Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-"Don't behave like you care about me too much!"

Kiara Knight's POV

"Why do you have to come everywhere?!" I threw the purse on the couch angrily once I came in and turn around. Alex followed behind and came to stand in the living room with me. His hand went up to his tie and he loosened it. He looks so hot. He is so hot! Shut it, Kiara! He ruined your date with Sam again! You should be angry at him! He threw the tie on the couch like I threw the purse.

"Why do you have to go on a date with that bastard?!"

"Because he is my boyfriend!"

"Whom you kissed!" he shouted. I didn't back down. Of course, it's scary to look at him as he is angry.

"So what?! Yes, I kissed him!" I shouted too.

"But you are not supposed to kiss him!"

"Oh so, I am not supposed to kiss anyone while you can kiss whomever the heck you want?!" He looks shocked at what I said. Before he can speak anything else, I continued. "Yes, I saw you kissing Liya. I know that's none of my business. But, why, me kissing my boyfriend is wrong?"

"It's... He is... God Kiara! He is not the right person for you!" He is frustrated. His hands are on his hips.

"Don't behave like you care about me too much! You know nothing about me. You are seeing me after eight years. I just came to live here for two months and I will go back. You are supposed to just look after me. Not control my life! You ever even cared about me before-" He cut me off.

"Kiara!" He shouted so loudly that I am scared as shit. He looks scary. Really scary! His eyes are red.

"What? Isn't it true? So, it do not concern you whom I kiss." I walked to him as I said it and poked my forefinger on his chest. Suddenly, he pulled me to him, roughly, harshly. I am fully pressed against him. My chest against his, my hands are on his biceps. Every, other part touching. My eyes widened in shock. He is looking down at me. His gaze is so intense. It's like he is looking into my soul.

My heart is beating so hard. Loudly. I can hear it in my ears and feel it in my throat. I gulped as he stared at me. I can feel his body heat.

"Alex." His name came out as a whisper. I bit my lip unconsciously. His gaze fell on my lips and lingered there. Then he looked up into my eyes. One of his arms is holding me tightly to him as it rested on my back as with the other he held my chin between his thumb and forefinger. I can see the desire in his eyes. I can't concentrate on anything other than his lips.

"You want a kiss right?" His whisper sounded so seductive.

"Alex." My gaze is still on his lips. Although for a split second it met his eyes.

"Say my name again." He whispered and his breath fell on my face. God, kiss me, Alex!

"Alex." Before I can take in other breath, his lips are against mine. They are soft, yet at the same time a teeny bit rough. My arms slowly went around his neck. His kiss is so dominating, so controlling. I try to kiss back, but I am not able to follow. His tongue reached every corner of my mouth. I closed my eyes as soon as his lips met mine. This feels so nice! His fingers left my chin and are around my waist.

I felt something in my stomach. Something that I never felt before. I slowly kissed him back. I tried to follow his sync and a moan escaped my lips. I don't want to move away. I want to kiss him more. The kiss with Sam was only on the lips, not this intense, not this deep. This is so... so deep. I like it! I love it! His hands feel so nice around me. It felt like a dream. I am lost in it.

Nothing around me mattered. Everything stopped as we were kissing. It felt like it's only us both in this world. Our world. We both pulled away to take a breath and were panting hard. Our eyes met and then everything came down to us, what we did. My eyes widened and so did his. We released each other and took a step back.

"Fuck!" He cursed out and my hand went to my mouth. What did we do?! He looked up at me and was about to say something when we heard Liya's voice.

"Hey guys! It's been such a long day! So fucking long!" She came in and looked at us both. Before she can ask anything, I turned around and went straight to my room.

"Little One." Alex called and I didn't turn back.

I quickly went in and shut the door behind me. My heart is still drumming in my chest. My hands are shivering. I went a sat on the bed and took a few deep breaths. I can still feel his lips against mine. It's like they are still moving against mine like his tongue is still in my mouth.

My fingers went to my lips as I traced my bottom lip and then the both. Then my hand went to my chest and settled on my chest. I pressed it gently there and still, it's beating fast. I bit my lip and let out a breath. Once my heart beat slowed down, everything settled in. The wheels in my mind started churning. A gasp left my mouth.

I kissed Alex! I KISSED ALEX!

But I don't regret it. For some reason I like it. I like it so much. It felt good. It felt... It felt right! I never even felt this way for Sam. Not even close. Oh God, what is happening?! I shouldn't be feeling like this! Sam is my boyfriend! I cheated on Sam! Shit! Damn it, Kiara! While I keep thinking about it, many questions ran through my head.

How will I face Alex from tomorrow?

Will it be awkward between us?

Should I tell him sorry?

Should I tell Sam about this? I am sure that I can't like Sam that I like Alex. God, this is so confusing!

Should I break up with Sam?

I sighed at the end. I bit my lip. Why am I feeling like this towards Alex? Is it right? Of course, it's right. It's not like he is my cousin or something. There will be nothing wrong if I do like him. One part of my brain argued. But, what if it didn't work out between us? It would jeopardize the relationship between two families. I put my head in my hands and let out a breath.

I fell back on the bed and raised my legs in the air before whining and throwing the pillow on the floor. I turn around and put my face in the pillow and shouted. I can't get the kiss out if my mind. I raise my head and look to my right to find my mirror. I quickly got up and went to stand in front of it. I look at my face, at myself and then at my lips. My fingers automatically went to them and I felt the kiss again.

A smile tugged my lips, which slowly turned into a sheepish grin and then blush covered my cheeks. We did really kiss! A loud giggle left my mouth. I should not giggle out like that, it will be weird if Alex hears.

Well I surely don't know if I like Alex or not, but now I do know that I don't like Sam. He behaved a bit weird at the date today. He was too touchy and it was not comfortable I should say. He said that he took a room in the hotel for us to spend time together. I still don't understand why should we spend time in a hotel room. He was even looking at my cleavage. I never wore those dresses when I was back home.

His gaze started creeping me out. Normally, Sam was not like this. At the end when Sam kissed me on lips, I was about to kiss him back, not with much interest after the way he behaved today, but just then Alex came and stopped us. I was angry at Alex not because he disturbed our kiss, but because he is starting to control my life like dad does. In fact, Alex is much controlling that dad. It's frustrating.

I sure didn't expect the day to end like this. This is very different and unexpected. But the thing is... I love it. Sam just called today and asked me to meet him at the same place we met before at the same time. This time I told Alex before I go, but didn't expect him there. At first, I was angry that he can do whatever he wants and I am restricted to do what I want and then, this kiss.

It was mind-blowing! My first tongue kiss! There is that sheepish smile again on my lips. I can't stop it.

He is so... so rough, yet gentle. Now I feel like a stupid. I can't even kiss back correctly. My thoughts wandered around again.

Maybe I should break up with Sam.


Hey my cute dumplings!

So, they kissed! Yay! My couple finally kissed! They are going to rock it from next chapter!

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