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Luka was already at the house when I got their, early much anyways since we were both ditching lunch just to have this talk I packed some snacks for us, well mostly me but I can let him have a bite, I cant stay hungry for long

"so where is your boyfriend now" Luka asked obviously trying to get on my nerves

"i missed lunch so we can help me not cause me more hunger by invading my personal space"I said calmly, holding all the pain in I don't need to think about Mason, that will just distract me, thinking of how much I miss his presence around, he trusted me enough to share his problem but what did I do

"am sorry" Luka said making me choke on my chips, coughing really hard, he laughed at my reaction a little before handing me a bottle of water, I wanted to pour it down his face but my condition prevented me from my plans

" I wasn't exactly mad at you" I said sending daggers his way causing him to laugh lightly, he looked really cute when he smiles, "anyways fill me in on what you know" I said looking away from him, why did I think he was cute

"to be honest I don't know much, I only said I did so you could give in and tell me the truth"

" so you tricked me" I said getting angry

"yes I did and am not sorry about that, but I can still be of help

"yeah right, the only thing you know is how to be a jerk and a manipulator"

" I accept your charges but don't get all judging yet, I did see a book at home in the library about dark magic all I got was that it was destroyed about six hundred years ago and something about a sorceress, I was about to keep reading but my dad was heading for the library so I snuck out

" just great, so the only person I had hoped would be of help is useless, I would have thrown you in a river but if you don't die I stand a risk of you betraying me so I'm stuck with you" I just fore saw my very awesome future

"awww" Luka said holding his chest in a fake heart attack, " look here girly I said I read something about a sorceress, she doesn't live far and we can find all the answers we need from her, so you are so wrong about me being useless" he smirked

" I almost feel sorry, where does this sorceress live" I asked, I am not sorry for what I said

" I'll drive us their I think I have been there before"

" you think" I said eyeing him

"i am 87% sure I remember the place"

"very well, my life is in your hands James, but am not riding with you anywhere, I will follow behind you on my bike"

"whatever freak"Luka said striding down to his car and driving off, I got on my motor bike and followed behind him lazily although at a point I had to pick up my pace because he drove really fast, I almost got lost on the way.


"well aren't you going to knock cause am not doing it" Luka said as we stood in front of the sorceress house, I didn't look as creepy as I had expected, it was a little too welcoming from the outside

" I wasn't expecting you to man up" I said knocking gently on the door

"look into the camera" a voice said from nowhere I checked round but I didn't see anyone or anything

" above your head" the voice said, I looked up as was meet with a camera, nice

"what do you want, its not Halloween yet" the voice said

" we are not here for that, we want to meet the lady that owns this house"

"Uhmm....I see" the voice said. Some minute later the door cracked open revealing a man that look too young for whatever job he was doing

" the third door on your left you,you shall meet our madam" the man said using his hands to point us to the direction

"thanks" mason and I said, I took a last look at the guy before walking off to the office

"please come in" I very sweet voice said as we stood in front of the door, the house was stunning and ritzy but this office was beyond words it was a little big but it had a homey aura, they lady inside was really beautiful not like someone that's would be found in a book from about 600 years ago

"to what do I owe this visit" she said with a warm smile, ordering her maid to drop the plate of muffins and hot chocolate in front of us with a hand gesture, I had no plans to eat that

"I was wondering if by any chance you knew of any sorceress "did Luka bring us to the wrong place, I glanced at him for assurance but he didn't meet my eyes, the nice lady furrowed her brows slightly

"yes I do why do you ask"

" we need help on something"

"actually she is the one that needs help am just being what do they call it, lets just say am being supportive" Luka said singling me out, how nice

"well he is right I am the one with the problems" I said making the lady smile at the both of us, I wanted to clear her doubts about Luka and I if that is what she was thinking but I just let it be

"what do you need my help for"the lady asked

"wait,am sorry did you say you are the sorceress"

"yes, I did, my name is Lolita Perez" she said stretching her hands out to Luka and I

"am Stephanie Andrews and he is Luka James"

" I can introduce myself thank you" Luka said but I choose to ignore him

"Any relations to Laurenzio and Jimmy James" she asked, Luka and I nodded in union

"i see" she smiled then got up from her seat and walked to a bookshelf then pulled out an old book" and dropped it on her table

" my great great great Grandmother gave this to me she was about to die, I never found it useful because I wanted nothing to do with sorcery but it might give you a clue on something its not very useful but it is the only book Jimmy James didn't keep from my family"she sat back on her seat

"thank you I said" with the best smile I could afford, she looked at Luka and I before speaking

" you are the first Andrews and James that isn't out for each other's throat, the tales my grand mom told we was that her grand mom had placed a curse on the two families to be enemies after Jimmy killed Laurenzio, no offence to you Luka"

"none taken, thanks for the help we will be leaving now"Luka said getting up, I also got up

"it was nice meeting you" I said

" I could say the same, and oh as much as I loved your comfort and hosting you, you can't come back, if your Luka's dad should find out am still alive well things go down the hill from their" I nodded understanding, then Luka and I headed out but not before I bumped into the guy from earlier, he gave me an apologetically smile before striding away, Luka looked a little offended by the guys presence, I found it a little funny.


"On the 6th June 1402, Laurenzio Andrews was killed by Jimmy James in an attempt to stop dark magic forever, which jimmy James found as a threat to humanity, Laurenzio is recorded to be the last person to have this magic, although before he died he assured Jimmy that it would come back, the James family made it a sole goal to find anyone that will get the magic and eliminate him/her" I read out loud it reminded me of the dreams I had, as soon as Luka and I got back we stopped at the abandoned house again and decided to get what we could from the book and Lolita was right it wasn't that relevant but she already gave us one good information.

"so that's why my dad is after you" he laughed bitterly, " so you never really hated me it was just fate" he had been a little down since we got back

" well that and the fact that you were a jerk, but that's not really what is important, why are you upset" did I do something

"i will never try to kill you am not like my family"

"wait is it because of what your great granddad did to mine that you are so torpid" I laughed

"it's not funny steph" he said, God how did I never notice how cute he was

"sorry, but don't let that get to you, and I hated you for other reasons and I know you wouldn't kill me, at least I trust you that much"

"that helped a lot" he said sarcastically

" I think am the one meant to be mopey am the one that's going to die at eighteen, I mean I haven't even had sex yet and my life will just end"I actually felt sorry for myself

"as much as I used to hate you, I promise not to let you die

"don't you think it's weird that I was born exactly six hundred years from the day my great grandad died, I mean I could have been born on the 5th or in July but instead I was born on June 6 2002, I don't think it is coincidental that am going to die on that same day" I said connecting the dots together

" for someone who doesn't want to die you sure do sound excited about it" Luka joked

"don't be drippy" I said, I could see luka's mouth moving but I didn't hear anything, I felt a familiar pain in my head making me scream loudly holding my head and getting on my knees, the room went black then laurenzio appeared in front of me

"Stephanie, you need to get get-----"once again it stopped, this time was quicker than other times and the ache wasn't as severe as usual. I was brought back to reality Luka wasn't hovering over but he was looking at me with concern

"what happened to you, I was almost scared and worried that I said something to kill you" he said

" it was laurenzio, he was trying to tell me something, maybe on how I can get my powers under control

"isn't he meant to be dead"

" I don't know, but he talks to me at times, but he never gets to say the main point before the connection or the link dies down, but I need to know what he has been trying to say,"

"so..why didn't you tell you boyfriend about your shit" Luka asked

"i don't want to drag Mason into my mess" I said tired of correcting him, but I really don't know why I am not feeling compelled to tell him the truth

" isn't that cute, but if you have dark magic aren't you meant to be evil or something"

"i haven't been totally consumed yet and trust me the dark side of me is not something you will want to see in full action" I said shaking out the thought of how I killed Sante

"yeah, I really don't want to see it, I will see you around freak" Luka said heading for his car

" when will you stop calling me that"

"not anytime soon, I still hate you" he said looking at me with a smirk," just kidding, you should have seen your face" he laughed

'Ha Ha, real funny James, anyways thanks for the help" I smiled at him before walking up to my bike and driving home.






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