Chapter 39: A Confession

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Humaira's boss was able to pay her salary and lend her #80,000 to complete her tuition fee for that year. She was so grateful and she thanked her over and over again. It seems Mrs. Bridget was another helper after all.

Once in a while, she would call Humaira into her office and tell her stories of how she struggled on the streets of Kaduna. Now, she owns her own house.

Her father had four wives and they bore many children for her father. Mrs. Bridget herself was the 12th child of her father. Back in the days, Even though school was as far as hell, she trekked it. There were happy and sad days. There were sunny and rainy days. There were days she left for school with an hungry stomach and she came back like that.

Even though her father was a farmer, that doesn't mean she eat everyday or she lived well. Sometimes, they eat once a day in her father's house. He sold out his goats to send his sons to school. The girls stayed at home to help their mothers or probably work on the farm as well. But she disturbed her father, because she had the passion of being educated. Her father had sold an old radio he inherited from his own father, in order to send only two of his daughters to school. Bridget was lucky enough to be one of those two. Now, look at her today... She's changed her parents house and they now live and feed well. It had been rough and thorny all through but Mrs. Bridget is the most successful in her family so far.

Humaira sees her as an inspiration. Everything seemed to work out well and she continued attending class as usual. The friendship between Humaira and Firdausi was over. Yes, they didn't even talk to each other. It's clear that Firdausi was a different person after all.

And Kelechi.

She was already pregnant. Humaira heard the rumour that it was a night one stand with a guy that she usually attend vigil with. Everybody knew Kelechi and it was disappointing. For this reason, he had to leave hostel to reside somewhere close to their university. It remains just a year for her to complete her degree and now, this? It seems no one is perfect after all. No matter how hard you try, no matter how much you avoiding it. Destiny keeps on repeating itself but its just so unfortunate. The innocent ones get exposed while the annoying ones keeps on doing what they are best at. Carrying rumors and living a fake life.

Well, Humaira concentrated on her studies. Her pregnancy was already five months old and she was happy about it. Everything is going on smoothly and there wasn't any disturbance, whatsoever. Except for Melvin that keeps asking her out as if he was blind that she's carrying a baby inside of her.

One afternoon, it was lunch time so there wasn't any customers. Humaira  was cleaning the place, when she caught him staring at her backside.

"What are you doing, Mel!" Melody woke him up from his daydream.

Meanwhile, Humaira didn't even notice. She was busy doing her work.

"What's your own now, bad-belle!" Melvin hissed back at her.

"Despite all the signs and symbols that I've been showing you, you didn't even look at me. Nawa for you o."

"Shut up idiot!" He rolled his eyes at her. "You fine? I dey ask you, you fine? Mteeeew! You  wey no go school." He spat to her and left her side.


Events like these happened without Humaira even noticing. Until one-day, when he gathered the courage to talk to her personally. It was after working time so, Mrs. Bridget and Melody had already gone home. Melvin purposely stayed behind, pretending to be arranging the goods that were already  arranged and neatly cleaned.

Humaira swept the whole place. She was moping it when he suddenly grabbed her from behind. She almost turned into a frozen stone with that single touch. Because she thought she was alone and he was a ghost or something.

When she turned back to see him, she didn't know when her hand gave him a dirty, hot slap. He was so shocked. No girl has ever slapped him before. He didn't ever kiss her o, it was just a touch.

It was so painful that it made his vision blurry for a while. And he was hearing. Daaaaaaannnnng!

The sound of silence that followed the slap was echoing in his ears. He just held his face with his palms.

"Are you okay?" He muttered incoherently "You slapped me!"

"You too, Are you okay? How can you touch me from behind like that?"

"So, you slapped me for that single touch? Humaira, you must be stupid. Infact, you're very stupid. And I don't blame you..."

"Are you even hearing yourself, brother Melvin? And what are you still doing her? Aren't you supposed to go home by now? It's 7:00 pm. An hour past your closing time."

"Yes, I wanted to tell you something." His anger faded immediately.

"Really? Then what is it?"

"It's been a while now, I've been having this feelings but I took my time to think about it. And I wanted to tell you today... It's better than being a coward."

"Just say it now, I'm listening."

"The thing is, Humaira. I love you. I mean... I think about you all the time, since the first day I saw you walked in here. But I've kept this feeling for too long and it's beginning to hurt. What I mean is. I think of you all the time. At work, at home, before I sleep and even when I wake up, Humaira. It's you." He said blushing over and over again within his words.

"Are you done, uttering your nonsense or there's still more left to say?"

"What do you mean, Humaira. I just confessed my feelings to you."

"Really? Because I think you're insane, Brother Melvin. See, I respect you a lot o. And I hate treating guys like this but seriously, are you blind? Don't you see that I'm pregnant?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the baby. Just tell me yes. Love me back the way I love you and I promise to give you my all. I'll give you my best, Humaira."

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood, Brother Melvin. I would have given you another slap right now. See! I have enough troubles to face in my life already. Leave me alone and end any stupid thought you called feelings that is still building up in your mind, else!" she hissed at him. "For your information, I'm not interested in you one bit. We're just coworkers."

"Is this your final answer, Humaira?"
He asked disappointedly.

"Yes, brother Melvin. I'm not interested in you."

"Okay, fine. I know you've been going through a lot, recently but I'll leave you to think about it." he said and walked away.

"I'm not interested ooo! Leave me alone!!" She yelled at him as he took his baggage and left the complex. Humaira couldn't believe her eyes and ears.

'What just happened? Melvin doesn't talk to me..  except for today. Or.. has he been pretending all these while? Is he charmed or something?' She thought once again. 'Whatever.'

She hissed and locked the whole place.


Please take note, Melvin is about 27 years old. He studied medicine and surgery. He's so intelligent but very stupid. He's just interested in coming between Humaira's kegs and nothing more. And to Humaira, she isn't even ready for any of these. She being pregnant right now was a mistake we all know about...


Question for today..  there would be a big payment for the winner.

If you're in Humaira's shoe. What would have been your reply to Melvin. Was she stupid enough to reject his proposal?

Make we hear...😏😏😏


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