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"Thanks for the ride" I muttered," and for for the help which I never really asked for but who am I to complain," I said getting out of Luka's car

Fighting with mason has never been easy and am not sure it is about to get any better right now, it hurts to have him far, it really does

"Are you okay" Luka questioned, is my solemn state that obvious?

"better than ever" I lied, am not about to break down in front of Luka, even if am feeling really weak right now

"you know it totally normal not to be, I mean since you are not a human and all I thought you might not know"

"do you realize that you talk way too much for a boy"

"I just said one sentence, geez you are clearly not normal" Luka paused and got out of his car before walking over to where I stood

"I don't hate you anymore freak, and I don't want you to let that mason boy get into your head, right now I am putting my life on the line to help you and only God knows why am doing that but I still am, so make it count," he said looking directing into my eyes

He has such piercing green eyes, I felt them look into my soul, feeling very uncomfortable I looked down before replying him

"He was the only hope I had my only true family I feel so shity to have to lie to him all the Goddamn time, I just wish I could tell him the truth, he was there for me when no one was, he made me feel loved and I fight with him when I am at fault, am a really fucked up person"

This was it the point I finally break down, I hate thinking about the past but I tend to do it all the time, tears flowed down my face as I finished what I was saying

"I would have been so happy to see you cry but now it only hurts me" Luka muttered but I heard him, I couldn't stop myself as I wrapped my hand round him, in a hug

It wasn't what he said that made me hug him but my yearning for someone to be there, for someone to fill that empty void Mason left even if it's just for one night

"if you keep crying you will get my shirt stained with all your makeup, please just stop" Luka complain but still wrapped his hands around me

"If that was to make me feel better it didn't" I retorted

"No seriously, I pay for my laundry, really" he cannot just let me feel normal for even one second can he

I finally pulled out of the hug and stepped away from Luka

"thanks again"

"you owe me," he said with a mischievous smile on his face,

"see you around," headded before getting into his car, whatever goes on in that head of his.

Pushing aside my thought, I hurried into the house but accidentally bumped into my dad on my way up, he had a big scowl on his face which made me wonder

Do guys go on their period or something, maybe that will explain

"why in the world will you be getting all cozy with that James junior, don't let him deceive you they are all the same for God sake Steph you are not a child can't you see it clearly," my dad said in a yelling tone

I could tell he was trying to control his anger

"am not in the mood to argue with you too dad and I wasn't getting cozy with Luka he just helped me out"

"Sure he did, you don't get it do you, the James are never who they let you see them as they are far worse than that, just stay away from Luka"

"fine, I will but first get me the help I need and I will do as you say, do we have a deal," I asked

"you are being naive Steph"

"no am not, I am tired so if you will excuse me I have to attend to my bed, I can hear it calling"

Once I got in I laid on my bed and brought out my phone and almost immediately a message popped up

IDIOT: are you sleeping

SA: no you fool, am not you just dropped me off remember, don't you know its wrong to text while driving

IDIOT: well am not

SA: How did you get home so fast

IDIOT: I just parked my car somewhere

SA: what do you want from me

IDIOT: I was thinking

SA: I don't care

IDIOT: do you wanna be friends, don't let this get to your head

SA: no, I don't trust you, I still doubt your true intentions for helping me out, something you act too good to be true

IDIOT: was that meant to be a compliment

SA: take it however you feel like, but the point still stands doesn't it

IDIOT: well not really

SA: do you realize that am being serious

IDIOT: do you realize that am not trying to kill you and am not a bad person, you said you could be good so why can't I

SA: my darkness is more than an atom of good in me so you can also be the same.

For some time, he didn't reply, so I decided to put my phone off but then my phone began to ring, I had saved Luka's number as "idiot" so I knew it was him that was calling

"do you remember the night I found you tied up in that weird looking house by the river bank," he asked, strange

"Yeah, why do you ask"

"Well that night I called you but you ignored  me, the reason I  called was because I accidentally drove into another car, and when I went to check what happened I only found blood on the seat of the car"

"and why is that not strange at all" I stated in a form of a question

"I dunno" he sighed before asking, "speaking of that night, what exactly were you looking for by the river bank at 10 pm in tthe night, what exactly happened"

"I can't really recall clearly, but the day before then I got a message from an unknown number, that I should come to the river bank if I needed help with my magic and all, so I went but then a lot of shit went down" I don't wanna talk about my mom right now

"why do I feel like you aren't being completely hosnest with me"

"how am I suppose to know"

"Is there something you don't wanna talk about just tell me, I won't push, really"

"that's good to know but there is nothing that I'm hiding"

"I will just say I believe you"

"good night idiot, am tired"

"yeah, night"

I cut the call before turning my phone off, I turned on my bed not feeling comfortable with the position I was in, it took me a while before I decided to just lay on my back

Much better

I closed my eyes and before I could do anything, I was brought to a familiar room

"you really need to be careful, I can't let you have my plan ruined for your stupid revenge" his familiar voice echoed in my head if it isn't the devil's incarnate, Thomas James

"can you stop acting like my boss, I do not take orders from you, and even if I choose to let her be, I need a chew toy" she exclaimed, she had a sly smile playing on her lips, "you know your son would do great to fill that role" the only thing I could see was her blonde hair, her face was like a huge ball of blur

"Don't you even think of hurting my son" Thomas yelled

"oh please, don't act like you care, we both know the only thing you love is your self, besides he is working with the devil's mistress, ad I can't have that happen now can I" I could tell she was smirking, what could she have against me

"he will eventually come to his senses, he helped me with Chloe and am sure he can help again," Thomas said with doubt clear in his voice

"Don't flatter yourself, Chloe helped you with him not the other way round, and it's obvious he got something for Steph" the way she said my name reminded me a lot of Kiara

"No he doesn't" Thomas yelled hitting the table with his fist, "no way, I will never let that happen never," Thomas said once again, bringing me back to complete darkness

What if, no it can't, he won't help them, we aren't even friends, maybe I should say yes, I mean that can give me security that he won't help them for the main time, I really can't have him work with his dad, I just hope the choice am about to make is the right one.


Luka's P.O.V

"We need to talk," I said to my father as I barged into his study room

"Where are your manners Luka," he said with that British accent that just made me hate him even more

"Hmm....I forgot, I think you took that away from me a long time ago, but really where is your humanity" I asked

"What is your reason for creating a charade in my study room, which you know quite clearly you aren't allowed in"

"Can you just drop the formality already Thomas, are you even human at all, I found out what you engage in doing for a living and there I was thinking you might be a jerk but at least you aren't so much of a dick"

"what are you talking about,"he asks, like am an idiot

"can you not pretend that you don't know what am talking about, the least you can do right now is to accept the fact that you are a monster"

"I really can't help but wonder where such ideas are coming from"

"For someone who likes to keep things a secret you speak too loudly, maybe next time consider reducing your voice when you are planning on killing an innocent person"

"are you calling your new girlfriend innocent?"

"she is not my girlfriend, and yes she is innocent, or tell me your highness what crime has she committed"

"Black magic," he said pacing around his study like he was looking for a lie to tell me

'and how is that wrong"

"she hasn't told you what she did, ten years ago in the wood, wow, why would she"

"so you are now a stalker" what did she do

"You use to be such a good boy, always did whatever I asked of you, but now, just look at you"

"I looked up to you because I was young and dumb"

"And you still are, that girl has you wrapped around her finger, you are so naive, why do you refuse to accept the truth"

"I did accept the truth, the truth that the man I looked up to my whole life, is a stalker and a murderer who cares for only himself" the only thing I could think of right now was breaking every bone in his body for making me this way

"and to what do I owe this pleasant surprise" Kiara smiled as she walked into the study, my dad became even more tensed, they most be working together

"Get out," I said in the nicest way I saw possible

"am sorry sweetheart but I just can't, I love me a little drama" she looked at my dad before sitting down with her legs crossed, "carry on," she said

"why do you derive pleasure buzzing around other people business, I really don't see what Steph sees in you, but I will give you one last warning, stay away from Steph"

She laughed hardly like my statement, what s so funny, is she crazy

"is it wrong to want to know what goes on with my own family, you really don't scare me Luka, I like Steph and there is nothing in this world that will ever make me leave her, not even you

"if you ever hurt Steph in any way, I swear to kill you with my bare hands, I don't care if I end up in jail" I warned he before walking out of the study

Steph doesn't even want to be friends, so why am I even defending her? 

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