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Stephanie's pov

Dad still wasn't around by the time I got back from the gym, I went to the fridge to get something to eat but the fridge was almost empty, I barely ate at home maybe that is why there isn't much food at home, I decided to go to a store and gets some foodstuff, why am I the only responsible one, when will I woke up to breakfast in bed again, I miss those days. I went up to my room got my hoodie and purse before heading out.

"nonalcoholic"I read out from the back of a can drink, I wonder why do they put it when it is obvious that there isn't any alcohol in it, I was about to drop it in my trolley when someone bumped into me making the drink fall, it's a good thing it's not glass, I picked up the drink and looked up to see who the blind fool that bumped into me was and was meet with Luka, it just had to be him, he didn't have a smile on but I could care less about him, I looked away and walked passed him, but he grabbed my hands, making me turn and faced him

" can you let go of me, as you can clearly see am trying to get some grocery"I said pulling my hands out of his grip, why do we always meet like this

"we need to meet for the project, there is no way am going to do it by myself" he hasn't changed, not like I expected him to

" I already told you James, am not doing anything with you, why don't you get it"

" why cant you think of anyone other than yourself, I actually saved your life yesterday and am guessing this is my thank you"

"i never asked you to save me, I could have found a way out"

" you could barely even walk" he scuffed,the sound went off, he was speaking really loudly and all of a sudden it all stopped making my headache,not this again

"Arghhh" I screamed as I held my head, the environment blacked out on me, leaving me staring into nothing in particular. Some moments later I was brought to a similar room from the one in my trance, my head was aching really bad not allowing me to process everything quickly

"Stephanie" the voice called increasing the pain, can he stop calling me and get to the point I can't hold the pain any more

"Arghhh" I screamed again as tars rolled down my cheeks,I am trying my best to be strong but this is torture

"i don't have much time, but listen carefully, once you turn eighteen he would come for you, they will try to kill you,you need to find it don't let your darkness take over you fully you have to fight" the voice began to fade slowly what the hell is he talking about

"who wants to kill me, who are you"I managed to say

" I am laurenzio you---" the voice faded with a hard bang on my head making me scream even louder, I was out of the room but everything was still black, I opened my eyes slowly trying to fully adjust to the light

"are you okay"Luka asked as I finally opened my eyes, a crowd was gathered around us watching the scene, just great I always get what I don't want

"am fine"I said and got up," thanks for the help but next time don't get so close"I got my trolley and headed to the counter to pay for my goods, how can laurenzio connect to me,who will try to kill me,what am I meant to find, why does he never finish what he has to say

"thanks" I said to the guy, collecting my groceries and receipt. lots of questions filled my head as I drove back home, with the five Walmart bags o my motorbike


" I see you went shopping" dad said taking a quick glance at the bags in my hands and back at me

"glad you notice, beside someone needed to get food and you weren't going to do it"

"why do you even care"

" because i'm not the evil monster you see me has, as much as I hate to admit it, am actually human just like you, and am tired of you treating me like am not you fucking gave birth to me" I said in the nicest way I saw possible, my dad didn't say anything he just picked up the remote and change the channel, so went to the kitchen to put away the grocery

"do you have any idea who laurenzio is"I asked my dad, I didn't expect him to know but it doesn't hurt to ask, he looked at me carefully as if trying to observe something then muttered a quick

" I have no idea"it was obvious he knew something but had no interest in sharing"

"what make you stop drinking" I blurted out before I could stop myself,he didn't say anything for sometime

"i have never know you to be a detective, go away and stop bothering me"I ignored his rudeness, but I obeyed him and went up to my room, I got a fight to prepare for.


I tried to call mason but he hasn't been answering my calls, it is really strange is that his phone is switched off,but he always leaves it on in case he gets called from the UGC or if one of his playthings call. In less than fifteen minutes I got to the UGC, the place was filled with blood thirsty people,I searched around for mason but I didn't find him,why would he just give me and open check and leave without signing,something is definitely wrong. After placing my bets I waited to be called up.

" today our two best fighters would have a rematch to find out who the best is,who could it be black axe or scorpion,let the fight commence" the MC said earning loud roar from the audience,they sure were excited.

The fight started on a smooth road with no winner at the point, scorpion was actually a good fighter and he sure does know how to land a punch, I wonder how my ribs aren't

" you really call that a punch, how old do you think I am five"scorpion chuckled and was about to give me a punch I was sure would end my life but I dunged it and grabbed his hands and tipped him over giving me a head point to victory,but then the cheers went down everywhere was quiet but I could see their mouths moving,I looked down but scorpion wasn't their all I saw was a dead body, I was taken aback

"what the hell" I said moving backwards, thing went so fast I almost couldn't comprehend everything. Thing went back to normal but scorpion wasn't on the ground anymore, I felt a hard pain as I fell to the ground, scorpion hovered on top of me pinning me to the ground the MC began his count down when he was about saying three to declare scorpion the winner, I gather all the strength I had left turning Scorpion over and landing him a life threatening punch,I held him down as the MC counted

" 1,2,3 and black axe wins again, what a lovely game" the MC cheered all my supporters cheered while the others complained, after I was handed my winning price I got out of the ring.Mason had still not come, so he bailed on me,I am meant to feel better about everything in my life but I feel even worse,what ever happened in the ring it took me off-balance, I know the person doing it was close but I just couldn't tell who it is. I need to find laurenzio, where ever he is he is my only hope of getting my sanity back

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