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"Wake up sleeping beauty, it's time to go to hell ground", Mason whispered in my ears, tapping me lightly

"Which one of em?" I asked turning to face him

"Don't be funny, get up"

"What's the use, am still gonna die anyway" I blurted out before I could stop myself

"Why do you say that?" Mason asked raising his brows at me

"Just forget, I have to get going"

I got up from his bed and let out a light yawn while stretching my body

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that, but you aren't going to die, don't be paranoid"

"So much for pretending you didn't hear that," I said with a light smile playing on my lip, "anyways, I'll see you later"

"Lock the door once you are out"

"I always do, stop acting like my mom".

I got my stuff and headed home, dad was already dressed and ready for work when I arrived

"You really need to stop staying out overnight, do you know how scared I am when I don't see your bike on the porch, am always scared thinking something will happen to you" dad yelled

I could see the worry in his eyes, but I won't be home forever

"Don't be sad, I'll die eventually" I replied

I always believed in being straight forward, because what's the use of trying to make someone feel better about something you know will still end up happening

The best I can do is just try to enjoy my last days

"Don't ever say that Steph, am sure you can find a way out"

"You once told me to accept the truth as it is, and that's what am doing, but I promise I'll do my best to remain sane for the main time," I said giving him the best smile I could afford

I left the living room not waiting for his response. I got dressed in my usual black-only outfit, but my hair was out of my face, personally, I think the piercings I have are cool so am not taking them down.


"Hey," Kiara said from behind me, how did she get here?

"Hey" I replied trying not to show my suspicion, I continued my journey to calculus class not bothering to wait for Kiara

We might be friends and all but I don't need anyone following me everywhere

"Steph wait up" Kiara called out to me

"What is it?"

"Nothing, I just thought that since we are friends, we should walk to class together"

"I know you don't mean anything bad, but I don't need you following me around"

"Got it" she said with a smile, "oh and, am not trying to invade your privacy, but I don't think you should trust Luka, I feel he is up to something"

"I'll tell you the same thing I told Luka, I don't think you get to choose who I can trust and if you two have a problem with each other, solve it and don't drag me into it"

"Okay, am sorry" she apologized

"Good" I replied

Something about her feels so familiar and I don't get why, maybe am just making it up

"I'll see you later," I said before walking into my calculus class, I just pray I make it out of here alive.


The bell went off for my third period and it was finally time for lunch, I might not act it, but am a real food lover, and nowadays lunchtime is the only thing I look forward to.

"Steph, come sit with us" Kiara yelled form Luka's table, gaining everyone's attention, just great!

I took a quick glance at my table and back to where Kiara sat, with many doubts in my mind, I walked over to where Kiara sat, with Luka and his football buddies, only Kiara and Luka seemed to pay attention to me, the rest pretended I didn't exist, not like I cared

"So Steph, are you going to be coming to Kyle's party this night?" Kiara asked,

"I don't do parties" I declined

There are always so many people at parties and as you might all know, am not a fan of people

"Why is that freak, you're too scared?"Kyle asked

"Stop it" Luka warned Kyle

"I don't get you anymore man, you used to hate her, now it's like she is the only one you care about, she will do exactly what Chloe did to you

"Who is Chloe?" I asked

This seems like the best time to ask

I could see Luka tense up at the mention of her name, but I wonder why Kiara is smiling

"Don't ask me that, ever" Luka commanded,

What could this Chloe have done to make a mark on Luka

"Why?, I told you my secret, so tell me"

"We had a deal, it's not like you told me all willy-nilly"

"What secret are you talking about," Kiara asked looking lost

"Mind your business" Luka retorted

"Why won't you tell me, Luka, aren't you the one that told me that there is nothing to be scared of"

"See that's the thing, am not scared, so keep your advice to yourself," Luka said, before getting up and leaving the cafeteria, but I followed him

"Luka wait" I yelled running after him as I walked out of the school building

"Let me be Steph, go back to your new best friend, am sure she was the one that put you up to this"

"No, she didn't"

"Whatever Steph, but don't say I didn't warn you to stay away"

"Stop making this about Kiara, Luka, you are the one who said we could be friends, friends tell each other everything"

"Yeah right, like you have told me everything"

"What do you mean, I have"

Does he know about the woods?

"You are the worst liar I have ever meet, you know what, you suck at being a friend, so I don't think we should be friends anymore"

"what are you saying" I tried asking but he walked away, he is so impossible

"Don't listen to him" Kiara said, placing her hands on my shoulder

"Who is this Chloe?"

I really don't understand him, why is he hiding it from me, I always knew that making him my friend will be my life's biggest mistake

"I don't know, but don't let him spoil your mood, am sure he'll apologize later, lets just go back inside" I decided not to argue with her and followed her in, I need to find out what you are hiding.


To my great detest time flew by really fast, and it was already time for Kyle's party, I really don't want to go, but Kiara had insisted so I am just giving it a try

"Come on Steph, you look amazing, but if we don't go know we are going to be late," Kiara said, pulling me out of my room.

Once we got to where she had parked her car, I got into the passenger seat and placed my phone into the purse she had lent me, it was black matching my outfit.

She had insisted on me taken down some of the rings I had on, so I only had one pair of earrings on, how nice.


By the time we got to the party everywhere was already filled up, the music was really loud, blasting throughout the neighborhood

I really hope the cops don't complain

Kyle house was like a mansion, scratch that, his house id a mansion, I felt a little scared to go in because I never go to parties, also am not even sure Kyle will let me go in, am sure he doesn't want me around

"Lets go" Kiara said not waiting for me to say anything, she walked around and opened the door and dragged me out of the car

There were two guys dressed in black in front of the door

"The VIP party is in the basement," one of the men said, giving Kiara and I a light smile

I have a feeling they know each other.

Inside the main house was crowded with sweaty bodies and drunk teenagers making out, I searched around for Luka but I couldn't see him anywhere

"He should be in the basement," Kiara said

"What?" I asked although I knew what she was talking about

"Am not dumb Steph, I know you were looking for Luka"

"I really don't know what you are talking about" I lied and walked ahead faster,

So what if I was looking for him, he is my friend, so I have to right to want to see him, right?

"Do you want a drink?" Kiara asked

"Am good, let's just go"

The only people I could recognize in the basement were Luka and Kyle, am sure the rest are just some football guys and cheerleaders, they all seemed to be in a deep conversation, but they all stopped talking when Kiara and I walked in

"Look like freak decided to show up," Kyle said, with a smirk plastered on his face

"Save it dickhead" Kiara said, pulling Kyle out of his sit, clearing a space for me to sit

"What was that for," Kyle asked, glaring at me

"Now that we have a full house how about a game of truth or dare in the pool" Kyle suggested

"Am not going" I said

"Don't be a part popper freak, it's just a simple game" Kyle said, with his all familiar smirk plastered on his face

If I could just smack that smirk off his face"

"Don't call me that" I muttered, but am sure he heard me

"Call you what, freak? but isn't that what you are", he smirked

"I said don't call me that," I said louder, sending him death glares and getting up from where I sat

I could feel my dark side trying to take control

"And what if I said no," he said taking a step closer to where I stood

"Just stop it" Luka yelled, getting a hold of his hand and dragging him away

"Come on Steph, let's just go, it will be fun"

"I don't have a bathing suit on"

"You don't have to go in, you can just sit by the edge and put your feet in the water

"Okay," I agreed and walked off with Kiara.

Once we got to where the pool is I took off my shoe and placed my feet in the water, just as Kiara had suggested,

The water was cold, bringing back a rush of memory from the night at the riverbank

"What's wrong," Kiara asked

"Nothing" I replied, shaking all the thoughts of that night out of my head

The rules of the game were said by the one and only Kyle lee, and after that, the game began

"Truth or dare," Kyle asked, this was the sixth time that I had to go,

"Dare" I answered already getting tired of the game

"I dare you to take your dress off," Kyle said with a sly smile on his face

"Not even in your wildest dreams," I said and took the sixth glass of shot today

"Truth or dare," I asked Luka but he didn't answer

"Truth" Kiara spoke for him, he still didn't say anything, he didn't even look at me, so I asked him a question that has been taunting me

"Who is Chloe?"

'You don't know when to stop do you' Luka said with anger lacing in his voice

"Why can't you just tell me"

"Game over," Luka said and got out of the pool, I also removed my leg from the pool and wore my flip flop and ran after him, stumbling a little, due to the amount of alcohol in my system

"Stop following me Steph"

"No, I won't stop until you tell me the truth"

"You really won't stop, would you?"

"No" I answered briefly

"Fine" Luka said, he took a deep breath before he spoke again,

"Chloe was the only girl I ever loved, she was just like you, she was secluded from the rest of the world, always in her own bubble, so I decided to make her my friend, we became really close, I told her everything, I thought she felt the same way I did, but she was only using me to get information for my dad, she never called to apologize she just left, she broke me in every way" he sighed and looked at me

"Are happy now?" he asked, I could see the pain in his eyes

"Luka I-----" I was trying to explain but he cut me off

"Just forget it Steph," he said before walking off

I wanted to stop him, but my guilt was weighing me down, I shouldn't have forced him to tell me

"Steph, there you are," Kiara said snapping me out of my thoughts

"I shouldn't have"

"Let's go in you must be cold"

"No, am not cold, I just need a drink"

"Have mine, I'll get another one"

"Thanks," I said and gulped it down, I began to feel dizzy, everywhere span really fast

"W-what was in the drink," I asked, my vision got blurry

"It will help you feel better"

"Y-you spiked it"

"No friend, I guess you just had a little too----" she was saying, but her voice began to fade away and so was everything around me

"I'll get you home," Kiara said before everything turned black.


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