2 | The Courtyard

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



My lips parted slightly, and I felt my breath escape slowly. My eyes seemed to be unblinking, frozen in disbelief.

When we were kids, we used to listen to fairy tale stories about a girl meeting a prince at a ball. As we grew up, we watched films and read books about unexpected first meetings. It was all written by someone, dreamt by someone. Yet, we loved to step into that world willingly to escape reality. The idea of a glass slipper somehow uniting a couple that was meant to be; the idea of internal beauty triumphing external appearances; the idea good intentions lead to good results- all these factors increased my love for fiction, my love for writing. But I never expected a fictional situation to arise in my average reality.

But there he was.

Rehan Tariq, my favourite author, standing right in front of me, as I stood in the courtyard that felt like the perfect setting for a gothic romance. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a black button-down shirt, he was starting at me, his chest rapidly rising up and down. "Ana B?" He repeated.

A part of me wanted to act ignorant, as if I had no idea who he was. But then I remembered that he had seen me reading his book at the airport, followed by my reaction at seeing him there.

Breathe, Anabia. Breathe.

I opened my mouth again, but no words came out. I had no idea what to say or how to react. My mind was stunned, and my body was in deep shock. Maybe I was imagining this? Mama always said that I had very powerful imagination.


I jumped and turned towards the lobby and saw my mother coming towards me. I turned back to Rehan, my eyes still widened. "I'm a huge fan!"

A corner of his mouth lifted up in amusement. "Are you Ana_B, the one who writes fanfiction on my work?" 

"H-How did you know?" My mouth felt too dry. 

"Maybe a member of staff made me aware of the fanfictions. Maybe I read them and even comment on them." He spoke softly, but his voice was so deep and...s*xy. Exactly how I had imagined the detective's voice.

But then I focused on what he had just said. Those words were very familiar!

"Anabia, let's go, beta. We have a lot to do!" Mama glanced at Rehan curiously, before grabbing my arm.

I was too much in shock to even protest as my mother dragged me away. It wasn't every day that you came face-to-face with your favourite author, and I had not been able to even speak to him properly! I glanced over my shoulder, as I realised why his words sounded so familiar. "Ray_1234?!"

He gave me a full smile this time, which confirmed my suspicion. 

But we couldn't communicate further, because my mother had led me through the lobby and out of his sight.

What the hell? I have been discussing the fanfiction with the author himself, even arguing about how the characters should or should not behave?

I felt mortified, and my cheeks were warm, and at the same time...I bit back a smile.

"Who was he?" Mama immediately interrogated me as we got into the taxi.

"Mama, he is Rehan Tariq! The author whose books I lose my mind over!" I burst out with excitement.

She did not seem to share my excitement. "Anabia..."

"What?" I frowned. "Why are you looking like I stole your hens and set them free?" 

"Laila's entire family, her extended family, is at that hotel. And the way you were standing and staring at that author..." She sighed. "It wasn't appropriate." 

"Staring? Mama, I was stunned! You don't expect your favourite author to casually approach you randomly! I was shocked!"

"Anabia, you are not a child. You need to carefully think about what I am saying rather than reacting instantly. People in our society are judgemental and instantly jump to conclusions." 

I looked out of the window, the bubble of excitement popping inside me. My mother was the one jumping to conclusions. I had no such thoughts or feelings. I was just excited to come across my favourite writer. That's all.

I scrolled through all the past comments of Ray_1234 and was unable to believe that all along, I had been chatting to Rehan Tariq, without even realising. Another smile appeared on my face, one that I tried not to let my mother see. 



Her dark wide eyed, her long locks of dark brown hair, everything about her was permanently stamped into my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about her.

She was younger than me, it was obvious, but knowing that she is the one who wrote such extraordinary fanfiction on my work was what was really attracting me towards her.

"Hello? I'm still talking?" Faisal's exasperated voice brought me back to reality. Even through the video call I could get the strong sense that he wanted to throw a really heavy book at me. 

"I'm listening."

"You look zoned out." He pointed out.

"Get to the point, Faisal."

"I did, but you were too zoned out, bro." He shook his head. "Listen, it's very important for you to remain focused on the meeting with these publishers, okay? They are Pakistan's top publishers, and would really help you get the maximum amount of readers here, which is what your aim is." 

"I get it." A notification popped up at the top of my screen. "Faisal, I'll speak to you in a few moments." I ended the call, and clicked on the notification.


**Ana_B: My name is Anabia. I'm a huge fan of your work. I hope I didn't cause you offense in any way, through the fanfiction or through any of the discussions that we've had.**

I tried not to grin- at the risk of the driver thinking that I was insane.


**Ray_1234: Not at all. I really enjoy your writing.**

I sat back in my seat, staring at the screen, waiting for her reply, but she didn't message again at that time. I hope I haven't made her feel bad, now that she knows that I am the one who had been chatting with her.




It was Laila's mehndi night, and I was attending along with some of the female relatives from our side.

I wore a floor-length traditional dress which had a magenta bodice, peach-pink sleeves, and a skirt that was a beautiful mixtures of shades of pink, orange and peach. There were multiple borders at the end of the skirts, starting with a wide teal one at the bottom, followed by a narrow red one, and then a multi-coloured patterned one. The entire outfit was adorned with golden sequins and patterns, and the dupatta was a sheer teal colour with a golden border and golden beads.

"Khadija?" Papa had come to our house just before we had left for the mehndi ceremony.

"Yes, Zohaib?" Mama asked, looking as curious as I felt.

"I wanted to say this in Anabia's presence." Papa explained after we all had taken a seat.

I didn't have a good feeling about this.

"What is it?" Mama glanced briefly at me, before turning back to my father.

"A close friend of mine is attending the wedding and the Valima." Papa explained. "And he and his wife have expressed their interest in Anabia for their son, Adam."

Oh, for the love of all that's pure...

"Anabia, you have completed your education. You are twenty-five." Papa addressed me directly now. "I know this family very well, and Adam is a very good, successful guy. I feel that you should seriously consider this marriage alliance." He looked at Mama. "What do you think, Khadija?" 

"Isn't Adam the son of Mr Shahid Chughtai?" 


"Marina Shahid is a very nice, intelligent woman." Mama nodded. "I remember how welcoming they were when I first moved to London after marriage." 

"We don't have to even do any research. I know the family very well." Papa continued. "I, personally, feel that this would be a very good marriage alliance for our Anabia. We can meet the family at the wedding, including Adam." 

Mama looked at me. "Anabia, my dear, at least give this a chance. Don't say yes or no right now."

Life was not fiction. I couldn't dream up a fantasy love story for myself, as reality did not work that way. "Okay." What was the harm in meeting the family once? "But I don't want to be pressured into this if I refuse."

"I promise, there will be no pressure, Anabia." Papa placed a hand over his heart as he said that.

"Okay, if you guys feel that this is the right decision for me, I don't have any problems with taking a small step forward, just to see how things go." I stood up. "I'm sorry, I have to go and finish getting ready." I excused myself and left the room.

"What's wrong?" I heard Mama asked Papa after I was out of the room.

"I feel guilty. I feel terrible that I haven't been able to give much time and attention to Anabia and Saim. But I promise you, Khadija, I only want the best for them. I will never chose anything or anyone who I feel is even one percent bad for our daughter." 

"I know, Zohaib. You don't need to tell me that."

"But do you think Anabia realises that? I love her from the bottom of my heart. I want to see her happy, healthy and successful in her life." 

"She knows. I've never spoken a word against you to her or Saim, and I've never heard her say a bad word against you either." 

I walked away with my heart feeling light and heavy at the same time. It felt light because I wanted to make my parents happy, and I have willingly chosen a choice that would give them happiness and relief.

But I had no idea why my heart felt heavy. I had no problem with an arranged marriage to a good guy, and I trusted my parents to make the right judgement...

...so why was my heart sinking?


"...chanda bhi deewana hai tera, jalti hai tujhse saari chakoriyaan." The song played in the background as female after female applied henna to the betel leaf in Laila's hands.

*..."Even the moon is crazy about you, the partridges are all jealous of you."

'Chakor' is the bird known as chukar partridge in English. It is the national bird of Pakistan, from what I have read, and is a symbol of love and passion in the South Asian diaspora. According to beliefs, it is said that the chakor is heads over heels in love with the moon, and spends its days staring longingly at it. As it is impossible for it to reach the moon, it is therefore the perfect symbol for unrequited love.

I looked at the multicoloured curtains adorning the stage, adorned with tiny mirror-work. It was beautiful, Ma Sha Allah. The back wall of the stage was completely covered with flowers. It was almost hard to believe that this was the mehndi ceremony of my twin brother's bride-to-be.

"Anabia, come on!" Mama waved me over.

I got onto the stage. My hair was in a braid, with a paranda woven through it. Smiling happily, I sat beside Laila, and dabbed henna onto the betel leaf. "Ma Sha Allah, you look beautiful."

Laila wore an emerald green lehenga with golden embroidery, and a full-length choli that was fully covered with golden sequins. The sleeves were a sheer green that reached her elbows, and the dupatta was also sheer, with a golden border and with gold beads dotting it. She wore a golden necklace with genuine emeralds, gifted from my father and stepmother, along with matching earrings. Her hair was in a bun, adorned by gajray. It was a strictly female function, so she had not worn a hijab in the hall. She wore golden eyeshadow, and a pale shade of lipstick. "You look beautiful as well, Anabia. Ma Sha Allah."

"Are you saying this because Saim and I look so much alike?" I joked.

She laughed, her cheeks turning pink.

"I'm so happy for you and Saim." I told her, genuinely. "May Allah always keep you both happy together. Ameen."

"Ameen." Her eyes sparkled as she glanced at me. "I wish you the same, Anabia. You are his twin, his best friend, and I wish you all the happiness in the world. Ameen."

I began to think that maybe I had made the right decision by agreeing to my parents' request. Maybe the Happily Ever After that I crave for would come to me this way.


And I found myself in the courtyard again. It was a beautiful, almost magical place.

But maybe, a part of me was hoping to catch a glimpse of my favourite author again. If he was still here. I sat on the bench, feeling nervous and anxious. I hadn't messaged him after telling him my name. I hadn't known what to say to him. It's almost ironic when words eluded people who loved to write.

"Anabia, for the love of Allah, come on!" Laila's cousin, Kashaf, came into the courtyard and grabbed my arm. "Let's go inside!"

I looked helplessly up at the glass lift, before following her dejectedly.

The girls from the bride's sides were putting on a dance performance, and Kashaf made me sit near the front with my mother. The lights were dimmed, with only the colourful lights over the dance floor. The jewellery of the girls' shimmered under the light, with multicoloured dresses whirling around as they had the times of their lives.

Mama got emotional and started sniffing, probably just realising that this was all a part of her son's wedding functions. She saw me watching her, and she placed a hand on my cheek, giving me a teary-eyed smile. "I can't believe that my kids have grown up so much, Ma Sha Allah."

I smiled back at her, feeling a strange sadness within.


"I remember your Barbie trainers." Adam Shahid told me, a small smile on his face. "I remember we used to play together in the park by Milford Lane."

It was the baraat day, and we were outside the hall, waiting for my brother to arrive. The Shahid family had been with Papa, and my father had already re-introduced us all.

I wore a beautiful light pink maxi that had gorgeous silver embroidery. The sleeves were sheer, with heavy silver embroidery towards the wrists, and the dupatta was a sheer white net with a silver border. I had chosen silver jewellery to match the dress, and my hair was in an updo, adorned by silver beads. The heels were tall enough to make me fear for my life, but fortunately they were comfortable.

I was ashamed to admit that I barely remembered Adam at all. I remembered that I used to play with him, but I didn't remember what he looked like.

Naturally, he had grown up. He had a chubby built, with shoulder-length black hair and stylish thick-framed black glasses. He wasn't bad looking, but I knew better than to judge someone solely on their looks.

"Yes, I was crazy about Barbie back then." I smiled.

"Your dress colour makes it seems like you still are." He laughed at his own joke.

My smile faltered. What was I supposed to make of that joke?

"Only joking. How have you been, Ana?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

I hated being called 'Ana' by someone I barely knew. 

"I'm fine." I replied, glancing towards the entrance of the car park where, to my relief, the car Saim was in was pulling in.

"So, what do you do?" Adam asked me.

"I'm a duty manager for an airline." I replied. "But I have Masters in History as well." 

"So, why didn't you choose to be a historian?" 

"I guess things didn't work out." I walked forward as my twin brother got out of the car. I had no interest in keeping up the conversation with Adam at this time. This was my twin's big day and I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. 

My brother was beaming in his golden sherwani, Ma Sha Allah. My father and mother came up to him, and hugged him in turn. Cash was waved over his head, which would later be donated to the needy for his sadqah. 

The dhol players started playing the dhol, and our cousins and Saim's friends-those who had come all the way to Pakistan for the wedding- started dancing. It was a cheerful atmosphere, and I enjoyed it all to the fullest.



I came downstairs to grab some coffee from the café, and I could see that there was a wedding going on, based on all the well-dressed people in sparkling traditional wear, and the heavy jewellery. 

Dressed in black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black pair of black slippers, I entered the hotel restaurant and walked directly to the counter. "Hi, can I please have a cappuccino, takeaway?"

The guy behind the counter nodded and immediately started preparing it.

I took my phone out as I waited and went onto the ImagineFans app.


***Ray_1234: Any updates soon?***


I looked up and the staff member slid the cup towards me. "Thank you." Taking the cup, I walked out of the restaurant and was about to go towards the lift, when my feet seemed to walk automatically in the direction of the courtyard. I had no idea why I was going there, but suddenly the idea of sitting on a bench in the courtyard was very appealing.

I had no idea how long I was sitting there for. I had my air pods in, and was listening to calm music on my phone, my eyes closed, as I thought about the plotline for the Turquoise Girl novel.

Soon, I smelled food, and a few guests from the wedding began to come into the courtyard with plates of food and/or cold drinks.

I began to walk out when I something made me stop in my tracks. 

'Hum to fanaa hogaye uski aankhein dekh khar, Ghalib. Na jaane woh aaina kaise dekhte honge.' The poetry automatically entered my mind as I saw her wide eyes sparkle with happiness as she laughed at something some girl next to her said.

*"I have been destroyed, upon seeing her eyes, Ghali. I wonder how she is able to look in the mirror."

She was a vision in pink, the silver of her jewellery and dress making her sparkle like she was a fairy from another universe.


The girl besides her took a selfie with her, and Anabia smiled widely. 

But then I noticed a chubby guy approach Anabia and starting a conversation with her. I shook my head. What am I thinking?

I turned to go towards the lifts. She was younger, and she certainly had someone in her life.



I stared blankly at Adam. For some reason, he was talking about car parts with me. 

I blinked, wondering how I had found myself in this conversation.

He seemed like a good guy, no doubt. He seemed education, and had good manners. But... I found that we had different interests. 

It's okay. That's not a deal breaker. I'm sure we'll learn to get along despite that.

But then I looked around, trying to find an excuse to escape. How can I be ready to compromise with a guy who I don't even enjoy basic conversations with? I then saw Rehan in the glass lift, going up.

"Excuse me." I had no idea what I was doing, but I rushed away from Adam, towards the lift. I found myself by the lift in which Rehan had gone up. Above the door, gold numbers indicated the floor the lift was currently stopped on. 8.

I pressed the button to call up the lift. The next lift doors opened, but I was disappointed to see that it required the room key card to be scanned in order to go to the upper levels.

But I was determined not to go away this time without an autograph. Plus, I wanted to ask him questions. I was out of shock of seeing him, and now the fan in me just wanted to know how he came up with those plots.

I took my phone out and went onto ImagineFans.


***Ana_B: I'm on the ground floor of the hotel where we just keep seeing each other. I saw you in the lift just now. Can we meet?***

I had a feeling that I was going to be refused. He was a best selling author, mentioned in the New York Times, even. He had no reason to come down to see a fanfiction-writing-fangirl in a pink lehenga.

My phone buzzed and I almost jumped with nerves. I glanced down at the screen, my heart pounding hard.


***Ray_1234: Sure***

I widened my eyes, unable to believe what I was reading.

Sure, as in 'Sure, I'm coming down to meet you'? Or Sure, as in 'Sure, I'll come down and get the hotel security to stop you from ever approaching me again, you stalker!'?

"Anabia! Come on!" One of our cousins called out to me. "It's time for some photos! We're going to have a cousins' photo."

"I'm coming..." I glanced towards the lift, helplessly, suddenly remembering that it was my brother's wedding, and I really had to head back inside. The gold numbers above any of the lifts weren't moving, so he probably wasn't coming right now.

I headed towards the hall where the wedding was being held.

I kept glancing towards the lifts, but when there was no sign of him, I headed through the door and into the hall.


I should have waited. I should have been more patient. I thought as I stood squeezed between random cousins for a cousins' group photo.

But what if everyone had made stupid assumptions if they had seen me talking to him? There are way too many gossip aunties around to risk it.

I heard my phone vibrate inside my clutch, but I was too busy with the photos. Saim kept calling me for more and more photos. 

But then Saim and Laila, with the Nikah already completed, were taken to another room for some couple photoshoot. I took the opportunity to look at my phone then.


***Ray_1234: I'm down here. Where are you?***

He had sent that message twenty-six minutes ago.

I glanced around, and making sure that nobody was paying attention to me, I headed out of the hall.

I didn't see him anywhere in the lobby, or by the lifts. But I just knew where he would be. I headed towards the courtyard. "Wait..." I changed direction and went to the reception. "Excuse me, can I have some paper, please?" 

"Sure." The lady at the desk smiled. "Beautiful outfit."

"Thank you." I took the paper, and headed towards the courtyard, my heart pounding hard. 

As I approached the courtyard, I could see the back of his head as he sat on a bench. As I got closer, I saw that his legs were stretched out and he was wearing black slippers along with black jeans and a white t-shirt.

"You're still here?" I breathed out.

He stood up and turned around to face me. "I was waiting for you. You called me downstairs."

I approached him and held out the piece of paper towards him. "Can I please have your autograph?" 

He looked surprised. 

"Sorry, that was a little rude." I smiled sheepishly. "I just thought that I don't know if I'll ever see you again, and my friend Hareem will kill me if I don't take an autograph. Your writing has inspired me so much! And I have so many questions and..."

"Why don't you enjoy the function you're attending for now, and I'll answer any questions later." He looked at me. "Do you have a pen?" 

"Yes." I opened my clutch and took out my diamante pen. I always carried a pen with me, in case of an emergency. 

He sat down on the bench and wrote something on the paper before signing it. Standing up again, he handed it to me. 

I looked down at the paper:

Keep using words to create worlds of imagination. Use your talent to create new and undiscovered plots that are residing in the back of your mind. ~ Rehan Tariq

And underneath it was his phone number and email address.

"I'd be happy to answer any questions later." He gave me a warm smile.

"Thank you." I said, softly. My eyes kept looking at his phone number and email address, unable to believe that he had actually just given these details to me. I looked up at him and met his gaze. I turned to go, even though it was the last thing I wanted to do.

"I'm checking out tomorrow morning. It was nice meeting you." He spoke.

I turned to look at him. "Back to London?" I knew very well that he lived there.

He nodded.

A part of me wanted to stay here and keep talking to him. Not many people got the chance to meet their favourite author, and yet here I was. "It's my twin brother's baraat, otherwise..." I began to say.

Otherwise what? You would have stayed here with him? And you were going to admit that to him?

"Congratulations to you and your family."

"Thank you." I wish I could freeze time. I would freeze unbelievable moments like these. I had never even dreamt that one day I would be standing here, chatting so casually to Rehan Tariq. I wanted to capture this entire scenario in a little snow globe, and watch it whenever I felt my view of the world becoming pessimistic. Positive, happy moments exist. Allah brought unexpected happiness into our lives, special moments that would remain a part of our memories forever.

Meeting Rehan Tariq was one of those special moments for me, one that will live on with me for the rest of my living memory.


"Where were you?" Mama asked me later that night, once Saim and Laila had been driven off to their hotel. "Adam and his family were asking about you." 

"I was around, obviously. It was Saim's wedding."

"You kept disappearing." Mama looked irritated at me. 

Papa approached us, and took us aside, away from everyone's earshot. "Khadija, Shahid and his family want to go ahead with this rishta. They know me very well, and they believe that our Anabia will be perfect for Adam. They want us to meet us somewhere else, another day, where we can discuss this marriage alliance in peace." 

"Anabia hasn't made her decision yet, Zohaib." Mama pointed out.

"Anabia hasn't given Adam the chance. We will organise a time where our families can meet, and Anabia and Adam can talk to each other." Papa looked at me. "This is a good rishta, Anabia, my darling. I don't want to refuse them."

That heavy feeling in my heart grew stronger. With each passing moment, the idea of marrying Adam was increasing the nausea inside me.

"Anabia, is that okay with you?" Papa placed a hand on my upper arm.

I looked at Mama, who was raising both eyebrows at me. "No."



I sat at the edge of the pool, staring down at the water. 

It was past midnight, and here I was, swimming to clear my head.

I barely knew her, but I knew her writing. And those dark eyes would not let me even close my eyes; my attempts at sleeping all gone in vain.

I dove into the pool again, wanting to erase all thoughts of her. She was at least a decade younger than me. What I was thinking was impossible. I only knew her writing, I knew nothing else about her.

But I want to know more.

I got out of the pool a while later, dripping wet, and grabbed the towel I'd placed on a bench nearby. There was only one way to get away from these thoughts.

I sat down on the bench, and grabbed my phone.

<Rehan: Mum, you have been constantly asking me to get married. I surrender. You can find a partner for me. I'm ready.>


I checked out the next morning, and grabbed my luggage to take it downstairs.

Mum had constantly been messaging me, excitedly. She was already contacting matchmakers to find me a potential wife. Her overexcitement was pouring through her text messages and audio messages, giving me a headache.

I got into the glass lift, and my gaze immediately went to the courtyard below. My jaw clenched and I turned away. I guess I had been reading too many romantic fanfictions by Ana_B.

Walking out of the lift, I began to walk towards the reception desk in the lobby to check myself out.

"Mr Rehan Tariq?" 

I turned my head and saw a middle-aged man walking up to me, dressed in black trousers, a white tucked-in shirt and a black jacket. "Yes?" 

He extended his hand out. "My name is Zohaib Waleed. And I would like to have a word with you, if possible." 

"What is this regarding?" I asked, curiously.

"It's about my daughter Anabia. She has expressed her interest in getting to know you better." He explained.


Well, that was a little different- Anabia expressing her interest in getting to know Rehan better (for marriage purposes, of course). 

Do you think that Anabia did the right thing, or did she act too impulsively?

Would Rehan agree to this?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! 

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