Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-"Living with six brothers does that to you"

Kiara Knight's POV

"Um.... Good morning! Aren't you late to the office?" I asked him while sipping the juice and looked away as I left air turn a bit awkward. But that's only me. He seems fine, standing there with his eight pack full on view. He reached for the towel beside him and wiped the sweat away from his face and drank some water from the bottle. His adam's apple moved up and down as he did so. Fucking hell!

"It's Sunday today". I made an, oh face at his reply. I am always home educated, so even if it's a Sunday, there was never any difference. "Come, I think the breakfast is ready. Maria must have left already". He came to me and put his hand on my shoulder friendly. My heart beat spiked up and I can hear it drum in my ears. He is so close to me. I can feel the heat from his body as he just worked out.

"Um.... Y-yeah. I can saw my clothes and everything are unpacked and set in place". Why am I stuttering?!Concentrate on his words! Not body! "When did you get an eight pack?" I can't keep my big mouth shut, can I? He looked down at me and I looked away. He chuckled.

"Long back". I nodded. It must be.

"Want some juice?" I extended my hand with the glass towards him and he looked at it. What am I doing?! I blinked twice looking at him.

"No, Little One. You have it". I just nodded. He ruffled my hair and left to go to his room. I walked to the kitchen. I touch my hair and bit my lip. Why am I feeling like this?! I need to stop this! Right now! I have a boyfriend for God's sake! I need to call him! I should call Sam! I shook my head and took my phone out from my pocket. After searching for his name on the call list, I called him. He is not picking up.

I called again, still no response. I frowned after trying for another time.

"Why the frown on that cute face?" I heard his masculine voice and looked up at him from my phone. He came to the kitchen counter in a dark blue shirt with same pants he wore before. I can see his biceps very well. I put the phone aside on the counter and took the glass of juice still taking small sips. He removed the lid of a bowl and there are pancakes in it.

"Sam is not lifting his call." It almost came out like a complaint. I see Alex visibly stilled for second. I cannot see his face as he is facing the oven. He turned towards me. "Oh, you don't know who Sam is, right? He is my boyfriend." I blushed a little like a school girl while mentioning it. Alex is looking at me with no expression on his face. Slowly his forehead creased and a serious expression took over.

"Oh." I shook my head at him, almost rolling my eyes.

"Of course you don't know. You just forgot that I am even alive." He crossed his arms near his chest and his biceps looked more buff. I have to practically tear my eyes away from them and look at him. He caught me looking at him. And a blush soon took over my face as my ear tips turned red. I silently sipped my juice looking away.

"So? Boyfriend, huh?"

"Don't tell mom or dad. They both don't know. For some reason none of my brothers like him. Hade hates him to death. Oh and also he doesn't know."

"But, why do you like him so much?" I shrugged at his question.

"He treats me well and we are a compatible.... I think. He is perfect gentlemen I should say." I smile at that. Sam indeed is a gentlemen. Alex is looking at me, studying me as I told him about Sam. He put his arms to side. The oven dinged and he took the plate of pancakes out. He reached for the sauces and put them in front of me.

"Which one do you want?" I smiled at him cheekily for his question.

"Chocolate." He shook his head amused.

"Still the same."

"You remember?"

"How can I forget?" I bit my lip at his words, not knowing what to say. I didn't expect him to remember it. I took the syrup and spread some on the pancake.

"Want to eat while watching the TV?" I asked.

"Okay." We both went to the living room and I sat on the couch with the whole plate of food in front of me. I see Alex put the chocolate syrup in front of me and went to switch on the TV. I settled back on the couch.

Alexander Rodriguez's POV

"What movies do you have?" she asked as I switched on the TV. I went to the CD rack and searched the new CD's that I told Maria to buy.

"Frozen, Tom and Jerry, some princess movies, Shrek-" she cut me off.

"What the heck?! Alex, I am not a kid anymore! I don't watch them. Tom and Jerry! Seriously?!" She sat upright on the couch and is looking at me with a frown on her face. I want to pull her nose when she frowns. Why doesn't she like these movies? She used to like these kind of movies back then. I was the one who was always there beside her, watching these stupid shows for her even though they are boring.

"I used to. Not anymore. Now like to watch Avengers, Fantastic Four or any other action movies". My eyebrows creased together at what she spoke. I put on Avengers part two and went to sit beside her. She put her legs on the tepoy and a pillow on her lap with her plate filled with pancakes on top of it. I took my time observing her as she is so engrossed in the movie.

I always only ever seen her in the photos or on my monitor screen. I remember seeing her two years back in a hotel with her brothers. It was only a few seconds. I can still remember it like yesterday. She is laughing and fighting with her brothers. She has such a beautiful laugh, that will light up anyone's dull day. Her white dress hugged her curves and I am shocked myself to see her so grown up.

She looked so beautiful. Her natural pink plum lips always highlighted her face along with her beautiful blue eyes. I never saw any woman more beautiful than her till or after that day, expect my mother. Her innocence, little bit of naivety, her craziness and everything about her is so refreshing. It's like breathing a fresh air to be beside her. I am jealous of the man who gets lucky to be her husband.

She is taking small bites of her pancake and looking at the screen with her big wide blue eyes filled with tension. She paused eating and looks so cozy sitting there. She is so cute. Never in my life have I ever used the word cute except for her. I am not a cheesy guy, but for her I can be anything. No rules for her. Unknowingly, I called her.

"My Little One." She turned to me with a questioning look in her eyes.

"What?" It was then did I come out of my state and sat back.

"When did you start watching these action movies?" My gaze is on the TV. I don't want to look at her. I will keep staring if I do.

"Since I was fourteen I think. Living with six brothers does that to you." I looked at her at her answer and she is taking a bite of her pancake then turned back to the TV while chewing. I swear, she looks like a puppy chewing on it's food. I can't help but smile at the small things she does, which she doesn't even know that she is doing. I stop myself from smiling wider.

"So, Sam." Her concentration is still on the TV as I talk.

"What about him?" She asked while applying more syrup on the pancake.

"Does he treat you good?"

"Of course he does. I told you that he is a gentleman. He tries to court me a lot. But since no one from the family likes him, we met only a few times." Gentleman? After my whole investigation on him, he better turn out to be gentleman. Because if he is not and if ever I found out that this was all a plan that might hurt my Little One, he better get ready for what was about to hit him!

"How serious are you two about your relationship?" she looked at me and frowned.

"Why are you asking?" She licked the syrup off her forefinger as she asked. Oh fucking hell! Even yesterday, she slid down me without knowing that I can feel all her parts against mine. Her innocent acts drive me insane. How will I be able to put up with her for the next three months at this rate? I shrugged as if it's casual when in the inside I am dying to know.

"Can't I ask?" Her gaze fell on the TV.

"We are just dating. No further planning actually." I let out a breathe of relief once I hear that. I don't want her getting too much attached to him emotionally.

"Don't you think it's better to not date him, since none of your family members feel good about him." She stopped eating and sighed before turning to me.

"I can't believe you are taking their side. I also want to have a life. I don't want to do arrange marriage. I also want to fall in love!"

"Do you love him?" My heart started beating high as I thought if she will say yes.

"No. Of course not."

"Good." My murmur didn't reach her ears as I let out a breath.

"Want a bite?" she asked putting a piece of pancake in front of my mouth. I looked up into her blue eyes. It's like they are asking me to accept her offering and how dare of me to say no to that. I leant forward and put my mouth on the piece and my lips touched her fingertips. I see that she stilled for a minute and her eyes widened before she looked away. I sat back and saw her peeking at me.

"Thank you." She turned red after hearing me and I tried to maintain a straight face as I tried to stop the smile about to appear on my lips.

I may seem soft with her. But that's only for her. Since the time I saw her, every emotion that I felt were never much stronger than anything I felt for others. Not the happiness I feel when I am with her is stronger than the one I felt ever. Not the anger I felt for the person who hurt her. It may seem odd with the age difference, but I want to stay her guardian for as long as possible.

She may think that I don't know anything about her. But no one in the world knows more about her than me. Her every move is known to me. As her guardian, as her protector, it's not only my job, my responsibility but it is what I like to do. I may not know her wants and needs, but I am always there to give her what she wants or asks. But if any harm comes to her, I won't think twice to rip their head off.

My Little One guardian will always be only me.


Hey my cute dumplings!

I hope you guys like the chapter. Also it's there is Alex's POV! So I think you guys must be excited to read it. Now that you guys know how he feels, please let me know your thoughts.

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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