Chapter 20

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Chapter 20-"My Little One"

Kiara Knight's POV

Three Months Later

"Go away! I want to sleep!" Pulling the blanket much higher, I moved away and rolled to the other end of the bed. Still, the tapping did not stop. It's starting to annoy me.

"K! Come on! Wake up!"

"Zander, stop it!" Irritated by both of them, I roll to the middle of the bed and curled up into a ball. Suddenly I felt something fall on the bed on both sides. Knowing it's Oliver and Zander, I just ignored the and fell asleep.

"Sis, today you have a meeting with the caterers. You need to get ready. It's already nine in the morning." Oliver spoke and I groaned knowing he is right.

"Get your lazy butt off the bed and get ready soon." Zander pulled off the blanket saying that and kicked my legs into air not wanting to wake up as I whined for a second.

"Is she up?! Come down fast! Dad is waiting for her!" I heard Brad shout from far. Maybe he is on the stairs and the door of my bedroom is open.

"Yes almost. We are going to throw her in the pool right now!" Zander shouted and heard Oliver chuckle. That got me to wake up with wide eyes and I sat up before getting out of the bed pushing Oliver out of the way. They did throw me in the pool once. Although later I did get my revenge on them. But the point is I don't want that again.

"Okay, found another way to wake her up." Oliver said and I kicked him on his butt from behind as he spoke with Zander, that caused him to fall on the bed face first.

"Remind me to kick you guys out of my room if you all spend the night in my room next time. How did you even wake up this early?" I asked walking to the bathroom and putting the paste on my brush.

"Well, you fell asleep in the middle of the night while we all were still watching the movie." Oliver said. Putting the brush in my mouth I just nodded my head at them. "Now quick like a bunny. Bath. Breakfast. Then off to work." I groaned still brushing. I heard their footsteps fade as they left my room and I looked at myself in the mirror as I slowly brushed.

Three months!

These are the slowest three months of my life! Stupid three months! Then again in one way the best three months! But I stayed away from Alex these three months. I hate these three months! I also love these three months!

After coming home, I mourned for almost a week. Alex pleaded me to not go and didn't even come or was not even there at home to tell me goodbye. The whole security team was there as I got on the flight while Paul, the head security guy spoke on phone with Alex by his Bluetooth connected to his ear. The Bluetooth is like a part of his ear. I got so angry once I got on the plane.

Everyone in the house somehow knew what Sam did and I found dad controlling himself. There is no stop to his wrath until mom came and stopped him from shouting. Oliver gave me an I-told-you-so look while I just gave him my oh-shut-up look and I just rolled my eyes at him as he smirked.

I mourned for Alex and the way we fought, while my family thought that it was because of Sam. I hate to admit but, Alex is kind of right in a way. We can't be so selfish. This might all be just attraction! If we start dating and if in the end do not end up together, the whole family will be in crisis!

After a week, I started working on my wedding planner idea and brought the whole research that I have done before while still working on how to start it. Finally, after three weeks I had a plan and I brought all my family in the garden to explain them my idea in our huge garden behind our house.

My brothers help me set the board and the files and they all sat in the chair and the couch in the lawn. They all listened with concentration to what I was saying, mostly dad. Once I am done, mom came and hugged me with happy tears in her eyes. She loved it so much. Dad was absolutely supportive and he loved it. He liked the way I made it all and thought about it. In fact, he is a bit overly supportive.

All my brothers loved it and I was over the top. Hade on the other hand, I am talking very less with him. He has been very busy recently and from what I heard my brothers, he got a girlfriend, whom they say in nothing but rude to them. I don't know why Hade is dating her. It's the first time I hear that he is dating someone. He has never said before that he was dating or has been in a relationship with someone.

I have explained everything to Hade on Skype and even he gave me a go signal. Dad even got a huge place for me to set my own office, a surprise gift from him. There is not much interior as he said that I can design it as I want. Mom helped with all the interiors and helped me set up my office. Mom bought a whole place with a huge garden that is perfect for weddings. It is mostly used for outdoor weddings.

Dad got a bit jealous because mom bought something bigger than him. One kiss from mom and he is back to normal again. I didn't allow my brothers much in it as I know once they are in, they wouldn't let me do any work. The staff is hired by them though. Right now, there are fifty members. I want to start with small number.

The design and decoration are taken up by my company and the flowers are been taken care by my Aunt Pauline. She has a bouquet shop. It's huge and popular in the city. She started it as a side business as she got bored in house when Uncle Nicolas was there, but it clicked and became big.

Her flowers are the best and are fresh. They take care of them very well. The caterers are still yet to be taken care of. I have visited a few of them but finalized the deal with none. Today I am going to meet another caterer. Dad said that Alex wanted to invest in it too, but I quickly rejected the offer.

Once I came here, for the first one week, there was no call or even a message from him. I got so angry as I kept staring at the phone waiting for him to call, but no. There was nothing. He called after that and I have avoided it many times. He kept calling many times. He even tried to skype me and messaged me a lot of times. Instead, I just kept staring at his missed calls and his messages again and again.

I stared at his pictures on the internet. Nothing creepy. I just miss him. I miss his mesmerising green eyes, his chuckles and his... I miss his presence or the happiness that being around him brings to my heart. Oh stop it Kiara! This is all not love anyway. I just miss him because I am used to being around him. Everyone in the house knows that I am not talking to Alex, but they just thought it's some silly fight.

I always smile at the memories of us in his house. I miss watching him work out in the gym. He looks so hot. HOT! I wanted to talk to him many times. I even picked up the phone dialed his number and just when I hear his voice, I cut it off immediately. I just wanted to hear him call me. Little One. I was so stupid and even blushed before face palming myself many times.

Whenever I think about our good times or the kisses that we shared, I would have this huge blush and a grin on my face as I bite my lip. Then again, whenever I think of the fight that we had on the last day before coming here all of that disappears.

Why can't it be just us?! At least we would have given a try to the relationship if it wasn't for the things surrounding us.

Sometimes, I want to run back into his arms and hug him tightly, like there is not tomorrow. Oh, who am I kidding?! I feel like that all the time! I want to cuddle and be kissed by him like he always does when we watch movies. Although, the kiss is mostly on the cheeks or anywhere, but not on the lips. He makes me feel like a woman not like a girl. Although he mostly treats me like a girl.

I decided at the end that, I may have feelings for him, but I have to let him go. We are not in love, then it is not worth trying. I have to learn to suppress them. I agree that I am not that good at seduction, but still I tried and it didn't work out. If he doesn't reciprocate the feelings and it's just some attraction between us, then that's not... that might not work out.

I cried a few times as I thought about us not ending together. I hurt like hell. What hurts more I that he doesn't feel the same. Suddenly I used to sometimes want to go and smack him on the head and make him say that it's okay for us to be together, then remember what happened between us and remove all my frustrations on the pillow or the Xbox.

Putting all the thoughts aside I got ready for the office and meeting the caterer.

"I am exhausted!" I threw the bag on my bed and fell back on it. Gavin laughed.

"How was the meeting with the caterer?" I sat up on my elbows, but he pulled me back up and I groaned. "Get up. You can sleep after you fresh up and have dinner. But first about the meeting."

"Not good. They don't want to be partners with us. The owner wants to have their own catering work. So, the deal is not finalised." I go to the vanity table and remove the watch from my wrist and put it on the table while talking with him.

"It's okay K. You will find one soon. Now fresh up and come down soon." He gave me a smile while leaving the room and I smiled back tiredly.

Taking a deep breath and leaving it, I go to the bathroom to take a bath. The hot water relaxed my body and I came out of the bath wrapping a towel around me.

I come into the bedroom and find the door open. I shake my head at myself. I am so careless! What if one of my brothers comes in suddenly?! Closing the door, I come back in and go to my closet before wearing a lacy bra and panties. I searched for Alex's t-shirt that I started wearing at night, which I took from his closet the day before coming here.

I heard someone talking. My mouth gaped open as I gasped loudly. Loud enough for him to turn around. I knew it was him even before he turned around.

He is not wearing a shirt and is only wearing track pants with his phone pressed against his ear. His abs are full on display. He is looking so hot! Why do I always get to see him without his shirt?! Not that I mind. Not. At. All.

My gaze moved up his body and met his sea green eyes. I missed them so much. He is looking at me with the same shock like I am looking at him. Why is he shocked? He knows I will be here. This is my house and my room. His gaze shifted down to my body and I look down. My eyes widened even more. I am standing in front of him only in my bra and panties. Oh shit!

Soon the look in his eyes turned to desire. I want to run to him, hug him and kiss him. I miss him so much. Seeing him made me realize how much I missed him.

"Alex." His name left my lips like a whisper. He took two long strides and stood in front of me before pulling me into a tight hug.

"My Little One." My heart skipped a beat at that. "I missed you so much." Tears filled my eyes. I missed you too! My arms instantly went around him as I hugged him back.

My Big Bear!


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you like the chapter. Also, tell me what you think. Keep sending your stories.

Here is True Love Story #1

From RatikaSologar.

My mum's elder sister and her husband have an 18 years age gap. They met in high school when she was a final year student and my uncle was my mum's physics teacher. He used to call my mum a text book and tell her to give it to my aunt.

Out if curiosity my mum checked the textbook one-day and found a love letter inside.

After school finished my uncle approached my grandparents for my aunt's hand in marriage. My grandparents were cool though, they said that if you are in love we will get you two married.

Today my aunt and uncle are happily married with a son and welcomed their first grandchild. Everyone was so cool with them. Nobody cares that they had a student/teacher relationship or if they have an 18 year age gap.

P. S: They still have all the letters they wrote to each other.

Isn't it so cute?! I was awwing by the end. Such a beautiful love story.

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