Chapter 22

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Chapter 22-"It's you! You bastardo!"

Guys, Alex and Kiara are still not together. Yes, they kissed. But, they still didn't talk anything about being together. Some are confused about it, so I just want to clear it before the chapter.

Kiara Knight's POV

"Yes, he did. He woke me at eight forty five every morning before going to work." I confirmed the complaint that Anthony has just read. Alex is looking at me amused.

"Eight forty five! Isn't that the middle of the night in K's time?!" Oliver said from beside and I glared at him.

"You wake up at eleven. Stop talking!" I scowled before looking at Alex after shouting at Oliver.

"So my Lady." I turn to Anthony and found him pushing the old glasses up his nose. Brad brought them from his room before we got started. I don't even want to know where he got those glasses. He brought me a cowboy hat too, which I am wearing right now. It's too big for me that it's covering half of my face. I keep pushing it back with my right hand forefinger. "What punishment will be given for this?"

"See, I told you. Do not think our kids have grown up. Cause they didn't." We heard dad saying to mom and all of us looked at them.

"Dad!" "We are grown up!" "Oh, come on!" "It's K!" "Daddy!" The last one was me. Anthony and William just laughed, but Alex maintained the neutral face that he always does when there are people around. Why does he become like that when people are around? He becomes so reserved and do not care about anything that happens around, like they do not interest him. He is just staring at me.

"See what I am talking about." Mom hit dad's arm lightly at that and smiled at him.

"Stop it, Darling." She went back to eating.

"Okay. Back to the punishment." William brought us all back to the topic. Adjusting the hat on my head, I looked at Alex sternly. He raised his eye-brow. I got so distracted by his handsome features. Quickly controlling myself, I think about what I should get him to do. I look at the tomatoes in front of me. The bulb in my mind dinged and I grinned at him evilly. He hates tomatoes!

"Eat a raw tomato." His neutral expression didn't change. He just smirked at me and I did the same.

"Okay." He said like he is accepting the challenge which I gave him.

"Okay, then I will just write it down beside each complaint, what is it that he should do." He took a pen and wrote it down.

"Raw tomato?!" "Eww!" Oliver and Zander hate them too. "I love them." Mark said grinning eating a tomato piece from his place. Mom and dad are just smiling. I point my fork in the twins direction.

"Shut up! I mean, Order! Order!" They looked at me shocked as I yelled at them. "In the court, only the judge speaks! Audience are to stay silent!" I tried to put a serious face, while pointing the fork in my direction when I say judge. After a minute, all started laughing.

"She looks so cute when she orders." William said. "Only the judge speaks!" Brad mimicked me. "Order! Order!" Gavin said in a flat voice while beating the spoon on the table. They are never going to stop now.

"Dad!" My only option and the only person that can save me right now. Even Alex is trying to hide his smile and I pouted.

"Oh no! She is pulling that face again!" Zander said and I glared at him.

"Do you still think she looks cute? Look at the devil!" Oliver said to William as I was glaring at them. William can't see my face as he is on my right side and I was facing my left.

"Silence!" I shouted and everybody started laughing even louder. I looked at Alex and he was just looking at his plate with a small smile tugged at his lips that could have been missed if not noticed carefully. I just picked at the food in my plate and waited for them to settle down.

"Ooh, K is angry." Mark said and I just stared at my plate, playing with the food.

"Come on, K! We are sorry!" Brad said.

"This is all Oliver's fault! He started it!" Zander said and I look at Oliver glaring at him while pouting.

"Yes K! Come on Oliver, grow up!" Gavin said and Oliver looked lost.

"Hey! Why are you ganging up on me?! It's not my fault! K, you know I didn't start it!" He defended himself like he is being sent to jail for the sin he didn't commit. Scowling at him I shouted.

"It's you! You bastardo!" He looked at me shocked.

"When did she start speaking Italian?" William asked. I was interrupted before I can answer that.

"Did you just curse?" Dad said and I looked down at the plate and stuffed my mouth with food trying to pretend like I didn't say anything. He doesn't like it when I curse.

"No!" I am still stuffing my face with food.

"Yes dad! She looked up on the internet about the bad words in different languages. I saw it!" My eyes widened at Zander's accusation.

For another ten minutes there was a class to me and all my brothers for teaching me all the stupid things. All of the accusing the other when dad asked questions. Even Anthony and William got the speech for buying me a bicycle. Only Alex was not said anything. He kept staring like he always does. I poke my tongue at Oliver at the end while we all started shouting and yelling at each other.

"Okay! Okay. Fine! What happened to punishing Alex?!" Anthony brought us all back on track. We all sat down silently and munched on our food. Alex just shook his head at all of us.

"What's next on the list, Sir Anthony?" My fake British accent is out.

The atmosphere got to normal and Alex agreed to all the punishments.

"Okay, Princess. Give the poor man a rest." Dad said smiling.

"There is only one remained." Anthony said and I gave dad a pout with puppy eyes. He sighed and waved his hand for us to continue. I grinned widely and lift the hat from my face. I poke my tongue again, but this time at Alex. He looked away hiding his smile.

"He thinks that age difference between a couple should not be more than eight." Anthony read and I am shocked myself too. I forgot that I have written it in the paper. I just wrote eight as a random number, I can't write twelve. Alex is looking at me with his flat face that he has been maintaining since start. I bit my lip not knowing what to say.

"How is that a complaint?" William asked.

"I... Um... The..." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"We were talking about Kiara's dating and she said she might fall in love with a person that can be ten years elder to her and that she doesn't mind age gap." Alex explained and I looked at him then at dad. "I just said you might not agree to it." He said to dad. My heart is beating so fast. I felt nervous and lost interest in the food. The whole table fell silent. We waited for dad to talk.

"I would not my daughter to marry for someone that older than her. I want her to marry someone of her age or someone that is near to her age, not someone ten years older than her." Dad said and I looked down at my plate then glanced at Alex. He is not looking at me.

"That's what I told her. I just told her that you might not agree her dating someone with such age. I didn't mean it in the way that I have a problem with it." He explained and looked back at me as he said the last line. Now I understand. So, he doesn't have any problem with it.

"Yeah, you were right. Are you seeing someone again Princess and with that age difference?" I looked at him and shook my head. I felt defeated. So, Alex was right all this while!

"No dad." My whisper is so low. "I don't want to date anyone, right now." I looked at Alex while I said it. "Right now, I want to concentrate on my business. So you can keep your loaded guns inside as you don't need to threaten anyone for now." I joked and instantly the mood became lighter. Some laughed while the other chuckled.

"Now I can sleep happily." Dad smiled as he said that. I shook my head at him. I caught Alex's gaze for a minute before looking away, but still felt his gaze on me all the while. I sneaked glances at him all the while and never once did his gaze waver.

The dinner passed by with my brother teasing me and me yelling at them. Anthony and William joined while Alex quietly enjoyed the show.

"Hey, let's all go to the games room!" Oliver said as we all got up from the table.

"Games room?" Alex said out as if it was a ridiculous idea.

"Come on man. Just spend some time with us. We never see you." William said and I looked away from him as he turned to me. I am still a bit upset about the whole thing. I felt really hurt that dad did not agree to us. There was some hope shining in me till now, that there might be an us for me and Alex but I don't see it anymore. Also I got Alex wrong. So, he has no problem with age. I heard him sigh.

"Okay." He agreed like he is defeated.

"But, kids get to the bed as early as possible. Okay?" Mom said. All of us groaned loudly. "Alright." She smiled agreeing and let us have fun. Dad kissed her forehead and they both left the dining room.

"Good night kids. Good night Princess." Dad said before walking out of the room.

"Good night Daddy." I shouted along with my brothers.

We all headed towards the games room. We took an hour to decide what to play. The games room is so large. Almost all the video games and a huge TV are there. We all used to spend so much time here whenever there were holidays. Not me though. I am not much into video games. I used to go to dad's office when I was six years old. Other than that I spend the remaining time with Alex, back then.

Dad one day come into the games room with me behind his legs and ordered my brothers that they are now allowed to the games room only thrice in a week and that they should bath every day. They didn't even come out of that room for four days once and had food in that room itself. After seeing that they are not coming to eat dinner with all of us, dad snapped. He told us to play outdoor games.

"Oliver, don't stay in the room itself. Come and bath at least once a day!" Zander mocked him and we all laughed. Oliver chased him and we all laughed.

We have been playing for a while now and the Rodriguez brothers are sitting together talking. Later we included them too and played. Alex lost in all of them. He is never interested in video games. We all laughed at him and he just gave an I-don't-care look. We all are talking, teasing, laughing and even fighting in the middle. I beat Brad for mocking me, but of course I lost.

After a while, I became their main target as everyone started saying what are the embarrassing things that I have done when I was a kid. Some of them were even from Alex. I glared at him and looked away. He just smirked at me. I met his gaze and found him signaling me to come with him. I looked at him confused.

"I will go. I need to rest. I have a flight to catch tomorrow early morning." He is leaving so early? I want to ask him to stay. But again why ask.

"Okay." "Good night bro." "Night man." All of them sang.

"Good night." He gave them all a kurt nod like they are some business deligates and gave me a look before leaving the room. I waited for five minutes. Why is he calling me?

"Guys, I am feeling sleepy too." They all looked at me.

"No way." "You are not going." "We all came for you." The last was from Anthony. I gave them a pout.

"I am sorry. How about you guys stay tomorrow also? It's Sunday anyway and we all can go out together!" They all didn't say anything. "Come on please. I am really sorry."

"Okay." "Good night, K!" "Good night, Drama Queen!" "Good night, Kiara." "Good night, Devil." They all corused. I gave them a huge smile while walking towards the door and turned back.

"Good night guys."

I came out of the room, but while walking to my room, many questions swimmed through my brain. For some reason I started feeling nervous. My heat is beating fast. What we did before, was just a kiss? It doesn't have to mean anything right? But, it means to me. I want to kiss him again.

I went to my door and opened it. Raising my head, I looked up and found an empty room. Didn't Alex come here? I came in and closed the door. Then found him standing behind the door, leaning against the wall with his hands folded near his chest as he looked at me.

"You are so arrogant." I said and walked towards my head as I turned away from him.

"That I am." He walked towards me and put his arms around me as I turned to him. My hands rested on his biceps. He pulled me much closer and put his face in my hair. I pressed my hands on his chest and pushed him a bit gently. We stared into each other's eyes.

God, it's going to be a long night! Why did he call me up?


Hey my cute dumplings!

Boring? Well don't miss the next chapter. Tell me what you think about this chapter. I need to know from you guys.

True Love Story #3 from MishtiN

My mom and dad they have 9 years age gap.Well it was love at first sight for both of them. My father at that time was volleyball​ player in his area and my mom use to work in a department store. Both of my grandparents were friends so they took house opposite to each other.So when were my mom use to clean outside of her house my father use to go to there terrace and he use act like pouring water to plants but most of the water use to flow on the grounds not on plants and my mom she use to act like cleaning windows when ever my father's bike. Sound use to come. But for their marriage they ever so many problems main was my grandma she doesn't like my mom and she fixed my father's marriage with another girl along with my uncle who is older than my father as the another girl was twin but uncle understood my father's​ love and he cancelled the marriage after that my mom and dad got married but still now my grandma she doesn't like my mom but my father he was their for her with every step they took. They still have the love letters, greeting cards which they use to send each other. After marriage my father on Sundays he use to say I am going meet my friends and my mom she use to say I am going to my mother's house and escape the house and they use to go to movies​ lunch dates . They do fight but end of day they both talk to each other and resolve their problems. And on june 3 they are going to celebrate their 24 yrs of marriage love.

Belated Happy Anniversary to the couple that has come past through all the couples. I am so sorry, I was late. Such cute story! Really leaves us all awwing!

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