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I was lonely, so I finally came out of my room. Maids came running to me and I told them I needed to talk to my aunt. "She is not here, miss." Mary-Belle told me. She was the top maid. "Thank you." I say. My aunt after this whole time of pestering me to come out when I do she's gone. I go to the study, my father's study. My study. I start to cry and I don't know why. Suddenly the study begins to shake and I lift my head from between my knees. Then the shaking stops and a shadow appeared. Weird thing is it was attached to something, but the something was only Half visible. Suddenly I hear a deep, but sweet voice. "Go!" It yells and I get up off of the floor where I had collapsed. "What?" I whisper and the loud voice booms again "Go! Leave this retched place! Find your happy ending!" It yelled and in that moment I knew who was speaking and so I listened and ran up to my room. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a white tunic, that I had stolen from my fathers chambers. I put on a tall pair of boots and grab a leather jacket. I put my hair into a braid, and grabbed my aunts satchel that she had given me. I put the necessary things into it, like a loaf of bread and bottles of water. I put some extra clothes in there too. I grabbed a water purifier that I had found in my fathers chambers. Looks like he was planning to escape. I almost grabbed my tiara but hesitated. I left it and grabbed the most important thing. A picture of my messed up family, but at least it was a family. I then called off all guards and pushed through the ones that got in my way. When pushing through these guards I snatched 2 daggers and a small pouch full of gold coins. I also found in the pouch some diamonds and a big hunk of emerald and ruby. Handy, merchants would trade anything for just a small part of this hunk. Soon I had managed to grab over 10 pouches and each one had different items in them. I finally got to the gates and kicked them open and just like that without thinking my legs took me running. I had no idea where to, other than far far away from that horrid palace.
*********After an hour or so*********
I had found a clearing away from the city. I sat in the grass and dumped out everything from inside my satchel. I then sorted every thing from inside every pouch. One pouch held bullets, another had arrow tips. The most interesting thing that I found was a vile of poison. It was black and thick. I quickly put it in one pouch and tied the pouch to my belt. I then set up camp with a blanket I had found while running.I set up a small fire and heated up some water I found in a creek near the open clearing. I put out the fire and fell asleep on the black blanket, and I dreamed.

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