Before you start reading

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Hello and welcome to a new book of mine, yet again! (why does it feel like I always say the same thing lmao).

I want to start by saying that some ideas for this book (2) were inspired from a good friend of mine's books, Soul Bound and Toxic (you should totally check MsPiWrites out, she has a beautiful way of writing, I am in absolute love) and I asked for her approval before getting started on this.

I should remind everyone though that inspiring myself from something doesn't mean using it in the same way, so please don't start comparing our books every chance you get and simply enjoy both!

For those about to ask, because we all know you creeping around the first chapters in search of the ultimate truth, in this story, there will be no smut.

What it will have though is possible gore, blood, aggressive behavior, details that others would probably avoid so be aware of that. There will also be swearing, I don't overdo it but I don't avoid it either so please don't be offended.

My brain fails me at the moment and I can't think of anything else so I will leave it at that.

I hope you enjoy this new story of mine! Borahae!

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