Chapter 1: It Was Just The Begining When...

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"Alhaji Musa! Please help my family, I beg of you...please!" Her tiny voice whined to the elderly man in brown designed dansiki.

"Shut the hell up and stop causing drama in my office! We aren't family, are we? Your dad was just opportune to be one of my close friends and that was it! Now he's dead, and you expect me to take responsibility for what isn't mine? I have a family to provide for as well, so just get lost, okay?!" He grumpily snapped.

"My mum really need money for surgery within this week. I don't want her to die of cancer, please... Pay back the money you owned my dad." she clinched herself to his legs, with her body, shivering like the edge a tiny leaf.

"I already told you, crazy witch! I'm not owing your dad any penny, he was the one owing me and perhaps, it's been how many years now since his death? Like what?.... Five years?! Mteeew! Get out of here!" He kicked her away like a piece of shit.

"Just one million naira for the surgery, sir. Help me this once and you'll never see my face again, I promise." More tears poured out of her eyes as she rubbed both hands together, begging.

"Have you ever earned a penny in your life? And you are saying just one million like that!! Get the hell out of here. Right. Now!" He opened his office door, motioning her to leave.

"Please sir, help me!" She managed to lift herself up, holding her stomach tight with so much pain and discomfort.
"Only you can, Alhaji Musa. Only you..."

His secretary, a tiny, light complexioned lady peeped from the corner.

"Miss Lydia!" Alhaji called as she rushed to where he was, by his door step.

"You see what you've caused? Don't worry, I'll deduct two months pay from your salary!" She just shivered, unable to agree or argue.

"Sorry, sir."

"Get me the security guards, immediately!" He snapped his fingers as Miss Lydia who called them on the telephone standing on her desk.

Zainab quickly wiped out her tears, running back to him again. She knew this might be her last chance. She'd visited him with a heart full of hope and never thought he would let her down.

"Please sir, don't do this to me... I beg you in the name of Allah, reconsider..."

As if he was concerned, he bent his head, closer and grabbed her jaw, full fist.

"Look here, Zee! I can only help you if you're willing to help me as well. Things won't end well for you and your family if you keep acting like this."

"Help me sir, I'll do anything to save my mother." Zainab cried once again.

Alhaji Musa's eyes raked up and down her skinny body.

'Using this one would be child abuse, I'll take her sister.' a though played in his mind.

"Tell Humaira to meet me in Nicon Hotel this evening, 10:00 p.m on dot, and she should come alone."

"What? N... Nicon Luxury Hotel?"she stammered at the words, fearfully.

"No one must know about this else, I'll change my mind. And... I'll make your lives as miserable as hell, got it?" He spat on her face.

"Got it sir," She muttered as he gently pulled away from her with a satisfying grin.
"But sir, what if she doesn't come?"

"The choice is yours, Zee!" He threw a #1,000 note to her, "Your transport back home."

Just then, the bodyguards came in to fetch her out. Two built security guards dragged Zainab's slim body like a piece of trash.

Alhaji Musa was her father's best friend. They used to be business partners until one day when Alhaji Sanni Ahmad was found dead along with his personal driver. All the members of his extended family were so determined in sharing his wealth and dividing his inheritance within themselves and their children, since their mother was unable to bare him a son.

Some of Alhaji Sanni Ahmad's sisters were planning to take away her girls from their mother but his wife, Hajia Binta who was a business woman had to leave her matrimonial home, in order to save her children.

Twenty Years ago, Hajia Binta who was then, Miss Binta S. Adamu had just finished medical school and was about to start her internship in a well recognized hospital when her parents introduced Sanni Ahmad. He was caring and supportive but begged her to become a full housewife so she would take care of his children and family because doctors are always so busy and occupied. She wouldn't have time for herself or her family members when she started working based on the shifts they usually have. It might cause havoc within their marriage.

Binta had to reason with her husband and agreed. As a good wife, she followed his command and opened a small supermarket to keep herself company. But when tragedy struck  and her husband died, she became sick ever since. All their effort in treating her turned abortive, nothing-ever-worked. They had no family, nobody except God... And Alhaji Musa of course.

He was owing their father 10 million U.S dollars but he denied this.

Humaira, Zainab's elder sister just started her first year in A.B.U (Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria), where she was studying law. Getting the admission itself was miraculous, getting the tuition fee as well, is heartbreaking. Humaira had to do all in her power to get her tuition fee else? She'll have no other option than to dropout.

But life comes first. It was just like yesterday since their dad left, now this. The doctor said that Hajia Binta had a few weeks to live. Perhaps, 168 hours. All the thought of getting money tortured Zainab, as well as Humaira, who was doing several menial jobs just to gather something. She would have to resume school very soon but saving her mother was most important.

There is a ten years old gap between Humaira and Zainab. This was because Hajia Binta had been having still births after Humaira. It was through lots of prayers, fastings and observations that she later had Zainab. People especially her husband's family members didn't know she was pregnant until she finally gave birth. Despite the hard days and stormy nights, they faced it all together until death snatched him away from her hands, and she was still struggling with living now. Zainab was just eight years old, while Humaira is eighteen.


Author's Note
Total Words: 1,188.

I just enjoyed writing this part sha, it almost made me cry. Did you feel the same while reading? Based on Animals... What kind of man do you think Alhaji Musa is?

(To me, his an ugly toad looking for flies and butterflies to eat.)
I really need your comments, please...

The places are real but the characters are not mine. There would also be real life pictures of the plot. So, don't forget to vote, comment and share. Don't cry alone...😂


Words and Translations

-Dansiki: Is a loan word from the West African Yoruba term dansiki, which refers to a short sleeveless tunic worn by men.

-Alhaji: A man who has gone for pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

-Hajia: The female of Alhaji.

-Gwagwalada: A local government area in Abuja, the central of Nigeria.

-Naira: Nigerian Currency.

-(#): This sign symbolizes 'Naira' as $ symbolizes Dollar

-Area 11: Places in Abuja, the central capital of Nigeria are divided into Local Government Areas (L.G.A), Areas and Zones. There are 6 area councils (Which comprises the rural areas) and the Areas and Zones (Which comprises the urban areas) in Abuja.


Enjoy reading and please, don't forget to press the tiny orange star ★ at the end of each chapter to notify me you've actually read it... So! What are we waiting for! Continue reading this story of family, adventure, mystery and plot twists and leave your comments.

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