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Drake and Lara, Lara carrying her handgun and Drake his new revolver, have been walking through stretches of narrow, intersecting hallways for almost half an hour, if not more, lost throughout the maze of the museum's many chambers. Lara's new toy is slung over her back along with its pouch of arrows.

They come across an intersection of another hallway crossing through and both draw their weapon to point down opposite sides.

"Clear." Drake whispers, turning to Lara to see her nod.

The two turn to walk down the hallway when Lara slows down to drop behind Drake. "Stay in front of me."

"You're right." Drake smirks, feeling a boost in his ego. "I should protect you if anyone attacks."

She laughs. "No. I just don't trust you."

They turn a corner and the wall in front of them, along with a long painting of an old creeper, leaves them with two choices on the last hallway that crosses through. Left or right?

They aim their weapons as they step out into the passage. She turns to him, flustered.

"I think... it's this way?" His tone is anything but reassuring.

Lara sighs. "Okay, you clearly have no idea where you're leading us."

He turns to face the other direction. "Maybe this way?"

"I can't believe you broke into here to steal without so much as a map or blueprints." She reaches into one of her pockets.

Drake laughs. "Yeah, like maps of massive mansions in Guatemala are just easy to come across."

Lara pulls out a neatly folded map of the museum. Its colors are fresh and vibrant, and the title reads in Spanish 'Museo de Tesoros Antiguos', which translates to 'Museum of Ancient Treasures'. She unfolds it to reveal several pictures along with a detailed map, and glances up to shoot him a smile. "You can grab one at the front desk."

"Cute." He smirks.

"Okay, so according to this... We should be right here." She points somewhere near the middle of the map. "If we go..." She looks down the passage to her right and points. "That way, it should lead us to the back of the building. We could probably find the loading dock and break our way out the door."

Drake nods. "After you."

"Hold it right there!" A low-pitched voice, with a rather heavy accent, hollers from down the hallway Lara was pointing to. The main lifts his automatic rifle their direction.

She hurriedly closes up the map as she steps back. "You know what, on second thought, let's go the other way..."

"Run!" Drake screams as the man pulls the trigger and the two turn to run the opposite direction.

Glass shatters from a nearby vase and the picture of the man tears, falling from its frame as it rips into a dozen flying pieces.

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