25 | For Her...

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


Team Anabia or Team Miraal? 😛



"O Machar Sahab, mujhe kat gaye na, tu tumhain aur tumhare poore khandaan ko Mama ne dhoondke maar dena hai." I warned the fly sitting at the wooden bed frame in my room at Nano's house. I had just finished reciting the Quran, and was just putting it safely back in the cupboard when I had spotted the fly.

*"Oh, Mr Fly, if you bite me, then you and your whole family will be hunted and killed by Mama." 

I know that technically it's a mosquito that spreads dengue, but I was not willing to be bitten to confirm this.

I headed downstairs as it was time for dinner. My stomach growled as I smelled daal and chawal

*Daal:lentil curry.
Chawal: rice.

"Khaana khana hai?" Zubair asked me, as I once again found him in the kitchen. 

*"Do you want to eat dinner?"

"Tumhe dekhke meri bhook Allah ko pyari ho gayi." I rolled my eyes, turning to head inside to find Mama.

*"Seeing you killed my appetite." 

I hated that we had to be under the same roof, but Shamsher Mamu wanted to remain here at Nano's for a while, and I couldn't exactly tell him to leave.

"Don't worry, Saim. I am taking my medicines. I am fine, Alhumdulillah." Mama was speaking to my twin over a video call. "You and Anabia are too overprotective of me." 

"It's your own fault. You tend to neglect yourself." My brother's voice came through.

As I sat down beside Mama, I saw Saim standing somewhere outdoors, wind ruffling his hair. "Assalam Alaikum, Terror Twin."

"Walaikum Assalam! Astaghfirullah, Mama! With her around, how do you expect a quick recovery?" Saim grinned.

"Saim." Mama shook her head as I made a face at my brother.

"Seriously, Mama, are you okay? You need anything?" Saim's tone softened as he focused on our mother again.

"Alhumdulillah, we have everything we need." Mama said. "How are you and Laila?" 

"We are good, Alhumdulillah. Summer is busy for Laila as well, she gets loads of orders both in her own business and in the bakery, so she has been baking continuously." He replied. "Summer is also a very busy season for aircraft, so I have been doing plenty of overtime as well."

"Oh, he's working for a change." It was my turn to tease.

"Hilarious." Saim said, sarcastically. "Mama, I have to go. But call me if you need me, no matter what time of the day or night, okay? Both of you take care of yourselves."

"You both as well." Mama said. "And, be considerate towards Laila, okay? It's not easy to be in a kitchen baking all day. Treat her on her day off, pamper her, okay?" 

"Are you my mum or hers?" 

"Yours, which is why I need to pamper my bahu more. I have spoilt you all your life anyway. It's her turn now." If anyone had doubts about who our mother was needed to have just one conversation with Mama, and all doubts will be erased. Our sass is definitely from our mother's side.

After the call ended, I headed to the kitchen to get dinner for myself and Mama. Fortunately Zubair the Ogre was gone.

Strangely, there was someone expected present in the kitchen. A small black and white kitten. Nano often used to feed the cats that wandered their way into the house, and I suppose this was how this little cutie had ended up here.

"Hi there." I whispered, crouching down beside me.

The kitten mewed, but didn't run away as I'd expected it to. Instead, it started rapidly sticking its tiny tongue out.

"Okay, I don't speak Meowish, but I guess it means that you're hungry?" I asked. I got up and grabbed a silver bowl before opening the fridge and pouring out some milk into it. As soon as I placed the bowl on the floor, the kitten began to lick it. I reached down and ran a hand gently over its tiny head as it licked the milk thirstily. 

"...yes, beta. She's right here." Mama came into the doorway and handed me the phone. "It's Rehan." She glanced at the kitten with a frown, but her expressions softened when she saw how much the kitten was enjoying drinking the milk.

I took the phone and walked out. "Assalam Alaikum." I headed up the stairs towards my room.

"Walaikum Assalam." His voice made me want to hug him tightly. "How are you doing?" 

"Alhumdulillah, very well. How are you?" As I approached my bedroom, I saw Zubair standing across the hallway, smoking a cigarette, his gaze on me. I shuddered, entered my room and quickly slammed the door shut behind me.

"I'm okay. Alhumdulillah. It's been a long day." He sounded exhausted. "Yasin's enrolment day tomorrow, so I'm going with him, as per his request."

"Wow. Wish him all the best from me." I felt excited for my younger brother-in-law.

"What were you up to? Dinner time?" 

"I was feeding a kitten." I smiled, sitting down on the bed. 

"What? Did you just say that you were feeding a kitten?" 

"Yeah, I walked into the kitchen, and there she was. She was so adorable and seemed hungry. So I gave her milk and she happily lapped it up." I lay on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

"Damn, Anya. Your goodness is unbeatable." 

"It's nothing extraordinary. I'm not the only human who feeds an animal." I sighed. "I feel for the animals sometimes. They have to hunt for food, sometimes fight other animals. Meanwhile, I literally have to pick up my phone, tap a few buttons and the food is delivered to me."

"You really think deeply about these things, don't you?" 

"Mama says that we need to keep on doing kindness without expectations. The only expectation we should have is that Allah will be pleased with us. She says that sometimes the smallest of good deeds can earn the biggest of forgiveness. Maybe some of my sins will be forgiven by one of my kind deeds."

"You deserve nothing but goodness, Anya. You are a genuine sweetheart, very rarely found these days. May Allah always keep you happy and healthy. Ameen." 

"My happiness is linked to you, Rehan. After Allah, you need to ensure that I'm happy."

"You're trusting me with such a big responsibility, Anya. I promise I'll do everything in my power to make sure I fulfil this responsibility to the best of my abilities, In Sha Allah." 

"I trust you completely, Rehan." I said, honestly.



"Everything ready?" Mum asked as she entered the living room.

"Yep!" Yasin excitedly put his backpack on. "I still can't believe that I am being enrolled in university today! Alhumdulillah!" 

I grinned at Mum. "Ma Sha Allah! I can't believe he's all grown up." 

Mum ran a hand through Yasin's hair. "My sweetheart. May Allah keep you under his protection. Ameen." She leaned down to kiss his forehead.

My phone started ringing on the coffee table. Mum was closer to it and she reached down and handed it to me, glancing at the caller ID with a curious frown.


I cleared my throat. "She's a new colleague." I got up and walked out of the room, answering the phone. "Hey, Miraal. What's up?" 

"Are you not coming into work today?" She asked. 

"No, I'm off. Personal reasons." I didn't elaborate.

"I hope everything is okay." 

"Yeah, it's fine. Listen, I'm busy. I'll see you at work tomorrow, okay? Bye." I ended the call and turned to go back inside. I stopped when I saw Mum standing in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Who was that?" She asked. Mum had the tendency to ask question straight-up, without beating around the bush. 

"I told you, a new colleague."

"You never had to leave the room for work calls before, unless it was really noisy in the room, which it wasn't." She walked over to me. 

"It's nothing like that. You know Miraal Hassan, the author? She's my new colleague." 

"I don't care if it's J.K Rowling. I hope I don't need to point out the limits, right?" She frowned. "Because if I have to, Rehan, I will not even step in between the argument between you and your father this time. He will not be happy if there's even the smallest bit of unfairness with Anabia." 

"I can't believe that you just said that to me. You don't trust me?"

"I don't like the fact that you walked out of the room to speak to a female colleague, without a valid reason. Now, call me controlling or call me old-fashioned. I just don't like it, and I am going to tell you this directly to your face, Rehan." 

"You think I'm going to slip up?" 

"No, my love. It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that we all are aware of Anabia's family history. Actions likes these are very suspicious. You need to be careful, okay? She doesn't deserve to feel the same pain again." 


"Who is Miraal?" Yasin asked me on the drive to his university.

"She's just a colleague." 

"Good. Because I like Anabia Bhabi." 

I quickly glanced at him, a small smile on her face. "I will never let anyone take Anabia's place in my life, I promise. She's the only one for me."

"Then why did Mum sound so upset?" 

"It was just a misunderstanding." 

He looked curious, but he didn't ask anymore question, as he started flipping through his university brochure. 

I feel in love with Anabia because of those fanfictions, the fanfictions that Miraal ended up verbally ripping apart. She insulted my wife's writing, her imagination, and I acted like a complete ape by not standing up for her. Who the f**k gave Miraal the right to insult Anabia like that? And what kind of a spineless husband allows his wife to be insulted in front off him, and to not speak out in her defence?

No wonder Josie seemed repulsed by my actions.

I tightly gripped the steering wheel. I'll never allow this to happen again. I'm sorry, Anya. 



I messaged Yasin in the family group, the one that included me, Rehan, Yasin and my parents-in-law. Yasin had recently been gifted an upgraded smartphone since he was starting university.

<Anabia: Congratulations, Yasin! I'm so happy for you!>

<Yasin: 🥳 Thank you, Bhabi!>

I heard the sound of soft groaning coming from Mama's room. "Mama?" I rushed inside and saw her lying in bed, massaging her temples. "Mama, what's wrong?" 

"It hurts everywhere..." She whispered and groaned in pain. 

I sat down by her side and pressed the back of my hand against her forehead. "Mama, you are burning up!" 

The thought that she could be suffering from dengue fever entered my mind and terrified me. I raced out of the room to call Shamsher Mamu. "Mamu!"

He was in the sitting room with his wife, sipping tea. "What's wrong, Anabia, beta?" He looked alarmed.

"Mama is not well." I was close to tears. "She's burning up and she's in a lot of pain." 

He got up and immediately headed to Mama's room, even as Mumtaz Mumani simply sat back, unbothered. I followed my uncle into Mama's room.

"We are going to take you to the hospital, Khadija." Mamu was telling her calmly.

"Is it dengue fever?" I panicked. I had seen reports on TV, and it was a very terrifying situation for me. 

"Anabia, don't panic." Mamu reassured me. "Get Zubair to call a taxi. He and I will take Khadija to the hospital."

"I want to come with you!" 

"No, beta, because of the rise in dengue cases, hospitals don't allow many visitors." Mamu told me. "Zubair and I will go. You stay home with your Mumani, okay?" 

I didn't want to. I didn't my mother out of my sight, but I had to listen to Mamu. I knew that he genuinely loved his sister and would take care of her.

Before leaving, Mamu put a reassuring hand on my head. "Just make duas, my dear. In Sha Allah, Khadija will be fine." 

In Sha Allah.


I had no idea how to pass the time.

Should I tell Saim, or should I wait? I decided not to until I had more information. He was in London, and there was no point in worrying him until I find out exactly what had happened to my mother. I called Hareem instead.

"How are you doing, Lahori kudi?" She answered, cheerfuly.

*Kudi: girl.

"Mama is unwell. Mamu took her to the hospital." I whispered. I was sitting in Nano's room, in the hard chair where she used to sit and knit. The room was dark as the curtains were pulled over the window. 

"Oh my God! What happened?" Hareem sounded alarmed now.

"I don't know. But please cheer me up, or get my mind of the situation." I paused as something occurred to me. "How are you sessions with Emaad Bhai-to-be going?" 

"Bhai-to-be? What is that supposed to mean?"

I smiled weakly. "Seriously. How are your sessions going?" 

"Don't tell anyone I said that, included Emaad, but they are going very well." 

"I'm glad, Harry. You deserve to live free of the trauma caused by your past." 

"I kept advocating mental health and its treatment, and yet I never considered it for myself until now." 

"It helps that Emaad Bhai is like a Pakistani Jane Austen hero for you?" I teased.

"Oh, shush you." 

We spoke up random things for a while, until my fear took complete grip of me again. "Hareem, I'm scared. I can't lose her." 

"In Sha Allah, she'll be fine." She reassured me. "Pray for her, Ana. I will as well. Do you want to talk to Mamma? Maybe she can make you feel better?" 

I heard Mamu's voice outside. "I think they're back! I'll update you in a bit, Harry!" I jumped up and headed for the door, pulling it open. I only saw Mamu and Zubair, and my heart sank. "Where's Mama?!" 

Mamu came up to me. "It's not dengue, don't worry. It's a combination of exhaustion and grief that caused her high fever and aches. But they still want to keep her in the hospital for a day or two to ensure that it's nothing to be concerned about. But they have ruled out dengue fever."

"Will she be okay?" I asked, timidly.

"In Sha Allah." Mamu turned to Mumani who had come in the doorway of the sitting room. "Mumtaz, please take care of Anabia. I don't want any dramas from anyone. Anabia is under a lot of stress already, so do not cause her further trouble." He glared at Zubair as he said the last sentence.

I headed upstairs to my room, feeling lonely and terrified to the point that I wanted to scream out. I wished that Saim was here.


"Anabia?" Saim sounded confused. "Everything okay?"

"Mama has been taken to the hospital." I whispered out.

"What?! Why?" His voice rose with panic.

"She had a high fever and aches over her body. They think it's a mixture of exhaustion and stress, and they have ruled out Dengue, but..." My lower lip trembled.

"Ya Allah! I'm coming." 

"No, don't. She's under observation, and when I get more updates, I'll let you know." 

"Are you okay?" He sounded worried. He knew me. He knew how scared I must be feeling right now.

"Don't worry. Mamu is here." I was sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, with my knees against my chest. "Just pray for her, Saim."

"I will, of course. Take care, Ana. I'm going to see if I can get on a flight ASAP. I have to be there."

I knew that he had made up his mind and that I couldn't do anything to convince him. 

When the call ended, I felt sick again. I suppose I was very scared, which was resulting in this nausea slowly building up inside me. I got up, swaying on my feet a little before heading out to the nearby bathroom. I clutched my stomach with one arm, groaning lightly, and I barely reached the flush before I threw up. It used to happen to me a lot as a child that when I was terrified, I tended to throw up. The dark haunted house ride came to mind, where I had ended up vomiting over the zombie actor's shoes. And I was terrified now. Without Mama, I felt helpless, even though I knew Mamu was here. I was basically a tourist in this country, as Mama had said. With Mama in the hospital, I was fully and completely dependant on Mamu, and for some reason that really bugged me.

After cleaning up, and washing out my mouth with mouthwash, I headed slowly back to my room, trembling slightly. I got into bed, curling up under the light sheet and grabbed my phone. 

<Anabia: SOS.>

I lay flat on my back. Maybe I was being ridiculous, but suddenly I felt like I was in an unknown place, with no way to get back home. I burst into tears and started sobbing, feeling fear and panic envelop me powerfully, refusing to let go. 

My vibrating phone made me reach out for it, and I saw the incoming video call from Rehan. He must have read my 'SOS' message. I answered as I was, with tear-streaked face and messed up hair. "Assalam Alaikum." 

"Walaikum Assalam." He seemed to be in his car. "Anya, are you okay?" His face filled with concern as he studied my expressions.

"I need you." I sobbed. "Mama is in the hospital and I'm so scared."

"What?! What happened to her?" 

"Exhaustion, stress, I don't know! All I know is that I'm really scared. I'm terrified about anything happening to her and I'm scared here." 

"I'm coming." He didn't hesitate.

"No, just talk to me. Reassure me. Remind me that I'm an adult who can handle this." 

"Anya, remember what you told me? That if you came across unavoidable troublesome situations, you'll face them courageously and practically?" 

"Easier said, then done." 

"You need to be strong, Anya. For Aunty. She raised a strong, independent daughter, and that's how she needs to see you, okay? I know you're scared, but you need to remind yourself that your mother really needs you right now. And when we know that there's someone depending on us, we have to sometimes brush our own fears and anxieties aside momentarily to take care of them." 

"I'm not brave." I closed my eyes.

"Yes you are. Anya, look at me." 

I opened my eyes again and looked at my husband's concerned, handsome face. I wished desperately that he was here right now. 

"You are brave. You are strong. You have survived many difficult situations, and this is just another one of them." He gave me the pep-talk, in his firm but soft voice. "I'm coming, Anya. I cannot see you like this."

I gave him a weak smile. "No, Rehan. If you come now, you'll be making your whole speech redundant. I need to be strong. I need to take care of myself, like an adult. If eighteen-years-old can start travelling into foreign countries on their own, why can't I manage in Pakistan, which is my motherland?" 

"If you need me to be there at any point, say the word, Anabia, and I will be there on the first available flight, I promise." 

"I'll hold you to that, Rehan jaan." I bit my lip. 

"Say it once and I'll be there."

"I don't believe you." I was teasing him. "It's like how there are movie dialogues about guys promising to bring the moon and stars to their beloved, but like really? How is that nothing but a filmy dialogue?"

"You think this is just a filmy dialogue?" One side of his mouth was lifted up in amusement. "Soch lo. Bina kahe hi pohanch jaaonga, aisi baat hai to."

*"Think about it. I'll reach there without you asking me to, if that's the case."

"Chalain jaayain. Aisi baatein mere detective ki bas ki baat nahin." 

*"Leave these. My detective is not capable of such things." 

He turned sombre. "Seriously though, Anya. There's nothing to be afraid of, okay? At least you have your Mamu there with you, right? In Sha Allah, Aunty will be okay and back with you." 

"I have never been alone like this in a country away from home. It feels weird." I crossed my legs and admitted to him.


I shook my head.

"That's okay. We can use this as your learning experience." 

"Have you ever been to a foreign country alone?" I asked.

"Quite a lot. I used to travel so much, especially in my twenties."

"What happened then?" 

"Life happened. It just wasn't as fun going around on my own anymore." He ran a hand through his hair. "It's okay, I got a partner now. In Sha Allah, we will travel together." 

"In Sha Allah." I repeated, softly.

"Will you be okay?" 

"I'll have to be." I shrugged. "I guess in life you just have to learn how to manage on your own sometimes. Better to do it bravely than to cry and freak out about it, right?" I played with the hem of my shirt.

For a few moments, we smiled at each other, and I missed him more than my heart could bear.


Third Person POV

"Who is that namooni?" Faisal looked at Josie confused, as he saw Miraal pacing inside her office, speaking not-so-politely to someone on the phone.

*Namooni: weirdo.

"What?" Josie wrinkled her nose at him, confused.

"Who is that weirdo?" Faisal was back from an annual leave and was unsure of the changes. "Hang on... Is that Miraal Hassan?" 

"I beg you, don't fanboy over her." She rolled her eyes and walked away from him towards her own desk. As Rehan's PA, she had her own workspace here.

"Are you jealous?" He followed her and took a seat across the desk from her.

"Jealous? Please?" She tapped her fingers at her table top. "I am all for women supporting women, and I will never unnecessary be catty regarding another woman, but if I had a choice, I'd be Team Anabia. We are here friends-in-law."

"I'm confused. Since when do we have teams?" Faisal raised both eyebrows at her.

"She has been saying some harsh and cruel things about Anabia's fanfiction...especially since she found out that the writer is Rehan's wife." She crossed her arms over her chest. 

Faisal glanced towards the office of Miraal. "Oh s**t, don't tell me it's the stereotypical antagonist after the male lead." 

"She better not be, otherwise I have the perfect boots to fly kick her a** to Neptune." Josie stood up. "I will not tolerate homewreckers...or cheats." She said the last word silently.

"Look." Faisal stood up. "I know that we men tend to be automatically looked at suspiciously, but he would never cheat on Anabia. He loves her too much."

"Oh, he better not cheat on her..." Josie meant business as she glared in the direction of Miraal's office.


But what Josie discovered later shook her to the core. She still used ImagineFans, to read fanfiction on her own favourite books or series, and she wandered over to the Blood Crimes section.

She saw a post by a user named Queen_Mira1. The post was clearly labelled 18+, and when Josie clicked on it, her heart found its way all the way down to her stomach. What she read was a very, very steamy s*x scene between the detective and a girl who was described to have the same facial features as Miraal.

Jumping up from her seat, Josie ran down to Rehan's office and slammed a fist against the door. "Ray, open up!" 

"Come in, Josie." 

Josie entered and slammed the door shut behind herself, breathing hard.

"What the heck happened to you?" Rehan was putting his laptop into its bag, and he looked at her half startled, half amused.

She knew that she had to do this carefully. She couldn't blatantly accuse someone, because Miraal could easily deny it. "Rehan, do you trust me?" 

"You know I do, Josie." 

"Look, Ray, just be careful okay? Sometimes in life we are surrounded by so many snakes, that we can't even can't differentiate between the harmless and the poisonous ones. We have to be careful when dealing with them. You never know that blindly you might end up in contact with the most venomous one of them all." 

Being a writer, he clearly read between the lines. "Who are you talking about?" 

"I'm glad you understood my point. Just stay on guard, okay?" She gave him a small smile. "Just remember, that Satan would always target the brightest parts of our lives, because taking that light away from us would hurt us the most. Protect the brightest part of your life."

He looked at her thoughtfully, and she felt that he understood her. 

That's when she realised something. "Oh, hello? The work day isn't over. Where are you off to?" 

"I'm going to be working from out of the office for the rest of the week...at least." He shrugged sheepishly.

She nodded.

He began to walk out, but stopped right in front of her. "Thanks, Josie. You are strict, but it was much needed. You really are a true friend."

"Yeah, and never forget that. And remind Faisal as well, because that twit tends not to value me." She grinned.

"He values you. He's just a little slow, and will realise eventually." 



Mumtaz Mumani sent me the shop early in the morning, after Mamu had left for work. She wanted me to get some bread and milk, and gave me the general directions of the nearby shop. I didn't mind. I needed to get out of the house.

I wore a long kameez with a white background, pink floral designs and a lavender border with intricate patterns, along with a white shalwar, I draped the pink dupatta over my head (with matching patterns as the kameez), and walked down the street in my flat white sandals. The rupee notes were scrunched up in my fists as I headed out under the harsh late-August sun.

I arrived at the shop and waited while the shopkeeper chatted to an elderly gentleman.

"Beta, bills badgaye hain, laikin bijli hi nahin aati. Kis cheez ka bill dete hain hum?" The elderly man was saying.

*"Son, bills prices have risen, but we don't get electricity. What do we pay the bill for?" 

"Assalam Alaikum." I politely greeted the elderly man as he noticed my presence.

"Walaikum Assalam, beti." The elderly man raised a hand towards the shopkeeper. "Allah Hafiz."

"Allah Hafiz, Sahab." The shopkeeper replied, before turning to me. "Ji boliye, behan. Kya chahiye aap ko?"

*"Tell me, sister. What would you like?"

I asked for the bread and milk, before my gaze wandered over to the chocolates and sweets. I spotted some mango sweets that looked really tempting. I tried to ignore it, since I technically had no money of my own, and I certainly wasn't going to use Mumtaz Mumani's money. 

But when I returned home, I was almost craving those sweets. So I did what any sensible person would: I borrowed some money from Mama's purse, promising to return it later, and then I headed back out to the shop.

I felt like a child as I sneaked back up to my room with my bag filled with mango sweets. I couldn't help giggling at my silliness as I tore open a wrapper in the privacy of my room and popped the sweet into my mouth, closing my eyes as the yummy taste of mango filled my mouth.

I sat down on my bed, enjoying my mango sweet, as I grabbed my phone. I saw the notification of a new upload on the Blood Crimes section on ImagineFans. I clicked on it curiously and as my eyes scanned over the article, my heart dropped sharply. 

Okay, calm down. Why are you jealous regarding a fictional character?

Because in my mind, the detective and Rehan were now the same.

Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that the detective is a fictional character and other girls can have a crush on him too! You don't own the detective!

I tossed the phone aside, ignoring my unreasonable jealousy. I had not ever written a steamy s*x scene like this and it was making me feel all weird and possessive. 


I stood up and raced towards the door, candy and phone forgotten. "Saim!" I raced downstairs, a surprisingly large amount of happiness filling me as I heard my twin's voice. He was standing in the veranda downstairs, greeting Mumtaz Mumani. For some incredibly odd reason, Mumani was nicer to Saim. "Oh Allah! I'm so glad to see you, Saim!" I walked over to him, and he gave me a one-armed hug.

"How are you, Ana?" He asked, staring carefully at me.

"I am much better now, Alhumdulillah." I gave him a small smile. "Mama will be annoyed that you came all the way here for her."

"Mama can give me the cold shoulder or scream her head off at me. I don't care. If my mother is admitted in hospital, no matter what the reason, nothing but the power of Allah Himself could keep me away." Saim spoke with determination and stubbornness, more traits that we'd inherited from Mama, especially him. As Mumani headed inside, he took my arm and led me aside. "Listen, there's something really important that I need to talk to you about." 

"What is it?" I asked, worriedly. I hoped that things were okay with Laila.

"Not here." He dropped his gaze. "Wait upstairs. I'll just grab my luggage. It's still downstairs by the front gate." 

I really did feel worried about my twin as I headed upstairs. He had seemed tensed. Heading into my room, I tore open another sweet and popped it into my mouth, savouring the mango deliciousness.


I turned and saw Saim appear in the doorway. "Saim, you're worrying me. What's wrong? Is everything okay? Is Laila okay?" 

"I did something." He said, quietly. 


Saim glanced over his shoulder. "I brought him along." 

My eyes widened in shock as Rehan stepped into the doorway, looking a little uncertain and awkward. He wore black trousers and a dark blue shirt that looked like it had been slept in. His hair was messy, and his laptop bag hung from his shoulder. "Rehan?" 

"I'm gonna go out and find a place to freshen up." Saim gave me a small smile, before closing the door and leaving me and Rehan alone in the room.

Filmy or not, I rushed up to my husband and threw my arms around him, as simultaneously a sob escaped my mouth. "Rehan..." I clung onto him, as if my life depended on him, which at the moment it seemed to be.

"Anya." He also tightly wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up slightly from the ground.

"You came...?" 

"Of course. You needed me, and honestly, I was restless since I spoke to you on the video call, so I called Saim, and the rest is history." 

"What about the speech you gave me, about being strong?" I continued holding onto him, not wanting to let him go. 

"You can still be strong...just with me by your side now." He pulled away, keeping his arms around me.

I looked up at him, my eyelashes wet with tears. I ran my hands through his longish hair, before placing my palms against his lightly-bearded cheeks. "I'm not dreaming, right?" 

"Good question...and it was one that I was going to ask." He frowned slightly. "Why do you smell of mangoes?" 

"I had a mango candy." I replied.

He chuckled, before pulling me back against himself, cradling the back of my head with his hand. 

"Rehan, I want to go to the hospital...even if I just wait outside." I couldn't be stubborn in front of Mamu, but I could nicely ask my husband...right?

"Yeah, Saim and I also planned to go there." He nodded, glancing down at me. 

"What's wrong?" I noticed his thoughtful expression.

"I need to say something, and Anya, it's going to sound random as hell, but you need to hear that, okay?" 

"O...kay?" I was genuinely confused.

"You are an incredibly talented person, and nothing in the universe can make me say or think otherwise. Keep writing. The whole point of imagination is that you create worlds in your mind, and fiction is fiction, it doesn't need logic. Your beautiful fanfictions have made me realised that my character has impacted the love of my life the most, and God, that's an incredible feeling." 

I smiled. "Your character is the love of my life." It was weird, but the latest fanfiction had made me feel as possessive as if someone had written a s*x scene about themselves and my husband. Astaghfirullah. But the truth was that I needed to differentiate between the detective and Rehan. The detective, no matter how much he owned my heart, was fictional. Rehan was real, and he was mine. I had no reason to be insecure because we had chosen each other. "You are the absolute and complete love of my life. I love you beyond words, I love you unconditionally, Rehan Tariq." I slid my hands up his back, and then we shared a much awaited reunion kiss.

"God, I want a mango now." He muttered, pulling away.

"I can offer you a candy?" I moved away and grabbed the bag.

"Did you buy the whole shop or something?" He grinned, grabbing one and easily tearing it open before popping it into his mouth. 

"Guys, let's go! We will get a chance to meet Mama one at a time!" Saim's voice came from the other side of the door.

And trust me, this time as I stepped out of my room, Zubair (who stood across the hall smoking again) didn't even dare to look at me.


It started to dawn on me as the car Rehan had hired (with a driver) stopped at the traffic lights, and the scent of corn-on-the-cob reached my nose. I discreetly licked my lips and stared longingly towards the vendor selling the delicious snack, but the car had already started to move again.

The nausea.

The vomiting.

The random craving for some mango candies that I'd never even had before.

And now the scent of the corn-on-the-cob which was arising more cravings inside me.

I slid my hand into Rehan's, my eyes widening slightly. Saim was at the front, chatting to the driver, while Rehan sat beside me.

My husband raised his eyebrows questioningly at me.

No. It can't be. How is it possible?

"I'm ready for a baby." My own words echoed in my mind, followed by flashes of very intimate scenes where we had not used protection for this very purpose.

"You okay?" Rehan looked concerned. "You need anything? Water?" 

I nodded.

"You want water?" He asked, raising his hand as if ready ask the driver to stop.

I grabbed his wrist and moved closer to whisper in his ear. "I need a pregnancy test." 


I bet you guys were not expecting this chapter to turn out this way, right?

But I mentioned this earlier in the story, I want to make this a sweet, almost fairy-tale like romance. Their loving relationship is a central theme of this story.

What exactly is this Miraal's intention? After dissing fanfictions, it seems like she ended up writing some smut herself...regarding the detective.

Anabia will slowly start to learn that some situations would naturally require her to be stronger on her own, rather than relying on others.

Is she pregnant?

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote!

P.S: A lot of you didn't trust Rehan very much...

P.P.S: It's currently 03:49 here but I was determined to publish a double chapter for you guys!

I hope you enjoyed this.

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