Time to Go Home

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"When I saw Hagrid carrying you in his arms, I practically lost it," Lucius said. After Voldemort stuck Harry with the killing cures and Narcissa pronouncing him dead, Hagrid carried him to the school courtyard. Severus was staying in the boathouse. Anyone saw him walking around knowing he survived, he surely would have lost his life for good. 

"Draco told me what had happened to you so I went out to try and protect Harry. Turns out he couldn't die again and jumped out of Hagrid's arms and took off. Then a whole other battle erupted while Voldemort and Harry personally battled it out."

"I was just done, with what he did to everyone and I conjured up every ounce of magic I had so I panicked and used the first spell that came to mind," he said, "  expelliarmus."

"Wait, you defeated the Dark Lord, with the disarming spell?" Severus asked him.

"Yeah, that was the best thing I could think of at that moment," Harry told him. After the Dark Lord was defeated and the remaining Death Eaters that were at the castle where roundup, Harry and Draco went back to the boathouse and helped him to the castle. It took many months for Severus to recover. He moved back to Spinners end and Harry stayed with him. But Harry wanted a family of his own so he adopted a son. Then about a year later he adopted a set of twins and soon after a little girl. He couldn't stay with his dad anymore because space was too limited. So Harry moved out. He bought a house in the country that had plenty of land for his kids to run around. James is already taking a liking to quidditch, so Harry had set up a pitch for him to fly around it. Albus and Tom are more readers but every once and a while they will join James in a game of quidditch. Lily's a little too young yet to understand the game. She cheers no matter what happens. 

The first time the kids met grandpa James took an instant liking to. At the time he was only three. He always followed him around and Harry took turns with his father to put James to bed. Then he came home with Tom and Albus. They didn't take to him right away, it took about a week, but then it was the same with James, they always had to be with him. 

Lily, when she came she was about one, but instantly had Severus wrapped around her finger. If she was ever fussy or crying all Severus had to do was hold her and she would calm down. As the kids grew Harry put them in a public muggle school. He wanted two things to come from it. One, he wanted his kids to get a basic education that everyone needed, writing, reading, math and science skills. Second, he wanted his kids to grow up and not hate muggles, but to accept them.

Upon the clock striking five in the afternoon, Draco Malfoy stepped through the floo. 

"I thought you were packing not having a little reunion," he joked as he spotted the three men. He walked over to Harry and smiled.

"They were fine. Though they want their grandpa and dad home so we can start dinner. The boys tried their hand at making meatloaf," he told him. Harry smiled to himself, imagining the boys trying to make dinner for him and Severus.

"You two done here?" Draco asked.

"I think we are. We can come back tomorrow and clear the things from the attic," Severus said as he summoned his cloak. Harry agreed and invited Lucius over for dinner with them. Instead of apparating, they took the floo back to Harry's house.  Draco was the first to emerge from the green flames, followed by Lucius. Then Harry came and last Severus. Hearing the floo activate, James and Albus came running followed by Tom carrying a smiling Lily. She lit up even more at the sight of her grandpa.

"Granpa!" the kids shouted as they spotted the older man behind their father. Severus let a wide grin spread across his face as he knelt down to their level and wrapped his arms around each one of them. 

"So Draco tells me you four want to try your hand at making meatloaf?" Severus questioned as he stood taking Lily from Tom's arms and carrying her himself.

"Yeah, can you help us?" James said as he followed them into the kitchen. Severus gladly smiled in return. Harry watched after his family as Severus taught his children how to make meatloaf. This is what life was about for him. Having his family together for moments like this. Lucius walked over to the fireplace and placed the photo album on the mantle. Harry had a few pictures to add to it later. 

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