54 | Aflame

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad


"Love is fire, and I'm burning in it." She whispered.

The detective held out his gloved hand. "Let me love you unconditionally. Let me be consumed in these flames along with you." 

She slid her hand into his. "Do you promise to remain aflame in this fire beside me, come what may?"

"If I break this promise, may my heart turn to ashes." He pulled her closer, letting her scent and her mere presence consume him.

-Ana_B on ImagineFans



I looked at my reflection in the mirror, smiling. "Not bad."

"Not bad? Ask me..."  Wearing black kameez-shalwar, Rehan adjusted the cuffs of the kameez and came stood behind me. "Hamare dil ka haal kya ho raha hai aapki is 'not bad' appearance dekh ke, yeh to main hi jaanta hoon." He wrapped his arms around me, leaning down to rest his chin on my shoulder.

*"The state of my heart after witnessing your 'not bad' appearance, only I know." 

I adjusted my silver chandelier earrings. "Let's see how long I can keep these on. I have a feeling I'll need to take them off within an hour."

"I can't believe our daughters are already a week old." He muttered, kissing my neck.

The daughters of ours were already dressed and were now with their paternal grandparents.

"I have something for you." He whispered. "A belated gift for the birth of our daughters. Wait here." He moved away and walked to the wardrobe. A few seconds later, he returned and placed a delicate silver heart-shaped locket around my neck. I glanced down and lifted it up in my hand and saw some words engraved into it. Squinting to read properly, I read the words and my eyes filled up: My love, My Ana_B.

"Turn it over." 

I did as he said and I saw 'Hooriya & Haya Rehan' written at the back. "This is beautiful, Rehan. I love it so much." I lifted it up and kissed the locket, before turning around to kiss him as the locket dropped against the hollow between my collar bones. "I love you, I love our beautiful little family. Alhumdulillah." I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you too, Anya." He rested his forehead against mine. "Now let's go and host our daughters' aqiqah dinner." 

Holding hands, we walked out of the room together, teasing each other and laughing.


Third Person PIV

The Tariq family was a powerful, influential family, with connections in politics, law and of course the media. 

So it was no surprise that photos of the aqiqah were leaked out on social media.

One particular photo of the stunning couple, the proud parents, was particularly prominent. Rehan Tariq in his black shalwar-kameez and his wife, Anabia Rehan in her pink sari. She had her arm around his waist, her long hair in curls that were pinned away from her face, and was looking up at him with a smile. He had his arm around her and was staring back down at her with an equally adoring smile. The perfect, ideal couple, happy and in love.

For how long though?


Khadija was scooping out some rice onto a plate from the buffet table, when she felt someone approach her. She glanced up and saw Mr Kamran, the family friend of the Tariq family stand beside her.

"Assalam Alaikum." He greeted her politely.

"Walaikum Assalam." She replied, dropping her gaze to the plate.

"You know, I was trying to figure out why you looked so familiar, and now that I met Saim, I remembered. We met in a park when the kids were very young. Saim fell down while playing with Hashir." 

And suddenly, the memory came flashing back to Khadija. Toddler Saim had fallen over while playing with a football. A man had come and comforted him, the father of the boy who was playing with Saim. Kamran Arif.

"What a small world." Khadija was surprised.

"It is, isn't it? Turned on Hashir was one year ahead of your twins in the same secondary school." Mr Kamran smiled. "I cannot believe that that toddler daughter of yours ended up growing up and marrying Rehan."

"Ma Sha Allah." Khadija glanced towards her daughter and son-in-law. Rehan was holding the twins in his arms, and the couple was talking to some family friends. Anabia looked genuinely happy, and Khadija's heart felt like it would burst with happiness seeing her daughter's beautiful family. "Allah always plans the best, even if we don't realise it at first." She remembered how much she was anxious about their age gap. Now, looking at the couple in love, it all seemed irrelevant. 

Once again, Khadija made a silent player for the happiness and good health of her beloved twins and their families. Ameen.



I adjusted the sari for the millionth time, it seemed. Rehan and I were checking on the guests, making sure everyone was eating properly. 

Meanwhile Haya and Hoor were now with their paternal grandparents. Both wore dresses with a white top and tutu-skirts along with leggings. Haya's skirt was rose-gold and Hoor's skirt was peach. In glittering letterings that matched the colour of the skirts, the words 'Truly Loved' were written on their shirts. 

"Allah aapki bachiyon ko lambi aur sehatmand zindagi de, aur unki zindagi khushiyon se bhar de. Ameen. Betiyan pholon ki tarhan hoti hain- jab khilti hain to khoobsurati aur khushiyan philati hain, aur Khuda na Kare, jab murjha jayain to dil dukhane waala mohaul bana deti hain." An elderly family friend said as she spoke to us.

*"May Allah bless your daughters with a long and healthy life, and fills their lives with happiness. Ameen. Daughters are like flowers- when they bloom, they spread beauty and happiness, and God forbid, when they wilt, they create a heart-breaking atmosphere."

"Bilkul sahi kaha. Hafta hua hai, aur Ma Sha Allah, abhi se mere ghar ki raunak hain meri betiyan." Rehan agreed.

*"You're absolutely right. They're just a week old, and Ma Sha Allah, my daughters are already the liveliness of my home." 

My heart was overflowing with love for my husband. Every daughter deserved a father like him.

"I'll be right back." I whispered to Rehan before walking away towards the house.

The Tariq family had set up a marquee in their garden for the dinner, and the arrangements were stunning as always, as expected from Nina Tariq.

I headed inside the house and upstairs to our bedroom. Sitting down on the bed, I took in a deep breath. I was exhausted and the noise downstairs was giving me a headache. Lying back on the bed, I closed my eyes intending to just recharge even if it meant a quick nap.



Saim handed me a microphone. "Rehan Bhai, do you wish to say anything on this wonderful occasion, Ma Sha Allah?" 

I took the microphone from him, and stepped up onto the patio deck which basically acted as a makeshift stage. "Assalam Alaikum everyone. I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming to the aqiqah dinner of Hooriya and Haya Rehan, my beloved daughters." I paused. "I'm grateful to Allah, more than I can say it words, but I'm also very grateful to Anabia, my wife." My gaze scanned the lawn looking for her, but there was no sign of her. She must be here somewhere. Where else would she go? It had been twenty minutes since she excused herself and headed away from me. "Thank you, Anabia, for giving me our Hooriya and Haya. I know a lot of guys wouldn't admit it out loud in public like this, but I love you so much. You are an incredible wife, and now an amazing mother, and I am proud to say this in front of everyone. Ma Sha Allah."

I could see both Mama and Mum in tears, and even Saim had an emotional smile on his face.

Everyone was turning their heads as if searching for Anabia.

"Thank you all, once again, for being a part of such a happy occasion in mine and Anabia's life." I concluded, handing the microphone back to Saim before asking him quietly. "Have you seen Anabia?" 

"Not since a while now." Saim frowned. "For all I know, she's inside reading a book. That's our Anabia."

"She wouldn't do that at such an important event." I patted Salay Sahab on the shoulder. "Keep an eye on things. I'll go check on her." I headed inside. 

The first place I went was upstairs to our room, which was the most obvious place to look. The door was ajar, and although I caught the slight scent of her perfume, she wasn't there. "Anya?" I headed towards the en-suite but it was empty. "Anya, where are you?" I headed out of the room and down the hall. "Anya?" 

Ten minutes later and I'd searched the entire house, but there was no sign of Anabia. I headed back down and Saim came into the foyer, looking worried. "Anything?" 

"No, she's nowhere. Maybe she is somewhere outside?" 

"I've asked Hareem and Laila to look around." Saim exhaled worriedly. 

I took my phone out and dialled Anya's number. The phone kept ringing but there was no reply, and eventually it went to voicemail. "No answer." I headed outside again, dashing down the steps of the patio deck and made my way through the guests to try and find even a glimpse of Anabia. She has to be here. Where would she go?

"Any sign of her?!" Hareem's voice rose in panic as we came across each other.

I shook my head. "I don't even know why I'm worried. She has to be here. Where would be go, leaving the aqiqah dinner?"

But as the guests began to leave, and there still wasn't a sign of Anabia, everyone got worried.

"Kahan chali gayi hai yeh ladki?" Mama asked, her face pale with tension.

*"Where has the girl gone?" 

Dad started to ask the guards and I accompanied him.

"We saw Mrs Rehan leave in an Uber." One of them informed us.

"What?" I was bewildered. "Did she seem upset, worried?" 

"No, she just looked like she was deep in thoughts, but not worried or anything." The guard replied.

"Why would she just leave the party like this?" Saim sounded as confused as I felt.

"You don't know anything about this, Rehan?" Mum asked me.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be running around like this worried sick." I ran a hand through his hair. 

"Haya and Hooriya will start crying soon." Mama said, worriedly. At the moment, Hareem and Laila were holding my daughters. "How can Anabia just leave like that, knowing that she has newborn daughters dependent on her?" 

Saim was trying to call her. "Now it's going straight to voicemail."

No message left on my phone, no missed calls. Nothing. My jaw clenched in frustration. 

"This isn't like her." Saim was shaking his head. "I hope she's okay." 

"I need to have a look at the CCTV footage from the camera at the front of the house." I ran into the house before I'd even finished my sentence. Saim followed me, as did Dad. I headed up to the loft where the camera screens were set up. Within a few minutes, we were looking through the footage. We saw the Uber drive up into our driveway, then Anabia came out wearing a shawl over her sari. I couldn't tell her facial features or expressions in the dim light, and she quickly got into the Uber before it drove off.

Where did she go?


The man in his late twenties/early thirties held out his hand towards me. "I'm Detective Jameel." 

"Rehan Tariq." I shook his hand.

Detective Jameel glanced at Dad. "So, this is about your daughter-in-law, Sir?" 


"She let on her own accord. She's a mature adult. What makes you think that this is something to be concerned about?" 

"It's not like her to just leave without telling anyone like this." I replied. "We have newborn daughters. She wouldn't just leave them like this."

"And it can't be due to postpartum depression, or something like this?" The detective asked. "I don't mean any offence, just asking routine questions."

"I don't think it's the case." Mama replied. "Hooriya and Haya are her life. She can't bear being away from them for more than a short period of time."

Detective Jameel nodded. "Let me see the CCTV footage. If I can get a number plate from the Uber, I can maybe contact some connections to see if we can contact the driver."

"We already took the number down from the CCTV cameras by the front gates." Saim handed him a piece of paper.

Detective Jameel nodded. "I'll find out." He immediately took his phone out and dialled a number, walking away from where we were.




I had barely closed my eyes when my phone started ringing. I turned my head and reached for my clutch bag and pulled it open. The call was from an unsaved number. I initially decided to let it ring so that I could get some sleep, but whoever it was remained adamant. "Hello?" I answered, almost annoyed.

"A-Anabia?" A raspy voice came through, followed by the sound of a loud painful gasp.

It took me a few seconds to recognise the voice. "Papa?"

"S-S-St Michael's Hospital." He muttered out. "D-Dying...ask forgiveness bef-before I d-d-die."

I rolled my eyes. "I know, I'm emotional and you expect me to fall for the tricks."

"H-Hospital. N-No tricks. D-Don't tell anyone or they won't let you..." 

"Sorry. I'm not falling for your tricks again."

"If I die...without your forgive-forgiveness...Allah won't forgive me. How will I f-face Him?"

He was at a hospital. He couldn't fake dying at a hospital, right? What if he was actually dying and I didn't go? Would I be able to live with myself after that?

"I..." My throat felt dry. "I'll come with Saim."

"N-No... he won't let you." He sounded like he was sobbing. "I'm in a lot of pain, Anabia. P-Please hurry."

"I'm not coming without telling my family."

"Th-Then don't come." He sounded disappointed. "I w-will die without forgiveness."

In the last few days, as I'd watched Rehan with Hoor and Haya, I'd realised the importance of a father even more, especially in a daughter's life. 

Maybe that's why I fell weak, and I agreed. The hospital wasn't too far. I'd be back before anyone even noticed that I was gone.

But I couldn't go AWOL just like that. As I headed downstairs, I saw a maid and I called her over. "Listen, if anyone asks, I'm just going out for something urgent. I'll be back very soon. Tell my family not to worry."

She nodded, but she was busy taking a tray of juices out towards the garden.

I booked and Uber and I left.

I really should have left Rehan a message to let him know my whereabouts, and this mistake of mine was a spark that started an inferno in our lives.



"The hospital." The detective told me. "She went to the hospital."

"Why?! Allah! What if she wasn't feeling well?" Mama panicked.

"We should go there!" Saim jumped up. He glanced at our family. "You guys remain here. Rehan Bhai and I will go."

"Shouldn't Rehan stay with the twins? They can't have both parents away from them!" Mum looked worried.

"Mum, how am I meant to stay back when I have no idea where Anabia is, or how she is?" 

That's when Saim received a phone call. "Hello? Yes, this is Saim Zohaib...his son." He answered looking irritated. His face went pale. "What?!" He sank down on the sofa, running a hand through his hair. "Okay. Okay, we're coming." He ended the call, swallowing hard.

"Saim, what happened?" Mama asked, worriedly.

"Zohaib Waleed is no more." Saim informed us. 

A shocked silence fell across the room.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un." The majority of us muttered after a few moments of disbelief.

"My number was given to the hospital..." Saim sounded like he was having difficulty talking.

"H-How did this...?" Mama whispered out.

"He was brutally attacked by unknown sources...but we need to speak to the police about the details."

"Anabia must have gone to see him." Mum said. "Maybe she's still there." 

"We can only find out when we get there." Saim stood up, but he looked so shaken that it was a wonder that he was able to stand up on his two feet.




I anxiously sat in the back of the taxi as we drove to the hospital. A part of me felt that this was another trick, yet a part of me was terrified for his life.

Why do I care? Why am I so concerned about him?

We arrived at the hospital, and I thanked the driver before getting out. The car parking was poorly lit, and I rushed across it towards the hospital building. 

Suddenly, I was grabbed from behind, an arm wrapped around my waist and a hand clamped over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it came out muffled.

"We were waiting for someone related to Zohaib Waleed." An unfamiliar voice whispered right in my ear. "He has many dues that must be paid." 

Tears filled my eyes and I shook my head. 

"Take her... That b*****d Zohaib has taken way too much without repayment." The person holding me started to drag me away towards a black Mercedes van. 

I was crying, struggling, but there was no mercy or compassion. The door slid open and I was thrown inside. I cried out, but by the time the person who had taken me had also gotten inside and slammed the door shut. 

"Let me go!" I screamed. 

"Even if he dies, he has to repay our debt." The man's face wasn't visible as he wore a black surgical mask and a black hat. 

The seats in the van were face-to-face, three on one side and three opposite. I was on the floor, trembling, and just by the window sat a woman. 

"Anabia Zohaib." She lifted up a cigarette and lit it up. "This isn't personal,dear. It's just that Zohaib Waleed owes me a lot. He took a lot from me, with no repayment. I will get my money back through you, I suppose." I couldn't see her face in the dark, but she had a slim built.

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"I suppose that I was his planned attempt at third marriage, but it never happened." She laughed bitterly. "I suppose I outsmarted him." 

"I have nothing to do with him. Let me go!" 

"You, your brother and his other daughters inherited his debt. One of you has to pay, and since you are the first one who we caught, it will have to be you." She said. "I know for a fact that you are married into an affluent family. You'll more than cover the debt that Zohaib Waleed owed me." 

"I have newborn daughters, please have mercy." I noticed that the car was speedily driving away. "They need me...please." 

"Your father proved that nothing matters more than money. So why should I let go of such a wonderful chance of getting my money back?" 

His deeds were coming back to me...again. His deeds repeatedly came back to me. I always faced trouble and pain and problems because of him, but this was the limit. I am glad that I didn't get to meet him. I don't forgive you, Zohaib Waleed! Because of you my newborn daughters will suffer, my family will suffer, and I don't forgive you for that!

I was crying as the man who had dragged me in here grabbed me by the upper arm and practically threw me into the window seat opposite the woman. I cried out as I felt pain in my lower regions. "My in-laws are influential people...you'll regret this!" 

"The only thing your in-laws will be doing is giving me a s**tload of money." She said. "Relax, sweetie. I have no intentions of harming you, or letting my people harm you, unless your behaviour forces me to act in such a way. I'm just after my money; as long as I get it, I won't hurt you."

I couldn't stop crying as I thought of my Haya and Hoor. They would be hungry soon, and I wasn't there. They would cry without me. And Rehan? He's lose his mind with worry. 


We were in the heart of the London city, and the van drove into an underground parking of a high-rise building. Whoever this woman was seemed to be quiet well-off herself. So why was she so desperate to get his money back from a dying man?

"You are a heartless woman! You will regret this!" I screamed out.

"Gag her." The woman told the man in a bored tone. I could now see her clearly. She was the woman I had seen with Zohaib Waleed in the shopping centre. "And tie her hands as well. No smart movements from her."

I stared up at the man's face as he gagged me, trying to memorise as much of his features that I could see for the future when I had to testify to the police. He had dark eyes and a deep scar beneath his right eye. He turned me around and tied my wrists together tightly using a cloth, even as I struggled. I was yanked out of the car and almost fell face-first onto the concrete, but the man held onto me. I got a look at the woman close-up now. She wore a black knee-length tight skirt, a green long-sleeved cashmere top, black translucent tights and stiletto heel black shoes. Her dark hair was pulled back away from her face. 

The woman's phone rang as I was being dragged towards the doors that led inside the building. "Hello?" She answered. After a few seconds' pause, she replied. "Aww, pity. He died without repaying my debt. May he rot in hell."

My heart pounded hard inside my chest.

She ended the call and looked at me with no expressions on her face. "Your father died." Once we were in the lift, she gestured for the man to remove the gag from my mouth, which he did.

Tears filled my eyes and I turned my head away. 

"Why do you even care? I know he treated you like s**t."

"That's not of your concern how I feel about his death!" I snapped.

"Babe, this whole leaking your scan publicly, it was my idea. My thinking. But I didn't force him to do it. A man who did that to you doesn't deserve your tears." She shook her head. "Selfish b******s they all are."

"You are a woman; you don't seem to be compassionate or selfless right now." I scoffed. 

"I'm practical. People who owe debt should repay it; if they can't, their kids should." 

"What kind of debt? How much money?" 

She sighed. "He was basically living off me, on my money and in my home. I showered him in luxuries, and I only wanted one thing in return..."

I thought of the Rolex watch I'd seen him wear. "Don't tell me what you wanted in return. I don't want to know."

"Relax, kid. I won't degrade myself like that." She rolled her eyes. "We live in social media times. It's one way of making quick money, if you get the right content. I found out that his daughter was married to a famous author, and you were expecting his twins. I found potential content right there. People love vlogs about videos. All in all, I asked him to find him money-making content, and I gave him so much in return. Did you know he had an Instagram page where he added posts about how his abusive ex-wife kept his twins away from him? He kept it anonymous, but he made me a lot of money from it, so I kept him around."

We arrived on a posh corridor, and walked over the soft carpet to a door numbered 901.

"You have access to bathroom, you'll get proper meals, and you'll get all the comfort here. But don't ever try something smart, Mrs Rehan." The woman warned me. "Otherwise, I will not hesitate to use your twin brother as well for debt repayment. And don't worry about any of my people harming you. You won't get hurt unless you ask for it."

I barely had a chance to glance around at the flat, when I was thrown into a bedroom. The door slammed shut and I heard a lock clicking. "Don't do this. Please! My baby daughters need me! Please let me go! PLEASE!" I sank down on the ground, slamming my fists against the door. "Rehan..."




"How are we not able to trace down Anabia yet?!" My father was snapping at someone on the phone. "How can a country that relies so heavily on CCTV footage cannot find a girl who was kidnapped from a hospital car parking?!" 

I was trying to calm Hoor and Haya down. Since yesterday, they'd had to drink formula milk, but they had been crying too much. They were temporarily calmed by me, Mum or Mama, but they resumed again as if they suddenly realised the absence of the most important person in their lives.

We'd only found out that someone had taken Anabia from the hospital's car parking after we had got permission to look through the CCTV footage, as the driver had confirmed that he had dropped Anabia off there.

But these incompetent people still hadn't managed to track her down.

Mama had been almost constantly on the prayer mat, crying her eyes out and praying for Anabia's safety. At one point, she had almost fainted and Laila had asked her to go and get some rest. Saim was driving around helplessly and crazily around the streets, even though we had no idea where to even start looking for Anabia. I had to be here because the twins were practically crying themselves sick.

"Rehan, let us take care of them. Go and get some rest." Mum told me gently.

"How am I supposed to rest? I don't know where or how she is." 

"You need to remain strong and in control, for the sake of the twins, if nobody else." She put her hand on my upper arm. "Go. Just lie down, even if you don't want to sleep." I laid the twins down on the temporary travel cot that Faisal had kindly set up or us in the chaos of last night. Mum took my arm and led me out. "I'm sure you could use some space, some quiet time to yourself." 

"I'm losing my head, Mum. Where is she? How is she? What if they hurt her...or worse...?" 

"Pray to Allah. And we're all also doing all that is in our power. Your Dad is not going to rest until someone brings Anabia back home safely, and you know that very well."

"God, if anything happens to her..." I pressed both hands over my face. "No. I have to go out there and look for her..."

"Rehan, your daughters are very young and very helpless. They need at least one parent around. Anabia would want you to prioritise them, you know that. You aren't staying at home because you don't care about Anabia; you're staying because Haya and Hooriya need you." Mum whispered. "Now go, get some rest. You won't help anyone by getting sick yourself." 

I slowly trudged up the stairs, shoulders sagged and head bowed.

Where are you, Anya?


He watched his whole world being set ablaze. One moment she was here, and the next she seemed to have been enveloped in a dark cloud of smoke. 

Their love which itself have been an inferno, had been charred in the grip of an actual inferno. 

This was a metaphoric end to their love story. 

Only the remnants of its ashes remained in the gentle breeze of nostalgic memories.

-Ana_B on ImagineFans

When Anabia had been upset, she had written some tragic version of the detective's romance, as she had told me once.

I read through the book I had published that contained all her fanfictions, and unable to help myself, I felt tears in my eyes. I felt so helpless, so out of control. I wanted to be out there, ripping everything apart until I found Anabia. 

My phone started ringing and I glanced down at it. Detective Jameel. "Yes, Detective?" 

"We have managed to have some lip-readers examine the CCTV footage from the hospital." Detective Jameel informed me. "It seems that whoever took your wife were owed something by Zohaib Waleed, and they just wanted repayment."

My jaw clenched. Marr gaya hai kamina, phir bhi meri biwi ki jaan nahin chodi us ne.

*The wretched man is dead, but he still hasn't left my wife alone.

"I don't care what it takes, I want them found." I growled out. "Anabia better come back to me safe and sound, otherwise I will set everything on fire, and I am not even kidding."



I lay on my back, wearing a cotton shirt that was two sizes too big for me, and grey trousers. I had lost count of how many days I'd been here, but it felt like an eternity.

By now I'd learnt that the woman had enough influence to remain hidden from law-enforcement. She probably had really good connections in really high places.

I placed my hand on my stomach, missing the feel of my twins inside me. My tears had dried out and I couldn't cry anymore. Crying wasn't going to get me anywhere. They had snatched my phone away in the van itself. I had no way of contacting Rehan or any of my loved ones. I was isolated from my family.

Just like my dream. The one where he jumped into darkness when he heard a little girl shout 'Papa!' The one where I had been unable to go after him, and had been left on my own...with the detective.

"Your fantasies will end, and reality pierces like a shard of broken glass."  He had said. "Life ends with a snap of a finger."

In the dream I had been left alone with a fictional character, a fantastical conjuring of Rehan's mind that had appeared in my dream...away from my family.

In reality now, I was also alone, with nothing but my imagination to keep me company.

The tears returned with full force and I was soon sobbing as if I hoped to bring the walls down around me with the painful cries.

Trisha, the woman behind my kidnapping, wasn't exactly pure evil- putting the whole kidnapping drama aside, of course. Apart from the first day that I was dragged here, no man had come into my room or near me- only female maids. I had been provided with fresh wardrobe, delicious meals, a comfortable room...everything apart from what I wanted the most: freedom.

"Allah." A gasp escaped my mouth as I attempted to control my cries. "ALLAH!" 

The thought of my twin daughters, my husband who loved me unconditionally, my poor Mama, my protective twin brother, my adoring in-laws and Hareem made my heart ache in a way that I almost felt the physical pain.

I winced. Oh Allah! It was physical pain. I had been warned by the doctor to avoid stress...but what would she recommend I do in the case of a kidnapping?! 

Not only was the kidnapping itself painful for me, but a small part of me was also grieving over Papa's death. I thought of the moments when he had been a father to me. Whether I'd like to admit it or not, but he had supported me regarding my marriage to Rehan. Maybe it had been a miraculous act of kindness, but he had done it, and I would always remain grateful for him.

In my moment of weakness, I had asked Trisha to get me a notebook and a pen, and she had provided it for me. I turned on my side and grabbed the two items from the bedside table. With tears landing on the piece of paper, I wrote:

My mind is running blank, but I'm still writing because my heart is overflowing.

I got emotional, and I made yet another mistake, and this time it landed me in serious trouble.

Rehan, if you ever end up reading this, I'm sorry. I really am truly sorry. I should have told  you, messaged you. He's dead and he left me in this mess... But anyway, I love you so much. I admired your writing, then I loved you, and I loved you unconditionally. My heart, my soul, my everything is yours. I just wish I could tell you that in person again.

I miss Haya and Hooriya. I love them from the bottom of my heart. I was an emotional fool, but I hope they're not like me. I hope they are stronger humans, able to identify who wishes them well, and who will cause them nothing but pain and trouble.

Tell Mama that she is the best mother, and she always has been the best. Nobody can tell her otherwise.

Saim, no words that I say to you will be enough. You being my twin is one of the biggest blessings in my life. Remember me with a smile, not a tear. #TerrorTwins. Please be the best Mamu ever to my Haya and Hooriya. They might need all the love that they can get.

Laila, I'm so glad that you're in Saim's life. I'm lucky to have an incredible Bhabi like you. Be his strength, his support...

Mum, Dad, Yasin. Sometimes I feel like you guys are fictional, since you guys have been the best in-laws that anyone could ever ask for. I love you all like one loves their immediate family. Yasin, never let your talent go. Keep creating magic!

Hareem. I hope you find all the happiness in the world. I wish I am there to see it, but if I'm not...know that I have prayed so much for you. You deserve the smiles, the laughter and the warm feeling that you get when surrounded by love. You deserve to be loved, because I know the pain of being hurt by the one who are supposed to love you unconditionally.

I don't know if I'm ever getting out of this situation alive or not, but if I don't, please do your best not to let the twins feel my absence too much.

I put my forehead down onto the notebook and cried.

Allah, I didn't even get to start a life properly with my twins yet...

One moment of emotional weakness from me, and my whole world was aflame.


Zohaib's love for money led to his death...and also threw Anabia in this situation.

Is this the end of Anabia and Rehan's story?

If he loses her, would Rehan ever recover from this loss?

Poor little Haya and Hoor! :(

Thoughts and comments?

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

P.S: I know this was a sad chapter, but stories can't all be happy and cute. All stories have climatic plots filled with ups and downs, right? 


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