6 | Meetings

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© All copyrights belong to StarsAndMoon1447 on Wattpad




"I have one brother, Yasin. He's twenty, but he's...naïve, too innocent." I spoke to Anabia as I paced the patio deck, through my Bluetooth earpiece. "He sent that message, thinking he was helping me." And it did, I suppose. I found out that she liked me too.

It was a whole different subject that my feelings were stronger than just 'liking' her.

"I have one brother as well, my twin brother, but I can't even use the excuse that he is the one who replied as he isn't even in the country." She sighed. "I wish you'd told me earlier so that I wouldn't have humiliated myself."

"How did you humiliate yourself?" A small smile appeared on my face.

"I assumed the message was from you, and I wrote back... but then again, I don't dislike you, so the message wasn't exactly a lie."

"Well, Yasin might have written the message on my behalf, but it wasn't a lie either."

She didn't reply for a few seconds, and I wondered if the call had disconnected.

"You still there, Anya?" 

"Yes. I am." 

I saw Mum come out onto the patio deck from the living room. "Listen, Anabia, I will call you back, okay?" 


We ended the call and I walked up to my mother. "Well?" 

"Impatient, are we?" She smirked at me.

"What did she say?" 

She strolled over to the table and took a seat and sat down, taking her sweet time on purpose, as if to torture me. 

I sat down opposite her, trying to look nonchalant.

"Khadija has invited me over to her house. And, before you protest, she asked me to call her Khadija." Mum shrugged. "I guess, I will be paying her a visit then."

"When? Just let me know..."

"Honey, I said I will be paying her a visit." She sat back in her seat. "Maybe I'll get to meet my potential future bahu as well."

"You are really determined, aren't you? To speed things up, I mean?" 

"Haven't I waited long enough? You need to applaud my patience, sweetheart."

"When are you going?"

"That's for me to know. I'll tell you once I have visited."

"Are you serious?" 

She stood up, ruffled my hair and walked off into the house.

"Seriously?!" I called out after her, and heard her laugh.



"Mrs Tariq called today." 

I knew she had because Rehan had told me on the phone when we were talking earlier. "Oh really? What did she say?" I was sitting sideways on the armchair, with my legs flung over the armrest, trying to read a non-Rehan book.

"I invited her over to our house because she wanted to meet me." She sat down on the sofa, and turned the TV on using the remote.

This is my mother. Discussing such a life-changing topic, while still worried about her weekly drama.

"When?" My mouth was dry all of a sudden.

"You'll know when she visits...or after she has visited." She turned on ARY Digital. "Now, shush and let me watch. Finally I get to sit down after doing all the housework that my daughter didn't help me with."

"That's not true. I did the laundry, the hoovering, the dusting..."

"Teen kaam kya kardiye, ab saari umar jitaya jayega." Mama shook her head, but she was smiling.

*"She did three things and I'll hear about it for the rest of my life."

"But you said I didn't do anything, so I was just defending myself."

Oh my God. Desi parents can shut up the best lawyers in the world. 

"But seriously," I asked. "When is she coming?" 

"Kuch zayada jaldi nahin hai, beta?" She looked at me, eyes narrowed.

*"What's with the rush, dear?" 

Blushing, I jumped off the sofa. "I'm going to go read in my room. You enjoy your drama about yet another love triangle, and a jilted man or woman." I headed out of the room. 

"You used to watch a show about a girl and two vampire brothers, so do not even get started!" Mama called out.

I winced as I got called out for my once obsession. 


"Saim!" I was surprised as I got home from work the next day to see him and Laila in the living room, having lunch with Mama. "Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaikum Assalam!" They all replied.

"Anabia." Laila immediately got up and gave me a hug. "How are you?" 

"Alhumdulillah! How are you guys? How was your trip?" I walked over to Saim and he stood up to give me a one-armed hug.

"It was beautiful!" Laila's eyes sparkled. "Saim and I thought we will recommend you this place as well. Wouldn't you and your spouse get discounted tickets on your airline?"

"Basically free tickets. They only have to pay the tax." Saim corrected her. "Our parents, and any of her future children up to the age of twenty-three also get the benefit."

Now who was in a rush? My cheeks warm, I turned to Mama. "I'm just going to freshen up and change." 

As I headed upstairs, happy to have my twin back, he caught up to me. "Ana." 

"What?" I turned to him on the landing.

"Why did Papa come here and argue with Mama?" His jaw clenched.

"You literally just got back. As did I." I shook my head. "Leave it, Saim."

"Leave it? How can I? I have been worried ever since."

"I'm not discussing daily dramas right now, bro. I just got back from work and I need to change into something comfortable and non-uniformy."


"You understood me, didn't you?" I walked into my room, and turned to look at him. "Trust me. Life is full of dramas, plenty of time for that. For now, just take it easy, okay?"



Laila had gone upstairs for a nap, and Anabia was also asleep after her shift.

I sat in the living room, watching football, while chewing popcorn from Anabia's secret stash which she was going to kill me for.

Mama entered the room, a shawl draped over her shoulder, and took a seat on the armchair. "Did Laila like the place?" 

"Yes, Mama, she loved it." I gave her a smile.


We sat in silence for a while, before I spoke, "Mama, what did he do?"


I leaned my forearms on my knees, leaning forward. "Mama, I've been worried since that day, so please tell me. I think I deserve to know when someone makes my mother cry."

"He wasn't just someone, Saim, he..."

"Is our father, but your ex-husband. He has no right to come here, in our home, and argue with you."

"Oh, Saim. You have no idea, beta." She whispered.

"What did he do, Mama?"

She narrated the whole situation to me, about how he had made a deal with Adam's family to marry Anabia off to him in exchange of monetary help. Adam was a partygoer, a drinker, one who mingled with girls all the time. Papa was aware of it, and he still initially agreed to it. In fact, he convinced Ana and Mama as well, before the whole Rehan situation occurred.

"What the f**k?" The swear word escaped my mouth before I could control myself. I stood up, practically trembling with rage. "How dare he?" 

"Saim, relax. He is still your father..."

"Father?!" I asked. "What the hell kind of father does this to his own daughter?!"

"Lower your voice, beta. The girls are asleep."

"How dare he do that to my sister?!" 

"Saim." She stood up, walked over to me and placed her hands on my upper arms. "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you."

"Just because Anabia doesn't have a father over her head, doesn't mean she's alone." I shook my head. 

"She does have a father, Saim. Ultimately he backed out..."

"Oh, what a bloody favour he did for her!"

"Don't sin by uttering something against him that you shouldn't, Saim. I didn't raise you this way."

"Oh, and what he is doing is right? Ready to willingly marry her off to a drinker, a partygoer?" 

"Listen to me." She said, firmly, her grip on my arms tightening. "I will never let him do this again. I will never let him mess with my children again, I promise you that."

"And I promise you, Mama. I will support both you and Anabia, no matter where I'm living. You are not alone in this either." 

She gave me an emotional smile, and I hugged her. "And one more thing, Saim..."

"What is it, Mama?" I pulled back to look at her.


I strode towards the parking. This was London, which meant that I'd found parking two streets away from my destination. A heavy wind blew, almost acting as a hurdle in my path, but I continued on. 

Entering through the revolving doors, I stepped into the posh lobby, and walked straight to the reception to get the directions. Once the receptionist had told me, I headed towards the lifts. Taking my sunglasses off, I put it into the front pocket of my shirt. 

With a 'ding', the doors to the lift opened and I stepped out. Walking down the hall, I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

A woman with long black hair and big dark eyes opened the door, giving me a confused smile. "May I help you?"

"Is Mr Rehan Tariq here?" I asked. "I'm Saim Zohaib." When she continued looking confused, I added, "Please just tell him. He knows."

She nodded and let me come in. I saw two desks on different ends of the relatively dark room, two separate workspaces basically. Right ahead of me was a frosted glass wall with a glass door. The woman walked up to it and knocked on it. "Ray?" She peeked her head in and I heard inaudible voices as she spoke. She then stood aside and Rehan came out, a warm smile on his face.

"Assalam Alaikum." He walked forward to greet me, holding out his hand.

"Walaikum Assalam." I shook his hand. 

"Congratulations on your wedding." He said. "Please, come inside." He nodded towards his office, and began to make his way inside.

"Thank you." I followed him.

The office had large floor-to-ceiling windows that gave a stunning view of London. One wall had a floor-to-ceiling fitted bookshelf, and it was literally filled with books of all kind. Anabia's dream. I couldn't help thinking. He took a seat at his chair, and I sat opposite him.

"Mama wanted me to meet you." I began. "I hope it's not an inconvenience, my visit."

"Of course not. I'm glad you're here." He said. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" 

"No, thank you." I replied. "Look, Anabia is my twin. I'm that one person who knows her more than anyone in the world. She's not a materialistic girl. She's kind, compassionate, caring and her family means the world to her."

He nodded slowly, paying full attention to my words.

"She's also quite sensitive, and takes things deeply to the heart. But she tends to push all that deep under for the sake of her family. She tries to be stronger for her family. I'm telling you all this, because I feel like if you are genuinely serious about her, you need to know this. You need to know the real Anabia."

"I appreciate you telling me this." 

"Now, I'm gonna be all brotherly and said it directly: don't hurt her." I smiled lightly, but I meant what I was saying.

"I promise, I'll do my best to give her all the happiness in the world."

He loves her. I realised that, as I saw the sincerity in his voice, and overall, the way his expressions softened when he spoke of her. "You know what? I saw this halal café down the road as I was walking here from where I parked my car. Why don't we grab a bite to eat, and talk some more?" 


This was a good idea of Mama's. She wasn't sure whether she could count on Papa to talk to him right now, so she had asked me. I had a feeling that she no longer trusted him not to mess things up for Anabia, and to be fair, I didn't trust him either. He always craved money, and he'd do anything for it. He loved his family, or so he claimed, but there was a time I'd felt that if he had a choice between me and Anabia, and being a billionaire, he would definitely pick the latter option. I wasn't sure if that was the same case for his other two daughters.

We walked down the road, discussing the weather, then football because a match had been postponed due to the weather. I pushed open the door of the café, and a scent of kebabs and chips hit me, making me feel hungry.

"She's there. I'm going to be right here." I nodded towards the right, where my sister was sitting at a table by the window, waiting for me.

She had no idea of this meeting either. I just told her that I had some work in the city, and I'd brought her along so that we could have a twin outing once I was done with my 'work'. I'd told her to wait in here, while I quickly did what I had to. 

"What?" Rehan looked at me surprised, before looking in the direction of where Anabia was sitting.

"Mama knows, don't worry. Since Papa is...unavailable, she asked me to come. I'm her mehram as well, after all." 



I was messaging Hareem, telling her about how Saim had practically forced me to come out with him, and now he had abandoned me in a café in the middle of the city, while he did God-knows-what. He was an aircraft engineer! What work could he possibly have here? Were there any aircrafts around here that I simply couldn't see?


I froze. What? Excuse me? I slowly lifted my gaze, and jumped up to my feet, shocked. "Rehan?!"

Rehan Tariq was standing in front of me, wearing blue jeans and a well-fitted light blue shirt. "Assalam Alaikum."

"Walaikum Assalam." I glanced behind him and saw my twin grinning at me. 

"You owe me." Saim pointed at me then himself as he mouthed the word, before heading to the counter.

I glanced at Rehan. "Wow. That was unexpected. Do both our brothers work for cupid or something?" I quickly glanced down at myself: a long-sleeved loose blouse tucked into a long dark brown maxi skirt, and white wedge-sandals. I had straightened my hair today and had pushed it back with a slim hairband. 

He laughed. "You know, that's a good question." He nodded towards my seat and waited for me to sit before sitting down opposite me. "How have you been, Anya?" 

"Great. Alhumdulillah." I played with the rings on my fingers, nervously, glancing out of the window. "Umm...how was your stay at your parents?" 

"It was nice." He nodded.

"You said it was much needed. How so?" I asked, then I realised my silliness. "Shall we order something first?"

"Chicken corn soup?" He grinned.

I giggled. "Umm...no. I'm hungrier today." 

"What would you like?" He asked. 

"I don't know." I grabbed the laminated menu in front of me and began to study it as if I was prepare for an exam. 

"Ever tried shawarma?" He asked.

"No, but Saim loves it." I shrugged. My gaze went to the chicken shawarma wrap option. "Do you like it?" 

"Yeah, I love it as well." 

"Okay. I guess I'll try it today." I stood up. 

"Sit, please. Your dad paid the last time. It's my turn." He stood up as well, taking his wallet out of his pocket. "Drink?" He looked up and saw that I was already looking at him.

I turned away, blushing. I hadn't meant to stare, but I guess I still couldn't believe that I was here in a café with Rehan Tariq, the author whose books I fangirled over. "Coke is fine."

With a nod, he headed to the counter. 


"As I mentioned before, my brother is naïve. Bohat masoom hai, kisi ki bhi baton main aajata hai. Meri isi wajah se Maa Baap se ikhtilaf rehte thay. I wanted him to have more independence, they think he's not ready for it and they want to keep him safe from people who would take advantage of his innocence." Rehan told me as we started eating.

*"He's very innocent, he gets manipulated by anyone. That's why I clashed with my parents."

"So, we sort of had a truce when I stayed over. We all agreed that we all wants what's best for Yasin, but more importantly, Yasin is happy with the way things are. I mean, ultimately, he's our father; why would he ever want something that's bad for us, right?"

I swallowed hard, glancing down at my food.

"Anyway, Yasin thought he was helping me by messaging you. He thought I was too shy."

I smiled. "That's adorable, Ma Sha Allah."

"Ma Sha Allah." He nodded towards my wrap. "How is it?"

"It's very nice, actually." I replied, honestly. "I've been missing out, I guess."

We ate in comfortable silence for a while, and I glanced across the café to see my brother scrolling on his phone as he ate.

"So... that deep writing on ImagineFans?" 

"Look, before...us...my father had been planning on setting me up with the son of a friend of his." I began. "The guy's name was Adam. I even agreed...but..."


"I found out recently that the marriage was like one of those cliché business deals. My marriage to the guy, and in return the guy's father provided financial help to Papa." I had no idea whether I was doing the right thing or the wrong thing by telling him, but I found myself automatically opening up to him. "Recently, Mama and I visited Adam's gallery, upon his invitation. When we arrived he..." Rehan will not want to be with me after this, I just know it. "He greeted me by kissing me on the cheek." I discreetly studied his expression. He didn't look furious, just thoughtful. "Mama was furious, and that was the final nail in the coffin for that rishta." 

"What did you think of Adam, before all this?" He asked.

"Our first meeting, at Saim's wedding? He was talking about car parts, which put me off so much. But the next day, we had a decent conversation, but it was just like how you talk to an acquaintance or, at most, a friend." No sparks. No connection.

"That must be a horrible feeling, finding out that you were set up for this purpose..."

"No, Rehan, that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that Papa knew that Adam partied, and drank, and hung out with non-mehram females regularly. And he still agreed..." 

"I'm sorry, Anabia." 

"Don't be. That apology would only have been necessary had I married him." 

"Your father agreed to call off the wedding easily?" 

"Yeah, he said that he didn't want to be unfair to me. In fact, he showed support to me. That's why he came and spoke to you." I took a sip of my drink. "Let's be honest, we're all considering our marriage here, and I don't want to sugarcoat anything, or put you under any delusion. This is my family. This is my reality."

"I'm sorry that you were so hurt." He said. 

"It's life. It's about pain and struggle. I shouldn't complain. People have worse." I was trying to brush it off, make it seem like it wasn't a huge deal.

"I know people have worse, but that doesn't make your pain any less significant, Anya. So, if you ever want to talk, I'm here for you. And, if you agree to be my life partner, always remember that no matter how minor an issue seems to you, you can always turn to me."

I looked up at him and, as cliché as it sounds, it felt like everything else had faded around us. It was just him and me in this café. "I really appreciate you saying that. And vice versa. You can talk to me about anything as well."

We exchanged a smile, and I felt my heart flutter around happily, wishing for time to slow down so that I could remain here with chatting to my heart's content.


Third Person POV

Meanwhile, as the two had their own surprise meeting, Khadija was welcoming Nina Tariq into her home. 

"Ma Sha Allah, it's a beautiful home." Nina commented.

It was a three-bedroom semi-detached house on a quiet street in West London. Khadija and Zohaib had purchased this house back in the nineties, but Zohaib had transferred the deed under her name, well before the divorce.

"Thank you." Khadija led her into the living room.

Almost instantly, Nina's gaze fell on the photo above the fireplace, a photo of Khadija and her two children, Saim and... "Anabia?" 

Khadija looked at her, surprised, but then she followed her gaze. "Oh, yes. Those are my two kids. They are twins. Saim and Anabia." 

Nina walked over to take a closer look.

The girl didn't have a fringe in that photo. Wavy hair curtained her face, as she stood with her arm around her mother. There was no make-up. There was happiness under the sparkle of tears. But it was definitely her.

"I've met her before." Nina commented. "In Lahore. She was wearing a blue lehenga." 

"Blue lehenga?" Khadija looked thoughtful. "Oh! That's right. That must be Saim's Valima." She gestured. "Please have a seat."

Nina took a seat on the two-seater sofa, her ankles crossed. Wearing black tights, a black kurta with red flowers, and a plain red dupatta. On her feet were two elegant stiletto-heel sandals. She couldn't help thinking back to that lovely girl who was in tears that evening. The fact that Anabia had asked Nina if she was okay, while she herself was crying, had touched the older woman's heart.

"I think we both needed someone to remind us that it will be okay. That nothing bad lasts forever. I hope that can apply to your situation as well." That's what she had told Nina that day.

And that day, Nina had made a wish as she had left the restroom. She had prayed to Allah to find her Rehan a girl as kind and compassionate as the one she had just encountered.

Sometimes prayers were answered in the most unexpected of ways.

"I'm just preparing tea." Khadija stood up.

"Please don't be informal. There's no need."

"As you know, tea is practically mandatory." Khadija smiled. "It will only take a few minutes." She headed out of the room.

Nina glanced around at the modest, yet cosy room. The plasma TV hung above the fireplace, which was closed off. Upon entering the room, to the right behind the door, was the two-seater sofa, where Nina sat. The wall to the right of the sofa consisted of bay windows, and just in front of the bay windows were two armchairs with a side table in between. On the table was a book. Nina got up to have a look. Her whole family loved reading with a passion.

But an amused smile appeared on her face when she realised that the book was none other than Blood Crimes by her own beloved son. It was a worn out copy, as if it had been read repeatedly. And as she opened the cover, something else made her smile. On the front page, a name was printed neatly: Anabia Zohaib. She had even dated it, and as far as Nina could remember, it was the date that the book was launched.

"She is a huge fan of Rehan." Khadija's voice made her turn. 

Nina turned and saw Anabia's mother smiling. "I believe she wrote fanfictions on his books, and that's how they came across each other."

"Fanfictions?" Khadija looked confused. "I know she writes something, but..."

"She's a fan who writes fiction based on his stories." Nina took a seat again. "Romance between the male lead detective and some victim's sister or something."

"Romance?" Khadija's both eyebrows raised. "She came across your son while writing romance?" 

Nina laughed. "It's harmless stuff, Khadija. Since I realised that Rehan met Anabia this way, I have read some of her work. She's very talented, Ma Sha Allah." She inhaled deeply, before slowly exhaling. "Khadija, I would like to turn this discussion to the reason we are here. Naturally, it is important for our entire families to be involved in this, but I wanted to speak to you first. "My son is interested in taking these discussions further. Basically, I am asking, informally for your daughter's hand in marriage to my son."

Khadija nodded. "I have to speak to Anabia, Saim and, of course their father about this."

"I understand. But Rehan made me aware that you are divorced, and hence I came to you first, to ask you how you want to proceed with this." 

"Indeed, we are divorced. However, my former husband will be involved in Anabia's wedding, so if you want, we can set a date to have a discussion altogether. Both sets of parents." Khadija suggested.

"Absolutely." Nina nodded. "I would like to invite you, Anabia's father, and of course Saim, his wife and Anabia to my home. Our families can discuss how to take things further." Something occurred to her. "Is Anabia okay with this marriage alliance?" 

"Yes, she is." 

"Excellent! I'm looking forward to have you all over at our home." 

Khadija smiled back at her and handed her a cup and saucer. 

For the next hour or so, the two mothers discussed their children, and there was a satisfaction within both their hearts.



"Thank you, Saim." Rehan shook my twin brother's hand.

"I didn't do this for free, bro." Saim grinned. "Ana owes me one now." 

I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow and he winced. "He's kidding. He did this for his beloved twin, out of the goodness of his heart."

"It was nice to talk to you in person again, Anabia." Rehan told me, his gaze on me soft.

"It was nice to talk to you as well." I replied. I gazed up at him, smiling. 

"Anabia." My brother said. "We have to go." 

"Allah Hafiz." I said to Rehan.

"Allah Hafiz. Take care." He replied.

"You too." 

Saim walked me away and down the two streets to where the car was parked. "You are blessed to have a twin like me."

I rolled my eyes.

"Ungrateful people!" He made a face at me.

I laughed. Alhumdulillah, I was feeling really happy. 


"We're what?!" I looked at Mama, surprised.

"I looked at your schedule." She replied. "Mrs Tariq has invited us to her home on Sunday, all of us." She glanced at us pointedly. "Including your father."

"Oh no! Absolutely no way!" Saim jumped up, looking furious. "He's gonna ruin it for Ana."

"Saim, he is her father." Mama told him quietly. "And Laila is at her maika right now, but I want you to behave in a civilised way regarding your father when she is around." 


"Saim." Mama held up her hand. "Mrs Tariq seemed like a well-manner, highly educated woman, and I really don't want our family drama to be taken to their house. I want no misbehaviour. This is about Anabia's future."

Saim crossed his arms over his chest.

"Saim, it's okay." I told him. "Mama's right. He's my father. No matter what, it's important for me to involve him in matters regarding my marriage."

"Ana, you are too good for your own good." My brother shook his head before storming out of the living room.

"Don't worry about him." I reassured Mama. "He'll cool down."

I wasn't really sure whether even I was convince though.



Saim drove down a narrow country lane closer to the town where the Tariq family home was located. "Wow, these roads remind me of when we used to go to Littlehampton in childhood."

"Oh! Littlehampton has some great memories! They even took us on a school trip in year seven once, remember, Anabia?" Laila asked, brightly. "When you found that heart-shaped stone, but a certain twin of yours threw it into the sea to tease you."

"Oh my God, I was furious that day." I laughed. "It was such a beautiful stone."

"It represented your heart, Ana. Pathar-dil waali." Saim burst out laughing. 

*Stone hearted.

Laila couldn't stop giggling, and even Mama smiled.

"Mama, at least you don't betray me!" I said.

"I'm sorry, chanda. I am just going to miss this teasing so much. Let me enjoy it while it lasts." Mama smiled sadly.

I was wearing a long white simple dress with a green maxi with cream and pink floral patterns printed over it, which was belted around the midriff. I paired the outfit with a beige scarf, and cream coloured wedge platform sandals.

My hair was in a high ponytail today, with long dangling earrings with silver stars at the end, brushing against my cheeks.

"You have reached your destination." The GPS announced, as we approached a set of black gates. 

"So, the plan is to tell them as many embarrassing stories about Anabia as possible, right?" Saim spoke in a serious tone.

"Saim, I am not afraid to mess your hair up." I pointed to his styled cropped hair.

My brother's jaw visibly tensed as we saw Papa's car already parked outside. He was waiting for us so that we could drive in together.

"Oh! Uncle is already here!" Laila, oblivious to the tension, pointed out.

Saim turned the car to face the gates, and rolled down the window to press the button on the intercom. A few seconds later, we were buzzed in and the electric gates opened. As we drove inside, I turned and saw Papa following us in his car.

In the circular driveway, we got out of the cars, after Saim made sure that his car wouldn't be in the way.

"Assalam Alaikum." We all greeted Papa, in a mixture of tones, with Laila the only one greeting him with a smile.

"Walaikum Assalam." Papa walked up to me and patted my head, and then Laila's. As he moved towards Saim, my twin brother backed up and turned to head to the front door instead.

I saw Mama shake her head, sighing. 

As Saim rang the doorbell, he didn't even turn to look at us. I knew that if Papa wasn't here, he would have been joking around, teasing me. 

The door opened, and I heard the greeting voices of Rehan's parents. 

And as Saim entered, my eyes widened as I saw Mrs Tariq. 

Mrs Nina Tariq

I had known her name of course, because she was a renowned journalist, but more importantly, I knew Rehan's parents' name, but I hadn't place two and two together.

She was Ms Nina, the lady who had found me crying in the restroom during Saim's Valima, when Mama had made me believe that Rehan had rejected me.

"Assalam Alaikum." I greeted Mr and Mrs Tariq Hafeez.

"Walaikum Assalam!" Mrs Tariq beamed at me. "Tariq, this is Anabia, the lovely young lady who finally made my son realise that it's time to get married."

I blushed fiercely as Mr Tariq nodded at me, smiling warmly.

"She's here!" A shout from down the hall grabbed all our attentions. "I want to see her!" Suddenly, brushing past Mr Tariq was a lean, lanky guy with messy hair and round glasses. He glanced around at everyone and waved. "Assalam Alaikum!" Then his eyes landed on me. "Are you Anabia?" 

"Walaikum Assalam." We all replied.

"This is my younger son, Yasin." Mrs Tariq introduced us. "And yes, Yasin, this is Anabia. These are her parents, her brother Saim and her Bhabi Laila." 

Yasin was smiling at me almost shyly. "My brother likes you."

Can the ground swallow me? We're still in the doorway, and I'm already dying with embarrassment.

"Come on! I'll show you the library!" Yasin said to me, excitedly.

"Yasin, darling, later." Mrs Tariq tried to tell him.

"Mum, please! I want to show her the library!" Yasin insisted.

"Yasin..." Mrs Tariq shook her head, before glancing at my mother. "Khadija, if it's okay with you, may he show her the library?" 

"Sure." Mama looked at me. 

Yasin reached out, as if to grab my hand, but his mother placed a hand on his arm, and discreetly shook her head at him. The young guy shrugged and nodded, before turning to me. "Come."

"Sorry, he's just overexcited." Mrs Tariq told my family as Yasin led me down the hall towards the stairs.

The house was modern and beautiful. Intricate designed iron railings lined up along the stairs, and on the landing up, with a smooth and sleek dark wood handrail. As we were going up, Rehan was coming down. He looked surprised to see us. 

"Assalam Alaikum." He greeted me, a corner of his mouth lifting up in a smile. Wearing dark jeans, and a black t-shirt, he looked dangerously attractive, and I had to avert my gaze from his biceps. 

"Walaikum Assalam."

"Yas, where are you taking her?" He asked his younger brother.

"I want to show her the library!" Yasin continued running upstairs. "Come on, Anabia!"

"Will I find any yet-to-be-published Rehan Tariq novels up there?" I whispered.

"Not here. At my flat maybe. For that you have to sign a certain religious document." He headed downstairs, leaving my cheeks read and my heart going crazy.

"Anabia, come on!" Yasin said, almost impatiently.

I hurried up the stairs after him to the library.


By the time we got back downstairs, everyone was settled in the drawing room, and were laughing and talking.

"We have set the lunch up for the younger generation under the gazebo outside." Mrs Tariq informed. "Rehan, why don't you walk them out?" 

And so, me, Saim, Laila, Yasin and Rehan headed outside. 

"How did you like the library?" Rehan asked me, as we trailed behind the rest of the group. Yasin had taken the responsibility of leading us to the gazebo.

"I can get lost in there." I said, dreamily.

"Yasin has been talking about it since yesterday that he was the one who wanted to show you the library."

"He was so excited. He led me directly to his Harry Potter collection first." I smiled. "He was shocked when I asked him whether he thought Umbridge was worse or Bellatrix."

"Yeah, he adores that series." 

We walked around the large, immaculate garden, and I could see the lush countryside far ahead. "It's all so beautiful."

"My parents needed peace from the city life, while also choosing a location that's perfect for an easy commute into the city."

I saw the large gazebo in the centre of the garden. It had a table set up, complete with a fancy tablecloth, and chairs around it. The dishes and cutlery, as well as the glasses were all set up, and I assumed the staff was waiting for us to be seated before the food was brought out.

"To be honest, this fancy schmancy stuff is only here at my parents' house. This is not my daily life." He told me.

"What is your daily life?" I asked with genuine interest.

"Frozen parathas, ordering food on the delivery app, or cooking something if I feel like it. Nothing fancy, but still good enough." He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down, thanking him.

"But you are a bestselling author. Shouldn't you live in a penthouse or something, with a butler and all?" 

"You want that? A penthouse with a butler?" He asked, amused.

"No! I'm just asking." I grinned. "All I ask is a cosy chair and a bookshelf in a corner, so I can sit sideways on the chair, with my legs hanging over the armrests, reading a good book while biting into a bar of chocolate."

The others were chatting about their stuff, but Rehan and I were not paying attention. We were focused on our own conversation.

"I have that." He said. "A cosy reading chair and plenty of books. Something tells me that you like dark thrillers?" 

"What makes you think that?" I giggled.

And an image flashed in my mind. Us married. Sitting together on the sofa, with me leaning against him, both of us reading our own books. 

Lunch was served, and it was a variety of food. There was chicken pillao, dahi boondi, koftay (meatballs), vegetable spaghetti, grilled chicken wings and seekh kebab.

I'd placed my phone on the table, and suddenly the screen lit up. I leaned forward to read the message from the lock screen itself and I almost gasped out loud.

<Hareem: By the way, are you in love yet?>

I would not be surprised if Hareem became my cause of death one day. My cheeks warmed up and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I'll kill you, Harry. Just wait and watch.

Besides, it's too early for love.

I glanced at Rehan discreetly. He was talking to Saim now, smiling. His strong jawline, his twinkling eyes. What would it be like to kiss him on our wedding night? I jumped up from my seat, gasping, my face burning.

Everyone looked at me like I had completely lost the plot.

"Anabia, everything okay?" Rehan asked, concerned.

"I f-forgot to wash my hands." I muttered. "Excuse me." I headed away from the group, down the steps of the gazebo and towards the house. I had no idea where I was going, but I kept going anyway.

My heart was pounding hard, my cheeks still warm, and the butterflies in my stomach were fluttering as if attempting to escape.

"Are you okay?" A maid asked me as I entered the house...through the kitchen, somehow.

"I need to find the bathroom. I need to wash my hands." My throat felt too dry. 

The maid led me out of the kitchen and towards the foyer, before she pushed open a door on the side. "Right here, Miss."

"Thank you." 

I locked the door and washed my hands. I stared at my wide-eyed expression as I thoroughly washed my hands.

I enjoyed talking to him. I enjoyed listening to him. I felt like he understood me. I felt like I understood him. I looked forward to our chats and messages. I felt comfortable with him, relaxed. His writing had made me a fan of his creative mind, meeting him had made me a fan of his personality. And when I was at my lowest, my heart crushed by the first man I trusted the most in my whole existence, it was Rehan that I wanted to talk to, because a part of me knew that he would just listen and offer me his support.

He had all the qualities that I wanted in my husband.

He was the main reason that I was happy that things didn't work out with Adam.

His writing had made me love his thinking.

And, in some way, his writing had made me love him.

"I am in love." I whispered to my reflection. "I am in love with Rehan Tariq, my favourite author." 


The moments you've all been waiting for might not be very far.

Guys, the next chapter might be my last chapter for a while. Last day of holidays tomorrow, then back to normal routine, but I will try and do my best to be quicker in my updates. I just need to plan ahead and make a writing schedule.

Thoughts and comments on the chapter?

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote!

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