52 | Protective

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad



I knocked on the door of Faisal's flat. After waiting a few moments, I raised my hand to knock again, when the door opened.

I blinked in surprise as I saw Faisal. He had called in sick from work for over a month, and he did look like a mess. His curly brown hair had grown out, and he hadn't shaved in a while and he sported a wild beard. He wore black sports' trousers and a grey shirt. 

"Assalam Alaikum, bro." He muttered.

"Walaikum Assalam."

He gave me a hug. "Congratulations on the birth of the twins, bro. I was gonna stop by after they were settled in your home..."

"Thank you. And you are an a*****e on an epic level." I stepped inside as he moved aside to let me in. "What did my twins do to deserve their Faisal Chachu ignoring them?" 

"I really am sorry, Ray." 

"Look, Fais, I know that what you went through was a complete nightmare, but you have to at least try to move forward. Locking yourself at home and isolating yourself from everyone isn't the way to do it." I patted his back. "Change and come with me. I think Yas would enjoy a little football match. Maybe Salay Sahab would join us if he's free."


"I'm older, don't argue with me." I told him. "And get showered. I am not taking you in my car reeking like a used clothes laundry basket."

He grinned. "As you wish." He walked away, while I headed into the living room.


Salay Sahab was available to join us, so he met us straight at my parents' house. 

Yasin couldn't control his happiness when we all turned up for a football match, but he frowned momentarily. "Where are Hooriya and Haya?" 

"You want them to play football with us?" Saim grinned.

"They are at home with their Mama and grandmothers." I replied. 

"I want to see them!" My brother complained. "I told Mum that I have a big project and that I would come in the evening to see them with Dad, but I can't wait."

"You don't want to play footie?" Faisal asked him, now showered and clean-shaven.

Yas looked like he was in a dilemma.

"It's okay. I know you love the twins more than football." I reassured him with a smile. "If you chose to play football now, doesn't mean that it's more important to you than Hoor and Haya."

"But I'm still the best uncle." Saim kicked the ball around, laughing.

"The winner will be the best uncle." Yasin called out, running towards him. "I'll play with Bhai, and Faisal can play with you." 

"How about we team up this time, Yas?" Faisal asked him. "I have some old accounts that I need to settle with Ray. It would be fun beating him."

I looked at Salay Sahab. "You better play well, mate."

"It's about being the best uncle to Hooriya and Haya. It's an honour that I will die to achieve." Saim said, dramatically.

"You really are Anabia's twin." I shook my head.

We started playing, and I had to admit, now that we were playing on the same side, Salay Sahab was a good teammate and a great player. When he scored a goal, he shouted, "This is for you, Hooriya and Haya!" 

I chuckled. 

The first game was a draw, and as we went to the kitchen for a break, I noticed Yasin on his phone, a smile on his face. Before I could comment, Salay Sahab slapped my back, and I turned to face him.

"How's life with the twins?" Saim asked, sitting down and chugging water from a bottle.

"They're your twins' daughters. What do you think?" I grinned.

Saim laughed heartily. "I get it, man. Stay strong." 

"Wouldn't give it up for anything in the world though." I added. "Alhumdulillah." I glanced at him. "How are things going with you? Any new tenants found yet or...?" 

"Nah, but I think the b*****d is intentionally stalling things. Currently while I'm still paying the rent to cover the yearly tenancy agreement, one of his family members is basically living there free of charge." 

"Son of a...biscuit." 

He laughed. "Interesting swear word."

"I've always tried to keep my swearing level low around Yas, and now with Hoor and Haya in the world, I have to completely stop." 

"Shall we resume?" Faisal asked. "Where did Yasin go?" 

I glanced around and didn't see my brother anywhere. "Maybe he went up to the bathroom?" 

The three of us headed outside, and I saw Yasin at the other end of the patio deck, typing away on his phone. "Yas? You coming?" I let Faisal and Salay Sahab walk up ahead, and walked over to my brother.

He quickly pocketed his phone. When I raised both eyebrows at him, his cheeks turned pink. "Saba, Fardeen and I have our own WhatsApp group. We were just joking around with each other."

"Saba? The girl who saved you from the bullies?" I asked.

His cheeks turned a shade darker.

"Yas, just always remember the limits that we taught you, okay?" 

"What if I really like her, and plan on marrying her one day? Can she be my girlfriend? Can we hold hands, if we know that we're going to get married one day?" His innocent question took me by surprise.

"Intending to marry is different from actually being married. Until Nikah, she isn't your mehram. No touching, okay?" I paused. "Do either of you have any such intentions?" 

He shook his head. "No. We're just friends."

"If  you ever need any advice, let me know, okay?"  I patted his back. "Now, come on. Another game?" 

"Yes!" He raced off before I could even blink.

I followed, laughing.

Faisal seemed to be in a better mood, more relaxed. I felt glad to see that. He was a good guy, and had only been acting as an obedient son. I genuinely hoped that he found his true happiness. Ameen.



I rang the doorbell of Hareem's brother's house, and waited with my hands in my pockets.

The door opened a few moments later, and Anaya Bhabi blinked at me in surprise. "Assalam Alaikum, Emaad Bhai."

"Walaikum Assalam." I smiled. "Is Hareem home?" 

She nodded. "She's in the annexe. You can go out there if you want." She stepped aside to let me in.

"Mama, who is it?" Little Aizah came out into the foyer and stood beside her mother, looking up at me with her blue-green eyes. 

"How are you, Aizah?" I asked her softly.

She frowned. "You made Reem Khalla sad."

Anaya Bhabi glanced at her. "Aizah!" She then turned to me. "I'm sorry."

"She isn't wrong." I whispered. 

Aizah went back into the living room, and Bhabi led me down the hall to the kitchen. 

"I know it's not an excuse, Bhabi, but I've been in a difficult situation." I sighed. "I have a sister too, so I know how you all must be feeling."

She looked at me. "Hareem is the youngest, and she is beloved to us all. We're naturally very protective of her, especially Faiz. This lack of communication hasn't been easy, Emaad Bhai."

"I understand."

"I really hope things work out soon for you both." She gave me a genuine smile. "I know that when you have two very important relationships on each side, you end up in a dilemma." She opened the door for me, and nodding at her, I headed out.

Quickly crossing the garden, I approached the annexe and rang the doorbell. 

Hareem opened the door and her eyes widened slightly when she saw me. "Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaikum Assalam. Hareem, can we talk?" 

She hesitated, but then nodded and stepped aside.

"Out here?" I gestured towards the garden. It was a nice spring day, perfect to stroll around in the garden.

She closed the door and stepped outside. Dressed in cotton grey trousers and a white loose t-shirt, Hareem looked gorgeous even in this simple and casual appearance. Ma Sha Allah. "What is it, Emaad?" 

"It's about time you and I moved in together. Do you agree?" I looked at her as she looked up at me sharply.



I had invited my mother-in-law to stay with us, and my mother had reacted like I'd just announced that I was running away and joining the circus or something. I soon found out the reason of her reaction when Mum went to use the bathroom.

"I think I'll go home while your mother-in-law stays here." Mama whispered as she gently rocked Haya in her arms.

"Mama!" I gasped out, holding Hoor. "Why are you saying that?" 

"Because if we're both here at the same time, it will be too formal. I think Nina would like to spend some private family moments with her son's family."

"You're just making assumptions, Mama! You know how my in-laws are." I whispered. "Mama, I beg you, don't mention this. Imagine how it would look if you decided to go back home right when Mum was staying the night. You might offend her and Rehan."


"Mama, please. I'm blessed to have in-laws like them. Please don't say or do anything that might make them feel bad." 

"I feel uncomfortable, Anabia." 

"Fine, do as you want, Mama. I won't argue with you." I glanced down at Hoor, pursing my lips together. "But you tell Rehan. I'm not telling him."

She sighed.

Mum returned. "Anabia, sweetheart, I'm just going to go home and pick some things for the overnight stay. I'll be back soon." I smiled up at her as she came around and bend down to look at Hoor. "My love, my princess. Dado will be here with you tonight, In Sha Allah. I'm looking forward to spending time with my angels. My Rehan's sweethearts." She lightly traced her finger over Hoor's cheek, before moving onto Haya. Straightening up, she gave Mama a warm smile. "We'll catch up over tea later, Khadija, In Sha Allah."

My tense Mama relaxed a little and returned a genuine smile.

I realised that I had been holding my breath with tension and I released it.


"When did we grow up so much that we don't even have time to catch up with each other anymore?" I asked Hareem on the video call later. The camera was directed at the twins who were lying on the bed in front of me. "I miss you, Harry."

"I miss you too, Ana." Her adoring look for my daughters was replaced by a glum look. "Emaad was here today."

"Oh really? Was the date for the Valima decided?" I turned the camera back to myself.

"He said the Valima can wait until the six months finish, but we can move in together."

"That's good, isn't it?" I was puzzled by the misery on her face.

"I'm in a dilemma, Ana. I don't want him to go against his mother." She admitted. "My heart says to let her have the six months, and if she still doesn't contact Mamma, then Emaad and I will just move in together. But then I think about the stress Mamma is under."

"Look, just speak to Aunty, Faiz Bhai or Rida Appi." I advised. "I'm not wise enough to really offer you experienced advice in this matter, Harry. I think it's better for you to ask them."

A sudden cry made me glance down and I saw that Hoor seemed to have scratched Haya's face, making the latter cry out. "Harry, I have to go. My twins are having a cat fight."

Hareem grinned. "Take care of them and don't tell them off too much."

After the call ended, I grabbed Hoor's hand and peered at her nails. "Oh, baby girl, we need to cut your nails." I got up and went to the wardrobe to get the baby nail cutter. An instinct in me was telling me to call Mama for help, so I went to the doorway of my room and called out for her, "Mama!" I called twice more, but when there was no reply, I returned to the bed. Searching online, I found a reliable article which detailed how to cut the nails of newborn babies. "Okay, let's do this." I set my phone aside and leaned down to grab Hoor's hand. I pressed on her finger pad to ensure that she didn't get hurt and started to cut her nail. Startled, she moved and I ended up cutting the skin of her pinkie finger, causing her to start crying loudly and painfully. A tiny drop of blood came out of her finger, causing tears in my eyes. "Oh my God, Hoor! I'm so sorry."

"Anabia!" Mama rushed into the room, her dupatta draped over her head as if she had been praying. "What happened?" 

"I-I was trying t-to cut her nails..." My lower lip was trembling as guilt overwhelmed me. I'd hurt my baby.

"You should have waited for me!" My mother told me off. She lifted Hoor up and gently rocked her.  

"She scratched Haya, Mama. I was just trying to..."

"Don't attempt things like these for the first time on your own!" Mama said. 

"I'm her mother, Mama! I have to learn."

"They are not experiments! Ask me before trying something that could potentially hurt them!"

"Can anyone be more concerned about their pain than me?" More tears were coming out of my eyes. "Even the slightest pain of theirs makes my heart shatter, and you should know that as a mother yourself!"

"Just be careful!" She snapped.  

Feeling like a completely incompetent mother, I headed out of the room to calm myself down. Heading through the house, I opened the back door and stepped outside into the fresh air. For a long time, I cried silently. The thought of the tiny drop of blood coming out of my daughter's tiny finger made me cry harder. I'd hurt my own baby!



Faisal had to go back, but Yasin and I went along with Rehan Bhai. Even Nina Aunty was returning with us, ready for her stay at her elder son's home.

"I can't wait to see Hooriya and Haya!" Yasin was practically bouncing in the seat beside me, a wide grin on his face.

I also smiled. I couldn't wait to see them either. 

As Rehan Bhai parked, Yasin got out and dashed out of the car, making the rest of us laugh. My brother-in-law gathered his mother's things from the car boot, and we headed inside. He unlocked the door and Yasin went in first, calling out 'Haya! Hooriya!" as if the twin girls would come running.

Instead, Mama came down the hall, holding my nieces. We all greeted each other, and I leaned forward to kiss the foreheads of Haya and Hooriya.

"Mama, Anabia kamre main hai?" Rehan Bhai asked her.

*"Mama, is Anabia in the room?" 

"No, she's outside in the back garden." Mama replied stiffly, forcing a smile onto her face. 

What now? I thought to myself. "I'll go and get her." I immediately headed towards the back. I found my twin sister sitting on a chair at a deck created at the foot of the garden. Her head was tilted back and her eyes were closed, but I saw the tear streaks on her face. "Yo, Terror Twin."

She opened her eyes and looked at me, startled. To my surprise, she got up and came up to me before wrapping an arm around my waist and resting her head against my chest. Sobs erupted from her like she had been holding them back for a while.

"Ana, what happened?" I asked, softly caressing her hair. 

"I hurt Hoor!" She cried out. 

"What?" I was confused. "How?" 

She explained the entire scenario, and I exhaled deeply, shaking my head. For Allah's sake, Mama! "Anabia, look, you were just trying to cut her nails to prevent her from hurting herself or others- including Haya. You didn't hurt her intentionally! Mama is just being overprotective. She should be understanding, and remember her own days as a new mother."

"I feel so guilty, Saim."

I pushed her away lightly, keeping my hands on her shoulders. "Look, I'm not a parent, but I do know that parents aren't perfect, and nobody's born with good parenting skills. You learn as you go along, and yes, some mistakes do occur, like when learning anything else new."

"She was bleeding. And t-t-the way she cried..."

"Hey, Ana." I squeezed her shoulders. "It's okay. Alhumdulillah, Hoor is fine. She's currently snuggled up in Mama's arms, without a care in the world." 

"I feel so bad..."

"Ana, come on, man. You need to be strong. You are yet to see them get vaccinations, they're gonna fall and get hurt while playing, it's all a part of life." I said. "Come on, my twin cannot be this weak. What will Haya and Hooriya think otherwise, that Mama learnt nothing from Mamu about bravery?" 

She laughed through tears.

"Come on. We need to be great examples for the next generation of twins, right?" 

She wiped away her tears and nodded.

I led the way back inside, and I strode into the living room where everyone else was doting over my sister's daughters. Anabia headed to the bathroom to wash up her face. "Mama, can I speak to you, please?" My jaw was clenched. I just couldn't help myself. My protectiveness towards my sister sometimes made me lose control of my temper.

Mama seemed to know what this was about and she nodded. The twins were with Nina Aunty and Yasin, and so my mother followed me immediately.

I walked to the kitchen and took a deep breath before turning to face her. "Mama, what are you doing?" 

"Saim, it's best if you don't get into this." 

"Why not? You are her mother, and if you treat her so harshly regarding her parenting skills, how is this going to impact her self-confidence? You're here to help her, so encourage her, don't make her feel bad about herself."

"Saim, leave it." Anabia entered and placed a hand on my upper arm. "I really don't want to create a scene in front of my in-laws." 

"I got worried about my granddaughter." Mama sounded defensive, her eyes damp.

"What, you don't trust Anabia to look after her?" I questioned.

"Saim, please..." Anabia whispered.

"Your overprotectiveness will ruin one of our lives." I snapped at Mama, before I immediately regretted my words and way of talking.

"Saim, come on... Don't you want to hold the twins?" Anabia grabbed my wrist. 

I shook my head, frustrated, and walked out of the kitchen.



I stared after my twin in dismay.

Mama silently walked out of the kitchen and I heard her footsteps on the stairs.

I placed a hand over my forehead, feeling a headache come on. 

"Everything okay?" 

I glanced up and saw Rehan coming from the direction of our room, a worried frown on his face. I sighed. "Just another day in my life." I looked at him confused. "What have you been doing?" His hair was a mess, he was sweating and his shirt had dirt on it. 

"Just played football with the boys." He replied. "Gonna have a quick shower." He put a hand over my elbow. "What's wrong, Anya?" 

"Nothing to worry about." I reassured him. "Right now my biggest concern is if my husband picks up one or both of our daughters in this state." I teased him, poking him in the stomach.

He stepped even closer, and I wrinkled my nose at him. "How do you feel about me picking you up?" 

"You wouldn't dare." 

"Challenging me, are you, Mrs Rehan?" He placed a hand on my waist.

I smiled, but winced as a pang of pain shot through my head. 

"You alright?" He asked, immediately concerned.

"Is it okay if I go have a little nap?" I asked. "I have a headache. The twins need to be fed in around half an hour." I glanced at the kitchen clock. "I'll be up by then."

"Go." He said. "Mum will be more than happy to take care of the twins until then. I'll let her know." He made his way down the hall, while I went towards our bedroom.

I had just slid under the duvet and closed my eyes, when he came into the room. I kept my eyes closed, and felt him run a hand over my head a few seconds later.

"Just because the twins are born, doesn't mean it's acceptable for you to take stress now. If there's any issue, talk to me. Don't bottle it up." He whispered, before I felt a kiss on the side of my head.

A tear ran down the side of my face, but I didn't react. 

Then I heard him head into the bathroom, and a few seconds later the shower turned on.


"How are you doing?" Mum entered the room shortly after I'd finished feeding my twins. 

I felt a little refreshed after a nap, and I smiled up at her. "Good. Thank you, Mum."

"May I?" She gestured towards the empty space on the bed beside me.

"Of course. "I had already cleaned up and pulled my shirt down, and the twins were now lying on the bed

Mum smiled at the babies. "When Rehan was born, he was such a healthy baby, Ma Sha Allah. I always used to joke around with Tariq about how I gave birth to him." 

I giggled. 

Mum reached down and picked Haya up. "Meri bachi, meri chanda, meri jaan." She kissed both her cheeks. 

*"My girl, my moonlight, my life." 

Haya made a little sound that almost sounded like a mew of a kitten, while Hoor's eyes fluttered open.

"I think Hoor wants Dado's attention as well." I said.

Mum handed Haya over to me and picked Hoor up. "Meri pari. Mera dil."

*"My fairy. My heart."

"It's weird to hear you speak Urdu."

She laughed. "My Urdu speaking skills are very limited." She looked up at me. "Do you need anything? If you want, we can take the girls off your hands for a while, and you can have some Me Time." 

"That's okay. I want to come out and sit around with everyone." I said. "Is Mama outside?" 

"She was in her room the last time I checked. If you need her, I can call her?" 

"No, it's okay. I think I'll go upstairs and see her. I need to walk around." I said.

"Okay, well, I'll take Hoor and Haya out to the living room, and you can join us later." Mum picked my daughters up and left the room, whispering soothingly to the girls.

I got up from the bed and headed upstairs. I had to talk this out with Mama otherwise I was not going to get mental peace. But just as I raised my hand to knock on the door, I chickened out. I was hurt by her behaviour and I was worried that she was going to have something else to criticise me about regarding my parenting. So instead, I headed towards our future master bedroom. Entering the room, I closed the door behind me and headed directly to the other end of the room where the sitting area was. I lay down on one of the sofas, resting my head on a colourful throw cushion, enjoying the peace and silence for a few moments. My head was pounding again, and I just wanted to be by myself.

Alone time. Me Time. 

I lay on my back and sighed in content. The silence was heavenly. The conflicting emotions, the clashes; I wanted a break from it all.  For a few moments, I wanted to be that old Anabia again; the one who lived in her fantasy world, the one who believed in a world of escapism.

The peace and silence enveloped me in its comforting grip, luring me off to a calm and dreamless sleep.


When I came downstairs, everyone was gathered in the living room, laughing and chatting. Dad had also arrived by now.

"Where have you been hiding?" Rehan smiled up at me teasingly after I'd greeted my father-in-law. He was sitting beside Dad, legs stretched out, watching TV in a low volume.

"I needed a nap, and it was good upstairs." I replied. Glancing around the room, I saw that Mama wasn't there. I raised my eyes questioningly at Saim, who was playing UNO with Yasin. My twin shrugged.

Hoor was in Dad's arms, snuggled up against his shoulder, whereas Haya was resting in Mum's lap.

"I'm going to stay here too, Bhabi!" Yasin told me excitedly.

"That's wonderful, Yasin!" I smiled at him, before glancing towards the doorway. Where was Mama? Was she upstairs by herself? I stood up again.

Rehan glanced at me, raising both eyebrows as if asking me where I was going.

"I'll be right back." I excused myself and headed out, before heading back upstairs again.

Saim followed me out, and caught up to me halfway up the stairs. "Don't bother. She refused to come down."

"How can I not bother? She's Mama. I can't just leave her up there alone, while the rest of us are enjoying downstairs." I whispered.

"I have a bad feeling that if you go up now, she will create a scene."

"She's our mother, Saim! She came here, selflessly, for me." I continued walking upstairs. I had inherited my stubbornness from Mama, and she often admitted it herself.

He followed me, probably because he didn't trust either of us to not cause drama.

I knocked on Mama's door. "Mama?" 

The sound of her footsteps preceded the opening of the door. She peered out at us, dupatta draped over her head.

"Please come downstairs." I said, softly. "It doesn't look good that you're up here while my in-laws are downstairs. We'll talk about our issues later."

Mama glanced disapprovingly at Saim.

"Please." I whispered, taking her hands in mine.

Saim shook his head in irritation, and neither me nor Mama failed to notice that. With a loud and exasperated sigh, he headed down the hall and back downstairs.

"Come. We're waiting downstairs." I gave Mama a small smile before heading away.

To my relief, she came down five minutes after I had returned.

"So, Khadija, how are the Nani duties going?" Mum asked Mama warmly.

"I adore Haya and Hooriya more than life itself." Mama said. "I happily do anything and everything for those two fairies of mine."

"Nina, do you want to...?" Dad glanced pointedly at Mum.

"Yes." Mum nodded as if she had suddenly remembered something. "We wanted to discuss the aqiqah in your presence, Khadija. We'll have a proper dinner, family and maybe really close family friends." Mum explained. "It would be on the seventh day of our girls' arrival in this world, In Sha Allah."

"As you wish, Nina." Mama nodded. "Just let us know."

"Anabia, you should wear a sari, my darling. I think you'll look fabulous in it." Mum spoke excitedly. 

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm not very good with saris."

"I'll help you, if you want." Mum said. "See, I have a designer friend, and I saw this beautiful sari there which I loved for you. We can buy it if you like it. I think it would be perfect to wear on the aqiqah dinner."

Before I could reply, Hoor burst into tears and started crying loudly, which started Haya off. 

"I think they've been away from Mama too long, Tariq." Mum smiled softly as she glanced up at me. I got up to take Haya from her. Mum kissed her cheeks before handing my daughter to me. 

As I turned to go, I stumbled into the coffee table and almost lost my balance, causing shocked gasps around the room. I winced at the sudden pain in my toe, but I kept a firm grip on my daughter, holding her protectively against myself.

"Are you okay?" Mum immediately stood up.

"Anya..." Rehan also came by my side and placed a hand on the small of my back. "You okay? You hurt?" 

But everything faded away as my mother reacted to the whole scenario. She got up, looking like she was fuming. "Anabia, be careful!"

My cheeks burned and I glanced down at Haya, who was still crying but seemed a bit calmer as soon as she'd come in my arms.

"Pata nahin kyun itni laparwahi dikha rahi ho tum bachiyon ke saath." Mama shook her head in disapproval.

*"I don't know why you are showing such negligence towards the girls."

"Khadija, it's okay." Mum tried to calm her down. "They're both okay. That's all that matters."

I could feel Rehan tense up beside me and I sneaked up a glance at him to see his jaw clenched. I placed a hand on his wrist, while carefully holding onto Haya with my other arm.

"No, Nina. Hamesha se ye ladki apne khayalon ki duniya main rehti hai. Kal ko iski is laparwahi aur ghairzimedarana harkaton ki wajah se bachion ko chot na aajaye, Khuda na khwasta."

*"This girl always lives in her fantasy world. God forbid, due to her negligence and carelessness, the girls might get hurt."

"That's enough, Mama." Rehan spoke quietly, but firmly.

"Rehan..." Mum began to stop him.

"No, Mum. Let me speak." He glanced at his mother, before turning back to face mine. "I appreciate that you're here to help Anabia and the twins, but this is unacceptable. She just gave birth to my twin daughters, and she should not be made to feel this way."

"With all due respect, she's my daughter, Rehan. I can tell her off if I think that she's doing something wrong." Mama said.

"You have every right to tell her off, no doubt. But not publicly, not like this, and not when she didn't even do anything wrong. She's not just your daughter anymore, she's my wife, and I cannot just stand here and watch her be humiliated." Rehan practically stepped in front of me, as if shielding me.

"Rehan, please let it be." Mum spoke gently to him. "She's Anabia's mother."

"So what, Mum? Anabia isn't a kid. She's an adult, a wife, a mother. My wife. She should not be humiliated like this in front of everyone." Rehan never raised his voice, but his tone was clearly indicating how annoyed he was. "Mama, if you feel she's wrong, take her into a separate room and speak to her, but please do not humiliate her like this in front of everyone." 

"Rehan." I whispered.

He glanced down at me. 

"Can we please talk privately?" I said.

He nodded. "Of course." He took Haya from Dad, and strode out of the room, and I followed him with Haya in my arms.

We entered our bedroom and I put Haya down into the cot. He closed the door and put Hoor down as well. 

"Are you mad at me? Am I wrong?" 

I grabbed his hands. "No, Rehan. You acted as a husband, and I love you for it even more. But..."


"But I think I know what this is about." I said. "Whenever Mama is in an uncomfortable situation, her behaviour changes. She acts irrationally, and she lashes out."

"Anya, that's no excuse to humiliate her own married daughter like that." Rehan placed his hands on my hips.

"I know her. I think she's not comfortable here at all, and that's why her behaviour has changed so drastically. She's out of her comfort zone." I paused. "I think I should go to her house and stay there along with the twins."

He looked stunned. "She's not comfortable here? Anya, I've done everything to make sure that she's comfortable." 

"I know, jaan, but she has that thinking where it's awkward and wrong to stay in the damaad's house, no matter how amazing the son-in-law."

He looked away, his jaw clenched. "It doesn't matter, Anya. I don't like at all what happened today."

"Let me go there with her." I whispered. "I don't want to make my mother uncomfortable, and therefore causing her to react in a way that makes her look bad in front of everyone. Trust me, she's not like this."

"How do I know that she won't behave like that with you there? Anya, I'm not willing to risk your self-confidence and mental health by sending you in an environment where you're degraded like this."

"She's Mama. Her intention isn't to degrade me or hurt me, Rehan, and you know that. Please, just trust me. Let me and the twins go with her and Saim." 

"And what do I tell Mum, who came here to stay here for the twins' sake? And Yasin?" 

I thought about it for a few seconds. "We can stay the night and go tomorrow morning." 

For a few moments, he turned away from me and started pacing, running both hands through his hair. He glanced at me. "Are you offended that I spoke up?" 

I gave him a small smile. "Offended is the last thing I felt when you were standing up for me, Rehan Tariq."

He walked right back up to me. "You're my wife. I won't tolerate anyone targeting your self-confidence, okay? If you go there, and if I start to see your mental health or your general health deteriorate in any way, Anya..."

"At least you know that Haya and Hooriya will be perfectly fine." I said lightly and teasingly, but his jaw clenched once again.

"I want all three of you to be perfectly fine, Anabia Rehan." 

I sighed. "I attempted to cut Hoor's nails today and it accidentally cut her because she moved. That's how it all started."

He scoffed. "That's it? Mum tells me that I slipped from her arms and fell down the stairs as a kid, and ended up with a mild concussion. Getting cut while having nails cut is so common cause babies can't sit still. It happened so many times to Yas, I can't even count."

"You fell down the stairs? That explains it." I giggled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" His irritated mood vanished as he grabbed me in his arms.

"Interpret the meaning as you wish, Author sahab." I laughed harder as his arms tightened around me.


So, we decided that I'll stay one more night, and then leave with Mama the next morning. Saim left and told us that he'd back for Mama the next morning, while Rehan was going to drive me and the twins, along with our hundred billion items. 

"Ja rahi ho mujhe chodhke? Zara tars nahin aata mujh bechare pe?" Rehan teased me as we both made our late-night coffee.

*"You're leaving me and going? Don't you feel sorry for pitiful me?"

Our bedroom door was opened, with the twins sound asleep, and we had brought out a baby monitor along with us, just in case.

I giggled. "Kya karoon? Kuch din sakoon chahti hoon."

*"What can I do? I need peace for a few days?"

"Peace ki bachi. Idhar to aao tum zara." He began to come towards me around the isle.

*"Peace... just come here."

I held up the milk bottle and backed up, as if it was a weapon. "Stay back." I squealed as he got closer and I turned to run. "Rehan..." 

He grabbed me around the waist, and the milk bottle fell onto the floor. I laughed uncontrollably as he tickled my stomach.

"Let me go." I pleaded, tears running down my cheeks as I attempted to control my laughter. I turned around in his arms, tilting my head back. "Rehan." 

His lips found mine, and a moan escaped my mouth as he pressed me against the counter in a kiss that weakened my knees. His hands reached under my shirt and gripped my bare waist, and I started to unbutton his shirt, without thinking. We stumbled around the kitchen, before we ended up at the kitchen table. Without breaking the kiss, he sat me down on it and I started to pull his shirt off. My hand knocked the salt and pepper shakers off the table and I giggled. I don't know what the heck he and I were thinking, but we let our desires take over. 

Suddenly, a light sound alerted us that we were not alone. Pulling apart suddenly, we glanced up and saw Mum attempting to leave the kitchen, holding an empty water bottle in her hand, her cheeks pink.

I was practically half-lying on the table with my stomach exposed, while Rehan was almost shirtless, and we both had been in the middle of a very heavy make-out session.

Kill me someone. Please.


Awkward! Oops! 🙈

Poor Nina! 🤣

Poor Anabia! Caught by the mother-in-law, of all people! 🤣

Is Anabia's theory right about Khadija's uncharacteristic behaviour due to being out of her comfort zone?

For a change, the male lead isn't defending his wife against his own family! 🤣

Will things further deteriorate between Saim and Khadija? 

Saim is such an overprotective twin! 

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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