Uncle Luc Saves The Day

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Lucius chooses that moment to floo through. "Hey Severus, oh Harry what are you doing here?" 

Lucius asked as he sat down at the kitchen table and grabbed some tea and a biscuit.

  "Harry's moving me in with him," Severus answered him. 

  "Really?" He asked surprised. 

  "Yes. I have plenty of room in my own manor and he can be closer to the grandkids. I just don't want him to be alone anymore with me gone." Harry answered truthfully. He didn't want his dad living alone. What if something happened to him and he couldn't get a hold of Harry? He would never forgive himself if it did happen.

  "We just found an old photo album and are taking a small break and looking at the photos," Severus tells Lucius. He peers over at the book to see what pictures they are at.

  "So we made it to this time period eh?" He asks and you can see the sadness in the man's eyes.

  "Why? What happened during this time period?" Harry asks the two gentlemen sitting in front of him. 

  "You see Harry, I didn't get you right after your parents died."

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" Severus screamed at the bloody Albus to many middle names to fucking care about anymore Dumbledore, the current headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

  "The boy must go to his relatives home Severus my boy. It will be the safest place for him."

  "You know he can be safe with me. H-he doesn't even know those people, he knows me, Albus." Severus begged him. He couldn't believe it. Just hours ago both his friend Lily and her husband were killed by the Dark Lord Voldemort. But supposedly, when the Dark Lord went to kill little Harry, the curse rebounded and killed The Dark Lord instead and Harry only got a scar the shape of a lightning bolt as a result of it. Now Albus was telling him that Harry must go to Lily's sister and her family to be raised. Albus didn't believe the Dark Lord was gone for good, and truth be told neither did he, so Harry had to stay there for the blood wards that would perfect him. Bullshit was all Severus had to say to that.

  "It has been decided, Severus. When the boy comes to Hogwarts you can protect him then, and tell him what you want. But for now, he must go to Privet Drive." Albus said in a tone that told Severus that this conversation was over. It was at that time and aroura flooed over with Harry in his arms. Severus avoided looking at the boy for he knew his walls would break. He had to be strong for Harry. 

  "When would you like for us to deliver him, sir?" The man asked. 

  "Soon. I wish to accompany you." Albus said as he cleared off his desk. The nose must have woken the small boy for he sleepily opened his eyes. But the first thing he saw was someone's back. This said person was wearing all black and had shoulder-length black hair. 

  "Uncle Seb?" The boy said quietly. Severus froze. He wasn't gonna turn around but he heard Harry call him again, more loudly this time. He could hear the panic and worry in the small boys' voice so he knows he had to turn around.

  "Yes, Harry?" He asked quietly. 

  "Wherf mama an papa?" 

  "They're uh, they umm..." how did you tell a one-year-old that their parents were murdered by a sadistic wizard? The answer, you don't! But,

  "A man told me t-that they paffed away. Whaft that mean?"

  "You told him what happened?" Severus said. Sadness briefly was forgotten, it was now replaced with rage.

  "He has a right to know."

  "Yes but never this early! Why didn't you just give it to him straight then." Severus looked at The boy and his heart broke and spoke the words he never wanted to tell him. "Harry, your parents are dead." And Harry knew what dead meant. He had a small goldfish that passed away a few months ago. The poor boy was heartbroken. He saw Harry squirm and try to get down from the man. The aroura couldn't hold on to him so he put him down. Harry stumbled over to Severus and wrapped his small boy around his legs.

  "They can't be. T-they c-c-cant be!" The boy cried into his legs. Severus kneeled down and scooped the boy into his arms, both of them crying together.

  "I know little one. I don't want them to be dead either. But they are. But will get through it, in the end, will be alright." Severus knew he was speaking a hollow promise. He couldn't tell if they would be alright. Especially after Albus tells him that Harry can't stay with him.

  "A-am I to sfay with you?" The small boy asked him as he looked at him with teary eyes. Severus let a few more tears fall down his face before he answered.

  "I'm afraid not little one. You'll be going to your aunt and uncle's house." Harry began to cry more, crystal clear tears falling out of his emerald green eyes. Severus could begin to feel the small boy's body shake with unshed tears that were yet to come.

  "B-b-but why can'f I go wiff you?" He wailed. 

  "Well, that's where you can be the safest." As Severus said that he shot the headmaster a nasty glare.

  "W-will I see you agan?" 

  "When you're eleven. You will come to a school and you'll see me." Severus said his heart breaking into little pieces he was sure would never come back together again until he sees Harry again. Harry wrapped himself tighter around Severus and cried as hard as he possibly could. The aroura couldn't even look at them any longer. He turned his attention to the window but you could still see the trace of tears falling down his face. 

  "It's getting late. We should be going." Dumbledore said when he noticed the little boy and fallen asleep. Severus gave one last glance at the sweet child in his arms and kissed his forehead.

  "Goodbye Harry." He choked out as he passed the sleeping child to the aroura. Before he lost control of himself he rushed out of the room and down to his chambers. Once he arrived there his magic flared and anything in a two feet radius of him, which was two side tables, a small shelf filled with empty vials and a door that led to the bathroom, where blown to oblivion. He felt his back hit the door behind him and he sank down to the floor and he placed his head on his knees and continued to cry. He cried for hours, he doesn't know how long. For days he felt numb. He felt like a ghost just passing by. He would wake up, eat, teach, eat, teach, eat, grade, go to bed and repeat the process. No real thought was required. Then the anger set in. He became the person you didn't upset, for once you did, he would lose his control. People began to hate his class, then they became scared for their safety and their professors. It got so bad Albus told him to take the next year off to collect himself. He tried to find Harry at Privet Drive, but Albus must have thought he would do this for he hid the house from his view. He returned to his home more sad and angry than before. But when Harry's birthday came around he retreated back into the sadness for a few days before the anger came back even worse. He didn't go back when September first came around. He told Albus he would come back when he was good and ready to. Albus could see Severus meant what he said. He would need a good amount of time before he went back to his normal self. Then Halloween rolled around and Severus slipped into a depression and anger. No one heard from him in months. That was until his friend Lucius Malfoy paid him a visit.

  "Severus!" he called as he stepped into the house. The house felt like it was shrouded in darkness. He never knew what happened to his friend. But right when the Dark Lord fell from power, Severus went into a spiral of depression and anger. Now, Lucius was no fool. He knew Severus never supported him and was a spy. And Lucius was thankful for it. He too has switched sides. He had a son on the way when it happened. The Dark Lord kept saying things he wanted to be done by his son when he was born, how he was going to group up, basically mapping out his life. And Lucius didn't want his son to grow up like that. When he got the new the Dark Lord was dead, he didn't believe it. He was happy his son could grow up for a period of time where he didn't have to be afraid, but he knew the Dark Lord would return. When he heard the prophecy, he knew Harry Potter would be the person who could make sure his son grew up in a world without war and constant fear. So he made a vow to himself to protect him. A few days ago, a few death eaters contacted him saying they located the Potter boy. Lucius jumped at the opportunity to get him. But what he found, he couldn't put into words. He knew he needed the help of his friend, that was if he could get a hold of him. And he couldn't so he took himself and the child to his home to find him. He laid the boy down on the couch carefully and went deeper into the house in search of his friend.

  "Severus?" the man called again. This time he got a response.

  "What!" he heard come from a door further down the hallway. He knew that this was the door that led down to the man's personal potions lab. 

  "I need help with something."

  "What could you possibly need help with?"

  "It's about Harry Potter." Once those words left his mouth, from down the stairs he heard crashes and the sound of someone frantically running up the stairs, Lucius jumped out of the way just in time for Severus threw the door open as fast as humanly possible, tripped on the top step and stood up just as fast and grabbed Lucius by the arms and shook him.

  "What about him!?" He questioned out of breath.

  "Look, could you let go of me?" When he did, he still looked at him with a pointed glare. "A few days ago, some other death eaters contacted me telling me they found Harry's location. Now, I went to collect him and what I found was... I can't even describe it to you. But I tried to contact you but I got no answer so I just brought him here."

  "Wait, he's here? Where?" 

  "In your living room." And faster than lighting Severus took off down the hallway and into his living room. What he saw before him made his heart feel like it did on that day two years ago, but only worse. There Harry laid on his couch with cuts and bruises covering most of his fragile body. He could tell from this angle that his arm had to be broken. Who knew what type of internal injuries he had either. Severus almost then and there fell to his knees. It was that moment that the small child woke up. He first looked around the house and gave a confused expression. He could have sworn he has been in this house before only, it looked different from what he remembers. And he couldn't remember who lived there, but he swore he knew this house. That was when his eyes landed on him. A man with shoulder-length black hair, dressed in all black.

  "U-uncle Seb?" The young boy said. Severus gave a teary-eyed smile. The boy still couldn't pronounce the 'v' but it was fine by him.

  "Harry." He said just as quietly and as breathlessly. Then the boy quickly lept off the couch and ran to the man. Severus met him halfway and wrapped his arms around him. And together they cried. Lucius looked on from the doorway. He hears the child call him uncle Seb. So this was why Severus was so broken. He lost him that day as well, not just his best friend. 

  "P-please don't s-send me back there!" Harry cried into the man's shoulder. Severus placed a kiss on his head and gently rocked the child.

  "Don't worry little one. You are never going back there. You're gonna stay here with me. I promise." Now, this wasn't an empty promise. He would take Albus to hell and back to keep Harry with him because that's where he belonged.

  "So that's how I came to be with you then," Harry said as he sat there mesmerized. His aunt and uncle nearly beat him to death and it was Lucius who rescued him and brought him to Severus.

  "Yes. I owe a lot to your uncle Lucius. If it wasn't for him coming to get you, who knows what might have happened." Severus said as he looked to Lucius with a thankful expression on his face.

  "How many times have I told you to stop with that. What you did for Draco when he came to Hogwarts is payment enough. I owe you for taking care of my son all those times he got himself into trouble." He said as he smiled at his friend. 

  "So what's this picture then?" Harry asked the two men in front of him as he pointed to the picture of him at three years old.

  "That was your third birthday. We finally were able to get you to sit still to actually take a photo. Your second birthday we were out and never brought a camera with us." Severus answered him. They flipped through more pictures until they got to when Harry was about six or seven years old. It showed him in the backyard on a toy broom, and a little blond haired kid chasing after him.

  "Oh, I remember this one. This was your first play date with Draco."

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