19 | Don't Leave Me

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad





I opened my eyes, wincing. S**t.

My head felt like it had been pounded hard repeatedly by a hammer. I felt stinging all over my face and neck, possibly from the shattered window beside me. I groaned lightly as I tried to remember what had happened.


I turned my head and blinked twice to clear away the blurriness in front of my eyes. Looking visibly unharmed, Anabia was conscious, tilted over slightly towards me, with her seat belt holding her in place. The airbags had been inflated, so hopefully, she wasn't majorly hurt. 

But then I smelled petrol, which caused an alarm to go off in my head. I need to get Anya out of here.

When we take our driving tests, we have to learn the Highway Code, and in general, it is said not to move someone after an accident unless there's a further risk to life, or an imminent danger, e.g. a fire. 

I somehow managed to unbuckle my belt, and turned towards Anya. "Anya..." A sharp pain tore through my chest and I glanced down. My white shirt was stained with blood, where a glass shard had lodged itself on the right side of my chest. It didn't seem too deep, but it hurt like nobody's business. I reached out and gently pulled it out, clenching my teeth in pain. It didn't matter. Nothing mattered but the fact that I had to get Anabia to safety. I pushed the door open after a great struggle, and stumbled out of the car. It was painful. My whole body felt like it had been thrown from great heights, but the adrenaline rush kept me going. I kept reminding myself that right now, Anabia's safety was my priority.

I looked around at the wreckage around me. The barrier had been completely smashed by my car, and we were currently smashed into some hedges and shrubbery. The car in front of us had been slammed sideways, and smoke was rising from its engine under the bonnet, but I couldn't see the driver from here. There was no sign of the car that had slammed into us. The rising smoke from the other car increased by adrenaline and I stumbled towards the other side of the car, pulling the door open after I finally reached there with great effort. "Come on, baby." I muttered, unbuckling Anabia's seat belt, before carefully lifting her up. Physically she seemed okay, but there might be internal damage, and I didn't want to do anything to make it worse. Lifting her up, I carried her away from the car, away from the roadside. My knees threatened to give way with each step, but I was determined to get her to safety.

As I walked further away, my body seemed to start to give up. My head started to spin, and I felt a thin trickle of liquid run down the side of my face, and it definitely did not seem like sweat. My theory was confirmed as a drop of my blood landed on Anabia's forehead as she remained unconscious in my arms. We were far enough away now, hopefully, but still within sight of the road so that the emergency services can see us when they come. 

I couldn't help loudly groaning in pain, as my knees finally gave way underneath me. But I held onto Anabia tightly, refusing to let her get hurt any further. As I fell onto the ground, I cradled her against myself, hoping to cushion the fall for her. As I sat on my knees, she slipped out of my arms and onto the ground, but I had no more energy left inside me. 

The exploding sound was the last thing I heard, and the orange light flashing across the sky was the last thing I saw as I lost consciousness. It seemed that the other car had caught fire.




 In the Quran it is mentioned that, 'whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved the entire mankind.' Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:32).

"Rehan saved your life." Mama told me, her face streaked with tears. "The fire that started in the other car was spread to your car as well, because of leaking petrol. It caught fire as well by the time the emergency services arrived there. If you had been in there..." 

My eyes widened as I lay in the hospital bed. "Rehan saved my life." I repeated. "Where is he?" 

She didn't meet my gaze. "Anabia, the injuries were too much..."

My heart stopped. I'm sure it did. "No. What are you saying? NO!" I screamed out the last word.

"Anabia, meri jaan..." Sobbing, Mama leaned forward to press her hands against my shoulders.

"NO!" I screamed again. "Why didn't he leave me in there then? Why did he have to save me?" 

I had been told that I was okay. The seat belt and the airbags had prevented serious injuries, and I had just received small cuts from the shattered glass. Rehan was the one who had bore the brunt of the accident. He had been hurt, yet he had still saved me. "If he leaves me, I'll never forgive him." Tears ran down my cheeks. 

"He hasn't left you sweetheart, but he is not...doing well." 

I began to get up.

"Anabia, my darling..." She held my arm. 

Saim and Laila appeared in the doorway, their faces grim. 

"How is he?!" I practically screamed out in their directions. "I need to go..." I began to mutter to myself. "He saved my life. I have to pray for his."

My family didn't protest much, which proved that my injuries were not concerning. I got up and Mama and Laila helped me towards the bathroom. I couldn't stop crying as I performed ablution. 


I was sitting in bed, prayer beads in hand, a dupatta tightly covering my head, when Nina Aunty walked in. 

"I came earlier, but you were still unconscious." She said, softly. "How are you, my darling?" Her eyes were swollen and red, with no sign of make-up on her face. Her face was pale, and she looked shaken, which was unsurprising.

"How is Rehan?" I asked.

"He had scans done, and the doctors are trying to understand the severity of his head injury." She stared blankly at the wall as she sat down on the bed beside me.

"H-Head injury?" My voice trembled. In the world of fiction, it was cliché that a head injury lead to either a coma or memory loss. I feared either.

Suddenly, Aunty started sobbing softly, and for a few seconds, I had no idea how to reassure her. Our pain was mutual, because we both loved him unconditionally, in our different ways. I placed my hand over hers, silently. I had no words to reassure her, because I couldn't even reassure myself right now, but I knew that we both needed to support each other right now, and just knowing that you have that support can often provide some comfort.



"Dad, you're a powerful man." Yasin was saying to his father as I approached them. "Please pull some strings and not let Bhai die."

My heart sank at his words.

"I wish that I had such connections." Tariq Uncle looked at his younger son. "But we all have a connection to Allah. We can pray to him for our Rehan's recovery."

"This is a hospital. How many people pray here for their loved ones recovery, but those prayers are not answered." Yasin was in tears. 

"Beta, for some death can be liberation: from their sins, from their pain. Allah knows best. But when we make dua, we make it with hope and faith. We don't think that it's never going to be answered. The whole purpose of dua is to have faith in Allah."

"I can't lose Bhai." Yasin was sobbing now.

I turned away, my eyes welling up as I walked down the hall, stuffing my hands in my light jacket pockets. Rehan Bhai had saved Anabia, my twin. He had done something that could never be repaid in this lifetime. Ya Allah, please give him a quick recovery. He and Anabia deserve to live out their lives together. Ameen.

Ya Allah, my sister has been tested enough. Please don't test her anymore. I'm not sure if she'll be able to handle the pain of losing him. Please Allah, give him a quick recovery and a long, healthy life. He saved her. Please save him. Ameen.



Mama remained near me, hovering around even when the doctor and nurses came to check up on me. She refused to leave me alone, unless Saim and/or Laila were around, or even Nina Aunty.

I was feeling cold, and I pulled the thin hospital blanket over myself. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Rehan's adoring gaze on me, in various situations. His smile that reflected so much warmth. I felt his arms around me, giving me a feeling of safety and security.

He had saved my life, unbothered about his own.

Suddenly, Hareem rushed into my room, her cheeks pink and her eyes damp. "What the hell, Ana?!" She came over to my bed and leaned down to hug me. "Are you okay?" 

"Hareem..." I was briefly surprised, before I hugged her tightly. "Hareem..." I repeated her name and my voice broke, as did the invisible barrier that had been holding my tears back. I started sobbing, my wailing reflecting all the pain in my heart. "Rehan..."

"He'll be okay, In Sha Allah. All our prayers are with him." 

"I wish...I w-w-wish he hadn't saved me." 

"Don't say that! You're indirectly praying for death, which is wrong, Ana!" She shook her head. "He saved you because he's so much in love with you, Ana. He saved you because he's such a compassionate person, even if we set his love for you aside." 

"This can't be it, Hareem." I cried so hard that I felt like my whole soul was drowning in an ocean of grief, struggling to resurface back to normality.

"May Allah grant Rehan Bhai a quick recovery, and a long healthy life. Ameen." Hareem whispered softly.


We were interrupted when Saim entered with a couple of police officers. This was basically a case of hit and run, with the car smashing into us and driving away, and the police wanted my witness statement. I told them everything that I could remember, but I couldn't bear it because it reminded me of the position Rehan was currently in.

By the end of it, I wanted to be left alone: away from everyone, way from the doctors and nurses, just somewhere far away where it was just me and my aching heart. I wanted to be in a pitch black room, snuggled in bed under the duvet where I could scream and cry my heart out.

Ya Allah! My heart silently cried out to its Creator. Help me. Please.


Two days passed by since the accident, with no sign of recovery from Rehan. I had been released from the hospital, but I spent most of my time wandering around the corridors, just waiting to hear the news of his recovery.

"Anabia, my darling, I think you should go home and rest." Nina Aunty finally told me one afternoon, as I almost fell asleep on the hard waiting room chair. "You received some injuries as well, you should be resting."

"My injuries are nothing." I muttered.

She sat down beside me. "My dear, I have to answer to Rehan when he wakes up, In Sha Allah. How will I explain his state of yours to him? He'll think none of us took care of you."

"When he wakes up, I'll answer his questions, don't worry." I looked at her, tearfully. "Can I please see him?" 

She nodded. She held me by the shoulders as she walked me down the hall to the room where Rehan was. Pushing the door open, she gestured for me to enter, and after I did, she closed the door, leaving me alone in the room with my husband.

I walked up to the bed, hugging myself. He was unconscious, lying on his back, but looking peaceful. "Hey, you." I sniffed. "Rehan, you need to wake up before people start criticising that your wife has made you lazy after marriage." I stood beside him and looked down at him.

His face lacked colour, but I could almost picture a small amused smile on his face, enjoying teasing me. There was a bandage on his head, pushing hair back from his forehead. I leaned down and pressed my lips lightly against his forehead, afraid that even the slightest pressure could cause him pain.

I walked over to the armchair by the window, where Nina Aunty usually spent countless hours, and I sat down, curling my legs under myself. Opening my bag, I took out Rehan's journal. While I had been staying with Mama, yesterday I took an Uber to our flat and gotten his journal, and had started writing in it. It made me feel like he was right there, listening to me. 


You hijacked my imagination, by providing me with characters that I created countless fanfictions around.

You stole my heart when we started communicating directly with each other, indirectly at first as Ray_1234, and then as Rehan Tariq himself, my beloved favourite author.

You stole a part of my soul when I married you. 

How have you taken so much of myself from me, and yet I am the one indebted to you because you saved my life?

♡ Yours, Anya ♡

I didn't want to cry, but the uncertainty of the future was shattering me from the inside. I suppose this is when our patience, our sabr, is really tested- when we are going through difficult times.

I glanced towards Rehan, and I felt my composure collapse around me. I started crying, loud sobs escaping my mouth. I wish we had stayed the night at my in-laws' house. I wish he hadn't been focused on me. I wish...


Third Person POV

Nina had opened the door of the room upon hearing the sobs of her daughter-in-law, and when she had seen Anabia as a crying mess on the armchair, her heart broke. Allah, she loves my son a lot. Please bring him back and ease her pain- ease all of our pain. Ameen.

She marched over to the doctor's office and knocked on the door.

"Yes, Mrs Tariq?" The doctor, Dr Howard, asked wearily. This wasn't the first time Nina Tariq had come up to her, demanding answers.

"What is going on? Why isn't he awake yet?" 

Before the doctor could reply, her pager beeped. "I'm sorry, Mrs Tariq, I have to see to a patient. We will talk very soon, I promise." She rushed off, closing her office door behind her, leaving Nina out in the corridor, once again without any answer.

That's it. We have to transfer him to the best hospital in London. I'm willing to pay anything for him to be treated by the best doctors. I am not going to wait around any longer.


Tariq informed Nina that Yasin had gone to the multi-faith prayer room, so she made her way over. Yasin had been here too long, and she decided that he needed to go home, freshen up and rest.

"It was my fault, Allah." Yasin sat on a prayer mat, hands raised up in a dua. "They had come over to attend my birthday. This happened because of me. But, please, Allah. If you bring Rehan Bhai back, I promise, I will always listen to him and my parents. I would never argue with my elders. Please bring him back, Allah. I love my brother. I can't live without him." His shoulders racked with sobs as he concluded his dua.

Nina glanced up heavenwards, her eyes filling up. 



When Nina had told her then fourteen-years-old son Rehan about her pregnancy, he had been repulsed at the idea. He had questioned how he was going to face his friends.

But the moment Rehan had first held baby Yasin in his arms, everything had changed. "Ma Sha Allah. He's so adorable."

"Are you sure you aren't embarrassed to be acting so soft?" Nina teased him as she sat on the hospital bed. "Isn't that against the law of teenage boys?" 

"I don't care. He's my baby brother." Rehan kissed the newborn baby's forehead. "My little Yas..."

Nina had been incredibly proud witnessing that moment, but over the years her pride had increased as she watched Rehan become an almost fatherly figure to Yasin as the former entered his twenties. Tiny little Yasin grew incredibly attached to his Rehan Bhai as well, and ran around after him everywhere, wobbling on his tiny little legs.

Yasin had always heavily relied on Rehan, and as Yasin's naïve and timid nature became obvious, Nina worried that he was too dependent on his elder brother. She prayed that the day never comes when Yasin would have to experience his brother's long term absence, because she wasn't sure how her younger son would cope.

Unfortunately, sometimes life teaches one to be stronger by giving the harshest of lessons. 



"Rehan?" Lifting my head up from the pillow with a gasp, I blinked.

How did I get here?

Then I remembered that Saim and Laila had brought me back to our flat last evening, when I had thrown a tantrum that I wanted to go to mine and Rehan's home, and nowhere else.

I woke up alone in bed, and it hurt more than any scratch or wound from the accident could.

Okay, I need to compose myself. Falling weak won't help anyone, certainly not Rehan. I took a deep breath, sitting up. Get a grip, Anya. Return to normal, and be normal when he wakes up, In Sha Allah. He would hate to see you looking like a zombie.

I took a nice long shower, trying not to remember his hands running up and down on my body, as if physically reassuring my body that it was safe, after Adam's assault.

I actually forced myself to eat proper breakfast that morning, wanting to energise myself if I was going to be spending the rest of the day at the hospital. I will be strong. I will look after myself. For Rehan.

That morning, I sat in our book corner, my legs swinging from the armrests of the armchair, as I read Blood Crimes once again. The detective... I smiled as I read. Here I felt like Rehan was going to walk in any minute and give me that cheeky grin as he sees me reading his book yet again. Here I felt like that accident had never happened. 

I closed the book, pressing it against my chest, as I stared thoughtfully up at the ceiling. Getting up, I walked into the bedroom and turned my laptop on. After it fully loaded, I opened a blank Microsoft Word document. 

I wake up, blinking away the sleep. I wish to push the accident at the back of my mind, as if it had never happened, but your absence is felt as strongly and vividly as the scent of a perfume when it's freshly sprayed in the air. Everything in the room screams silently, reminding me of you: the neat side of the bed, where I normally snuggle up against you, the desk where you sit writing, the wardrobe in front of which we had shared our first kiss. 

And as I sit up in bed, missing you, longing for you, you walk in as if the accident was a bad dream. You give me the amused smile, the teasing smile that made me feel that you had been pranking me all along. The sparkle in the eyes, the adoring expressions. 

"Why would you do this to me?" I breathed out.

"To make you realise the intensity of our love. You feel me even when I am not here, and I feel you beside me even when you're miles away." 

"Don't scare me like that." 

"When you're in love, you need to accept that fear is a part of that package."

I place my fingers on your cheeks, and as you kiss my palm, feeling your warm breath actually makes me laugh with happiness, because breathing means life. As does heartbeat, and I place my hand over your chest to feel it. "You're really here."

You give me a smile that melts me completely. I throw my arms around you, holding you tight. I will never let you go. "You risked your life for me."

"I risked my life because where would I be without you." You pull back and rest your forehead against mine.

"I love you. Don't leave me."

"I love you, and I promise you that if I have a choice, I would never leave you." 


This was one 'fanfiction' that I wanted to be real more than any other one.

Except that this wasn't about a detective or a book. This was about a fan writing about her favourite author, her husband, her lover, her best friend. Her life saver.



"I want to know who is behind this accident." I was on the phone with the police detective. "I don't want them to get away." 

However did this had torn my sister's life apart. She was broken, and Rehan Bhai was hanging between life and death.

"Keep me updated on this investigation, please." I pleaded with him before I ended the call.

At the barbecue, Anabia was so happy. She and Rehan Bhai looked so much in love. Mama was starting to accept them as well. Everything was going so damn well, and then...

When I heard about the accident, I felt like my heart was going to stop. I don't know what I'd have done if anything had happened to my sister.

But according to the CCTV footage, Rehan Bhai had carried her out of the car and away to safety. If he hadn't, Anabia would certainly not be alive right now. He had saved her, but his own life was still at risk.

I felt tears in my eyes as I thought about how close to death Anabia had been. The girl who I'd known since before birth, my twin. I felt shaken up on the inside. I won't let them get away with it, Ana. I won't spare the people who tried to destroy your life. 



Rehan was shifted to one of the best hospitals of London, St Michael's. I was there throughout the transfer process. However, St Michael's did not allow visitors to stay overnight, unless it was with a child in their paediatrics ward, or close to a newborn baby in the NICU. 

I stood outside the hospital, my arms crossed over my chest, as I blankly stared out at the car parking.

"Are you scared?" 

I looked to my left and saw a little girl, around six or seven, standing there, her eyebrows furrowed together, as she stared at me. She held a balloon in her hand. "No, I am not scared. Why do you ask?"

"I was scared." She shrugged. "And then the nurse gave me this balloon." She smiled at me. "Would you like a balloon? It's a Frozen balloon!"

I paid closer attention to the balloon, and indeed I saw Anna of Arendelle on it. I couldn't help smiling. "Wow, that's a lovely balloon. But no, you keep it sweetie."

"I had to get an injection, you know! But Mama said that no pain or no scare lasts long!" The girl said. "We need a little bit of faith, trust and a little bit of pixie dust." She quoted from Peter Pan. Clearly she was a Disney fanatic like me.


"Coming Mama!" Zara, the girl, waved at me and ran off inside.

I was left smiling with a strange sort of peace hearing the words of wisdom from a little girl. 


You open your eyes, and even from a distance, I can see that your eyes are searching for something...or someone? 


My heart felt heavy with relief and I want to walk straight up to you, but I don't know how to face you. Without caring about yourself, you ensure my safety. I am not sure if I can ever look you in the eye and convey my gratefulness for what you did for me.

And yet, I know, without a reasonable doubt, that it is me that you want to see...

I was trying to make myself feel better by writing this fan fictions.

As morning descended over London, I watched another sunrise without Rehan. 

It was unbearable and I was starting to lose my patience, but I knew now that my sabr will be greatly rewarded. In Sha Allah.

I was standing at the dressing table and towel drying my hair, when my phone rang. I glanced down at it and saw that my mother-in-law's name on the caller ID. My heart sank. Why was she calling me so early in the morning?

I sank down on the stool. Ya Allah. I can't handle anymore pain. Please. I answered the phone, closing my eyes. "Assalam Alaikum, Aunty." 



Well, that was a bit of an emotional chapter, wasn't it?

Another cliffhanger, but this one is slightly positive...only slightly. 

Anyone recognise Zara? :D

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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