, right?"

Nathan: "*Praises* Good girl. *Cocks his own gun* Here we go.

Nate walks off and Elena looks very uncomfortable in this situation. Not that I blame her or anything. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder to get her attention.

Y/n: "Make sure to keep a good grip on that thing or the recoil will bounce it right outta your hand."

She shakily nods and I pat her back to comfort her. I walk up to where Nathan is to get ready for the shoot out.

Elena: "How the hell did they find us out here?"

Nathan: "These guys have been tailing us for weeks. Thought we lost em."

Elena: "What did you two do to piss em off?"

Y/n: "I honestly don't remember. I think it was a deal gone bad?."

The first boat shows up and they start shooting us. I shot their gas canisters knocking one of them off the boat and shot the other guy who was on top of the boat in the head.

Elena: "These guys don't like you very much do they?"

Nathan: "Less talking, more shooting!"

Nate saw another boat coming in and shot the guy on the bottom in the head after missing once and shot the guy at the top in the chest a couple times.

Y/n: "*Mutters* C'mon Sully where are you?"

I saw another boat coming to the right side this time instead of the left. I tried to shoot them but they were too fast and they ended up climbing on board.

Elena: "They're climbing aboard!"

Y/n: "I got the guy in the front!"

Nathan: "I got the guy in the back!"

I ran up to the guy and sliced his face from the left and stabbed him in the jugular leaving him to die from blood loss. Nate Shot the other guy who was hiding behind the crates.

Elena: "Another boat coming from the left!"

Me, Nate and Elena started shooting the pirates in the boat but they were to fast and like the last ones they got onboard.

Pirate: "Shoot to kill!"

Nate tackled the pirate from the left into the railing, bashed his face with his pistol and uppercutted him off the ship into the water. I bashed the pirate on the right's head in the metal wall and stabbed him in the back of the head.

Nathan: "C'mon, Sully, where are you?"

Then more pirates arrived but this time from both sides however we actually managed to shoot them before they got on the boat. Just when it looked like we were finished another boat showed up but instead of getting the small fries from before we got...


We all took cover the best we could but we couldn't even land a shot at them. There were two many bullets flying and we didn't want to be blown up.

But just as it seemed like we were doomed a plane came out of nowhere and started circling the boat making the rocket guy look away from us for just a moment and that's all it took for me to put a bullet in the guy's head causing him to fall overboard.

It was at this moment I also realised that the boat was on fire.

Elena: "Oh I don't think I'm getting my security deposit back."

Y/n: "I'm pretty sure there are more important things to worry about at the moment."

The guy on the machine gun was still firing at us but luckily Sully flew down low and swerved the boat causing it to tip over a bit which sent the machine gun guy overboard.

Y/n: "Sully you fucking badass!"

However suddenly our boat started to explode sending stuff everywhere.

Elena: "Oh no."

Nathan: "Ah, dammit!"

Y/n: "The whole ships gonna blow up! If we don't leave now it'll take us with it!"

Nathan: "He's right. We gotta jump!"

I already jumped off the ship into the water.

Elena: "Yeah... Oh wait!"

Elena goes over to the crates to get her camera only to find it's not there.

Elena: "Where is it? Where is it!?"

Nathan: "What are you doing!?"

Nathan drags her over the edge and tosses her overboard. He jumps in just in time as the ship completely explodes.

The plane lands in the water waiting for the trio to hop in.

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We finally resurface gasping air air when we see probably the most badass old man waiting for us. Smoking a cigar as per usual.

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Sully: "(Laughs) I can't leave you two alone for a minute, can I?"

Me and Nate swim over to the door of the plane.

Nathan: "We had everything under control until they blew up the boat."

Sully just chuckles while getting a step ladder and hangs it onto the bottom rim of the door.

Nathan: "*To Elena* You all right?"

Elena: "*A bit sad* Nothing that years of therapy won't fix. Just wish my camera survived."

Y/n: "What camera? Oh you mean...?"

I pull out Elena's camera and her face was priceless.

Y/n: "*Grins* This camera?"

Elena: "*Excited* Oh my god! You are a lifesaver! Thank you! When did you get it?"

Y/n: "Pretty much during that shootout just in case it got full of lead."

I toss it in the plane and climb in with some help from Sully. He decides to introduce himself to Elena.

Sully: "Well, if it isn't the beautiful and talented Elena Fisher."

Y/n: "*Grins* Too bad she's only one of those."

Elena: "Which one?"

Y/n: "Take your pick lass."

Nate and Sully just laugh at that while Elena gets in the plane with some help from Sully.

Elena: "*To Sully* Flattery will get you screen time."

Sully: "Yeah, I'm more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy. *Takes Cigar out of his mouth* Victor Sullivan."

Sully kisses Elena's hand like the gentleman he his and she walks over to a seat to sit down with a smile. Which leaves me to give Nate a hand up to help him get in the plane which he nods at me for.

Nate starts closing the door.

Nathan: "Whaddya say we get out of here before we attract any more attention?"

Sully starts the plane up and takes us into the sky. Nate sits in the front with Sully while I grab a towel to dry myself and put my hoodie on.

Sully: "*To Nate* Well?"

Nate checks to see if Elena's listening in and finds out she's busy with her camera. He discreetly calls me over to see what we found and I make my way up to them.

Nate shows off the diary we found to Sully.

Nathan: "A little present from Sir Francis."

Sully: "(Laughs) So you found the coffin? *Nate shows us a couple of pages* Wait a minute is this what I think it is?"

Nathan: "(Laughs) Drake's lost diary. He faked his death, just like I said, Sully. He must've been onto something big."

Sully: "Yeah, well, let's just keep that between us."

Elena: "Thanks for the loan, Mr. Drake. *Hands Nate her gun* I think I've earned a look at that diary, when we land."

Me and Sully immediately give Nate a look that says 'I thought you checked her to make sure she wasn't listening'. To which Nate just shrugs his shoulders as if to say 'Sorry but there's nothing that can be done about it anyway'.


We finally landed on a pier and me, Nate and Elena got into some different clothes.

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Elena was talking to someone from her show, Nate was explaining everything he read, Sully was listening and I was just having a beer.

Nathan: "So look, when Drake sailed into the Pacific, he took the Spanish fleet completely by surprise. He captured their ships, he took all their maps, their letters, their journals and he recorded everything in this diary."

Sully: "Uh-huh, so this-"

Nathan: "But when he got back to England, Queen Elizabeth confiscated all of his charts and logbooks. Including this one. And then swore his entire crew to silence."

Y/n: "So hold on what you're saying is-"

Nathan: "Y'see, Drake discovered something on that voyage, guys, something so secret, and so valuable, they couldn't risk it getting out."

We couldn't take anymore of Nate not listening to us so I slapped the top of his head.

Y/n: "Nate we are trying to speak ya fucking idiot! *Starts to calm down* Now look as much as we know this is very big and exciting can you just cut to the chase already?"

Sully: "Exactly."

Nathan: "*Sighs while rubbing the spot I hit* Men only interested in the climax. *Sarcastic* You two must be a real hit with the ladies."

Sully: "Never had any complaints."

Y/n: "*Grins* It's just my Kenway luck."

Nathan: "Okay then, I'll jump to the good part, just for the both of you."

Nate started going through pages until he found the one he was looking for. When he did he left it on the table for me and Sully to see and what we saw I had to wipe my eyes just to see if I was hallucinating or not. But I wasn't. We found the location of...

...El Dorado.

Y/n: "*Gasp of surprise*"

Sully: "(Laughs)"

Nathan: "*Smug* Eh?"

Sully: "El goddamn Dorado..."

Nathan: "He was onto something big, all right."

Sully: "*Picks up diary to get a better look* Does it say anything else?"

Nathan: "*Takes back diary* Oh, so now you're interested, huh?"

Sully: "Yeah."

Nathan: "Well, unfortunately no. Last page was torn out. *Shows diary with a torn page*"

I look at the torn page and all I can see is the word 'Rico'. Probably a location. However during the whole time Nate revealed the location of El Dorado I just had a surprised face and it never left.

Nate finally notices and starts snapping his fingers in front of me trying to break my trance.

Nathan: "Uh Y/n? *Snaps fingers* Hello, Earth to Y/n? *Snaps fingers* Y/n if you don't wake up I'll drink your beer."

I finally manage to shake my head.

Y/n: "Uh, sorry mates I just... That's impossible."

Nathan: "Well I know finding the City of Gold is a big thing so..."

Y/n: "No, no, no, no that's not what I'm talking about."

I go through my pockets until I grab a small book and pull it out. The cover was made of black worn out leather and had a skull on the front cover. The symbol of a Pirate.

I flip the pages until I come across what I'm looking for. I place it on the table where Nate and Sully can see it.

Y/n: "Mates this right here is another location of where El Dorado is supposedly."

Nate and Sully were surprised and looked at the location. It was completely different to the one from Drake's journal. However a part of the page was torn off. Probably the coordinates.

Nathan: "You're right, this doesn't make sense. El Dorado was in more than one place? Wait a minute who's book is this?"

Y/n: "*Nervously rubs back of neck* That book belonged to one of my ancestors Captain Edward Kenway."

Nate and Sully were shocked to hear this. Nate starts going through different pages but is confused.

Nathan: "Why are most of the pages missing?

Y/n: "I'm not sure. With the other diaries I have of him I can tell you that rippling pages out of his own books was not something Edward did. But if he did then he must've had a really good reason."

Sully: "Well luckily for us Drake's diary has the coordinates for El Dorado. So maybe we can figure out where Edward found it later on if Drake's book doesn't pan out."

Nathan: "*Smiles* Sounds like a plan."

Y/n: "Yeah... However we have a small problem."

We all look at Elena who was on the phone.

Elena pov

Elena: "Yes, that's what I said. It blew up."

Producer: "*On phone* Seriously?!"

Elena: "It sank."

Producer: "*On Phone* (Sigh) We are so screwed."

Elena: "No, that's why we have insurance, right?"

Producer: "*On Phone* Insurance doesn't cover pirates blowing up our boats!"

Elena: "*A bit worried* Oh."

Producer: "*On the phone* What about the camera?"

Elena: "Oh no, the camera. No, the camera's fine, don't worry about the camera. *Checks to make sure it's okay* No... Still as good as new..."

Thank God it's okay!

Y/n pov

Nathan: "Sully, the girl can hold her own. You shoulda seen her."

Y/n: "Admittedly for a beginner she wasn't too bad."

Nathan: "See? Even Y/n agrees with me."

Sully: "First off, Y/n would agree with anything you say as long as you buy him a drink. *To Y/n* No offence kid."

Y/n: "*Shrugs shoulders while finishing off my beer* None taken."

Sully: "Secondly, *Sarcasm* you can go on out there and tell her, 'we just found the lost city of gold.' Maybe her producer can get it on the air tonight."

Nathan: "Oh, come on..."

Nate clearly wasn't liking this and while it did sound bad this was very justified. Especially if she finds out and spreads the word then a lot of people are gonna get in our way just to get the statue before us.

Sully: "Nate, Y/n... Do you trust me?"

We have a moment to think about it.

Nathan: "More or less."

Y/n: "You haven't given us a reason not to trust you just yet."

Sully: "Good, 'cause we're gonna have every two-bit scumbag in the world racing us to this treasure, unless we cut her loose right now."

Nathan: "*Sarcasm* You're a real gentleman, Sully."

Sully: "I know. It stinks. She'll get over it."

Y/n: "Well if you haven't had any complaints from the ladies yet then I'm sure you'll get more then a couple from her."

Sully: "Well let's leave before we have to hear any of them."

Elena pov

Elena: "No, I don't- I don't care if we're over budget. I mean- Do you realise this could be like- the biggest story of the year?"

I look in the boat and I see Sullivan waving at me while smiling, Nathan studying that diary and Y/n smiling at me while raising his bottle like he's celebrating something. I smile back and wave at them.

Elena: "*Under my breath* Hi..."

Producer: "*On the phone* Well do you even trust these guys?"

Elena: "*Back on the phone* No, I don't trust 'em, okay? That's why we need to move fast. So just get me the camera crew and I promise you that-"

Before I can finish I hear a boat going and I turn around to find the guys driving off in the boat without me.

Elena: "Sonofabitch."

I start running after the boat.

Elena: "HEY!!"

I keep going after it but the boat is gone before I can do anything and I just stop at the edge of the platform.

Elena: "Shoulda seen that one coming."

I walk off to figure out a way to chase them down. I didn't survive fighting a bunch of pirates and a boat exploding just to stop now.


I'm so glad I was able to finish this chapter off after probably 3 days of writing, blood, sweat and tears. I hope you had fun reading this chapter and enjoyed it.

If you have suggestions for things I should put in the story don't be afraid to let me know. Also I still need to know who you guys/gals want to be the love interest. You can vote for it in the Bio at the bottom of the page.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Sea you later!... Get it?... Eh?... Sorry I'll just finish this chapter off.

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