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There's something about that girl she is like a box of puzzle but am gonna fix it and am gonna find out what she's hiding

"earth to Luka," Kyle said snapping me out of my thought I looked at the chicken I had stabbed constantly and almost lost my appetite to eat

"what has gotten you in your panties" Kyle mock letting out a chuckle

"real funny Kyle," I said grabbing my English textbook and heading out of the cafeteria

" you have been spending a lot of time on this Andrews girl am starting to worry," he said obviously with not even a hint of worry in his tone

" you know am not a fan of girls so am guessing I have eased you from your worries, but Steph am sure there is something she is hiding it's like she has a dual personality or something"

" well how is that any of your business, so she has something weird about her, she's a freak it has to happen but how does it affect you," he said raising his voice

"I get you wanna look out for me Kyle but you are crossing your limits so just back off," I said walking off I don't need another dad in my life

"how cute of you Luka, finally putting on your big boy pants, don't come running to me when that pussy breaks you like the last time, I look forward to seeing you at the game I hope you get your shit together before then," Kyle said as I walked by gaining me unwanted attention but I shrugged them off my mind how typical of Kyle always being a dick the one thing he is actually committed to.

I took a seat next to Andrews at the back of the class as usual she didn't pay attention to me constantly throw paper on her head today she had a hoodie on, I hadn't noticed it earlier I guess she wants to block out all her face from being shown after last night, which was the first time I saw her full face I always know she was pretty but I really don't give a damn I only told her she was ugly because I hate her it a natural tendency

*flash back*

"Watch where you are going," I said to this girl dressed in all black as she bumped into me I couldn't see her face clearly because she used her hair to cover it

" how about you get your eyes checked," she said shoving me to a Conner

" you got guts to push me like that you are so goddamn lucky you are a girl if not I would have ruin that face of yours, be real careful Missy"

" you really wanna threaten me," she said taking a death step towards me " you don't know me, and trust me you won't want to," she said before walking away, her voice was husky like she had been drinking but her breath was like peppermint, she is really creepy.

During lunch she sat on an empty table she is the first person to ever talk to me that way am not used to being hated by people although I am used to being used by people it happens A lot I was contemplating on whether to go talk to her or not when Kyle sat next to me

" she looks hot she would have made a nice fuck partner if she actually tried different colors," Kyle said

" what," I said not getting who he was talking about

" Stephanie the new girl, I noticed you have been staring at her is it because of how she dissed you, or are you getting alike" he mocked

" you really do know how to make a guys day filled with rainbows and dancing ponies," I said sarcastically getting up and heading over to where Stephanie was seating

"Hey," I said taking a seat next to her but she didn't answer she just kept on staring at her sandwich or something I couldn't really tell

"get lost" she finally said still not taking her eyes off the sandwich

" calm your horses am not here to fight I want to talk and I am trying to be nice" the tips of her hair was red also a few strands were completely red I hadn't noticed it this morning

"you can take your niceness and get lost I don't care but do not disturb me" she finally looked up at me, I am not really sure

" Are you always this way or is it just me you hate in particular" I really can't stand haters so I prefer not to have one but I guess she is not looking forward to being peaceable with me

" I see you don't plan to leave," she said, getting up and walking to a random table and grabbed a bowl of pudding " this should teach you to stay away from people who don't give a damn about you" she poured to pudding o my head and threw the bowl at me before she grabbed her things and walked out I was too shocked to move as I watched her leave no one dared laugh the hall was like a graveyard at this moment

" you are going to regret this" I yelled just as she walked out of the cafeteria.

* end of flashback*

She seemed calmer the next day I saw her, her hair was no longer dyed just as black as ever you might even think it was shining which was really strange but I choose to ignore it but I never ignored her I have been making her life hell ever since and am not going to stop, I'll find out this secret she is hiding and she will regret what she did, I always keep my promises.


*Stephanie's p.o.v.*

I noticed Luka watching my every move during English, the fact that he constantly throws paper at me was getting on my nerves I was tempted to kill him but curse me for being nice I just ignored him that was not on my list but I had to bear with it, after yesterday I decided to get a hoodie I lost all self-confidence I had left after that son of a bitch saw my face. I was relieved when the bell went off, I hurried down to calculus class feeling really grateful to the man above that Luka and I don't have calculus together. the first time we meet I immediately hated him I don't know why but I felt a really strong disconnection and my dark side kept taking control I wasn't myself but I don't regret it, Luka is a big dick and he deserves worst, I have let him walk on me for too long, he doesn't know what's coming for him

" Miss Andrews" Mr. Fredric my calculus teacher called, I looked up to notice everyone looking at me, just great. "can you please answer the question," he said, what question? I choose to ignore the teacher and kept staring at my desk, Luka always finds a way to create problems in my life

" Miss Andrews, I need you to stand up and answer the question," Mr. Fredrick said increasing his tone

" I'll rather not," I said under my breathe

" What did you say" he questioned

" I said fucking no" I yelled banging my fist on the table and looking up, everyone stopped talking, Mr. Fredrick didn't respond, he looked away and went on with the class, good for him. The bell went off some minutes later, I waited till everyone had gone before I stood up to leave

" Miss Andrews" Mr. Fredric called from behind me

" The name is Steph I would prefer you called me by that name," I said in the nicest way I could think of

" I notice you never talk in class, and you always isolate yourself from others," he said was it just me, or did he look scared

" do you have a problem with that," I asked

" well no it's just----" he was saying before I cut in

"Then mine your goddamn business I really don't need another dick in my business I got a big one am trying to trim already," I said before walking down to my locker.

Lunch was another excuse to hook up with your boyfriend or girlfriend and say or do mean things to people you don't like but for me, it was the only time in school I got to be alone. I bit my lips as I walked down to my table with my head held down, I always wished the school had a change of table color but they don't, so I turned mine dark purple but no one except me can see it feels more peaceful that way

" am surprised you aren't of to one of your creepy mission," Luka said as he took a seat at my table

" am surprised I haven't killed you yet for sitting on my table, you aren't wanted, so get out, I thought i I made it really clear to you not be where you aren't wanted," I said trying my best to remain calm, he seems teased for a moment

" you are doing it again," he said

" what" I snapped

" the creepy thing where your hair tips turn red" I pulled my hoodie forward

"my hair tip isn't red and you would have known that if you got your eyes checked like I asked you to, but the bad boy's too scared to get his ass mocked" I shifted away from him and chewed my last bit of sandwich, not looking at him

" says the girl who can't even show her face, what are you so scared of, chasing people off?, you do that all the time freak, and just because I have gone easy on you doesn't mean I have forgotten what you did" Luka yelled drawing attention, he stood up and stood in front of where I was sitting

"note one thing pretty boy, am not scared of you or anything you do and why I do what I do is really none of your business, and I haven't forgotten what happened, I regret nothing" I threw my leftovers in the trash and grabbed my bag to leave

" I have been masking up freak but I swear I'll bring it down and you will regret" he yelled from behind me

" you say that a lot James, get a new phrase key" I walked out of the cafeteria, with everyone looking at me, I hate attention, no one ever gave me attention, not mason, not my father so I don't need it from any fitly blooded human, am doing just fine in my alone zone I will like to keep it that way.    

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