It's Complicated

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Carly POV:

I woke up to my bed being extremely wet. I couldn't remember what happened. Then I remembered that Freddie cause this. I'm never speaking to that jerk ever again. I get out of bed and take a shower. I get out and get dressed in my room. I put on my pre-ripped jeans, black undershirt, my black jordans, a black hoddie and my black beanie. I put on some make up and head downstairs. I see Spencer making breakfast.

"That's a change in events". "Hey Spencer" I say with a weak smile.

"Hey Carls I heard about what happened last night I'm so sorry I wasn't here to comfort you" he said embracing me.

"Thanks Spencer but I think your burning the pancakes".

"Oh right" he ran back over to them and served me two pancakes.

After I ate breakfast I felt my phone vibrate. I saw that Freddie had texted me.

"Hey Carly can we talk downstairs in the lobby?". I ignored him and didn't respond. I don't need him running my day. I  grabbed my book bag and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs I saw him leaning against a wall directly in front of me. He looked so adorable.

"Stop it Carly remember he made you cry last night don't fall for his cuteness" I thought giving my self a pep talk.

I try to walk past him but he grabbed my wrist, I felt the sparks but I ignored it.

"What do you want Benson?" I spat.

"Carls can we just talk about it please?" He said. I looked into his eyes and saw the pain in them. I hated myself for hurting him, but at the same time I wanted him to feel guilty. I feel horrible but now he knows how I feel. Ugh I'm having a battle with my brain.

"You know what Freddie I'm done with this just go back to your little girlfriend Cat you seem to enjoy her company way more then mine" I spat and walked out the door. I felt bad for talking to Freddie like that but he hurt me and I don't want to forgive him. I feel like a jerk maybe I should go back and apologize.

I walk back in the apartment to see Freddie and Cat hugging.

"I guess I know how he really feels".

I tear ran down my cheek as I walked to the bus stop.

Freddie POV:

Those words stung my heart like heart burn. But I understand what she is going through. Suddenly Cat came downstairs and ran upstairs and hugged me. I was shocked and I tried to push her off but that girl has a strong grip. "Cat I-I can't breathe". I finally got out of her grip and ran after Carly. I went outside and she was no where to be found. I just figured she went to school and I left for school also.

At School

I looked all over for her. She didn't show up for first and second period. I couldn't find her anywhere. I guess she was tryimg to ignore me I just gave up and went on with the rest of my day.

After School

Carly POV:

I tried to ignore him all day. If I saw his face I would have broke down in tears. I even skipped the classes I had with him. I once saw him in the hallway and I hid behind a corner praying he wouldn't notice me. I rather not come face to face with him right now. But I can't avoid him forever eventually I'm going to have to talk to him. I was walking home when I heard someone call my name. I recognized that voice anywhere it was Freddie. I started running. I must not have seen the rock because I tripped and landed straight on my face. I tried to get up my a sharp pain hit my ankle. "Oww" I screamed. The pain hurt so bad that I started to cry. Soon enough everything went black.


I woke up in a pair of strong arms. I looked up to see Freddie he was carrying me bridal style. He smiled down at me. "What happened?" I said.

"I don't know I heard a cry and it sounded like yours so I started running and I saw you on the floor".

"Oww why does my ankle hurt so much". 

"I think you sprained it so I'm carrying you home".

"Oh well thanks" I smiled. I was in his arms wondering how far is the apartment building from here. It feels like an eternity.

~Freddie POV~

I was walking home from school when I heard a loud cry. It sound like Carly's so I started running. I saw Carly on the floor. She must have been crying her face was puffy and her eyes were bright red. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. She looked so beautiful in her sleep. I didn't even know how far away the apartment building is but I hoped it was far so I could hold her in arms.

She finally woke up. "What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know I heard a cry and it sounded like yours so I started running and I saw you on the floor."

"Oh well Thanks" she smiled at me I returned it and the rest of the way it was silent.

We finally reached and I set Carly down but it she told me it still hurt. So I carried her upstairs to her apartment and into her room. I laid her on the bed and sat down in a chair on the other side of her room. I watched her sleep. (A/N: Sorry if that sounds stalkerish I was thinking it sounded cute at how concerned he is of her). She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.

2 hours later

I wake up in Carly's room. I must have feel asleep. I looked over at Carly and she is sound asleep. I heard her mumbling something but I couldn't make it out. Finally I heard what she said "Freddie.... Don't leave... Freddie Nooooo". She screamed. I went over to her and started shaking her.

"Carly Carly wake up". "Carls wake up".

"Wha-at Ugh what happened" she said confused.

"You were having a bad dream". I blushed when I realized how close our faces were. I moved back and looked at her.

"Uhh Freddie why are you in my room?".

"Oh uh I brought you up here after you hurt your ankle when you tripped".

"Oh ok well thanks" she smiled at me. I returned it and went through the door downstairs. I was just about to open the door when I heard a loud thud. I ran upstairs and saw Carly on the floor.

"Carls you ok" I ran to her side and helped her up.

"Yeah I'm fine it just hurts to walk". I helped her to her bed and let her sit so. I sat down next to her.

"Look Carly I still want to be with you" I said looking into her eyes. She blushed and didn't respond.

"I still want to be with you too but it's complicated".

"What do you mean?".

"Look Freddie I love you but I don't think I can be with you right now".

"Oh ok". I felt a tear threatening to fall but I didn't let it.

"I'm gonna go"I said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Freddie wait" Carly said grabbing my hand.

"What Carls I see it's clear you don't want me in your life so I'll just stay out of it" I spat my voice cracking cause I'm about to cry.

"That's n-" she began but I cut her off.

"Yeah I know what you meant Carly I'll see you around".

With that I left her room and went downstairs and out the door. I got home and threw myself on my bed bursting into tears. If I left them any longer I think I was going to explode. I laid there weeping making my head start to hurt. That was the last thing I remembered. Crying over the girl I love the most.

~Carly POV~

Why does my life suck? Why can't I have a normal teenager life. With friends, obsessing over the latest vampire movie? Why does everything have to be so complicated? I sat there weeping into my arms that were wrapped around my legs. I want him to be with him, but I can't trust him after what happened. I just wish he never kissed her. Why would he kiss her anyways?. What if he has feelings for her is using me as a rebound girl. No way Freddie wouldn't do that he is the most genuine person I know. Then it hit me what if Cat kissed Freddie. So much anger filled up inside me. I wanted to slap her so bad.

I couldn't contain my anger anymore I got up and walked down to her door. I banged on it. "Cat open up" I banged on it again.

"Cat open the door now or I will bust it down". Finally she opened it looking at me like I was crazy.

Cat POV:

"So you know the plan right?".

"Yeah I know it you want me to become friends with Carly, you get them get back together,  I kiss her and make them break up so he could be with you and she could be with me" he said.

"Yeah perfect it all starts tomorrow at school, don't mess this up".

"I won't". Suddenly there was a loud noise on my door.

"Cat open up". I rolled my eyes.

"I got to go don't forget the plan bye".

"Bye". I hung up and heard Carly say.

"Cat open up or I'll bust it down". I moaned and opened it.

Find Out what happens next time on Icarly love story Missing You (Creddie) 

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